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Beverley Roberts - 2/22/2006 [03:21]
Edmonton, Alberta,, CANADA

To all the men and woman who serve Canada in dangerous conditions - I pray that you will come home safe. I am so proud of you representing Canada.

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Megan Simpson - 2/22/2006 [02:13]
Edmonton, Alberta,, Canada

I am happy to send along a message to all the hard-working troops that are making such a strong difference. We all in Edmonton are so proud of your passion and courage.  Take excellent care of one another...and for all caper's there will be some Keith's waiting for you here, k bye!!!
Take good care of my "killer" when he arrives.  Love you all.  From the families in Edmonton!!!

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Jonathan Sévigny - 2/21/2006 [22:50]
Rock forest, Quebec,, Canada

keap up the good work, hope to hear so of your good tings you do.
So how is your mission going tell me more im tinking of joining and woud like the hear ,what you do and so on or just to talk whit you

----------peace out-----------

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Taylor - 2/21/2006 [16:48]
Picton, Ontario,, Canada

To all CF Personal:
Everybody from my squadron and I would like to say thank you for all your doing for our country and the rest of the world.

L.A.C. Jones 851 Prince Edward RCAirCS

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carol - 2/21/2006 [12:40]
Edmonton, Alberta,, Canada

To my Bestfriend, My husband

Even though we are apart. Just remember that we are always with you no matter where you are. Our love grows stronger everyday. I have never been so proud to be a canadian. Without Brave Man and woman like you love. We would not have a great place to raise or children. God Bless you and all the soldiers serving overseas. I can't wait to you come home in Aug. We Love and miss you everyday. God Bless and Stay safe. XOXOXOXOXOX

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Ronald Quesnel - 2/21/2006 [10:36]
Valleyfield, Quebec,, Canada

Hi Mike.
        How are you. Thinking of you all the time. Can`t wait to see you back home with us. How is the weather over there.Stay safe,and take care of yourself.
Love you Dad. xxx ooo

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Debbie - 2/20/2006 [20:22]
Edmonton, Alberta,, Canada

I would love to write one of you over there.  I am not sure how this is done but I would love to give you the support you deserve. :-)

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Julia - 2/20/2006 [20:20]
Abbotsford, British Columbia,, Canada

Hey..calling all overseas medics that are interesting in answering this email. Im a Westie solider and currently working in remote villages in Guatemala, dental/medical clinics.When I get back home, I want to look into going overseas as a medic. Currently I stand as an Infantier.It would be fabulous to know somewhat of what you guys are doin over there. Could anyone drop me a line...?
Cpl Parasynchuk

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Jen - 2/20/2006 [19:02]
Toronto, Ontario,, Canada

Robert J. Green

Hey there, well i guess its coming near a month since you left, i cant believe its been that long...aaanyways i really do wish i could find a way to write you.. although i know i need your rank and section number.. bah.. anyways i really do hope your are well and safe along with all your other mates out there.. i cant get enough of the news these days... and im not usualy one for watching the news..anyways my dear take cares as always God Bless..

Jen B.

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Shari Bradbury - 2/20/2006 [18:35]
Shearwater, Nova Scotia,, Canada

To all who are serving their country, we Thank You! My husband has been reg force for 4 yrs now and myself reserves. We wish you all the best of luck and look forward to seeing you when you come home.

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maggie bockus - 2/20/2006 [14:55]
saint john, New Brunswick,, canada

Any Canadian Soldier, 
Just a note to say hello. I am very proud of you and believe the work you are doing is so important. Keep your chin up!
Sincerely, Maggie

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Gail Lefebvre - 2/20/2006 [13:29]
Huntingdon, Quebec,, Canada

Hi Michael,This is your Auntie Gail, o0oh i heard something about a SPIDER I know it has to be a joke RIGHT?hehe. Mikey we think of you everyday day and send prays that you come home safe. so much LOVE is being sent to you from all your family.. WE LOVE YOU.

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Marilyn Quesnel - 2/20/2006 [13:17]
Valleyfield, Quebec,, Canada

Hi Mikey, Grandmas counting the days till your home sitting at the kitchen table smiling &  filling your tummy (ham) miss you so much.

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Susan Rintoul - 2/20/2006 [12:39]
Almonte, Ontario,, Canada

After finally finding my "soulmate" only thirteen months ago one of the hardest thing I have ever had to do was let him go in February..to Afghanistan.  To all the other women out there missing there man...my prayers are with you.  I am very proud of you Lt K.L.Cadman and all others with you.  I miss you dearly and cannot wait for your safe and healthy return in August.  The house is not a home without your love and laughter babe!  Stay safe..xxoo

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Brian & Marg DesRochers - 2/20/2006 [09:53]
Prescott, Ontario,, Canada

Our deepest respect goes out to our Canadian Forces Members once more.  The concern you have shown for the little guy, Namatullah, (six year old, dying with cancer) just reflects once more what you are all about. Take care of yourselves in the dangerous task ahead trying to bring peace and security to a country far from home. Thank-you for serving, God Bless your families and loved ones at home who await your return.

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chuk roast - 2/20/2006 [05:38]
Toronto, Ontario,, Canada

As I sit in my cozy Parkdale apt bitching about the weather I pause for a second to remember you folks standing on guard for us.Take care. God speed.Come back soon. Alive

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Dustin MacDonald - 2/20/2006 [03:02]
Lloydminster, Saskatchewan,, Canada

i would just like to say how much i admire what you all do for us.. the amount of pride and honor you show for your country is truly inspiring to every canadian.. i hope that one day i can accomplish what you all have

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Pte(R) Kyle Dixon - 2/20/2006 [01:38]
Edmonton, Alberta,, Canada

To Pte Alexandrovitch 2VP, Keep Safe buddy, were already chilling the keg for your safe return. Love Ya Bro, we all miss your antics. See ya in 5.

To MCpl Courtney 1VP, Hey Mark, miss ya bro, the Dixons and Gilli's are pulling for ya man. First round back is on my tab at the mess. See ya in 5 as well bro.

To All my brothers and sisters in arms. Good Luck an well see ya all in the mess.

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Steve Schuurman - 2/19/2006 [23:44]
Edmonton, Alberta,, Canada

Hey Keith, we missed you at the cabin this weekend. Went and jumped some snow piles on the lake with the quad then we had a beer or ten in your honor
Take care over buddy.

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Karen Daoust - 2/19/2006 [19:03]
St-Polycarpe, Quebec,, Canada

Hello Cpl. Mike Quesnel

To my cousin, a HERO, this is your first mission and I hope you are doing good and keeping safe - looking forward to seeing you soon.
I LOVE YOU - Karen :) :) XXXOOO

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