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Classification Standard - PC - Physical Sciences
















This standard describes the plan to be used to classify positions allocated to the Physical Sciences. Group. It consists of an introduction, definitions of the Scientific and Professional Category and the occupational group, a glossary of terms, factor definitions, characteristics and degree highlights, and

bench-mark position descriptions.

The ultimate objective of job evaluation is the determination of the relative values of jobs in each occupational group. A classification plan of five levels, representing significant differences in the difficulty of the work, has been established for this group. Jobs assigned to a given level are regarded as being of equal difficulty.


The evaluation of positions and their assignment to a classification level will be determined by the application of five factors:

Kind of Assignments

Complexity of Work Professional Responsibility Management Responsibility

Impact of Recommendations and Activities

Each factor is described, and the descriptions designate the features of the work assigned to positions allocated to the group.

Factor Characteristics

The factor characteristics are shown under each factor. The characteristics indicate the features of the work that are to be considered when evaluating a position under a particular factor.

Highlights which describe and distinguish the increasing difficulty of the work from the lowest to the highest degree, are provided for the five degrees of each factor characteristics. These highlights describe the features of the work that will be found in most positions.

Bench-mark Positions

Bench-mark positions exemplify the degrees of the characteristics, the degrees of each factor and the levels of the classification plan. Each bench-mark consists of a descriptive title, a series of statements of the principal duties, and a set of specifications describing the features of the work of the position in terms of the characteristics of each of the five factors. The specifications exemplify the application of the evaluation plan to the duties and responsibilities of the bench-mark position and substantiate the degree assigned to the position for the characteristics and the factors. A classification level is assigned to each bench-mark position.

Use of the Standard

There are six steps in the application of this classification standard.

1.   The position description is studied to ensure understanding of the position as a whole and of the nature of the duties and responsibilities as they relate to the characteristics of each factor. The relationship of the position being studied to positions above and below it in the organization is also studied.

2.   Allocation of the position to the category and group is confirmed by reference to the definitions and the descriptions of inclusions and exclusions.

3.    A degree under each of the factor characteristics is tentatively assigned to the position being evaluated, by considering the duties and responsibilities of the position in relation to the degrees described for the factor characteristics, and attributing to the position the degree whose definition best reflects the conditions that are typical of the work of the position and most closely corresponds to its difficulty in terms of the characteristic. The degree tentatively assigned is confirmed by comparison with the bench-mark position descriptions and rating specifications for the characteristic.

4.    A degree under each factor is assigned to the position. The degree to be assigned for a factor is determined by the degree which predominates for the factor's characteristics. When one degree does not predominate, the raters are to compare the overall intensity of the requirements of the position with respect to the various characteristics of the factor with the bench-mark positions, and attribute to the position the factor degree that best equates, on the whole, to the bench-mark positions.

5.    The level of the position is determined by the degree that has been assigned to the position for at least three of the five factors. When one degree does not predominate, raters are to compare the total job with the bench-mark positions and determine the level that best corresponds, on the whole, with the duties and responsibilities of the position.

6.    The position is compared with bench-mark positions that have been assigned to the same level, as a check on the validity of the level selected.


A Guide identifying a series of distinguishing features characterizing positions found typical of each level is included in the standard.

Organization Chart

A succinct linear organization chart completes the description of the position and shows the reporting/control relationships that are significant to the rating of the position.


Occupational categories were repealed by the Public Service Reform Act (PSRA), effective April 1, 1993. Therefore, the occupational category definitions have been deleted from the classification standards.


For occupational group allocation, it is recommended that you use the Occupational Group Definition and the Occupational Sub-group Definition Maps, which provide the 2005 group and sub-group definition and their corresponding inclusion and exclusion statements. The maps explicitly link the relevant parts of the overall 2005 occupational sub-group definition to each classification standard.


For the purpose of this standard -

Behavior of Earth - Refers to the activities of earth and its properties to include plate tectonics, magnetism, volcanism, erosion, sedimentation and similar processes which result in the formation, trans­formation and change in behavior of the planet.

Behavior of Matter - Refers to the properties and interactions of matter and energy.

Behavior of Space - Refers to the activities of cosmic dust, gas and sub-atomic particles under the influence of magnetic, electro-magnetic and gravitational forces in space.

Conflicting Interests - Refers to different opinions or points of view that lead to a confrontation between individuals or organizations in respect of the advantageous or detrimental results of a contem­plated action.

Continuing Operation - Refers to tasks or investigations, usually of an ongoing nature or occurring in a pattern or in repetitive cycles.

Contracts/Agreements (Evaluating of)- Refers to the critical examination of contract/agreement proposals or work done under contract for scientific merit or quality and the provision of a recommendation of acceptance with or without modifications or rejection.

Earth Sciences - Refers to a group of disciplines concerned with the study of Planet Earth, such as geology, mineralogy, hydrology, glaciology, seismology; physical geography, (physical) pedology, physical oceanography, (physical) limnology, geophysic, geochemistry and climatology.

Energy - Refers to the capacity to do work, kinetic, potential or radiant and includes forms such as: gravitational, thermal; chemical; electrical; nuclear; solar; wind; hydrolic.

Force - Refers to a physical entity causing or attempting to cause a change in the motion, velocity, configuration or the state of matter.

Implications of External Matters - Refers to the difficulty added to the work because of the need to recognize the interests of others, including those over whom little effective influence can be exercised.

Matter - Refers to substances in the form of solid, liquid, gas or plasma.

Organizational Control - Refers to the control over a staff and its work that is exercised through an established organizational structure by means of which levels of responsibility and authority are clearly identified.

Organizational Unit - In terms of size, refers to that which makes up or is understood to be encompassed by "normal span of supervisory control of professionals". - As illustrated by bench-mark positions, the number of staff is normally a function of the nature/complexity, conditions and requirements of the work as well as of the type of organizational structure applied.

Outside Assistance - Refers to temporary assistance needed for the work and which must be obtained from sources ranging from outside the immediate organizational unit to organizations outside the Public Service.

N.B. Some of the terms defined in this Glossary are not used in this standard. However, the definitions of such terms can help ensure consistency where their use may be indicated.

Physical Properties- Refers to those attributes of matter and energy which are studied in the Physical Sciences.

PhysicalSciences - Refers to a collection of natural sciences excluding chemistry and biology but including other physical sciences disciplines pertinent to "physics", "earth sciences" and "planetary sciences".

Physics - Refers to the science which deals with the study of the properties and interactions of matter and energy, including the study of: the mechanics and dynamics of solids, liquids and gases; gravitation; electricity; magnetism; electro-magnetic waves; optics; acoustics; heat; radiation; atomic and nuclear phenomena. It also includes the application of the principles of physics to biological, chemical and geological systems.

Planetary Sciences- Refers to a group of disciplines concerned with the study of the structure, composition, and physical (and chemical) properties of planets including their atmosphere and immediate cosmic environment. Astronomy, astrophysics, and geology are disciplines included in that group of disciplines.

Policy - Refers to a declaration of aims and intent established by legislation or ministerial authority to guide future courses of action.

Program - Refers to the general plan designed to achieve the objectives determined by a department or agency to meet the aims and intent of policy.

Project - Refers to a unit of work for which objectives have been defined and which is circumscribed by budgetary controls, time limits and the availability of resources.

Related Fields- Refers to general or specialized fields that are pertinent to or associated with the work of professionals in the physical sciences.

Significant Program Activity - Refers to that portion of a scientific based program which is visible as an entity and is comparable to work at the senior management level but with emphasis on the scientific nature of the work.

Specialized Subject Area- Refers to a "subject area" in which there is a narrowing of scope and the work to be performed necessitates an enhanced development of knowledge and experience.

Standards- Refers to:

(i) A recognized weight, measure or material of specified composition or characteristics, or experimental procedure used as a reference for uniform measurement, comparison or calibration;

(ii) A set of recognized criteria (mandatory or voluntary) specifying a minimum level of quality, purity, uniformity, performance, or safety for the manufacture, use or handling of a material, product, or device.

Studies- Refers to an in-depth examination or investigation of an area of interest.

Subject areas - Refers to the facts, theories, ideas, techniques and related matters that are encompassed by a study, investigation, project or program, and include the application of one or more disciplines.

Supervisory Responsibility- Refers to the responsibility for scheduling and allocating work, instructing, training, controlling and assessing performance of other employees and for ensuring satisfactory completion of their work.

Survey- Refers to a general or broad examination of an area of interest.

 N.B. Some of the terms defined in this Glossary are not used in this standard. However, the definitions of such terms can help ensure consistency where their use may be indicated.

























Objectives established by

others for the work;

Extent of the work;

Variety of activities;

Scope for planning and

conducting work.

Availability and problems

involved in obtaining

information and data;

Validity of information and


Number and variability of the

variables and ambiguity of

information and data;

Relationships of the


Effect of activities of others

on the work;

Nature and purpose of


Development of concepts and

approaches, procedures,

techniques and practices,

their adaptation and


Theoretical knowledge which

must be applied.

Extent work is checked by


Professional guidance


Initiative and judgment in

defining objectives, dealing

with problems and establishing

scientific guidelines;

Judgment in reviewing and

assessing work of others;

Judgment in interpreting

results of work;

Judgment in giving advice.
















(Responsibility for:)

Control of staff;

Control of physical


Committing departmental


Obtaining outside


Administrative control of


Co-ordination of work

performed for, or in

conjunction with other

organizational units;

Implementing or developing

administrative procedures,

safety and management

directives and guidelines.

(Impact - Governmental)

On departmental work or

other government program;

(Imp act - External)

(i}     On an industrial or

commercial process,

operation or product;

(ii) On the state of

natural resources or

the environment;

(iii) On public health and


(iv) On other external


On development and

understanding of a body of



This factor is used to measure the difficulty of the work in terms of its objectives and extent, the variety of activities and the scope for planning and conducting work.

Notes to Raters

i) When evaluating a position under this factor, raters are to consider the factor characteristics and their intensity ranging from degree 1 to degree 5, and attribute to the position, for each characteristic, the degree whose definition best reflects the conditions that are typical of the work of the position and most closely corresponds to the intensity of its requirements in terms of the characteristic.

ii)       For a same degree of intensity, all of the characteristics of the factor are considered equal.

iii)        The degree to be assigned to the position for the whole factor, is determined by the degree which predominates (i.e. the degree that has been assigned for at least three of the four characteristics - "A", "B", "C" and "D"). When one degree does not predominate, raters are to compare the overall intensity of the requirements of the position under the factor with that of the bench-mark positions, and determine and attribute to the position the degree which best equates to the bench-mark positions.






Characteristic A: The objectives

established by others for

the conduct of the work.


Objectives and

instructions are provided

for the work.

Objectives of the work are

clearly defined.

Objectives of the work are

defined in terms of

activity or project goals.

Objectives of the work are

stated in terms of

operational goals.

Objectives of the work are

stated in terms of goals

for a significant program


Characteristic B: The extent



Work normally consists of

a part or phase of a

project, study or

continuing operation

requiring limited


of the work.



Work normally consists of

a number of discrete

projects, studies or





Work involves

comprehensive investigations, projects or studies

within a specialized

subject area.



Work involves the

application of a number of

scientific principles and

theories to complex investigations or studies, within

a specialized subject

area; or the direction of

work in diverse subject




Work is performed within a

number of related special­ized subject areas and

comprises a significant

program activity.

Characteristic C: The variety

of activities.


Activities closely

resemble one another in

most aspects and consist

of a limited number of

straight-forward tasks

performed successively.

Activities differ from one

another and consist of a

variety of tasks such as:

using a number of related

scientific techniques for

surveying, observing,

analyzing and evaluating

products, phenomena or

processes; investigating

the composition, performance

or effect of

substances; allocating

work to support staff;

providing advice.

Activities differ from one

another and include using

a wide variety of scientific techniques for investigating the composition,

performance or effect of

substances or systems; or

supervising the work of

staff engaged in the

conduct of analyses or

investigations; and

providing advice.

Activities differ from one

another in many aspects

and include several of the

following: conducting

complete investigations;

providing functional

direction; coordinating

the work with other activities; providing advice;

organizing, controlling

and supervising the work

of staff engaged in the

conduct of analyses or

investigations; controlling the use of facilities, materiel and human resources.

Activities involving a

broad spectrum of

scientific and administra­tive duties which differ

from one another in most

aspects and include:

evaluating and authorizing

projects or studies; making

recommendations or provid­ing advice on policy or

legislation; assessing the

implications of work

progress on program object­ives; providing guidance

on the determination of

approaches to complex

problems; and managing a

significant program

activity, or coordinating

activities at the national

and international levels.

Characteristic D: The scope

for planning and conducting work.


Scheduling and performing

work using standardized

procedures and techniques.

Planning activities,

determining approaches and

selecting methods to ensure

that the work meets clearly

defined objectives.

Planning and performing a

broad diversity of work

within a subject area, or

planning and assigning

tasks for the ongoing work

of an organizational unit,

or a project or study team

to ensure that the objectives are met within

established guidelines.

Planning, organizing and

delegating work of a

number of organizational

units, or planning and

coordinating complex

projects or studies to

ensure that operational

goals are achieved within

resources limitations; or

planning, organizing and

conducting complex

projects or studies within

a specialized area with

high degree of freedom and


Planning, coordinating and

implementing a significant

program activity or major

scientific studies.


This factor is used to measure the difficulty of the work in terms of the nature of the information and data used; the influences external to the work; the nature and purpose of contacts with others; the requirement for the development of concepts and approaches, procedures, techniques and practices, their adaptation and application; and, the theoretical and practical knowledge which must be applied.

Notes to Raters

(i) When evaluating positions under this factor, raters are to consider the factor characteristics and their intensity ranging from degree I to degree 5, and attribute to the position, for each characteristic, the degree; whose definition best reflects the conditions that are typical of the work of the position and most closely corresponds to the intensity of its requirements in terms of the characteristic.

(ii) For a same degree of intensity, all of the characteristics of the factor are considered equal.

(iii) The degree to be assigned to the position for the whole factor, is determined by the degree which predominates (i.e. the degree that has been assigned for at least five of the eight characteristics - "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G" and "H"). When one degree does not predominate, raters are to compare the overall intensity of the requirements of the position under the factor, with that of the bench-mark positions, and determine and attribute to the position the degree which best equates to the bench-mark positions.






Characteristic A: The availability


of, and the problems involved

in obtaining information and



The work requires

obtaining or receiving

information and data from

easily accessible sources.

The work requires

obtaining information and

data by direct observation, collection or selection from established recognized sources.

The work requires

obtaining, by investigation, information and data which are often difficult to obtain, interpret and select. Sources may be identified from past

practices or guidelines.

The work requires

obtaining, by intensive

investigation, information and data which are often difficult to obtain, interpret and select. Sources are difficult to identify and to access.

The work requires

coordinating the collec­tion and selection of information and data which are usually obtained with

great difficulty and

require the conduct of

intensive study and

investigation. Sources

are likely to be obscure

or have to be developed.

Characteristic B: The validity

of information and data.


Information and data of

known validity are obtained

from recognized reliable

sources or by standardized


Information and data can

normally be validated by

known procedures or

literature references.

Information and data can

normally be validated by a combination of experimentation and detailed literature referencing or further field


Information and data can

be validated only by

difficult or complex


Information and data may

not be completely


Characteristic C:       The number

and variability of the variables

and the ambiguity of information

and data.


Information and data are

characterized by few

variables, low variability, lack of ambiguity and

are of known implications.

Information and data are

characterized by several

variables requiring

interpretation, but of

known implications and


Information and data can

be characterized by

several variables requiring interpretation, poorly

defined variability and

some ambiguity.

Information and data can

be characterized by variability, many variables, difficulty of interpretation, and the need for judgment to  use  the


Information and data are

characterized by high

variability, many varia­bles, ambiguity, and require ingenuity and highly selective judgment to use.

Characteristic D: The relationships

of the variables.


Relationships between the

variables are simple and


Relationships between the

variables can be established and inconsistencies

resolved by straight-

forward investigation.

Relationships between

variables are sometime

conflicting and require

investigation and


Relationships between

variables are complicated

and require in-depth

investigation to identify

and resolve conflicts and

interpretation problems.

Relationships between

variables are often

conflicting and difficult

to define and measure.

Characteristic E:       The effect

of the activities of others on

the work.


Limited effects from the

activities of others within

the organizational unit.

Work is normally affected

by the activities of

others within the organizational unit and occasionally by the activities

of others outside the

organizational unit.

Work is frequently

affected by the

activities of scientists

and officials outside the

organizational unit.

Work is normally affected

by the activities of

scientists and officials

outside the organizational

unit, and requires consideration of the implication of their activities

on a project or the

ongoing activity.

The work of a significant

program activity is

affected by the activities

of other organizations or

agencies and requires

consideration of the

implications of the

activities of their

senior scientists or








Characteristic F: The nature

and purpose of contacts with



Contacts are with others

within own organizational

unit for obtaining and

discussing information.

Contacts are with others

working in the same or

closely related subject

areas for obtaining and

exchanging information

and discussing problems.

May provide information

and facts to the public

and the media.

Contacts are with scientists and officials for obtaining and exchanging information, participating in cooperative

projects, resolving problems, and providing advice. May explain

on-going activities and objectives of the work and exchange information with the public and the


Contacts are with

scientists and officials

outside the organizational

unit for arranging co-

operative projects,

negotiating terms of

agreements, establishing

standards, implementing

regulations, and for

providing advice based on

recognized expertise. May

provide scientific and

technical information to

the public and the media

on contentious issues.

Contacts are with senior scientists and officials at the national and international levels at meetings where conflic­ting interest are repre­sented, and agreement affecting a significant program activity are negotiated. May represent the department at public forums and with the media.

Characteristic G:                   The requirement


for the development of concepts

and approaches, procedures,

techniques and practices,

their adaptation and

The work involves applying

conventional practices,

techniques and procedures.

Minor adaptations may be


The work requires adapting

practices, techniques, and


The work requires

developing new techniques

and procedures using known

approaches and existing


The work requires

developing new procedures

and techniques using

novel approaches where

precedents often do not


The work requires approving or recommending new procedures and deve­loping new concepts and

approaches. Work is characterized by the absence of precedents.

Characteristic H:       The theoretical

and practical knowledge

which must be applied.


The work requires the

application of a sound

knowledge of the

principles and theories of

a discipline and some

familiarity with its


The work requires the

application of a sound

knowledge of the principles, theories and practices of a discipline and some familiarity with the practices in related


The work requires the

application of a thorough

knowledge of the

principles, theories and

practices of a subject

area and its pertinent

disciplines, and familiarity with the practices in related disciplines, subject areas or

supervisory practices.

The work requires the

application of a thorough

knowledge of the

principles, theories and

practices of a specialized

subject area, and a

knowledge of related

scientific disciplines,

subject areas or of

management practices.

The work requires the

application of an advanced

knowledge of the prin­ciples, theories and practices of a special­ized subject area, and a

good knowledge of related

scientific disciplines, subject areas or of management practices.


This factor is used to measure the difficulty of the work in terns of the checks and controls over the work and the professional leadership received. It is also used to measure the requirement to exercise initiative and professional judgment in defining objectives and dealing with problems, and I establishing scientific guidelines; and judgment in reviewing and assessing the work of others, interpreting results, findings and recommendations, and in providing advice.

Notes to Raters

(1) When evaluating a position under this factor, raters are to consider the factor characteristics and their intensity ranging from degree 1 to degree 5, and attribute to the position, for each characteristic, the degree whose definition best reflects the conditions that are typical of the work of the position and most closely corresponds to the intensity of its requirements in terms of the characteristic.

(ii) For a same degree of intensity, all of the characteristics of the factor are considered equal.

(iii) The degree to be assigned to the position for the whole factor, is determined by the degree which predominates (i.e. the degree that has been assigned for at least four of the six characteristics - "A", "B" "C", D", "E" "F"). When one degree does not predominate, raters are to compare the overall intensity of the requirements of the position under the factor, with that of the bench-mark positions, and determine and attribute to the position the degree which best equates to the bench-mark positions.






Characteristic A: The extent

to which work is checked by others.


Work is reviewed for

consistency and accuracy

while in progress and on


Work is accepted as

technically accurate. Work

assignments and conclusions

are reviewed for

consistency and


Work approaches,

recommendations and

conclusions are reviewed

for soundness of judgment

in terms of the attainment

of study or project


Key recommendations and

conclusions are reviewed

for effectiveness. Results

are periodically reviewed

in terms of the attainment

of objectives.

Results are evaluated in

terms of achievement of

policy and program


Characteristic B: The professional

guidance received.


Professional guidance is

received to assure correct

use of methods and


Professional guidance is

received on new aspects of

the work.

Professional guidance is

received on the resolution

of difficult problems.

Professional guidance is

received on the resolution

of unusual and complex


Guidance is received on

policy intent and program

implications. Professional

guidance may be received

from other scientific


Characteristic C: The requirement


to exercise initiative and

judgment in defining objectives

and dealing with problems

and establishing scientific

Work requires indicating

problems and selecting

methods, techniques actor-

ding to established

procedure manuals,

guidelines or precedents.

Work requires identifying

problems and determining

approaches and suitable

methods for their


Work requires defining

objectives of studies,

identifying problems and

determining approaches for

the resolution of difficult

problems within own subject


Work requires establishing

the limitations and defining the objectives of projects or studies and indicating likely

approaches for the resolution of unusual and difficult problems within related subject areas.

Work requires defining

objectives, developing

conceptual approaches to

complex problems and

establishing scientific

guidelines for a signi­ficant program activity.

Characteristic D: The requirement

to exercise judgment in

reviewing and assessing the work

of others.


Work of support staff is

checked for correct

application of procedures

and consistency of results.

The work of subordinate

staff is reviewed while in

progress and on completion

for technical accuracy.

External submissions are

reviewed for completeness

and compliance with data


Work of subordinate staff or project team members is reviewed for completeness and compliance with standards and guidelines. Within own subject area, results and findings of other scientists are

reviewed for validity or for applicability to own subject area.

Work approaches,

recommendations and conclusions of subordinate staff or project team members, are reviewed for soundness of judgment. Other

scientists' proposals and

studies that are related to

own specialized subject

area, are reviewed for


Recommendations and

conclusions of staff are

reviewed in term of

validity and effectiveness

with respect to established

policy, directives, guide­

lines and resource limita­tions. Major studies or activities of other scientists are evaluated

with respect to own

program's objectives.

Characteristic E: The requirement

to exercise judgment in

interpreting results of work.


Own observations are

reviewed to ensure

reliability and


Scientific observations and

results are interpreted to

produce meaningful information, conclusions, recommendations or reports.

Complex scientific data or

results, conclusions and

recommendations of

subordinate staff or other

scientists are interpreted

to determine their meaning

and implications on work


Results of studies or

projects are interpreted to

determine the implications

of conclusions and recommendations on the objectives of own work and

significance to related

scientific and other


Results of major studies,

conclusions and recommenda­tions are interpreted to determine their broad

implications on scientific

or other related activities

affecting a significant

program activity.

Characteristic F: The requirement

to exercise judgment in

giving advice.


Instructions and guidance

may be provided to support

staff on matters closely

related to the work


Advice is provided to

colleagues and support

staff on matters closely

related to own area of


Specific technical advice

within own subject area is

provided to other

scientists and officials

and immediate superior.

Guidance on scientific

matters is provided to

subordinate staff or to

other scientists

contributing to the work.

Advice based on a

recognized expertise within

a specialized subject area,

is given to other

scientists and officials.

Authoritative advice and

recommendations in a number

of related specialized

subject areas affecting a

significant program

activity, are provided to

other scientists and senior



This factor is used to measure the difficulty of the work in terms of the responsibility for committing, controlling and managing resources; obtaining outside assistance; controlling and coordinating work; and, for implementing or developing procedures, directives and guidelines.

Notes to Raters

(i) When evaluating positions under this factor, raters are to consider the factor's characteristics and their intensity ranging from degree I
to degree 5, and attribute to the position, for each characteristic, the degree whose definition best reflects the conditions that are
typical of the work of the position and most closely corresponds to the intensity of its requirements in terms of the characteristic.

(ii) For a same degree of intensity, all of the characteristics of the factor are considered equal.

(iii) The degree to be assigned to the position for the whole factor, is determined by the degree which predominates (i.e. the degree that has been assigned for at least four of the seven characteristics - "A" "B" "C" "D", "E" "F", "G"). When one degree does not predominate, raters are to compare the overall intensity of the requirements of the position under the factor, with that of the bench-mark positions, and determine and attribute to the position the degree which best equates to the bench-mark positions.






Characteristic A: Responsibility

for the control of staff.


The work occasionally

requires assigning work

to non-subordinate

support staff,

The work normally requires

supervision of support


The work requires the

supervision of a unit

normally including

professional staff.

The work requires the

operational management of

professional staff including specialists or

subordinate supervisors.

The work requires the

management and human

resources planning through

subordinate supervisors of

a large staff of


Characteristic B: Responsibility

for the control of physical



Planning day-to-day use

of equipment and supplies

for own work.

Ensuring proper use of

allocated equipment,

supplies and facilities,

Controlling the use and

the maintenance of

allocated equipment,

supplies and facilities,

Allocating the use of

equipment, supplies and


Planning, directing and

controlling the physical

resources allocated for a

significant program


Characteristic C: Responsibility

for committing departmental



Limited to the spending

of own time and the use

of materials and

equipment for own work.

Identifying the

requirement for equipment,

material and services for

assigned work.

Recommending the

acquisition of specific

equipment, material and

services to meet work


Assessing requirements and

developing and recommending plans for the acquisition and use of resources, and the expenditure of funds to meet work priorities and


Exercising delegated

authority under the

Financial Administration

Act for the acquisition of

resources and expenditure

of funds; or, providing

authoritative advice for

major expenditures or

commitments of depart­

mental resources.

Characteristic D: Responsibility

for obtaining outside assistance.


Informing supervisor

concerning the need for


Recommending on the need

for assistance,

Substantiating the need for, defining specific requirements, and identifying suitable sources of assistance; and, arranging for readily available assistance.

Selecting and negotiating for suitable sources of assistance relating the probable costs and benefits; or, providing advice based on a recognized expertise within a specialized subject area, on requirements and

selection of outside assistance.

Approving or recommending

the expenditure of funds

for outside assistance;

or, providing authorita­tive advice on require­ments and outside assistance for major


Characteristic E: Responsibility

for the administrative control

of work.


Complying with

procedures, directives

and guidelines established for the work,

Ensuring that quality,

quantity, safety and other

standards for own responsibility are maintained,

Implementing quality

assurance, performance

measurement and safety

procedures to meet unit's


Controlling and coordinating project schedules and establishing and implementing performance and safety standards

and controls to meet

priorities and objectives.

Preparing budgets and work

plans, planning and imple­menting safety. quality

and cost controls, and

recommending objectives

and priorities for a

significant program


Characteristic F: Responsibility

for the co-ordination of work

performed for, or in conjunction

with other organizational


Limited requirement for coordination of activities with those of others.

Occasionally coordinating

related activities with

those of others.

Coordinating related

activities with those of


Coordinating differing

activities with those of

one or more organizational


Coordinating activities

with several other

organizational units with

differing interests or

conflicting priorities.

Characteristic G: Responsibility

for implementing or developing

administrative procedures,

safety and management directives

and guidelines.

Following straightforward

office or field adminis-

trative procedures,

Implementing office or

field administrative


Interpreting and

implementing guidelines

and directives,

Recommending and

developing internal

administrative, safety and

managementt directives and


Approving internal

administrative, safety and

management directives and

guidelines, and ensuring

correct and consistent

application of department

and central agency policy,

directives and guidelines.


This factor is used to measure the nature and the extent of the impact directly attributable to the recommendations and activities of the position, given its particular purpose or mission, on governmental work or programs; on industrial or commercial operations, natural resources or the environment, public health and safety, and other external areas directly affected by the position; and, on the development and understanding of a body of knowledge in a subject area.

Notes to Raters

i)          When evaluating a position under this factor, raters are to consider the factor characteristics and the extent of the impact ranging from degree 1 to degree 5, and attribute to the position, for each applicable characteristic, the degree whose definition best reflects or corresponds to the extent of the most likely impact of the position.

ii)          For a same degree of impact, all of the characteristics of the factor are considered equal.

iii)             The degree to be assigned to the position for the whole factor is determined by the degree which predominates (i.e. the degree that has been assigned for at least two of the three characteristics - "A"; the one "B" characteristics: i, ii, iii, or iv identified as the most pertinent to the purpose or mission of the position; and, "C"). When one degree does not predominate, raters are to compare the overall extent of the impact of the position under the factor with that of the bench-mark positions, and determine and attribute to the position the degree which best equate to the bench-mark positions.

(Impact - Governmental)






Characteristic A:


The impact of recommendations


and activities on departmental

work or other government programs

in terms of changes to on-going

activities, programs or

Information and results of

the work have limited

effects on a continuing

operation, project or

study in own area of work.

Information and results of

the work affect a

continuing operation,

projects or studies in own

or closely related areas

of work.

Recommendations, advice

and results of the work

affect a continuing operation, the formulation of guidelines, regulations, specifications or standards, and the development

or conduct of projects or

studies in own and related

areas of work.

Recommendations, advice or

consultations contribute to the development of policies and affect the development, conduct or modification of a significant program activity; or decisions affect the implementation of

projects, studies, guidelines and directives.

Authoritative recommendations, advice or consultations affect the development of departmen­tal policies and programs; decisions and activities affect the program(s) or activities of other govern­ment organizations; or decisions and recommenda­tions affect the develop­ment, initiation, conduct or continuation of a

significant program activity.

(Impact - External)


Characteristics B:


(i)The impact of recommendations

regulatory effect.

and activities on an

industrial or commercial process,

operation or product in terms

of the contributory or

Information and results of

the work have limited

effects on an industrial

or commercial product,

process or operation.

Information and results of

the work have economic or

technological effects on

an industrial or commercial product, process or


Recommendations, advice

and results of the work

have economic or techno-

logical effects on related

industrial or commercial

products, processes or


Recommendations, advice,

consultations or decisions

have economic or technological effects on an

industry or a broad range

of products, processes or


Authoritative recommendations, advice, consultations or decisions have a substantial effect on the development, initia­tion, modification or

continuation of industrial

or commercial enterprises.

(ii)The impact of recommendations


and activities in terms

of the contribution to or control

of the state of natural

resources or the

Information and results of

the work have limited

effects on the state of a

natural resource or the


Information and results of

the work contribute to improvements for developing, protecting, conserving or using

natural resources or the


Recommendations, advice

and results of the work

affect the state of

natural resources and,

natural resource and

environmental management


Recommendations, advice or

consultations contribute

to the development of

environmental and natural

resource policies; or

decisions and recommendations affect the state of the environment or the conservation and use of

natural resources within

established policies.


recommendations, advice or

consultations have a

substantial effect on the

development of policies

relating to natural

resources or the environ­ment; or decisions and recommendations substan­tially affect natural resources or the


(iii)The impact of recommendations

safety hazards.

and activities in terms

of the contribution to public

health and the reduction or

the control of health and

Information and results of

the work have limited

effects on public health

or safety.

Information and results of

the work contribute to

determining the efficacy

and safety of the processing or use of foods, drugs

or medical and radiation

emitting devices or to the

regulatory control of

potentially hazardous

products or substances.

Recommendations, advice and results of the work affect the approval and use of foods, drugs, or medical and radiation

emitting or other devices with respect to efficacy and safety, or the regulatory control of potentially hazardous products

or substances.

Recommendations, advice or

consultations contribute

to the development of

policies; or decisions and

recommendations affect the

approval and use of foods,

drugs or medical and

radiation emitting or

other devices or other

potentially hazardous

products or substances

with respect to efficacy

or safety.

Authoritative recommendations, advice or consultations have a

substantial effect on the

development of public health and safety policies; or decisions and recommendations substan­tially affect the controlof potential hazards to

public health or safety.









Characteristics B: (Cont'd)


(iv)The impact of recommendations

areas directly affected

and activities in terms by the position, given its

of the contributory or regulatory

particular purpose or mission.

effect on other specifically

identified external

Information and results of the work have limited effects on the specifically identified area

directly affected by the


Information and results of the work have contributory effects on the specifically identified area directly affected by the


Recommendations, advice

and results of the work

have direct effects on the

specifically identified

area directly affected by

the position.

Recommendations, advice or

consultations contribute

to the development of

policies; or decisions and

recommendations have wide

ranging effects on the

specifically identified

area directly affected by

the position.


recommendations, advice or

consultations have a

substantial effect on the

development of policies;

or decisions and recom­mendations have substantial effects on the specifically identified area directly affected by the position.

Characteristic C:


The impact of recommendations

and activities in terms of the

contribution to the development

and understanding of a body of


Information and results of

the work contribute to

knowledge in own area of


Information and results of

the work contribute to

improvements in methods

and procedures in own area

of work.

Development of new methods

and procedures and the

investigation, analysis

and interpretation of

scientific information

provide knowledge and

improved understanding in

own subject area.

Development of new concepts and approaches; or, decisions or recommendations contribute to

knowledge and improved

understanding in a specialized subject area.

Decisions and

recommendations affect the

initiation, continuation

or orientation of studies

or projects for the

development of concepts,

methods, approaches and

procedures to acquire new

knowledge in one or more

specialized subject areas.



Intent:        This Guide broadly aims at providing a consistent approach to a global perception or an orientation for a determination of the approximate classification level of a position, using a series of discernible main features characterizing positions identified as typical of each level.

Provision:      i)   Notwithstanding the above, the Guide is not intended nor shall be used as a substitute for the formal position classification process and the detailed analysis and rating of each position, as required in accordance with the provisions of the rating plan of the Classification Standard.

ii) The series of distinguishing features shown for the levels, characterizes, as a whole, universes of positions considered typical of each level. - The series of features for a level shall not be construed as all inclusive nor as relevant in its entirety, to all positions at that level.

Advantages:     The use of the Guide can be of assistance in narrowing, at the outset, the range of possible levels indicated for a position and thus, contributes to a less erratic approach to the discussions for its subsequent detailed analysis and rating. Further, the distinguishing features shown for the various levels in the Guide, and which have been found typical of positions at those levels, provide a broad reference framework which can be of value and, contributes in achieving greater overall consistency in the classification of the positions at the various levels for the Group.


(Positions at Recruiting/Familiarizing

Developing Level as well as Positions

conducting Work of Relatively Low


- Repetitive, Standardized work of

relatively low Complexity

    - Work subjected to Detailed Review

- Limited scope for Independent Actions

- Carry out Scientific procedures under


    - Indicate required Support Work to

non-subordinate support staff


(Positions Conducting Basic Professional

Work of Moderate Complexity/Diversity)

- Moderate Complexity/Diversity

- Scope for Independent Actions

- May Instruct Junior Scientists and

Supervise Support Staff

- Work Reviewed at Critical



(Positions with Significant

Specialization, Diversity/Complexity or

with Significant Supervisory


- Expertise in a specialized Subject


- First Level of Scientific Advisory


- Liaison Work Responsibility

- Diversity/Complexity

- Provide Scientific Project Leadership

- Development of New Methods

- Validations of: Procedures




- First Supervisory Level:

- Activities of a Unit

- Lead a Group

- Lead a Project Team


(Positions requiring a High Level of

Scientific Expertise or Position comprising

the First Level of Science Based Management


- High Level of Expertise in a specialized

subject area

- Second Level of Scientific Advisory


- Recognized Authority in a Subject

- Scientific Co-ordination Responsibility

- First level of Management Responsibility

- Project Objective Responsibility

- Second Level Supervision


(Positions at the Highest Level of Scientific

Management within the Group or Positions

requiring the Highest level of Scientific

Expertise within the Group)

- Highest Level of Expertise in a Specialized

Subject Area

- A Senior Departmental Scientific Advisor

- High Level Co-ordination/Liaison

- Broad scope for Independent Actions within

Policy and Resources Framework

- Significant input in Policy Development

- Management of a Science Based Significant

Program Activity, a Significant Work Group

or Large Complex Project






Physical Scientist - Precambrian Geology

(Support Geologists Sect.) (EMR)



Climatological Analyst (EC)



Satellite Data Analyst (EC)



Area Soil Conservationist - (AGR - PFRA)



Environmental Assessment Officer (NEB)



Energy and Mineral Commodities Research Officer (EMR)



Physical Climatologist (EC)



Aquatic Scientist - Monitoring and Field Studies (EC)



Field Experiment Support Scientist (EC)



Scientific Evaluator - Medical Devices (HWC)



Standard Development Officer - Medical Devices (HWC)



Senior Isotopic Analyst - Mass Spectrometry



(Geochronology) (EMR)



Physical Oceanographer (F&0)



Explosives Scientist (EMR)



Senior Physical Scientist and Risk Analyst (EC)



Senior Officer/Advisor - Physical Oceanography (F&O)



Superintendent, Climate Assessment and Impact Section (EC)

(Applied Climatology Research and Development)



Resource Engineering (Marine) Geophysicist (EMR)



Senior Advisor - Metallurgical Technology (EMR)



Chief, Scientific Information (F&O)



Senior Science Advisor - Renewables and



New Liquid Fuels (EMR)



















































= B




Physical Scientist

(Support Geologists Sect.) (EMR)

1       1



1        1


1      1

1      1


1    1







1        1



1     1

1     1

1       1










Climatological Analyst (EC)

1       1



1        1


1      1

1      2


1    1










1     1

1     1

1       1










Satellite Data Analyst


1       2



2        2


2 2

2 1


2 2







1        1



1     1

1     1

1       1










Area Soil Conservationist


2       2



2        2


2 2

3 3


2 2








3        2



2 2

1 3

2 2










Environmental Assessment Officer


2       2



2        2


2 2

2 3


2 2







3        3



1     2

2 3

2 2










Energy and Mineral Commodities

Research Officer (EMR)

2       2



2        2


2 2

2 2


3 2







2          2



2 2

2 3

2 2










Physical Climatologist (EC)

2       3



2        2


2 3

3 2


1 2







2          2



2 3

2 2

2'1 2










Aquatic Scientist - Monitoring

and Field Studies (EC)

2       2



2        2


2 3

3 2


2 2








3        3



2 3

2 3

2 2










Field Experiment Support

Scientist (EC)

2       2



2        2


3 3

3 2


3 2







3          3



2 2

2 2

21 2










Scientific Evaluator - medical

Devices (HWC)

3       3



3        3


3 4

4 3


3 4








3          3



1     1

1      3

1       1










Standard Development Officer -

Medical Devices (HWC)

3       3



3        3


3 4

4 3


4 4







4 3




1 3

1 3

1       1










Senior Isotopic Analyst

Mass Spect. (Geochronology) (EMR)

3       3



3        3


3 3

3 3


4 3







3          3



3 2

3 3

2 3










Physical Oceanographer (F&0)

3       3



4        3


3 4

3 3


3 3







3          3



3 3

3 3

3 3










Explosives Scientist (EMR)

3       3



3        3


3 3

3 3


3 3







4          3



3 3

3 3

3 3










Senior Physical Scientist and

Risk Analyst (EC)

3       3



3        3


3 3

4 4


3 4







4 4



3 3

2 3

1       2










Senior Officer/Advisor -

Physical Oceanography (F&0)


4 4



4 4


4 4

4 4


4 4







5 5



3 4

3 4

2 3










Superintendent - Climate Assessmen

and Impact Section (EC)

4       4



4        4


4 4

4 4


4 4










4 4

4 4

3 4










Resource Engineering (Marine)

Geophysicist (EMR)

4       4



4        4


4 4

4 4


4 4







5 4



4 4

4 4

3 4










Senior Advisor - Metallurgical

Technology (EMR)

5       5



5        5


5 5

5 5


5 5







5 5



4 5

4 5

1 4










Chief, Scientific Information


5       5



5        5


5 5

5 5


4 5







5 5



5 5

5 5

4 5










Senior Science Advisor (EMR)

5 5



5 5


5 5

5 5


5 5







5 5



4 4

4 5

4 4




















Key in order of appearance of

letters under the factors.

A =


estbls by othrs

A =

Info./Data - Avlblty/


A =

Extent wrk check'd by


A =

Resp.: Control of





B =

Extent of work

B =

Info./Data - Validity

B =

Profsn'1 guidance recv'd

B =

Resp.: Control of

A =

on Dept'l wrk/Other Gov.


C =

Variety of


C =

Into./Data - N/Varblty/

Ambg'ty of

C =

Init./Judg'mt in

Def'ng objectives







D =

Scope for plan'g

& condct'ng wrk

D =


Info./Data - Relnshps of



Dealing w problems



C =

D =

Rasp.: Conmt'ng


Resp.: Obt'ng outside


B =


i) = on Ind'l/Commrc'1 prod/


E =

Effect of actvty of

others on wrk

D =

Judgm'nt in assess'ng

work of others

E =


Resp.: Admin. contrl



if) = on Natrl. res./Envrnmnt


F =

Contacts - Nature/


E =

Judgm'nt in intrprt'ng


F =

of wrk

Resp.: Co-ord'n of


iii) = on Public health/safety

iv) = on Other external areas


G =

Regrm'nt for: Devipm'nt,

adpt'n, applct'n,

apprchs, procdrs and


F =

Judgm'nt in providing



wrk perf.

for/with othr



C =

Impact on body of knowledge


H -



G =

Resp.: Implemnt'ng or





Bench-mark Position Number: 1

Level: 1

Descriptive-Title:    Physical Scientist (Support Geologists Section) Precambrian Geology


Reporting to the Assistant to the Director of the Lithosphere and Canadian Shield Division:


Accumulates geological data by planning and performing field work involving the use of helicopters, airplanes, boats etc., and laboratory investigations. Compiles data from other sources to assist in the production of geological maps and the design of new geological exploration projects. Other sources of information include original field notes, existing stored data, air photos, and other reports and maps.

Using Scientific Laboratory equipment, such as petrographic microscopes, studies the physical, structural and minerological properties of rocks. Evaluates data and prepares it for computer processing; including writing simple data retrieval programs. Studies and evaluates air photos, aeromagnetic and other geophysical maps, remote sensing information and other computer programs to assist the research scientists.





Kinds of Assignments


A.   Degree 1 - Work objectives are provided and the work is performed with the

instructions and priorities set by the supervising scientists for each project.

B.   Degree 1 - The work normally consists of providing data for parts of projects or

assisting a more senior person in a part of a project aimed at producing geological

maps. Occasionally may be assigned to part of a sub-project for independent


C.   Degree 1 - The work is limited to obtaining information on rock samples using

standard methods; entry and manipulation of the data obtained in a computer, and

modification of simple computer programs.

D.   Degree 1 - Plans daily work according to established procedures using standard

methods for implementation. Field and laboratory work is planned with the

supervising scientist, and laboratory methods are selected from known acceptable



Complexity of Work


A.   Degree 2 - Participates in field and laboratory work where data are obtained by

direct observation. Other required data are available from recognized sources such

as notes taken by field officers, from library research, and analytical results.

B.   Degree 1 - Data are normally accepted as valid. Any questionable data are evaluated

by a supervising scientist.

C.   Degree 1 - The geological information, as received, is discrete and unambiguous.

D.   Degree 1 - Data relationships are simple and for the most part known and understood.

E.   Degree 1 - Changing objectives, priorities, projects and personnel have a limited

impact on the daily work.

F.   Degree 1 - Contacts are with scientists of the immediate working group of field and

laboratory geologist to obtain information used in preparing geological maps, project

plans and for input to the computer.

G.   Degree 1 - The work generally involves using standard techniques to determine the

minerological properties of rocks; simple computer programs have to be written from

time to time.




H.   Degree 1 - A sound knowledge of geology with supplementary knowledge and familiarity

with laboratory and field techniques, and the use of computers in data manipulation

and map production is required.


Professional Responsibility


A.    Degree 1 - Work is generally reviewed by supervisor or other senior scientists,

however, the data are expected to be verified and transcribed accurately and


B.    Degree 1 - Professional guidance from senior scientists is available for the

interpretation and compilation of geological field notes.

C.    Degree 1 - Suggestions for additional sources of data, new and improved techniques

and indication of potential problems are expected.

D.   Degree 1 - Procedures used by laboratory and field staff in developing the data, and

data processing methods followed by the computer staff are checked for correctness.

E.    Degree 1 - Own observations and work are reviewed for reliability and consistency and

reported to the senior scientists.

F.    Degree 1 - Instructions may be given to non-subordinate support staff and information

may be obtained for research scientists to assist them in attaining the objectives

of their projects.


Management Responsibility


A.    Degree 1 - The work requires occasionally giving instructions about the preparation

of maps, charts and figures to non-subordinate technicians.

B.    Degree 1 - Responsible for the daily use planning and control of those resources

used for own work.

C.    Degree 1 - Limited to the spending of own time and the use of equipment and supplies

for own work.

D.   Degree 1 - Informs supervisor on the need for outside assistance for field and

laboratory projects.

E.    Degree 1 - Complies with administrative procedures, directives, guidelines and

quality assurance standards established for the work.

F.   Degree 1 - Limited to fitting own work into that of others in the same unit.

C.    Degree 1 - Follows established straightforward office, laboratory and field



Impact of Recommendations and Activities


A.    Degree 1 - Information and results of the work contribute to the on-going project of

the supervising research scientist and can have an effect on the project work. Work

is carried out in close liaison with the supervising scientist. Impact on

departmental activities attributable to the work of the position, would be indirect

or limited.

B.    Degree 1 -

(i) Degree 1 - The work of providing up-to-date maps of geological formations can

have a limited effect on the exploration (mining) industry.

(ii) Degree 1 - The work has limited indirect effects on the status of a natural

resource, by contributing to the promotion of the exploration for, and hence

the ultimate exploitation of mineral resources.

(iii) No significant impact.

(iv) No other significant impacts.

C.    Degree 1 - The data generated and analyzed will add to the knowledge of Canadian

geology by providing new, informative maps.



Director, Lithosphere and Canadian Shield Division Assistant to the Director

-     Pretrology Section

-    Geochronology Section

-    Technical Services (DD and CL)

-    Support Geologists Section (PC-2)

*     -     Physical Scientist (Support Geologist) - Precambriam Geology (PC-1) -       Support Geologists (PC-1)

*     Bench-mark position


Bench-mark Position Number: 2

Level: 1

Descriptive Title: Climatological Analyst


Reporting to the Head, Climate Technique Development and Transfer:


Participates in the preparation of climatic maps, atlases and other publications using data obtained from the National Climatological Archives. Collects, collates, evaluates and interprets climatological data from various other sources such as base maps, land use maps, topographical charts and bathymetric maps, to be used in the preparation of information concerning Canada's climate. Arranges task schedules with the cartographic units and printing shops and ensures that the final product meets the department's objectives for quality.

Provides a response service to enquiries about Canadian climatological data and maps to outside users and staff of other organizational units and ensures that quality and technical objectives are met.

Proposes areas for new climate studies where needs are indicated. Analyses, re-evaluates and reformats existing data to better serve the needs of the users. Reviews climatological publications for use in meeting the needs of the users and the objectives of the department, assesses need for and value of new serials, and recommends changes to enhance the effectiveness of the services.

Writes reports; follows safety and administrative practices; occasionally instructs non-subordinate support staff; arranges for translations; writes computer programs, and performs other related work as required.



Kinds of Assignments


A.    Degree 1 - Work objectives are stated and instructions are given by the supervisor

with direction as required from the Heads of the Climate Information Service and

Publication Units.

B.    Degree 1 - Work consists of preparing maps as part of Atlas projects, responding to

requests for climatological information, and manipulating and evaluating

climatological data.

C.   Degree 1 - Activities are closely related and involve the manipulation and

assessment of climatological data for information used in preparing maps and

responding to requests.

D.  Degree 1 - Own work is planned according to established procedures and precedents

for the preparation and printing of climatological data. Some negotiation with

staff of cartography and printing units is required for task scheduling to meet



Complexity of Work


A.   Degree 1 - Data are obtained from existing archives in a straight-forward fashion.

B.   Degree 1 - Data are of known quality, as validity is established prior to archiving.

C.   Degree 1 - Data are usually unambiguous and of known variability and implications.

D.  Degree 1 - Relationships between climatological variables are known and can be

handled using routine techniques.



E.    Degree 2 - The flow of outside user requests and activities of other climatologists

working within the group can effect own work scheduling.

F.   Degree 2 - Provides climatological information to outside users. Contacts are also

with staff of other organizational units to obtain information and discuss work

problems. May brief media representatives on important climate happenings.

G.    Degree 1 - The work involves applying standard statistical computing and analytical

procedures used in climatology. There is an occasional need to adapt or propose

improved methods.

H.    Degree 1 - A sound knowledge of physical geography, involving climatology, and a

knowledge of cartography practices and Canada's climatic conditions, and a

familiarity with the particular computer application software used to access the

digital archives are required.


Professional Responsibility


A.    Degree 2 - Work assignments are reviewed by supervisor for completeness and quality

on completion or at critical points. The data produced are expected to be

technically correct.

B.    Degree 1 - Professional guidance is available on use of methods, precedents and data

interpretations. Direction is received from supervisor on problem solution.

C.    Degree 1 - The work requires selecting the appropriate approaches for developing

climatic maps and data according to established procedures; indicating problems and

proposing modifications where required.

D.   Degree 1 - Work performed by non-subordinate support staff and students is checked

for the correct selection and application of methods. Checks finished maps for

legibility and accuracy and for compatibility with standards.

E.    Degree 2 - The work involves interpreting data output from digital archives so that

the results are meaningful to users.

F.   Degree 1 - Guidance and explanations concerning data are given to support staff, and

climatological event data and their interpretation are explained to colleagues in

other groups.


Management Responsibility


A.   Degree 1 - The work requires assigning tasks to summer students and to other

non-subordinate support staff as required.

B.  Degree 1 - Must plan the use of equipment and supplies for own work.

C.   Degree 1 - Allocates own time and the use of material supplies needed for own work.

D.  Degree 1 - Informs the supervisor of the need for outside assistance.

E.   Degree 1 - Complies with procedures, guidelines and directives established for the


F.  Degree 1 - Generally, there is a limited requirement for coordination w'th

activities of others. Liaison with other groups is required for preparation and

publication of climate data circulars and climate normals booklets.

G.   Degree 1 - Follows straightforward established administrative and safety procedures.


Impact of Recommendations and Activities


A.   Degree 2 - information and results of the work can have an impact on the credibility

of the Climate Services, limited effects on the operation of the climatology section

of Environment Canada and some effect on aspects of the Developmental Climatology

and Customer Computing Services Sections.



B.   Degree 1 -


(i) Degree 1 - Results of work can have limited effects on certain activities or

operations of industrial or commercial users of climate data and information.

(ii) Degree 1 - The work does not normally impact on the state of the environment

but can indirectly contribute to protecting or improving the environment

through a better understanding of climatic conditions.

(iii) No significant impact.

(iv) No other significant impacts.

C.   Degree 1 - The results contribute to and enhance current understanding of the

climatology of Canada.



-    Chief Climate Services

-    Superintendent, Climate Information and Publication Section

-    Head, Publication and Micrographic Unit

-    Head, Information Service Unit

-    Superintendent, Marketing and Computer Information

-    Superintendent of Development - Climatology Section

Head, Climate Techniques Development and Transfer

*     -    Climatological Analyst PC-1

-    Climatological Analyst PC-1

-    Data Analysis Clerk

-    Summer Student(s)

*    Bench-mark Position


Bench-mark Position Number: 3

Level: 1

Descriptive Title: Satellite Data Analyst


Reporting to a Research Scientist, Remote Sensing Section Aerospace Meteorology Division:


Processes, reduces, analyses, assesses and integrates into regional wave amplitude and direction forecasting models, the atmospheric, surface land and marine scientific measurement data from remote satellite and balloon platform sensing instrumentation and remote sensing recording ground stations.

Performs evaluation studies on the use of satellite data, adapts or develops and tests new techniques and forecasting models pertaining to the distribution, temporal and spatial variability of ocean and atmosphere for the particular region.

Formulates and tests computer algorithms to investigate and process data in developing calibrations and forecasting models and making required modifications.

Utilizes computer graphics, micro-computer, micro-processor system and scientific application software. Evaluates the performance, and contributes to the development and enhancement of computer application software for the work and to the identification of new applications of satellite data, attending meetings, reading and researching scientific literature and publications. Writes reports and papers on study work and explains results and particular interpretations of the data. Prepares papers and seminars to disseminate the information obtained.





Kinds of Assignments


A.  Degree 2 - The objectives of the work are clearly defined by the Supervising

Research Scientist in terms of the specific contribution of the work to achieving

the aims of the scientific research unit.

B.   Degree 1 - The work normally consists of part of a scientific project on

stratospheric research or part of a continuing operation on the application of

satellite remote sensing data to develop wave forecasting models.

C.   Degree 1 - While remote sensing data represents a wide variety of data types, the

manipulation of this data can be performed by relatively straight-forward successive

operations and using a limited number of numerical analysis techniques to analyze

and develop models and test techniques.

D.  Degree 2 - Must plan tasks, determine and select methods in conducting work to meet

set objectives. Planning and scheduling of algorithm/model development is done with

the supervising scientist and techniques are developed.


Complexity of Work


A.   Degree 2 - Data obtained are in a semi-processed form and must be selected, reduced,

evaluated and compared to other observed data and the results of mathematical


B.   Degree 2 - Information data is varied but can normally be validated by reference to

the literature or by normal correlation procedures.

C.   Degree 2 - Remote sensing data gathered in remote sensing measurement programs to

yield information about the distribution, temporal and spatial variability of ocean

and atmosphere involves variables and requires interpretation but the implications

and variability are known.



D.  Degree 2 - Relationships between variables can normally be established and

inconsistencies resolved by straight-forward investigation using accepted modeling


E.   Degree 1 - Some rescheduling of work tasks may be required due to changed data

demand and computer work priorities.

F.  Degree 1 - Contacts are normally with the unit's Supervising Scientist and the

Computer Systems Specialist to discuss information and requirements. Contacts with

other research personnel in other units to provide information on results may be


C.   Degree 2 - The work usually requires adapting practices, techniques and procedures

to develop new models and computer algorithms for remote-sensing data reduction and

wave model formulation.

H.   Degree 2 - The work requires the application of a sound knowledge of the principles

and theories of physical oceanography complemented by familiarity with numerical

analysis techniques and meteorology practices and some familiarity with computer

scientific applications programming in the area of wave forecasting.


Professional Responsibility


A.    Degree 1 - Algorithms/models and particular data evaluations and interpretations are

reviewed by the Supervising Scientist while in progress and on completion for

consistency and correctness.

B.    Degree 1 - Professional guidance is available from the Supervising Scientist and the

Computer Systems Specialist for appropriateness and correct use of methods and


C.    Degree 1 - The work requires identifying and discussing problems with existing or

new methods and prototype software to determine approaches. Selects work methods

and techniques according to established procedures and precedents.

D.   Degree 1 - Requested data processing support work is reviewed for correctness as


E.    Degree 2 - Satellite data are analyzed, interpreted and evaluated to produce

meaningful data using numerical analysis techniques, numerical filtering and

polynomial regressions.

F.   Degree 1 - As necessary, explanations and details concerning the work are provided

to colleagues for use in their own projects. Instructions are provided to

non-subordinate support staff as required.


Management Responsibility


A.    Degree 1 - The work occasionally requires assigning tasks such as data processing to

non-subordinate support staff.

B.    Degree 1 - Plans the use of own equipment and supplies to process data from remote

sensing programs.

C.    Degree 1 - Commits the use of own time, supplies and equipment to process data and

produce wave forecasting models.

D.    Degree 1 - Informs Supervising Scientist whenever there is a need for external


E.    Degree 1 - Complies with procedures already established for the production of

appropriate information on wave forecasting.

F.    Degree 1 - Limited requirement for coordination of activities with those of others

to schedule algorithm/model development and to adapt plans to account for change in

satellite data demand.

C.    Degree 1 - Follows straight-forward administrative procedures established for the




Impact of Recommendations and Activities


A.    Degree 2 - Information generated and forecasting models produced support ongoing

research projects or a continuing study in the field of wave forecasting.

B.   Degree 1 -

(i) Degree 1 - Regional forecasting models of wave amplitude and direction and

results of evaluation studies on the use of satellite data contribute to

research projects for improved forecasting, and as research support, can have

indirect economic effects on the operations and commercial activities of

ocean-going vessels.

(ii) Degree 1 - Results of the work support research projects or study and can have

some indirect or limited effects on the environment or state of natural resource.

(iii) No significant impact.

(iv) Degree 1 - Results of the work contribute to research projects for improved

forecasting and, as research support, can have indirect effects on the safety

of marine users.

C.    Degree 1 - Results of the work contribute additional knowledge in the area of

meteorological forecasting and more particularly the forecasting of wave amplitude

and direction using satellite data.



Chief, Aerospace Meteorology

-    Head, Wind Engineering Section

-    Head, Satellite Data Lab

-    Supervisor, Satellite Data Systems

-    Head, Meteorological Satellite Section

Research Scientist, Remote Sensing

*     -    Satellite Data Analyst PC-1

*    Bench-mark position


Bench-mark Position Number: 4

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Area Soil Conservationist (Manitoba)

(Soil and Water Conservation Service - PFRA)


Reporting to the Area Manager, Field Operations Division


Plans investigations to determine the extent and severity of soil degradation and soil and water conservation problems, obtaining and analyzing current information, identifying and prioritizing problems through discussions with farmers, representatives of associations, contacts and visits at research establishments or agencies and conservation districts, and study of literature.

Determines soil parameters to be studied and arranges and conducts field surveys, selecting site, installing monitoring instruments, collecting, analyzing and evaluating data and identifying factors/effects and their relationships (e.g. snow melt, precipitation, slope, cropping practices and management, farming systems, groundwater movement, soil salinization, acidification, solotnetzic soil formation, erosion, loss of organic matter and decline in fertility) and generates field maps.

Determines soil and water conservation problems and develops management practices and plans on a watershed/conservation district and individual farm site basis.

Discusses results of studies and investigations with Soil Conservation Planning Unit, develops soil remedial practices in consultation with local agricultural extension representatives and the Planning Unit. Prepares reports and make recommendations on soil management proposals for approval and implementation.

Provides advice and assists in the implementation of conservation practices; assists watershed/conservation districts and the farmers in matters of financial assistance available with the Branch's policies; monitors conservation projects to assess effectiveness; and, report on findings.

Creates a public awareness and publicizes soil conservation issues, reclamation practices and implications of continued soil degradation. Arranges for demonstrations of soil and water conservation practices to farmers in the area, locating sites and cooperators, installing monitoring devices and collecting and recording the data, planning public field days at demonstration sites, and reports on observations and data collected to the Planning Unit for analysis.

Coordinates at field level, multi-agencies study projects in conservation conducted by the Soil Conservation Planning Unit.

Directs and supervises technical and support staff and reports on activities.





Kinds of Assignments


A.   Degree 2 - Objectives are set by the Area Manager within established programs for

soil and water conservation and financial assistance. Priorities are established by

local watershed/conservation districts, consultations and the Soil Conservation

Planning Unit.



B.    Degree 2 - The work normally consists of a number of discrete investigations of soil

degradation and soil and water conservation management practices, to determine

problems and remedial practices.

C.    Degree 2 - Activities include a variety of tasks allied to the surveying,

investigating, evaluating, monitoring and reporting on soil degradation and

conservation issues; allocating work and providing advice.

D.   Degree 2 - Surveys and investigations are planned, approached determined, methods

selected and reports prepared to meet established objectives.


Complexity of Work


A.    Degree 2 - Information in terms of soil and water conservation methods and

techniques is usually readily available. Information and data on soil degradation

are obtained by investigations, field surveys or studies, direct observations and

using monitoring devices, air photos, remote sensing techniques and

agrometeorological networks.

B.    Degree 2 - Information and data on soil degradation, farming practices, land use and

soil and water conservation practices and issues can normally be validated by

investigative methods, previous or repeated observations and referencing.

C.    Degree 2 - Soil and water conservation and soil degradation data are characterized

by several variables which require interpretation but of known implications and


D.   Degree 3 - Relationships between factors affecting conservation and degradation

processes and other observed variables or those established for other geographical

regions can be conflicting, requiring interpretation and investigation to resolve

site-specific inconsistencies.

E.    Degree 3 - Work is frequently affected by the activities of other scientists within

the organization and the requirements of the Planning Unit, the watershed/conservation

districts and the individual farmers' practices. Conservation planning, drainage,

land use changes and other remedial practices are effected by the activities of

agricultural and production extension personnel, the farmers and provincial and

municipal representatives or officials.

F.    Degree 3 - Contacts are with farmers, other scientists/professionals and

representatives of the agriculture industry and agencies of governments and local

agricultural extension personnel, to cooperatively resolve problems, explain issues,

assess relevancy of their work to own studies and programs or provide technical

information and advice.

C.   Degree 2 - The work requires using existing conservation practices and techniques,

making modifications or adaptations as required.

H.   Degree 2 - The work requires the application of a sound knowledge of the principles

and theories of pedology, involving soil capability classification, soil physical,

chemical and degradation processes, land use and crop production. Knowledge of

pertinent techniques and practices of hydrogeology, watershed management, agronomy

and air photo interpretation and a familiarity with remote sensing techniques and

public relation methods are also necessary.


Professional Responsibility


A.   Degree 2 - Investigation plans, work progress, results and recommendations are

reviewed by the manager and the Soil Conservation Planning Unit for effectiveness,

consistency with guidelines and programs, and completeness. Data collected and

interpretation of results are accepted as technically accurate.



B.   Degree 2 - Professional guidance is received from the Soil Conservation Planning

Unit and the Service Soil Conservation specialist for new aspects of the work.

Studies and directives are provided, scientific guidelines are established and

administrative guidance is available.

C.   Degree 2 - Work requires identifying soil conservation problems, finding suitable

methods to overcome them, and assisting in the implementation of remedial projects.

D.   Degree 2 - Work of subordinates is reviewed for accuracy, quality and effectiveness.

Reviews literature in the field of soil and water conservation for applicability.

E.   Degree 2 - Results are evaluated and interpreted to provide recommendations and

advice on conservation problems, and meaningful information and reports on

conservation practices.

F.   Degree 3 - Specific technical advice is given to members or officials of the

regional agricultural industry, as well as to immediate superior, colleagues and

senior members of staff on the key soil conservation issues and on the need and type

of remedial actions required.


Management Responsibility


A.   Degree 2 - Assigns work, trains and supervises technicians and casual employees.

B.   Degree 2 - Ensures proper maintenance and use of the equipment, supplies and

facilities allocated for the work.

C.    Degree 2 - Identifies and estimates need for funds, equipment, facilities and

services required for projected work, investigations and remedial action plans.

D.    Degree 2 - Recommends on the need for additional technical assistance to the Area

Manager, for approval.

E.    Degree 2 - Ensures that quality, quantity, safety and other work standards for own

responsibility are maintained.

F.    Degree 3 - Work requires, coordinating related activities with those of other

contributing agencies at federal and provincial levels, municipal officials or

representatives and production extension personnel involved in soil conservation,

drainage and land use changes. Coordinates at field level, multi-agency projects

conducted by the Conservation planning Unit.

G.    Degree 2 - Implements administrative procedures established for the work, attendance

at exhibitions and in the processing of applications for financial assistance to

watershed/conservation districts and individual farmers for implementation of

conservation practices.


Impact of Recommendations and Activities


A.    Degree 2 - Results of the work contribute to the on-going monitoring of Prairie soil

degradation and affect the initiation or continuation of departmental soil

conservation projects, land use policies of municipal government and the drainage

and flood control practices within watershed/conservation districts.

B.   Degree 2 -

(i) Degree 2 - Results of the work and recommendations affect the management and

cropping practices and economic return from the farming operations of

individual farmers with environmental and economic effects on the regional

agricultural sector and on the attitude toward conservations practices.

(ii) Degree 2 - Results of the work contribute to the conservation and long term

productivity of prairie soil resources.

(iii) No significant impact.

(iv) No other significant impacts.

C.   Degree 2 - Information and results contribute knowledge pertaining to the Prairie

soil, soil degradation in the area, effectiveness of soil and water conservation

practices within watershed/conservation districts and long-term productivity of the

prairie soil.



-     Manager, Field Operations Division (Prairie Region) Area Manager, Field Operations (Manitoba)

-    Assistant Area Manager, Land Use

-    Assistant Area Manager, Water Development

-    Coordinator, Construction and Services

*     -    Area Soil Conservationists (3) PC-2

-     Technicians (up to 2) (EG),

-     Casual employee (1)

  • Bench-mark position


Bench-mark Position Number: 5

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Environmental Assessment Officer


Reporting to the Chief, Environmental Assessment and Surveillance Division:


Assesses geotechnical aspects of applications for inter-provincial and international oil and gas pipelines and electric power lines construction: Reviews applicant's submission, analyses and recommendations for thoroughness and applicability of environmental information provided. Assess correctness of the environmental impact statements presented and identifies deficiencies. Identifies the environmental issues involved against the National Energy Board's environmental policies and requirements, assessing the potential impacts of a physical nature for soil erosion, terrain instability, physical soil assessment, soil losses as well as various impacts of a biological nature upon environmental components. Analyses the mitigative and rehabilitative measures and assesses adequacy of the physical environmental protection and mitigative measures against regulatory agency requirements, established practices,

guidelines and recommendations.

Monitors and audits construction and company operational activities on pipeline and power line projects and conducts field studies to ensure conformance with requirements and approved environmental practices. Brings violations or omissions to the attention of the company and the appropriate authorities. Conducts operational audits on pipeline and power line right-of-ways and incident and spill sites and writes reports on finding for the Operation Division.

Provides professional advice to staff members, supervisors and National Energy Board Panel members, on the geographic, geomorphologic, petrologic and related biological impacts of the pipeline or power line application. At public hearings established by the National Energy Board (NEB), evaluates evidence and arguments and prepares reports for board members. Prepares responses for the public on the environmental requirements of the NEB.

Identifies the need for, develops and recommends guidelines and practices for the mitigation of unavailable environmental impacts and rehabilitation of disturbed lands after construction, reviewing terms and conditions to NEB certificates, orders and licenses, and investigating on site the effectiveness of the mitigative techniques used, for efficacy of the terms and conditions in promoting desired activities for achieving acceptable level of restoration of the right-of-ways to satisfy the NEB's responsibilities.

Reports to the Chief and the Project Manager on construction and operational activities, and makes recommendations for required corrective actions.





Kinds of Assignments


A.    Degree 2 - Objectives of the work are clearly defined with the Chief and within

regulations set by the National Energy Board.

B.    Degree 2 - Work normally consists of evaluating and monitoring a number of discrete

applications for pipelines and power lines to assess potential impact and conformance

to environmental practices.



C.    Degree 2 - Activities consist of a number of tasks, such as evaluating, reviewing,

inspecting and reporting on the potential physical impact of pipeline and power line

construction projects, bringing up violations, making recommendation and providing


D.   Degree 2 - Work is planned and approaches determined so that conditions set at

public hearings and need for appropriate timing and levels of surveillance to

monitor construction activities are met.


Complexity of Work


A.    Degree 2 - Information is gathered from industry, interveners and applicant's

submission, available technical reports or by direct inspection of

pipelines/power line construction conditions and activities.

B.    Degree 2 - Data can normally be validated against previous experiences, engineering

standards and similar references.

C.    Degree 2 - Information is characterized by several variables such as soil stability,

meteorological conditions and ecological zone characteristics, with generally known

implications but some of these are poorly defined.

D.    Degree 2 - Relationships between the physical nature of the terrain and the

ecological zone are generally well established.

E.    Degree 3 - The work is affected by the operational activities of contractors,

requirements of interveners, officials from industry, the provinces and others

outside the organization unit.

F.    Degree 3 - Contacts are with others within the Environmental Assessment Division,

experts in other government departments and agencies, industry and other outside

organizations to exchange information, bring up violations, discuss mitigative and

rehabilitative measures, problems and alternative methods concerning construction


G.    Degree 2 - Work requires adapting existing practices, techniques and procedures of

environmental assessment, monitoring and audits to meet the requirements for the

specific pipeline/power line application construction and area rehabilitation.

H.    Degree 2 - Work requires the application of a sound knowledge of the principles,

theories and practices of pedology with emphasis on the physical characteristics of

soils, and involving related biological characteristics, geography and

geomorphology. Familiarity with civil engineering practices, area rehabilitation

technologies and areas of legislation and regulation pertinent to pipeline/power line

construction is also required.


Professional Responsibility


A.    Degree 3 - Work and recommendations are accepted as accurate and are reviewed by the

Chief Environment Assessment and Surveillance Division for soundness of judgment,

attainment of objectives and satisfaction of priorities.

B.    Degree 2 - Professional guidance is available from the supervisor and other

specialists for new work or special technical problems.

C.    Degree 2 - Work requires identifying problems and violations in pipeline and

power line construction submissions, construction and area rehabilitation, and

recommending methods for resolution.

D.    Degree 3 - Submissions from industry are technically reviewed in detail for

conformance with objectives and compliance with regulations.

E.    Degree 2 - Results of analysis, operation and construction activities and conditions

are observed and scientific observations and results are interpreted to produce

meaningful assessments, conclusions or recommendations and remedial actions.



F.   Degree 3 - Specific technical advice is provided to immediate supervisor, Board

Panel members, counsel and other senior staff on environmental matters related to

geotechnical aspects of applications for pipelines and power lines construction.


Management Responsibility


A.   Degree 1 - Work occasionally may require assigning tasks to non-subordinate staff as


B.   Degree 1 - Prepares trip itinerary and logistics and plans the use of equipment and

resources for own inspection and evaluation work.

C.   Degree 1 - Usually limited to the spending of own time and use of equipment and

supplies for own work.

D.   Degree 2 - Recommends on the need and source for outside assistance to the Chief,

for particular assessment, monitoring and other work related to environment and

resources management.

E.   Degree 2 - Ensures that relevant administrative procedure, standards and terms and

conditions are maintained to ensure fulfillment and conformance to requirements and

meet objectives.

F.   Degree 3 - Coordinates field monitoring, audit and study work with relevant

activities of pipeline and electrical power line companies, other agencies and

construction companies. Must co-ordinates the reporting work with the demands and

requirements of regulatory agencies.

G.   Degree 2 - Implements office and field administrative procedures established for

the work and as directed by the Board.


Impact of Recommendations and Activities


A.   Degree 2 - Results of the work affect the continuation of projects related to

applications dealing with oil and gas pipelines and electrical power lines, and the

level and frequency of inspection activities.

B.   Degree 2 -

(i) Degree 2 - Results have economical and technological impact on the pipeline and

power line construction industries, especially if violations of the NEB

regulations are involved.

(ii) Degree 2 - Results contribute to conserving the environment along power line and

pipeline rights-of-way.

(iii) Degree 2 - Results contribute to the control of potentially hazardous

substances (oil, gas and electrical power).

(iv) No other significant impacts.

C.   Degree 2 - Results contribute to knowledge of the environmental aspects and impacts

of pipeline and power line constructions, area terrain stability and particularities,

and to the knowledge and control of adverse environmental effects from the

construction of pipelines and power lines.



-  Assistant Director, Environment Group

-  Chief, Environmental Assessment and Surveillance Division 

-   Senior Environmental Advisor

-   Environmental Assessment Officers (4) PC-2

*     Bench-mark position


Bench-mark Position Number: 6

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Energy and Mineral Commodities Research Officer


Reporting to the Head of the Metallic Mineral Subsection:


Plans, organizes, conducts and evaluates research projects on mineral ore and coal processing aimed at improving knowledge and understanding of unit operations in minerals and coal beneficiation (e.g., communication, classification, gravity separation, froth flotation) for their application. Studies technical literature to determine the best line of attack; contacts other scientists and designs experiments to provide the necessary data, identifies required equipment and material and supervises the progress of experiments; secures mineralogical and chemical analyses, performs X-ray fluorescence analyses, evaluates results and simulates the performance of unit operations using mathematical models.

Plans, organizes and conducts process development projects aimed at improving the recovery of minerals from Canadian ores, e.g., iron ores, sulphide ores, and coals, or evaluating the potential for utilization or exploitation of currently unused resources. Reviews technological developments and applications, visits processing plants to identify shortcomings of present recovery methods and discusses process used in other areas of minerals beneficiation for developing new processes and equipment.

Implements laboratory and pilot-plan trials, supervises the implementation of field trials and instructs industrial personnel in methods and procedures, compiles performance data and formulates a basis for assessing the viability of new processes and equipment. Organizes and supervises the work of support technicians, scheduling, assigning tasks, instructing in experimental procedures, checking and reporting on work performance and maintaining safety standards.

Prepares and discusses with Supervisor technical reports and scientific papers based on experiments and project findings for presentation, publication of technology transfer purposes.

Assists in program development and provides technical information to industry and government, conducting literature surveys and developing research projects for submission, maintaining awareness and analyzing and reporting on problems in the minerals industry considering goals and objectives. Responds to work-related inquiries from industry and government.





Kinds of Assignments


A.    Degree 2 - The objectives of the work are discussed with, and clearly defined by the

Head of the Metallic Minerals Subsection and are influenced by related technological

objectives of industry and other outside organizations.

B.    Degree 2 - The work normally involves a number of discrete medium- to long-term

research projects and process development studies and investigations, for minerals

recovery enhancement, process and unit operations improvements and exploitation of

potential mineral resources.

C.    Degree 2 - The activities differ from one another and consist of a variety of tasks

allied to the conduct of process development projects and development of processes

and equipment by planned laboratory and pilot plant trials and experiments on the

processing of mineral ores and beneficiation of coal; allocating work; producing

technical reports; and, providing advice.



D.  Degree 2 - Projects are organized, experiments planned, approaches determined,

methods selected and work assigned and carried out to ensure that defined

objectives for new or improved recovery of minerals are met.


Complexity of Work


A.    Degree 2 - The work requires obtaining information by direct observation of

laboratory experiments or pilot plant operations and by amassing data from other

recognized sources and using existing or modified experimental techniques.

B.    Degree 2 - Information can normally be validated against standard reference

materials, literature references and comparison with existing mineral recovery


C.    Degree 2 - Information is characterized by several mineral and processing variables

requiring knowledgeable interpretation and an understanding of pilot plant and

full-sized plan correlations, but the implications of the outputs are generally


D.   Degree 2 - Relationships between the variables can normally be established by

straight-forward laboratory investigations or literature surveys, and

inconsistencies in the data can be resolved by repeat observations.

E.    Degree 2 - The work is affected by activities of other scientists within the

organizational unit and occasionally by industry or other outside sources (such as

the provincial regulatory agencies).

F.   Degree 2 - Contacts are normally with other scientists and engineers working in

mineral processing, beneficiation of coal or closely related fields to exchange

information, discuss problems and to transfer technology. Responds to inquiries

from industry and government.

G.    Degree 3 - The work requires designing experiments, developing new techniques and

industrial and experimental procedures, implementing laboratory and pilot plan

trials, and establishing standards for X-Ray Fluorescence analysis and

interpretation of X.R.F. assays.

H.    Degree 2 - Work requires a sound knowledge of minerology (mineral processing) and

the investigational methods used to develop mineral recovery process and involving

physics, mathematics and special knowledge of X-Ray Flurescence methodology and

applications. Familiarity with statistical tools and computers and their use in

producing simulation models is necessary.


Professional Responsibility


A.    Degree 2 - Work is accepted as technically accurate. Evaluations and conclusions

are reviewed for consistency and completeness prior to producing a final report.

B.    Degree 3 - Professional guidance is available from the Subsection Head to deal with

difficult process developments problems or approaches.

C.    Degree 3 - The work requires identifying present recovery method shortcomings and

mineral processing problems, adapting or devising methods and processes for their

resolution, planning required investigations and evaluating the results. While

objectives of the work are discussed with the Head, there is a requirement to define

experiment objectives and to formulate a basis for assessing viability of new

processes and equipment.

D.   Degree 2 - The work of subordinate staff is checked for the application of correct

methods and procedures and ensure work meets objectives and is progressing towards

the aims of the research experiment.

E.    Degree 2 - Scientific observations, results and findings of experiments are

interpreted to produce meaningful reports, information and recommendations.



F.   Degree 2 - Advice is provided to support staff and colleagues within the group and

the industry on mineral processing technology matters.


Management Responsibility


A.    Degree 2 - Supervises two technicians and one term employee performing pilot plant

and laboratory experiments.

B.   Degree 2 - Ensures the proper use of equipment, facilities and supplies allocated to

the support staff for medium- and long-term experiments.

C.   Degree 2 - Appropriate equipment, material and services are identified for the

various research projects and, when allocated, their schedule of use is organized.

D.   Degree 2 - When required, recommends to the Head, on the need for outside contract

or university assistance for supplementary or specialist services.

E.   Degree 2 - Ensures that safety, quality and quantity standards are maintained as

work involves heavy equipment and results can imply industrial process modifications

with their inherent hazards.

F.   Degree 3 - Coordinates project and experiment activities and scheduling with related

work of other scientists and technologists within the organizational unit and with

others collaborating from other laboratories, research organizations and the


G.    Degree 2 - Implements office and laboratory administrative procedures established

for the work.


Impact of Recommendations and Activities


A.    Degree 2 - The direction and continuing operations of the Subsection are affected by

the recommendations and decisions made on the nature of experimental design, the use

of equipment and the limited pilot-plant facilities and by the interpretation of the

results generated.

B.   Degree 3 -

(i)           Degree 3 - Project findings and successful optimization of mineral recovery

processes have technological and economic effects with commensurate savings to

the mineral industry and, to the focus of the research.

(ii)    Degree 2 - Results of the work can contribute to more efficient utilization and

to the development of mineral resources and the exploitation of new mineral


(iii)         No significant impact.

(iv)    No other significant impact.

C.    Degree 2 - Information and results of the work contribute to the knowledge of, and

improvement in methods, techniques and procedures in mineral processing and coal

beneficiation, and efficient extraction processes.



Head, Ore Dressing Section

-    Head, Non-Metal Subsection

-    Technician, Supervisory Technical Subsection

-    Head, Research Technical Subsection

-    Head, Metallic Minerals Subsection

-    Research Scientists (SE-RES-2, 3)

-    Engineer, Research and Development (EN-ENC)

-    Research Officers PC-1

*     -    Energy and Mineral Commodities Research Officer PC-2

-     Technicians (up to 2) (EG)

-    Temporary employee (1)

*     Bench-mark position


Bench-mark Position Number: 7

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Physical Climatologist


Reporting to the Head, Lakes Climatology Unit:


Carries out research studies into the climatic interaction between water bodies, the atmosphere and surrounding land areas and studies hydro-meteorological and climatological problems associated with lakes and reservoirs, particularly evaporation, precipitation and surface water temperature.

Plans, organizes, supervises, and conducts projects to gather hydro-meteorological and surface water temperature data related to lakes and coastal zones, particularly the Great Lakes, provided by satellite remote-sensing for resource management and the development of lake regulation policies and research activities or to meet various users needs and involving the collection, reduction, analysis and interpretation of remotely-sensed data. Determines survey procedure. Modifies existing techniques or develops new ones for data analysis, acquisition, processing and evaluation. Determines and recommends type of archival data required. Directs and supervises the work of technical support staff.

Prepares and reviews environmental impact assessments of the effects of human activities and industrial facilities on reservoirs and other large water bodies. Collects, collates, archives, analyses and evaluates data associated with these studies.

Advises managers within own field of specialization and provides specialized scientific advice and guidance to other climatologists and professionals and acts as representative at project meetings and on committees involved in satellite remote-sensing of water temperature, and lake climatology. Coordinates cooperative study activities and collaborates in research programs. Assists users in determining nature of the requirements and appropriate procedures to arrive at results.

Assists in climatic impact assessment to identify the nature and implications of climatic change for Canadian lakes and reservoirs, relating scientific knowledge of climate to socio-economic concerns, adapting and using methodology such as statistical and multi-disciplinary models for measuring impact, and evaluates the potential socio-economic effects of climate change. Writes reports and provides scientific information and illustrative material such as maps on study and project results or findings. Reviews literature, participates in various working groups and maintains required contacts with other specialists to keep current in climatological methods and techniques, photogrammetry and remote sensing, hydrology and Great Lakes environmental research.





Kinds of Assignments


A.   Degree 3 - Study or project areas and objectives are identified in consultation with

user representatives and discussed and agreed with the Unit Head.       Objectives are

in terms of requirements for scientific support or co-operative studies to provide

scientific data and assessments for water resource management, lake level regulation

and research studies.



B.    Degree 2 - Work normally consists of carrying out a number of climatological search

and data-gathering projets, studying hydrometeorological and climatological problems

and assisting in the assessments of the impact of climatic change and the environ­

mental impact of the effects of facilities or industrial or commercial activities on

lakes and reservoirs, interpreting and evaluating the data and producing reports.

C.    Degree 2 - The work involves undertaking projects or investigations related to

land-air-water interactions on climatological time scales, studying hydro­

meteorological and climatological problems associated with lakes and reservoirs,

gathering hydrometeorological and environmental data relating to lakes and coastal

zones, interpreting data of environmental parameters and the output signals of

sensors from satellite and airborne scientific equipment, allocating work and

providing advice.

D.    Degree 2 - Projects, investigations or studies are planned and conducted; approaches,

type of data and methods for the gathering, analyses and evaluation of the data are

determined and tasks are assigned to ensure objectives are met.


Complexity of Work


A.    Degree 3 - The work requires obtaining, processing and interpreting data of

environmental parameters as provided by various satellite and airborne scientific

equipment in the form of sensor output signals and obtained from the Service, the

Satellite Laboratory and a diversity of other sources. Ways must be devised to

exploit available data to represent over-water conditions as there are few long-term

institutional observations over the lakes and climatological land data. Data may be

difficult to collect and select and must be blended and reduced using various

adaptations of procedures.

B.   Degree 2 - Archived information and data are validated before being entered. Other

data can usually be acceptably validated by comparison with other related analysis

results or literature references.

C.   Degree 3 - Climatological information and data such as pertaining to interactions

between water bodies and the atmosphere, the water bodies with surrounding land

areas and the atmosphere with the land areas are characterized by several variables,

variability, poorly defined variables and some ambiguity, and require interpretation.

D.   Degree 3 - The relationship between four dimensional environment variables

(earth-air-water-time) are inter-related in complex ways, can be conflicting and

require interpretation, interpolation or extrapolation.

E.   Degree 2 - Survey or study work conducted in cooperation with other scientists can

be affected by their activities or by user demands.

F.   Degree 2 - Contacts are with others involved in satellite remote sensing, climatology

and related disciplines to provide or exchange information and participate in the

resolution of problems.

G.   Degree 2 - The work requires the adaptation or modification of analysis techniques

and methods for non-standard situations. Changes in the methods, techniques, and

algorithms used in satellite remote sensing due to innovations in the sensors,

enhanced physical-spectral relationships or increased computer power must be

assessed and incorporated into the present methodologies where appropriate.

H.   Degree 2 - The work requires the application of a sound knowledge of climatology,

meteorology and remote sensing, complemented by a knowledge of the related fields of

physical limnology, air - water interaction, geography and familiarity with the

techniques of socio-economic data analysis and computer programming.



Professional Responsibility


A.    Degree 2 - The work requires the completion of assignments, the interpretation of

results and the preparation of the report. Work is reviewed by the Head on

conclusion of the assignment.

B     Degree 2 - Professional guidance is available on studies and assessment involving

new satellite remote sensing methods, techniques and algorithms such as due to

innovations in sensors enhanced physical-spectral relationships and greater

computer power.

C.    Degree 2 - The work requires the use of judgment in recognizing problems, selecting

approaches, interpreting analyses, adapting methodologies and resolving technical

difficulties or to determine the corrections required to the radiation measurements

for the effects of the atmosphere in the derivation of surface water temperature.

D.    Degree 2 - The work of support staff is reviewed in progress and on completion to

determine effectiveness of methods and validity of conclusions. The results of

analyses of contractor's work are evaluated for acceptability of results and the

requirements to modify existing projects.

E.    Degree 2 - The scientific observations and the results of studies and analysis must

be interpreted, blended or reduced for meaningful reporting and dissemination.

F.    Degree 2 - Advice is provided to climatologists, professionals within the Service

and other government departments, universities and private industry on matters

pertaining to physical climatology and within area of specialization.


Management Responsibilities


A.    Degree 2 - The work requires the supervision of a support staff consisting of one

technician, a clerk and seasonal or term employees.

B.    Degree 2 - Ensures proper use of the equipment and supplies allocated to particular

survey, study or project.

C.    Degree 2 - Resources are identified for each assignment including the requirement

for collaborative work from staff of another work unit when required for the work.

D.    Degree 3 - Substantiates the need and expenditures of funds for outside expertise

and develops the specifications for work to be done under contract, identifies

suitable sources and arranges for available assistance.

E.    Degree 2 - Monitors progress of contracted work and the work of support staff, and

ensures that quality and quantity standards are met.

F.    Degree 2 - Coordinates cooperative study activities with other scientists in the

Service and agencies such as when required to obtain the interdiscipline information

necessary for Great Lakes studies.

G.   Degree 2 - Implements office and field administrative procedures established for the



Impact of Recommendations


A.   Degree 3 - Information and results of the work are used in the elaboration of, and

can affect lake level regulation policies and influence conclusions and recommenda­tions on Great Lakes observing networks and studies related to this research. Data and analyses support relevant ongoing work of units of the Federal and Provincial governments in Canada, U.S. Federal and State agencies, universities and private industry. Information and advice are considered as authoritative within the field of the work of the position.



B.   Degree 2 -

(i) Degree 2 - Results of the work and their effect on regulation can impact on

particular installation process using water as a resource.

(ii) Degree 2 - Results of the work contribute to the management of the water

resources for protecting and conserving Canada's surface water resources.

(iii) No significant impact.

(iv) No other significant impact.

C.   Degree 2 - Effective exploitation of available data, meaningful interpretation of

output signals of sensors, sound extrapolation and interpolation of data, and

meaningful result presentation contribute to the knowledge in a field of work where

few long term institutional observations exist, and to a greater understanding of




Superintendent, Lakes and Marine Applications

Head, Lakes Climatology Unit

*         -     Physical Climatologist (Networks and Surveys) PC-2 

-      Technician

-     Clerk

-     Summer Student(s)

-     Term Employee(s)

*     Bench-mark position


Bench-mark Position Number: 8

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Aquatic Scientist, Monitoring and Field Studies


Reporting to the Head Monitoring and Surveys Division:


Plans, organizes and conducts aquatic ecosystem and environmental quality surveys, monitoring studies and projects in the Atlantic Region, to obtain and analyze information and scientific data on the state of the aquatic ecosystem, for water resource management, quality control and required reporting. Reviews and assesses impact on aquatic ecosystem of industrial development plans, water utilization and land-use proposals and effects of hydrologic dynamics, atmospheric, demography, geography and watershed geology. Reviews and interprets available multi-disciplinary data information and identifies and recommends on data requirements, required survey and trend monitoring studies and necessary equipment and resources to meet work objectives.

Determines the environmental parameters (e.g., physical, hydrological, chemical, biological) and matrices (e.g., sediment, surface/groundwater, precipitation and biota) to be measured; determines monitoring and survey locations considering such factors as geology, geomorphology, land use activities, basin size, stream flow and gradients; the sampling and measuring techniques, discussing the analytical method with staff of the Analytical Service Division, the parameter capabilities, the samples preservation and handling techniques for sediment, water and biota; develops optimum sampling frequencies considering the various factors and site specific information; and, directs the collection and ensures the preservation and integrity of the samples. Modifies, evaluates and ensures proper installation and maintenance of instruments and equipment used and recommends monitoring applications and testing of new sensing instruments.

Analyses, evaluates and interprets the data gathered on water, sediment, aquatic biota and precipitation and their relationships, relating data to water quality objectives and guidelines for determining the fate and pathways, dissipation rates and sinks of toxics, defining problems, reporting on level and tendencies of pollutants and forecasting potential danger trends; to provide scientific and technical evidences of baseline conditions, emerging issues, state of aquatic quality, spatial and temporal trends, effectiveness of water resource management compliance with aquatic quality objectives and monitoring agreements or for recommendations on future actions.

Consults scientists of other agencies on methods used for assembling, analyzing and interpreting the data and dissemination of the results. Selects and adapts computerized and statistical analysis techniques, consolidates and processes environmental data from various sources and data bases for developing models, describing environmental processes, seasonal patterns, and long term trends of Long Range Transported Air Pollutants (LRTAP) parameters or for assembling, analyzing and interpreting hydrological cycle data.

Determines field survey logistic support and establishes requirement time-schedule, coordinates activities with other agencies' scientists involved in joint or cooperative studies. Assigns work to support staff, supervises and provides instructions and guidance, and recommends on training needs.

Writes study reports and papers for presentation and prepares proposals for enhanced monitoring, specific studies, and cooperative projects. Participates on study groups, committees and joint projects with engineers and scientists of other disciplines for the planning of sediment, limnological, hydrological and precipitation studies.





Kind of Assignments


A.   Degree 2 - The objective of the environmental survey, monitoring and assessment work

performed are clearly defined by the Head.

B.   Degree 2 - The work involves organizing and carrying out a number of detailed

field studies, surveys or project on the state of the aquatic resource and the

effects of various factors or conditions on its quality and sustainability and

participating on joint projects and cooperative studies of a multi-disciplinary


C.   Degree 2 - The activities involve organizing, carrying out and supervising

monitoring and survey activities and related sampling and measurement work in the

field; gathering and assessing environmental data; preparing study reports and

scientific papers on findings, problems and trends; allocating work and instructing

support staff.

D.   Degree 2 - The work requires planning the monitoring and field survey activities,

determining the environmental parameters and matrices to be measured, the locations,

approaches and techniques for the measuring and the sampling, and the data analysis

work to meet established objectives.


Complexity of Work


A.   Degree 2 - Information and data are usually obtained from field survey observations,

monitoring devices and recording instruments, river, lake and groundwater water,

sediment and biological samples, analytical results and, measurements of environ­

mental parameters and matrices, as well as from other studies, scientific reports by

other agencies or publications from recognized sources.

B.   Degree 2 - Information and data can normally be validated using known procedures for

repeat measurements and confirmation sampling or by reference to related literature.

C.   Degree 3 - The information and data pertaining to the diversity of factors affecting

aquatic quality and the sustainability of the water resource, the parameters and

matrices to be measured, the measurement and sampling location and frequencies, and

the toxic substances and their transformation are characterized by several variables

involving interpretation, poorly defined variability and ambiguities.

D.   Degree 3 - The relationships between the diverse gathered data to be interpreted,

the variables affecting the measurements, location, sampling, and the assessments

required, the environmental parameters and matrices to be measured and the issues

under investigation, can be conflicting and require investigation, synthesizing and


E.   Degree 2 - Work is normally affected by the activities and requirements of others

within the organizational unit and of other scientists outside the unit when

participating on joint field surveys, projects or cooperative studies.

F.   Degree 3 - Contacts are with scientists and engineers on joint or related studies or

projects for resolving problems, exchanging information and for participation on

cooperative studies with scientists of other branches or departments, and agencies

of other governments involved in the control of aquatic environmental quality.

G.   Degree 2 - The work requires adapting or modifying sampling and measuring techniques

for the parameters to me measured, making modifications to monitoring devices,

measuring and recording instruments and adapting data processing and statistical

analysis methods for the work.

H.   Degree 2 - The work requires the application of a sound knowledge of physical

geography involving hydrology, geology and limnology complemented by sufficient famil­iarity with theories and practices of work related disciplines such as climatology,

biology and chemistry that are pertinent to the work. Familiarity with statistical

analysis methods and computer application is also required.



Professional Responsibility

A. Degree 2 - Measurement, results of analysis and assessment work are accepted as technically correct. Recommendations and conclusions are discussed with other scientists and reviewed by the Head for consistency and completeness.

B. Degree 3 - Professional guidance on the resolution of new and difficult studies or monitoring problems can be obtained from the Head, higher level scientists or from scientists in other disciplines related to the work.

C.    Degree 2 - The work requires identifying monitoring and survey problems, defining information and data needed, determining the environmental parameters and matrices to be measured, the monitoring and survey location and the sampling frequencies. Approaches and suitable techniques are identified to deal with measurement, data acquisition and analysis difficulties.

D.    Degree 3 - The work requires reviewing related scientific proposals, results and methods used in the field of water quality monitoring, surveillance and pollution control, from scientists of other organizations, to assess their applicability to current or planned studies. Reviews and assesses development plans and proposals of specific industries as to validity of data and completeness for assessment of impact on aquatic quality.

E.    Degree 2 - Own and subordinates scientific observations, monitoring and survey findings, sampling results and calculations must be synthesized and interpreted to provide meaningful conclusions, recommendations or reports.

F.   Degree 3 - Advice on data and findings interpretation and applied techniques is provided to other scientists and the superior. Provides technical advice to colleagues and guidance to support staff on monitoring and aquatic quality survey work, the measuring, testing and sampling equipment and the quality assurance techniques to be used.

Management Responsibility

A.   Degree 2 - Work requires supervision of support staff consisting of one scientist and one technician.

B.    Degree 2 - Ensures the proper installation and maintenance of monitoring devices,

instruments and other equipment and supplies allocated for the work.

C.    Degree 2 - Determines the requirements for resources and recommends on the need for

instrumentation and other equipment.

D.    Degree 3 - Substantiates the needs, defines specific requirements for consultant studies and the technical scope of contracted monitoring or survey work and services, and arrange for available assistance.

E.  Degree 2 - Ensures that work quality, quantity and safety standards and guidelines are maintained.

F.  Degree 3 - The work often requires coordinating related activities with those of other scientists or groups within the Branch, other departments or agencies of other governments participating in joint surveys and studies or using work results.

G.   Degree 2 - Implements field and other administrative and safety procedures and guidelines established for the work.

Impact of Recommendations and Activities                                                             2

A.   Degree 2 - Information and results of the work and recommendations affect the intensity and direction of the monitoring, survey and required reporting activities and the water resource management practices in the region.

B.   Degree 3 -

(i) Degree 2 - Results of the work and recommendation on industrial and urban development proposals can have technological or economic effects on the sector of industry that use water as a resource and influence decisions on expenditures to enhance or protect the aquatic environment.

(ii) Degree 3 - Results of the work and recommendations affect the environmental quality, the state of the aquatic ecosystem and sustainability of the water resource.

(iii) Degree 2 - Results of the work and recommendation contribute to the preservation of the availability and the enhancement of the quality of water used by urban community.

(iv) No other significant impact.

C. Degree 2 - Result of surveys, studies and monitoring work and assessments contribute knowledge on the state of the aquatic resource of the region, the factors affecting its quality and sustainability, and on effective water resource management practices.

LINEAR ORGANIZATION CHARTChief, Water Quality Branch, Atlantic Region -     Head, Monitoring and Surveys

* -     Aquatic Scientist, Monitoring and Field Studies PC-2

-    Aquatic Scientists PC-1 (Term)

-     Technician (EG)

-    Aquatic Scientists, Assessment PC-2

-    Specialist, Toxic Assess. (CH-1)

-     Instrument and Data System (EL-7)

-     Computer Programmer (CS-1)

-     Data Processor (DA-PRO-4)

*    Bench-mark position


Bench-mark Position Number: 9

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Field Experiment Support Scientist


Reporting to the Chief of the Experimental Studies Division, Atmospheric Research Directorate:


Plans, organizes and conducts activities pertaining to field experiments for the measurement of atmospheric trace gases and as part of the joint effort of the division's scientists, using stratospheric balloons launched from disparate and remote locations and a variety of instrumental techniques (e.g. spectrophotometry, interferometry, radiometry).

Develops new or improved techniques, space instrumentation and electronic and computer control systems. Designs and implements laboratory calibration procedures for flight instrumentation. Schedules the preparation of the instrumentation for field projects. Assesses the readiness and success probability of payload instrumentation for required logistical decision and launch planning. Directs the work of technical support staff and oversees the integration into, and the testing of the instrumentation in

the balloon payload before flights, and monitors and reports on the operational status and effectiveness of the instruments during the mission.

Analyzes, interprets and evaluates the data gathered in the measurement programs for information on

the distribution and temporal and spatial variability of stratospheric gases, developing analysis procedure, reducing data using computer and writing programs when required to integrate physical parameters measured, and process resulting data set, making critical assessments of the data and results of the analysis obtained, and developing models to show the source, movement and fate of atmospheric trace gases.

Designs and develops remote sensing instrumentation involving the application of optical design technique and microprocessor technology and the development of control software for experimental micro-computer operated instrumentation.

Advises and provides technical guidance in own field of specialization and on specialized software development for micro-computers to members of related projects and others within the Division. Recommends external support including the use and the acquisition of new equipment and software when appropriate.





Kinds of Assignments


A.   Degree 2 - Objectives are defined by the chief and in consultation with the project

scientists and are in terms of the instrumentation required and the particular expe­riments to be conducted for specific scientific measurements of stratospheric gases.

B.   Degree 2 - The work consists of a number of discrete projects or research studies

involving the development and monitoring of instrumentation and the analysis,

assessment and interpretation of measurement data concerning stratospheric gases as

part of joint scientific efforts.

C.   Degree 2 - The work involves planning and conducting relevant phases of field

experiments requiring the development of electro-optical instrumentation, the

integration into, and the testing of the instrumentation in the balloon payload, the

monitoring during the mission, the analysis of the measurement data gathered, the

provision of advice and the allocation of work to technical support staff.



D.   Degree 2 - Plans, organizes and conducts the development, preparation, integration

and testing of the instrumentation, determines the approaches, selects the measure­ment data gathering techniques and analysis method, and determine the type and content of study report to meet the particular experiment objective.


Complexity of Work


A.   Degree 3 - Data obtained from infrequent and difficult field ventures, and raw data

need extensive refinement and require difficult evaluation to yield results.

B.   Degree 3 - Data can only be verified and this only over a period of time by

inter comparing a large number of results, work published by other researchers and by

comparison to internal measurements obtained by different techniques.

C.   Degree 3 - Information and data pertaining to the instrumental measurement and

capture of, and the information data concerning the source, movement and distribution

of stratospheric gases, their temporal and spatial variability and their fate are

characterized by several variables, poorly defined variability and some ambiguities.

D.   Degree 3 - Relationships between variables affecting the success probability of

payload instrumentation or the instrumental measurement of the distribution and

temporal and spatial variability of stratospheric gases, their source, movement and

fate can be conflicting and require careful analysis, interpretation and assessment.

E.   Degree 2 - Logistical decisions must be made and procedures arranged in concert w ch

other scientists using the balloon gondola. Work is normally affected by others n

the same group and to a lesser extent by external scientists involved in the balloon

launch programs or collaborating in the research.

F.   Degree 2 - Contacts are with other scientists involved in the area of atmospheric

gas research and with contractors, to exchange information on the work and discuss


G.   Degree 3 - The work requires the development of analytical remote sensing techniques

and instrumental techniques for the capture and the measurement of the scientific

data required and of effective procedures for their analysis.

H.   Degree 2 - The work requires the appreciation of a sound knowledge of physics with

particular emphasis on dynamics of gases, optics, solid state physics, electronic

and meteorology, complemented by familiarity with pertinent practices of other

disciplines, e.g. photometry, spectroscopy, chemistry and mechanics, engineering,

computer science.


Professional Responsibility


A.   Degree 2 - Studies and reports summarizing results of research project are discussed

with other scientists concerned with the results and publishing. Project work is

reviewed by the Chief for consistency and completeness.

B.   Degree 3 - Little technical direction is provided. Professional advice on the

resolution of the difficult problems can be obtained from the Division Chef or from

other scientists in related fields or cooperating in the research.

C.   Degree 3 - The work requires identifying problems and new avenues for the capture of

measurements data by remote sensing, devising effective instrumentation and control

systems, and determining approaches to resolve problems.

D.   Degree 2 - The work of technical support staff is reviewed for quality and validity

of testing results and conclusions. Project proposals pertaining to area of

specialization are evaluated for feasibility and recommendations.

E.   Degree 2 - Scientific observations, measurements, data and results of research are

interpreted to produce meaningful conclusions, reports and recommendations.

F.  Degree 3 - Specific advice pertaining to technological approaches and required

instrumentation and control systems design and development within own field of

specialization is provided to scientists working in the same or related field.

Guidance on technical matters is provided to other scientists contributing to the

work and to technical support staff.



Management Responsibility


A.    Degree 2 - Directs the work and trains a varying number of support staff in the

specialized tasks required by the research, and oversees and monitors progress of

work to ensure timely completion and meet the objectives.

B.    Degree 2 - Controls the use and maintenance of allocated scientific equipment.

C.    Degree 2 - Identifies requirements for equipment, the services required and the

acquisition of scientific instrumentation and material for the design and

construction of space remote sensing instrumentation, and recommends on technical

resources allocation for the project.

D.    Degree 2 - Recommends the need for external support when required.

E.    Degree 2 - Monitors and insures that quality and quantity of the work meet standards

and recommends changes to the daily routine in the lab and in the field to improve

work efficiency and for successful and timely completion of project.

F.   Degree 2 - Coordinates activities with other scientists supporting the project

within the division and with outside groups such as university and other government

groups in completing project and the publication of joint study results.

G.   Degree 2 - Implements administrative and field procedures established for the work.


Impact of Recommendations and Activities


A.   Degree 2 - Results of the work and recommendations on technical matters related to

the Not Balloon Measurement Program, impact on the design and purchase of the

equipment for the stratospheric measurement data gathering and affect the schedule

and number of balloon projects or the continuation of balloon launch experiments.

B.   Degree 2 -

(i)    Degree 2 - Results of the work may lead to the regulatory control of

stratopheric polluting products or industrial process technology.

(ii)    Degree 2 - Results of the work contribute to the improvement of the protection

and conservation of the environment.

(iii)       Degree 2 - Results of the work contribute stratospheric pollution information

needed for regulation aimed at safeguarding public health.

(iv)    No other significant impact.

C.   Degree 3 - Development of new instrumental methods to measure stratospheric

constituents and results of experiments affects the development and testing of hypo­

thesis about the stratosphere by other scientists and contribute to the enhancement

of basic scientific knowledge about the stratosphere and to a better understanding

of stratospheric photochemistry, the source, movements and fate of atmospheric trace

gases and the effects of anthropoqenic alterations to the upper atmosphere.



Director, Atmospheric Processes Research Branch

*    Chief, Experimental Studies Division

-     Field Experiment Support Scientist PC-2

-    Technicians

-    Field Experiment Support Scientist PC-1

-    Satellite Data Scientist PC-2

-    Space Shuttle Scientist PC-2

-    Research Scientists (RES-3)

-    Project Physical Scientist PC-2

-   Radiatiometer Systems Technology (EG) * Bench-mark position


Bench-mark Position Number: 10

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Scientific Evaluator, Medical Devices


Reporting to the Head, Pre-market Review Section:


Evaluates the physics data contained in medical device submissions subject to pre-market review, such as devices implanted for intimate contact with living tissue for long periods of time, to determine the acceptability of the device in meeting standards of safety and efficacy. Adapts the scientific approach and methodology in the evaluation process and conducts a scientific appraisal of the physics data to validate the claims of the manufacturer.

Evaluates the design theory, principles and modes of operation, physical performance parameters, safety factors, potential for failure and fragility and sensitivity to interferences by external effects and forces to arrive at sound scientific conclusions concerning the performance, safety and efficacy of the device.

Reviews all labeling requirements and manufacturer's claims to ensure compliance with the Medical Devices Regulations. Determines whether the proposed manufacturing and quality control standards for the medical device are acceptable to ensure the safety of operation and stability in the clinical performance of the device.

Plans, collaborates in, and conducts test systems to assess critical characteristics, analyses physical data, and carries out theoretical calculations to determine compliance with performance standards.

Prepares a detailed report summarizing the findings and judgments reached, identifies problem areas and deficiencies, informs the manufacturer of requirements and areas for further device or data development, formulates a comprehensive recommendation concerning acceptance or rejection of the submission and provides a scientific rationale for the conclusion.

Conducts a continual study and review of medical device design theory, manufacturing processes and modes of use affecting device safety, and provides advice on the identification of potential hazards and deficiencies associated with new or existing medical devices.

Develops and recommends guidelines and criteria of acceptance for new medical devices subject to pre-market review.

Assists in the development of research proposals in problem areas relating to test procedures, medical device standards and other physics problems identified during the evaluation of medical device submissions to ensure that timely and relevant research is carried out within the Branch, and that Canadian standards for medical devices are developed when required.



Kind of Assignments


A.    Degree 3 - Objectives are defined by the Section Head in terms of assignments

involving the scientific appraisal of the physics data of several evaluation

submissions for medical devices subject to pre-market review.

B.    Degree 3 - The work involves the comprehensive evaluation and assessment of the

physics data in medical device submissions to determine the acceptability of the

device in meeting standards of safety and efficacy.

C.    Degree 3 - The work involves the evaluation and assessment of physical,

biomechanical, engineering and electronic data, the review of manufacturing

processes, clinical performance, potential for failure and sensitivity to inter­ferences, a critical review of proposed standards and test procedures, and the provision of advice.

D.    Degree 3 - Adapts scientific approaches and methodologies, and plans, organizes and

conducts a broad diversity of studies and evaluations of the physics data and

submissions pertaining to the medical devices subject to pre-market review, their

design theory, principles and mode of operation, performance safety, manufacturing

process, and the identification of potential hazards and deficiencies of new or

existing medical devices.


Complexity of Work



A.    Degree 4 - The work requires obtaining information from a critical review of

submitted data, and requesting the development and submission of specific additional

data for new medical devices for which there is often no information available in the

scientific literature and no published standards. The only information available is

that supplied by the device manufacturer in the submission and requires

interpretation and selection to use.

B.    Degree 3 - The information and data supplied by medical device manufacturers can

normally be validated by a critical review of the physics data, laboratory based

investigations and detailed literature referencing.

C.    Degree 4 - The information and data contained in submissions relating to new medical

devices and novel theories and modes of operation may include complicated and

conflicting technical data and ambiguous information on physical characteristics,

biocompability of materials and clinical performance. Judgments as to the

acceptability of the data must be made.

D.    Degree 4 - Relationships between the physics data submitted, clinical performance,

potential for failure and sensitivity to interference are complicated and require

critical evaluation and review to resolve conflicts and interpretation problems.

E.    Degree 3 - The work is frequently affected by the activities of other scientists and

evaluators providing or requesting additional information on the physics aspects of

the submissions.

F.    Degree 3 - Contacts are with scientists and officials of the medical device industry

and other agencies to exchange information, resolve differences or problems and

provide advice.

G.    Degree 3 - The work requires adapting the scientific approach and methodologies in

the evaluation process to suit the unique requirements, and each submission.

H.    Degee 4 - The work requires the application of a thorough knowledge of the

principles, theories and practices of physics involving physical chemistry,

engineering physics, bioengineering and electronics and a good knowledge of medical

device manufacturing technologies.



Professional Responsibility


A.   Degree 3 - Approaches to conducting scientific evaluations and final recommendations

and conclusions are reviewed for soundness of judgment.

B.   Degree 3 - Professional guidance is received from the Section Head on the interpretation of ambiguous physics data or on the resolution of difficult problems.

C.   Degree 3 - The work requires identifying problems with medical device design, perfor­mance or manufacture, incomplete, missing or biased data, and conclusions, and

adapting scientific approaches and methodologies for the evaluation of medical device

submissions and the resolution of difficult problems.

D.   Degree 3 - The results and findings of other scientists in the area of medical device

physics are reviewed for appropriateness in assessing medical device submissions.

E.   Degree 3 - Physics data, results and conclusions are interpreted to determine the

validity and acceptability of data contained in medical device submissions.

F.   Degree 3 - Advice is given to other scientists on the interpretation of physical data

and to officials in the medical device industry on the acceptability of proposed

device standards.


Management Responsibility


A.    Degree 1 - As applicable, work is assigned to non-subordinate support staff.

B.    Degree 1 - Plans the use of equipment and supplies for own work.

C.    Degree 1 - Limited to the spending of own time and to the use of equipment and

supplies for own work.

D.   Degree 1 - Outside assistance, when required, is requested from the Section Head.

E.    Degree 1 - Complies with administrative procedures, directives and guidelines

established for the work.

F.   Degree 3 - Coordinates the collection of additional physics information from medical

device manufacturers, and investigations and scientific appraisals with other


G.    Degree 1 - Follows administrative and safety procedures established for the work.


Impact of Recommendations and Activities


A.    Degree 3 - Results and decisions of scientific appraisals are used in the

administration of the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations in general, and in the

clearance of individual medical device submissions, as well as in the development of

Canadian standards for medical devices.

B.    Degree 3 -

(i) Degree 3 - Recommendations, advice and results of the work affect the regulatory

approval and control of medical devices and may lead to economic or

technological effects on the medical device industry.

(ii) No significant impact.

(iii) Degree 3 - Recommendations, advice, and results of the work affect the approval

of medical devices in Canada and contribute to the establishment of standards

which ensure the continued safety and efficacy of each device sold in Canada.

(iv) No other significant impacts.

C.    Degree 3 - The evaluation of the submitted physics data and the development of

research proposals provide knowledge and improved understanding of the physics of

medical devices.


Linear OrganizationChart

Chief, Pre-market Division

Head, Pre-market Review Section

*     -     Scientific Evaluators, Medical Devices (3) PC-3 - Scientific Evaluators, Medical Devices (4) (BI)

-          Scientific Reviewers (2) (BI)

                                    * Bench-mark position


Bench-mark Position Number: 11

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Standards Development Officer, Medical Devices


Reporting to the Head, Standards and Testing Section:


Organizes and carries out projects to develop and establish new national and international safety, performance and labeling standards, either as mandatory requirements under the Food and Drugs Act, or as voluntary standards in cooperation with extra-governmental standards-writing organizations.

Assesses and interprets scientific information and data and resolves conflicting infor­mation concerning the safety and effectiveness of medical devices, such as anesthesia equipment, cardiac life support systems, infusion pumps, computer assisted monitoring equipment and prosthetic devices to assemble an accurate data base for standards development.

Establishes acceptable safety, physical performance and disclosure criteria for classes of medical devices, in consultation with other scientists, health profession user groups, manufacturers, professional associations, domestic, foreign and international standards-writing organizations in government and industry.

Organizes and coordinates work with outside advisory committees to provide advice to the Branch on the content of medical device standards, and represents the Branch as a scientific expert on independent standards development committees of organizations such as the Canadian Standards Association and International Organization for Standardization developing voluntary standards for use by the industry and for adoption by the Branch.

Drafts detailed and comprehensive standards for medical devices, and ensures the scientific and technical adequacy of the draft regulations through all stages of review, revision and approval. Develops test procedures and specifications and provides advice on their use for the monitoring and regulatory compliance programs in the Branch.

Designs and conducts theoretical studies and laboratory based physics experiments to evaluate risks and benefits of medical device classes, such as electro-surgery units, anesthetic gas-handling machines, infant incubators and micro-controlled infusion pumps to provide information for setting priorities, and to recommend appropriate solutions to identified problems. Develops theoretical models of the physical processes involved in device operation, malfunction and failure and tests the models through calculations, laboratory experiments or computer simulations to predict the behavior of devices under clinical conditions, misuse, or failure. Conducts studies and surveys to assess the scientific and economic feasibility of establishing standards for high-priority medical devices.

Conducts a continual study and review of medical device design theory, manufacturing processes and modes of use affecting device safety, and provides advice, based on a recognized expertise on the physics aspects of safety performance, effectiveness and reliability of complex medical devices to medical practitioners, standards-writing organizations, and scientists and officials in the medical device manufacturing industry, health care system and government agencies.



Kind of Assignments                                                                                3

A.   Degree 3- Objectives are defined by the Section Head in terms of assignments

involving the development of technical standards, the scientific appraisal of the

physics data, and the conduct of laboratory based physics experiments to evaluate

risks for several classes of medical devices.

B.   Degree 3- The work involves comprehensive studies to evaluate medical device risks

and assess the requirement for standards, and the conduct of cooperative projects to

develop technical standards.

C.   Degree 3- The work involves the evaluation and assessment of physical, biomechanical,

engineering and electronic data, the conduct of theoretical and laboratory based

studies, the identification of requirements and the development of technical

standards, and the provision of advice.

D.   Degree 3- Plans, organizes, coordinates and performs a broad diversity of scientific

evaluations and laboratory based studies to identify and evaluate medical device

performance, health risks, establish safety and physical performance and disclosure

criteria for classes of medical devices, and plans and conducts comprehensive

projects to develop technical standards for classes of medical devices.

Complexity of Work                                                                                    4


A.   Degree 3- The work requires obtaining information and data from a critical review of

scientific data obtained from the manufacturer or in the scientific literature, or

from the conduct of theoretical studies and laboratory based physics experiments.

B.   Degree 3 - The information and data supplied by medical device manufacturers can

normally be validated by a critical review of the physics data, laboratory based

investigations and detailed literature referencing.

C.   Degree 4 - The information and data used in the development of technical standards

for medical devices may include complicated and conflicting technical data and

ambiguous information on physical characteristics, biocompability of materials and

clinical performance. Judgments as to the acceptability of the data must be made.

D.    Degree 4 - Relationships between the physics data submitted, clinical performance,

potential for failure and sensitivity to interference are complicated and require

critical evaluation and review to resolve conflicts and interpretation problems.

E.   Degree 3- The work is frequently affected by the activities of other scientists,

health professionals, and international standards organizations providing information

on the performance characteristics and health and safety risks of medical devices.

F.    Degree 3 - Contacts are with scientists and officials of the medical device industry,

other government departments and agencies, such as Atomic Energy Control Board,

Transport, Labor, Justice, Communications and National Research Council, national

and international standards organizations, and with health professionals to exchange

information, resolve differences or problems and provide advice.

G.    Degree 4- The work requires the design of theoretical studies and laboratory based

physics experiments, and the development of theoretical models and test procedures

for the identification and measurement of medical device hazards.

H.    Degree 4 - The work requires the application of a thorough knowledge of the

principles, theories and practices of physics involving physical chemistry,

bio-physics, engineering physics, bioengineering and electronics and a good

knowledge of medical device manufacturing technologies.



Professional Responsibility


A.   Degree 3 - Approaches to identifying specific risks and requirements for standards

development, and final recommendation and conclusions concerning medical device

standards are reviewed for soundness of judgment.

B.   Degree 3 - Professional guidance is received from the Section Head on the

interpretation of ambiguous physics data or on the resolution of difficult problems

such as involving conflicting scientific information and relating to safety and

effectiveness of sophisticated and complex devices, scientific and economic

feasibility of establishing standards for particular high priority medical devices

or to solve special problems concerning medical devices, compliance, violation,

protocols and regulations.

C.   Degree 3 - The work requires identifying problems with medical device design,

performance or manufacture, determining approaches for resolution including the

development of standards, and organizing projects for the development of specific

medical device technical standards.

D.  Degree 3 - The results and findings of other scientists, health professionals, and

standards-writing organizations in the area of medical device physics are reviewed

for appropriateness in assessing medical device hazards and technical standards.

E.   Degree 3 - Physics data, results and conclusions are interpreted to determine the

validity and acceptability of data for use in the development of technical standards

for medical devices.

F.   Degree 4- Advice based on a recognized expertise on the physics aspects of safety

performance, effectiveness and reliability of complex medical devices is given to

medical practitioners, standards-writing organizations, and scientists and officials

in the medical device manufacturing industry, health care system and government



Management Responsibility


A.  Degree 1 - As applicable, work is assigned to non-subordinate support staff.

B.   Degree 1 - Plans the use of equipment and supplies for own work.

C.   Degree 1 - Limited to the spending of own time and to the use of equipment and

supplies for own work.

D.   Degree 3 - Organizes expert advisory committees to provide advice to the Branch on

the content of medical device standards.

E.    Degree 1 - Complies with administrative procedures, directives and guidelines

established for the work.

F.   Degree 3 - Coordinates the collection of additional physics information from medical

device manufacturers, health profession users, international standards-writing

organizations and outside advisory groups.

G.    Degree 1 - Follows administrative and safety procedures established for the work.


Impact of Recommendations and Activities


A.   Degree 3 - Results and decisions of scientific assessments and projects are used in

the identification of medical device hazards, the development of regulatory stan­dards, and in the ongoing monitoring and regulatory compliance control of medical

devices under the Food and Drugs Act.

B.   Degree 3 -

(i) Degree 3 - Recommendations, advice and results of the work affect the develop­ment of technical standards and the regulatory control of medical devices and may lead to economic or technological effects on the medical device industry.



(ii) No significant impact.

(iii) Degree 3 - Recommendations, advice, and results of the work result in the

establishment of standards which ensure the continued safety and efficacy of

medical devices sold in Canada.

(iv) No other significant impacts.

C.   Degree 3 - The evaluation and assessment of the physics data associated with safety

risks, and the development of performance and safety standards provide knowledge and

improved understanding of the physics of medical devices.


Linear Organization Chart

Chief, Research and Standards Division Head, Standards and Testing Section

*     -     Standards Development Officer, Med. Devices PC-3 (2)

-     Test Methods Development Engineer (EN)

-     Standards Development Officer, Med. Devices (BI)

-     Standards Development Officer, Med. Devices (EN)

* Bench-mark position


Bench-mark Position Number: 12

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Senior Isotopic Analyst, Mass Spectrometry


Reporting to the Head, Geochronology Section:


Plans, organizes, conducts and controls the isotopic measurement of elemental abundances of uranium, lead, rubidium, strontium, samarium, neodymium, etc. in geological samples for determining U-Pb, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, etc., and the geological ages and other related information for the Geochronology Section, a National Center providing age determinations to the various Divisions of the Geological Survey of Canada, provincial geological surveys, academics and other organizations.

Supervises the work of subordinate staff and the operation of state-of-the-art solid source mass spectrometers for the measurement of isotopic and elemental abundances in geological samples and the reduction of the mass spectrometric data to provide isotopic and elemental abundance of U-Pb, etc. Maintains quality control over the analytical results, defines and measures instrumental biases and provides compensatory corrections to results. Derives algorithms describing the properties of ion collectors and electrometers and adapts for precise correction of isotope ratios.

Determines geological ages of rocks and minerals, discussing age determination projects with field geologists, and using appropriate methods. Measures the isotopic composition of common lead, interprets results, develops and use mathematical models of common lead evolution and prepares reports, programming and using computer for calculations and graphics.

Interprets and discusses the results with other scientists and provides advises on problems and reliability concerning the isotopic data and their interpretation or to assist in the feasibility assessment and design of new exploration projects, and discusses matters of scientific concerns with other scientists from Canadian and foreign institutions.

Develops new methods of analysis, such as methods to reduce duration of analysis, develops, designs and implements new sample handling and measuring equipment to enhance the sensitivity of mass spectrographs to meet the requirements of level isotopic analysis, generating new developments and techniques contributing to advances in the physics of mass spectrometry and spectrometric analysis to optimize results, enhance accuracy or solve problems.

Works in conjunction with the analytical chemist to optimize the methods of chemical purification of material for mass spectrometric analysis, to specify and calibrate the concentration of separated isotopic and standard materials or to deal with problems concerning analytical preparation of unusual samples or other chemistry related problems affecting mass spectrometer operation and data.

Schedules and coordinates sample analyses and use of the equipment; diagnoses equipment malfunctions and ensure and arranges for required maintenance; assesses obsolescence in instrumentation; advises superior regarding modifications to equipment and devises and/or implements the modifications; supervises, when applicable, the installation of new spectrometric instrumentation and tests specifications; arranges for disposal of obsolescent equipment; and, orders uranium and other isotopic "spikes- and organizes with AECL disposal of obsolete radioactive material.

Ensures up-keep of required records and files of analytical results, indexes and statistics of sample analyzed. Compiles and scientifically edits an annual publication of the Geological Survey of Canada showing results of geochronology projects; prepares papers on developments and issues in mass

spectrometry, and writes other related material for communication and record purposes.





Kinds of Assignments


A.   Degree 3 - Objectives are defined by the Section Head in terms of the requirements

for mass spectrometrics analysis and geological age determinations required by

geological survey crews for the Geological Survey and Mapping Programs of Canada, the

Federal-Provincial Mineral Development Program, provincial geological surveys and

universities concerned.

B.   Degree 3 - Work involves comprehensive analytical and assessment studies for the

isotopic measurement of elemental abundances of various metals in geological samples

and complex estimations of geological ages and other information. Accurate age dating

underpins Canada's geological mapping program.

C.   Degree 3 - The work requires investigation into a series of isotopic ratios done by

mass spectrometry on a range of complex geological matrices using: diverse methods

for determining U-Pb, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, etc. and the geological ages of rocks and

minerals; state-of-the-art solid mass spectrometric equipment, instruments and

techniques for the isotopic measurement of the elemental abundances; mathematical

modeling methods to develop models of common lead evolution; and, various

scientific techniques for designing modifications to equipment and solving technical

problems. Work also requires the supervision of staff and the provision of advice.

D.   Degree 3 - Plans and organizes the activities of the unit to provide required and

timely laboratory services, plans and assigns tasks and schedules equipment use for

the ongoing work and other use demands. Conducts analytical work and assessment

studies, deals with technical problems, and modifies equipment and develops new

techniques to meet objectives and quality or enhance precision of results.


Complexity of Work


A.   Degree 3 - Information and data in terms of the generation of new developments,

modifications to equipment, new modes of analysis or the resolution of technical

problems, are obtained through experimentations, tests, investigations, scientific

literature references and inquiries or consultations with other scientists and

specialists in various departments and outside institutions. Geological data and

information for the isotopic measurement of elemental abundances are obtained from

mass spectrometric analysis of samples, data reduction, interpretation and previous

analysis, and may require developing new methods.

B.   Degree 3 - Information and data can normally be validated by a combination of

analysis, tests and experimentations using alternative procedures, internal standards

and cross-referencing with other known rock ages or work of other mass spectrometry

specialists or scientists in related fields.

C.   Degree 3 - Information and data such as on the levels of various isotopic abundances

vary and are very low, difficult to detect and measure and require interpretation

which is complicated by the poor understanding of the geological matrix. Reduction

of data requires defining and measuring instrumental biases, compensatory

corrections to results and estimation of accuracy and precision degrees.

D.   Degree 3 - Relating data to age of rocks can be difficult as the physical, chemical

and geological data can be conflicting and require careful interpretation.

Experimental data derived from changes and development of modifications involve

variables and relationships which can be conflicting and necessitate further


E.   Degree 3 - The work is frequently affected by the activities and requirements of

geological survey and mapping program geologists, provincial geological survey

groups, academics and others from organizations engaged in mining exploration and

development work.



F.   Degree 2 - Contacts are with field geologists, other specialists or scientists for

obtaining information, discussing problems or to provide and interpret analytical

results and provide advice.

G.   Degree 4 - Work requires generating new developments in mass spectrometric analysis

and techniques for optimizing results and enhancing accuracy or devising modifications

to equipment to enhance precision and capability or to solve instrumental or technical

problems. There is a requirement to use novel approaches and precedents often do not

exist as work and equipment are at a state-of-the-art level.

H.   Degree 3 - The work requires the application of a thorough knowledge of the principles

and theories of the physics of mass spectrometry and the practices of solid source

mass spectrometry for the isotopic measurement of elemental abundances in geological

samples and the determination of geological ages of rocks and minerals, and

familiarity with the practices of geo-chemistry and geological surveys and with the

use of computer application software.


Professional Responsibility


A.  Degree 3 - Work results and conclusions are reviewed by the Head for soundness of

judgment and by other geologists to ensure work results contribute to project

objectives and that conclusions about the age of rocks are compatible with other


B.    Degree 3 - While no direct guidance is received for method selection, development,

mass spec. problem solving and contribution to advances in the physics of mass

spectrometry, guidance is obtained for difficult interferences and other problems from

other specialists in the field and from geologists and chemists as applicable.

C.    Degree 3 - Work requires defining objectives for equipment adaptations or

modifications and generation of new developments in mass spectrometric analysis,

defining rock dating required, resolving instrumental problems, determining the

approach for dealing with difficult technical problems associated with particular

rock matrices and the development of methods and techniques to optimize results.

D.   Degree 3 - The work of subordinate staff is reviewed for correctness of methods

applied, accuracy and precision of results and compliance with quality control and

safety standards. Work of other scientists is reviewed for applicability.

E.    Degree 3 - Complex mass spectrometry work data, measurements, compensatory corrections

and accuracy estimate results of subordinate staff are interpreted to provide

essential age dating. Scientific literature and information data concerning new

developments in mass spectrometry, and results from exploration geologists and

scientists in other organizations are evaluated for their impact on the work.

F.  Degree 3 - Specific technical advice is given to Section Head concerning equipment

modifications and obsolescence and to colleagues, research scientists and senior staff

on problems and reliability of isotopic data and interpretation, the age data

obtained, its precision and relevance to the project. Advice is also given to

chemists, geologists and mass spectrometrists on sampling, sample handling and



Management Responsibilities


A.   Degree 2 - Supervises the work of a technologist engaged in mass spectrometry work.

B.   Degree 3 - Controls the use and maintenance of the mass spectrometers and attendant

equipment allocated for the work, and sets operational guidelines for their use.

C.   Degree 3 - Recommends the acquisition of new mass spectrometry equipment and

instrumentation and writes required specifications for the equipment and its




D.    Degree 2 - Recommends on the need and arranges for required equipment servicing and

repairs. Other assistance, when required, is requested from the Section Head.

E.    Degree 3 - Implements precision and safety standards for required quality of results,

safe operation of the equipment and disposal of radioactive material.

F.    Degree 3 - Coordinates mass spectrometry survey work schedule with others in the

Section and the requirements of various geological survey groups, other geologists

with Mineral Development Program and others from outside to ensure results are timed

for required efficiency and that work by others using the equipment does not

interfere with internal schedule.

G.    Degree 2 - Implements laboratory, safety and administrative procedures established

for the work.


Impact of Recommendations


A.    Degree 3 - Results of the work i.e., accurate geological age dating underpins the

entire geological mapping program and affects the government field exploration

program, geological survey and mineral development work.

B.    Degree 3 -

(i) Degree 2 - Results of the work can have an economic or technological effect on

mining explorations and industrial mineral development process.

(ii) Degree 3 - Results of the work have an effect on the knowledge and status of the

geology of Canada and hence impact the potential uses and status of the mineral

resources. Advice influences the course of exploration and affects the

feasibility assessment of mineral developments and the future of Canadian mining


(iii) No significant impact.

(iv) No other significant impact.

C.   Degree 3 - Development of new techniques for mass-spectrometric analysis and advances

in the physics of mass spectrometry contribute to the knowledge of that discipline,

while interpretation of complex data provide new knowledge and improved understanding

of the age of rocks and thus the geology of Canada.



Director, Precambrian Geology Division

Head, Geochronology Section

-     Research Scientists

-    Electronic Technologist (EL)

-    Argon Extraction Technician (EG)

-     Research Scientist

*     -     Senior Isotopic Analyst Mass Spectrometry PC-3

-     Isotope Technologist (EG)

-     Isotope Analyst PC-1

-     Isotope Chemist (CH-3)

-    Assistant Geochronologist PC-1

-    Chemical Technologists (EG)

-    Chemical Technologists (EG)

-    Chemical Technician (EG)

* Bench-mark Position.


Bench-mark Position Number: 13

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Physical Oceanographer


Reporting to the Head, Ocean Circulation Division:


Organizes and carries out physical oceanographic studies to determine the motion and mixing processes of the sea. Plans and determines likely approaches to be used for collecting data such as temperature, density, currents and salinity, and directs support staff in the use of this data to produce current fields, charts and atlases. Develops hypothesis of physical oceanographic processes, using the data collected and evaluated and integrating this with work from other disciplines.

Acts as chief scientist and program organizer during voyages to gather oceanographic data. Coordinates the work of scientific staff in cooperation with the ship's captain. Allocates resources like cruise time and equipment to the individual scientists. Modifies plans to meet weather, navigational and time limitations. Advises other scientists so that the crew's time is used to the best advantage.

Evaluates new techniques and equipment such as satellite-tracked drifting buoys used in physical oceanography. Advises on the design of new equipment. Identifies, evaluates and recommends the acquisition and deployment of new equipment, and analyses the data collected for reporting to the scientific community.

Provides advice to senior laboratory staff, the scientific community and others on the data, equipment, results and theories used in physical oceanography.





Kinds of Assignments


A.   Degree 3 - Objectives are set by the Head, Ocean Circulation Division in terms of

departmental project goals for physical oceanography studies or in terms of

objectives for a specific cruise, incorporating the projects of other scientists.

B.   Degree 3 - Work involves comprehensive studies to determine the motions and mixing

processes of the seas, and acting as chief scientist on oceanographic voyages,

planning, conducting and coordinating surveys.

C.   Degree 3 - Activities include using a variety of scientific techniques to measure

the physical parameters of the ocean, including the development and evaluation of

new techniques and equipment, and coordinating the work of multi disciplined

scientific staff.

D.   Degree 4 - Work involves planning, organizing and coordinating the work of many

scientists on a variety of interdisciplinary problems within the constraints imposed

by an oceanographic cruise, and simultaneously organizing and conducting physical

oceanographic studies to achieve departmental goals.


Complexity of Work


A.   Degree 3 - Data are normally difficult to obtain and frequently involve field trips

under rigorous conditions. Methods are modeled on past practice but often have to

be adapted to meet current conditions. New, innovative techniques are used to

measure the physical characteristics of the ocean. Data must be interpreted and

evaluated carefully to ensure the validity of the work.



B.  Degree 3 - Data is normally validated by comparing the easier-to-obtain monitoring

results or by difficult and expensive ground proofing.

C.  Degree 4 - The size and changeability of the ocean make it difficult to interpret

the multi-faceted, highly variable and oft-time ambiguous data required for the

development of hypothesis for oceanic water movements.

D.  Degree 3 - Relationships amongst oceanic parameters are complex and difficult to

define and require field work for proper interpretation.

E.   Degree 3 - Project activity coordination, priorities and scheduling of the work are

frequently affected by the activities of others. Major projects normally have to be

coordinated with international and national groups. Ocean cruises involve

individuals outside the Canadian government, and some from outside Canada.

F.    Degree 3 - Contacts are with scientists from Canadian and foreign universities and

research institutes and other government agencies to participate in cooperative

projects, resolve scientific and scheduling difficulties, and exchange information

that will lead to the resolution of oceanographic questions.

G.    Degree 3 - The work requires developing new procedures and equipment for

oceanographic study and modifying the existing techniques to obtain higher quality


H.    Degree 3 - The work requires the application of a thorough knowledge of the

principals of theories and practices of oceanography and a familiarity with

fisheries, environmental and biological research and some knowledge of electronic

data gathering equipment and computer data processing systems.


Professional Responsibility


A.    Degree 3 - Work is reviewed by the Head for soundness of judgment and to ensure

that the objectives of in house projects have been met, and that the oceanographic

research has been managed in a judicious and efficient manner.

B.    Degree 3 - Professional guidance is only received for the resolution of difficult

technical problems or complex resource allocations.

C.    Degree 3 - The work requires identifying problems, designing approaches and

organizing physical oceanographic studies to define the mass movement of water and

deal with the coordination of multidisciplinary scientific research during ocean


D.    Degree 3 - The work of subordinate staff and project team members is reviewed to

ensure it meets with the guidelines set for the project. The work of national and

international scientists is reviewed to ensure proper coordination with own work.

E.    Degree 3 - Scientific data from oceanographic studies, both inside and outside the

organizational unit, are interpreted to develop and modify new hypotheses about the

movement of water masses in the ocean and to provide guidance for the development of

new projects.

F.    Degree 3 - Represents Canada as a scientific adviser on international committees,

provides advice to senior staff and colleagues on physical oceanography.


Management Responsibilities


A.    Degree 2 - Work requires the supervision of a support staff comprised of a varying

number of technicians.

B.    Degree 3 - Controls the use and maintenance of allocated equipment both within the

organizational unit and on board ship during ocean voyages.



C.  Degree 3 - Evaluates and recommends the acquisition of satellite-tracked drifting

buoys and similar new designs of equipment to enhance the division's research data

collection capability.

D.  Degree 3 - Determines the precise requirements for contracted research and arranges

for the selection of suitable research institutions.

E.  Degree 3 - Ensures the quality of the work by comparing collected data with the

results of other work. Ensures that safety procedures are followed, particularly

during ocean voyages.

F.  Degree 3 - Coordinates research activities with scientists from other institutions

to ensure scientific approaches are current, and coordinates cruise activities.

G.  Degree 3 - Interprets and implements guidelines and directives issued by the Head.


Impact of Recommendations


A.  Degree 3 - Recommendations, advice and results of the work effect the continuing

monitoring operation to collect oceanographic data, and influence the development

and conduct of physical oceanographic projects as well as those of other scientists

involved in related research.

B.   Degree 3 -

(i) Degree 2 - Information and results of the work have an economic impact on

commercial fishing, and other ocean users.

(ii) Degree 3 - Recommendations, advice and results of the work affect the state of

knowledge of the oceanographic environment and the resultant management

practices, and affect the use of the ocean by shipping, fishing industrial and

conservation interests.

(iii) No significant impact.

_(iv) No other significant impact.

C.   Degree 3 - The development of new methods, procedures, and hypotheses which are

interpreted and published provide new knowledge and improved understanding of

physical oceanography.



Director, Physical and Chemical Sciences (Bedford Institute of Oceanography)

Head, Ocean Circulation Division -    Clerical staff

*     -    Physical Oceanographers (3) PC-3

-    Technicians (up to 6)

-    Head, Software Systems

-    Oceanographic Applications Programmer

-    Senior Oceanographic Development Technicians

-     Senior Oceanographic Field Technicians

-    Senior Oceanographic Data Technicians

-     Assistant Oceanographic Data Technicians

*     Bench-mark position.


Bench-mark Position Number: 14

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Explosives Scientist, Explosive Authorization and Hazards Analysis Section


Reporting to the Manager, Canadian Explosives Research Laboratory:


Tests and evaluates the hazards and suitability of explosives for properties such as explosive force, projective impact and mechanical sensitivity, to be authorized under the Canada Explosives Act. Provides technical advice to the Chief Inspector of Explosives, various government departments and industry on the suitability and nature of explosives and the construction standards for transportation of explosives.

Supervises the activities of the Section, determining methods and extent of testing of explosives submitted for authorization, discussing and establishing priorities, scheduling and assigning work, ensuring observance of safety precautions and providing instructions and guidance to staff, checking correctness of techniques and procedures applied and accuracy of results. Reports on work progress for the Section and on staff performance, and makes recommendations.

Carries out laboratory analytical investigations in cases such as where unusual behavior patterns in explosives has been revealed by the testing and reports unusual reactions uncovered during investigations for inclusion in the recommendation for authorization.

Prepares reports on test and evaluation results and formulates recommendations to the manager on the suitability of explosives to be authorized by the Laboratory.

Provides scientific support or authoritative advice to investigators from the Explosives Branch, Transport Canada, Police Forces, and from industry and to prosecuting attorneys or Counsels in the determination of the causes of accidental explosions, studying and discussing investigator's report, determining extent of Section involvement in consultation with the manager and the testing techniques to be used, conducting required study and testing work, verifying laboratory results through field testing, underground trials, explosion simulation and performance tests on explosives using various machines, instruments and material for determining likely causes of explosion, gathering evidence for testimony before a court of law and for presenting professional opinion, advice and recommendations to prevent re-occurrence.

Discusses new developments in explosives technology with officials and scientists from industry and governments and other scientists within the department and identifies, investigates and recommends suitable projects to manager for developing new or enhancing existing techniques and procedures to evaluate or elucidate hazards associated with explosives such as posed by propellants, fire works, etc.

Conducts studies and develops standards for explosives such as fireworks standards for the Explosives Branch and other organizations; conducts and assigns to staff required technique and procedures development work, devising and discussing modifications to existing laboratory equipment or specifies new equipment requirements to assist in testing and for reviewing results; and, prepares reports and recommendations for adoption or for information to concerned groups in own department, laboratories of other governments and the explosives industry.

Determine, in consultation with the manager, if request for technical advice concerning particular explosives, industrial materials or construction standards for transportation of explosives falls within the mandate of the Explosives Authorization and Hazards Analysis Section, the regulation or provisions of the Canada Explosive Act.

Provides consulting services to other government departments, outside agencies, industry and universities on the nature of explosives material through investigations or analysis, and supplies information on the analytical techniques used or developed by the Section.

Writes special reports on tests, findings and quality of results, problems, techniques and procedures used or developed for the technical investigations and evaluations carried out in the Section for management information or for information to other departments or outside agencies or groups such as the UN Group of Expert on Explosives, industry and universities for standardization or advice.



Kinds of Assignments                                                                                 3

A.   Degree 3 - Objectives are defined by the manager, in terms of the scientific testing and evaluation of the hazards and properties of explosives to determine their suitability for authorization under the Canada Explosives Act, and in terms of study and standards development goal or extent and type of scientific investigation support or advice to be provided.

B.  Degree 3 - The work involves comprehensive testing and evaluation to determine the suitability of explosives for authorization and to provide scientific support in the gathering of evidence for determining causes of explosives accidents, and presenting professional opinion, advice and recommendation to prevent re-occurrence.

C. Degree 2 - The activities consist of a variety of tasks such as analyzing and investigating explosives and explosives accidents, developing new techniques, providing advice and expert testimony, and supervising the support staff.

D.  Degree 3 - The work requires planning, conducting and assigning work to test and evaluate the characteristics of explosives and similar hazardous materials to determine their suitability as explosives under the Canada Explosives Act, and ensuring that set objectives are met.

Complexity of Work                                                                                   3

A.   Degree 3 - The work requires obtaining the characteristics of explosives by a variety of testing techniques or explosion simulation, often involving method adaptation which may require extensive and difficult interpretation, especially in legal dispute cases. Sources may be identified from past practice or involve difficulties when supplied data are incomplete to support evaluated performance of explosives.

B.   Degree 3 - Information and data can normally be validated by investigation and literature referencing or through the eventual unique simulation of an accidental explosion. Supplied data are frequently incomplete and there are conflicts with the performance of explosives submitted and supporting data provided.

C.   Degree 3 - Information and data pertaining to properties and hazards of explosives are characterized by several parameters or variables that require careful interpretation of any ambiguities, especially when legal action and different sets of data are involved.

D.   Degree 3 - Investigating the relationships and the divergent characteristics associated with explosives and an explosion, especially an accidental explosion, requires investigation and careful interpretation of the data before presenting a professional opinion.

E. Degree 3 - The work is frequently affected by the activities of inspectors, scientists and officials from own and other government departments and private industry involved in explosives, and investigators from Transport Canada and police departments.



F.   Degree 3 - Contacts are with scientists and officials from other government

departments, industry, and police departments to exchange information, provide advice

and resolve problems associated with evaluation results, the applicable standards

and the routine use or incidents involving explosives.

G.  Degree 3 - Work requires developing new techniques for evaluating hazards associated

with explosives, adapting procedures for the investigation of planned events from

existing methods.

H.   Degree 3 - The work requires the application of a thorough knowledge of the physical

and chemical properties, manufacture and use of explosives, and of the principles,

theories and practices of physics as it relates to testing and use of explosives,

and familiarity with the standards and the law as it applies to explosives use.


Professional Responsibility


A.    Degree 3 - Work approaches, test and evaluation results, recommendations and

conclusions and progress reports on the work of the section are reviewed by the

Manager for soundness of judgment and in terms of the attainment of the section's

objectives and the provisions of Canada Explosives Act.

B.    Degree 3 - The work requires the resolution of technical problems associated with the

testing and hazard evaluation of explosives, with minimal guidance. Scientific or

professional guidance is available from Manager and other scientists in the resolution

of difficult testing method development, explosion simulation, or to determine extent

of laboratory involvement in investigation of accidental explosions.

C.    Degree 3 - The work requires determining methods and extent of testing for the

evaluation of explosives and for the investigation of accidental explosions,

identifying problems and determining approaches for their resolution.

D.    Degree 3 - The work of support staff is reviewed and checked for accuracy. Results

and findings of other explosives scientists from industry and government are reviewed

for applicability and suitable projects to be recommended to the Manager, such as to

elucidate the hazards posed by explosives, propellants and fireworks.

E.    Degree 3 - Complex scientific data, results and conclusions of other explosives

scientists and subordinate staff are interpreted for implication on the work or the

determination of the cause of accidental explosions or assessment of new techniques

for evaluating hazards.

F.    Degree 4 - Advice based on a recognized expertise within the specialized subject

area of the testing and use of explosives is provided to other scientists, senior

staff, attorneys and other officials both inside and outside the government.


Management Responsibilities


A.    Degree 2 - The work requires the supervision of a technical support staff of four


B.    Degree 3 - The work requires the control, the use and maintenance of physical and

chemical testing equipment and the proper use of the facilities of the Canadian

Explosives Research Laboratory allocated for the work.

C.    Degree 3 - Evaluates requirements, prepares specifications and evaluation criteria

for, and recommends acquisition of laboratory equipment and facilities to the


D.    Degree 3 - Substantiates the need for, writes statements of work, and identifies

suitable sources of scientific assistance for particular research work. Acts as

scientific authority.



E.   Degree 3 - Implements quality assurance procedures and develops and implements

safety procedures to meet the laboratory's objectives.

F.   Degree 3 - Coordinates the testing and hazard evaluation of explosives and the

investigation scientific support work required with others in federal, provincial

agencies (including the police) and industry.

G.    Degree 3 - Interprets and implements special safety directives and procedures

developed for the work. Implements straight forward administrative procedures.


Impact of Recommendations


A.    Degree 3 - Recommendations, advice and results of the work affect the continuing

operation of the Explosives Authorization and Hazards Analysis section and impact on

the development and conduct of projects, both inside the government and in industry,

and influence the outcome of investigations into accidental explosions.

B.   Degree 3 -

(i) Degree 3 - Recommendations, advice and results of the work have economic or

technological effects on the producers and users of explosive products.

(ii) No significant impact.

(iii) Degree 3 - Recommendations, advice and results of the work affect the approval

and use of explosives, propellants and fireworks with regard to safety and

regulatory control.

(iv) Degree 3 - While results contribute to the process of law as it relates to the

accidental and deliberate misuse of explosives, the work of the position

impacts on occupational safety. Recommendations, advice and results affect the

use of explosive in the workplace.

C.   Degree 3 - Development of new methods and procedures and the investigation, analysis

and interpretation of information involved in the examination of explosives

materials provide new knowledge and improved understanding.



Director, Mining Research Laboratory

-    Manager, Canadian Explosives Atmospheres Laboratory

-    Manager, Canadian Explosives Research Laboratory

-     Explosives Research Section (SE-RES; CH)

-     Explosives Application and Methodology Section (PC; EG; EL)

*     -    Explosives Scientist, Explosives Authorization and Hazards Analysis

Section PC-3

-     Technical Support Staff (4) (EC's)

-      Clerical Staff

*       Bench Mark Position


Bench-mark Position Number: 15

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Senior Physical Scientist and Risk Analyst


Reporting to the Manager, Environmental/Impact Assessment Program


Identifies, investigates and assesses problems related to environmental issues pertaining to the protection of air, land and water and to effects of developments on the conservation and utilization of these resources in the Pacific and Yukon region inherent to geographic sitting of industrial installations, routing or sitting of linear transportation or tans-shipment facilities, impact of mishaps involving contaminant substances or dangerous goods and to issues leading to conflicts in resource utilization between/among users.

Plans scientific assessments of proposals for industrial and resources development projects and the geographic sitting for major installations or facilities, trans-shipment activities or linear transportation routing with potential environmental quality implications for air, land or water resources and the rational utilization of these resources in the region. Solicits task force participation for assessments or studies involving various departments and government levels, other agencies, universities and public interest groups to assess impact of major projects proposals (e.g. Western Liquefied Natural Gas; West Coast Transmission Amonia Proposal.)

Determines approaches, develops proposals and organizes and conducts or leads and coordinates multi-disciplinary scientific investigation and evaluation studies and inter-agencies assessment and survey activities to prevent, mitigate or resolve multi-disciplinary problems related to the protection/prevention/utilization of land, air and water resources.. Develops proposals concerning Department's position in terms of program and policy objectives for the quality, protection, conservation or utilization of those resources in the region, the resolution of related conflicts and the implementation of measures or enhancement of guidelines, policies, strategies or priorities to meet objectives.

Defines sitting problems, develops, recommends and applies terms of reference and geographic sitting analysis systems, and proposal evaluation protocols or procedures and techniques through involvement of specialists engaged in comprehensive sitting and routing studies and transport of dangerous goods. Initiates and conducts studies to identify and propose new areas of endeavors, guidelines and environ­mental protection and damage mitigation, or to develop, recommend and implement scientific procedures or guidelines for geographic site selection, zoning and planning, enhanced environmental and public safety standards or practices, and air, land and water preservation measures for facilities to be located on Crown's and agencies' lands and waters.

Identifies and researches topics and major study requirements and proposes tasks for assignments to other scientists. Researches, reviews and studies new developments and maintains liaisons with other specialists involved in development and application of risk analysis, mathematical modeling techniques and related computer applications for applicability in such task as the assessment of offshore exploration oil spill probabilities, or to ascertain opportunities for an interdisciplinary modeling approach such as for oil and chemicals spill dispersion modeling or to address conflicts in land, air and water uses.

Develops models or leads and coordinates risk analysis assessment and modeling project activities and application of computer modeling techniques, such as to evaluate alternative transport corridors, assess risk, portray air dispersion process, resolve resources related conflicts, analyze management

strategy issues or determine inter-relationships of variables. Researches historical results of pollution control measures in the region, indicators and trends, formulate concepts for trend analysis,

and prepare summary publication.

Analyzes and consolidates multi-disciplinary inputs and study results into final report, (e.g. the Ocelot Methanol plant; the Kitimat Oil Terminal) presents findings to senior management and conducts briefing sessions. Prepares and presents briefs to committees and hearing panels, and represents the Department at public hearings, interveners and public interest group meetings. Contributes proposals to task forces or scientific committees concerning regional programs and priorities or for intervention in, and participates at Project Certification Hearings and explains study findings and conclusions. Acts as program representative on regional committees for environmental protection, resource conservation and utilization, marine traffic, trans-shipment activities, linear transportation, contaminants and hazardous substances, and provides authoritative advice on matters relevant to the field of expertise.





Kinds of Assignments


A.    Degree 3 - Objectives are specified by the Manager in terms of particular project

goals and program requirements. Particular objectives or projects terms of

references stem from discussions of study, proposal evaluation and assessment work.

B.   Degree 4 - The work involves comprehensive studies and investigations to identify

and define multi-disciplinary problems pertaining to the protection and use of air

water and land resources in the region; the prevention or mitigation of environmental

damage; detailed evaluations of proposals on geographic sitting of installations and

environmental risks analysis and assessment for acceptability and certification;

investigations into potential conflicts between users; research studies into risks

analysis and modeling methods and applications; the presentation of proposals and

briefs, and the provision of authoritative advice.

C.   Degree 3 - The work includes the conduct of multi-disciplinary studies,

investigation and evaluation projects into the identification and definition of

environmental problems pertaining to the quality, preservation and use of air, land

and water resources and the mitigation of contaminant damages; the scientific evalu­ation of geographic sitting proposals for major installations; pollution trends and environmental risk analysis and impact assessment, simulation modeling and adapta­tion of techniques; the allocation and coordination of project activities; the preparation of total study reports; and, the provision of scientific advice.

D.    Degree 3 - Initiates, plans, organizes and performs or assigns tasks and leads multi­

disciplinary projects or scientific investigational studies into problems definition,

proposals evaluation and resources utilization conflicts, and the preservation of

air, land and water as a resource or a medium, and into environmental risks analysis,

impact assessments and method applications development, to ensure program objectives

are met within guidelines and participation constraints of other organizations'





Complexity of Work


A.    Degree 3 - Multi-disciplinary information and data must be obtained on the physical

characteristics and the temporal and spatial specifics of geographic sites,

installations, substances, process technology or operations, state and

particularities of air, land and water resources, their preservation, development

and utilization requirements. Information in sitting proposals is often incomplete

and that from other studies or sources can be remotely relevant or difficult to

obtain. Interpretation, comparison, selection and further investigations are





Poi nts

B.    Degree 3 - Information and data available from various sources are often incomplete

and those supplied by the proponent and other interest groups often are incomplete,

biased or subjective. Generally the information can be validated or confirmed by a

combination of further investigations, comparisons and detailed studies or

scientific literature referencing and interpretation.

C.    Degree 3 - Information and data used to evaluate sitting/routing proposals for

acceptability or used in risk analysis and assessment and in modeling impact of

mishaps and mitigative measures or to develop trends in state of resources pollution

and effectiveness of measures, are characterized by several variables, temporal and

spatial factors, poorly defined variability, ambiguity and require interpretation

and consultations.

D.    Degree 4 - Relationships between the multi-disciplinary variables affecting the

acceptability of routing/sitting proposals or involved in resources utilization

conflicts, risk analysis, mishap impact assessment and mitigation of environmental

damage, or in identification of indicators and deterioration trends are complicated

and require multi-disciplinary investigation to deal with conflicts and

interpretation problems.

E.    Degree 4 - The work, inter-agency projects or multi-disciplinary evaluation studies

and the preparation of total study report are affected by the nature, extent and

objectives of the contribution of other scientists or representatives of own and

other organizations, agencies of other levels of government involved, proponent

industries and public interest groups and implication on work must be considered.

F.    Degree 4 - Contacts are with scientists of own departments and outside agencies to

solicit participation, investigate problems, discuss results and formulate recommend­ations; with officials and scientists of proponent industries to discuss findings;

with the public and interest groups to exchange information; and, with officials of

public hearing boards or panels to explain findings and conclusions and provide

authoritative advice.

G.    Degree 3 - The work requires developing new application systems and techniques for

scientific evaluation of geographic sitting proposals, risk analysis and assessment,

modeling of environmental impacts, trends projection or modeling of effects of

mishaps on the resources and effectiveness of mitigative measures.

H.    Degree 4 - The work requires the application of a thorough knowledge of physical

geography including the principles, theories and practices of those fields of physics

pertinent to the required application of physics principles to biological, chemical

and geological environmental systems, complemented by a knowledge of other work

related earth sciences disciplines (e.g. geology, hydrology, physical oceanography,

climatology, ecology) and some familiarity with practices of chemistry and biology

pertinent to the work, and practices of engineering of large projects (e.g. pipelines,

port facilities and chemical plants) is also necessary. A thorough knowledge of the

use of risk assessment, computer modeling and statistical analysis applied in the

disciplines must also be applied.


Professional Responsibility


A.    Degree 3 - Approach to conducting sitting or routing proposal evaluation or

investigation of user conflicts, and study conclusions, briefs and recommendations are

discussed with other scientists and reviewed by the Manager and Branch Director for

thoroughness, soundness of judgment and consistency with program objectives.




B.   Degree 3 - Professional guidance is received on the resolution of particularly

difficult problems involving highly sensitive issues, program goals and multi­

jurisdictions or difficult resources utilization conflicts among major users.

Advice can be obtained from specialists in developing indicators and trend analysis

concepts, difficult risk analysis, modeling and specialized computer applications.

C.   Degree 3 - The work involves a requirement to define multi-disciplinary project terms

of references and to identify and determine approaches to resolve evaluation/

assessment and investigation problems, conflicts among resources users, difficulties

due to absence or incomplete data and conflicting, subjective or biased information

and conclusions to determine acceptability of proposals and to identify potential

topics and objectives for new studies and methodologies, develop proposals and

evaluation protocols and guidelines for preventing or mitigating environmental impact

of mishaps on resources quality and the population.

D.   Degree 4 - Within multi-disciplinary subject area, the results, findings and

conclusions of other scientists and task force or team members are reviewed for

validity and appropriateness in assessing acceptability of proposals, conformance to

program objectives or effectiveness in resolution of resources related conflicts.

New developments by other scientists/specialists in the study of geographic site,

evaluation of installations sitting proposals, risk analysis and environmental impact

determination, prevision, modeling and prevention/mitigation of mishap effects are

reviewed and assessed for applicability.

E.    Degree 4 - Results of studies or conclusions and recommendations by scientists of

diverse organizations, task force or team members and own study/investigation and

analysis results are interpreted to determine their significance, completeness, and

their meaning and implications on the acceptability of sitting/routing proposals or

alternatives, and on the applicability and effectiveness of proposed measures,

guidelines and protocols.

F.    Degree 4 - Advice based on recognized expertise in geographic sitting/routing and

assessment of environmental impact and acceptability of proposals, the state, and

preservation requirements of, and risks to, air/land/water quality and mitigation of

environmental impact of mishaps associated with resources development or utiliza­tion, is provided to senior management, officials and scientists of the department,

other agencies, industry and members of boards or panels.


Management Responsibility


A.    Degree 1 - As applicable, assigns tasks and provides advice and instructions to

project team or task force members and to non-subordinate support staff.

B.    Degree 1 - Usually limited to planning the use of equipment and supplies for own


C.    Degree 3 - Specifies terms of reference and recommends and provides expertise on

consultant contracts. Recommends the acquisition of computer equipment and

specialized application software to meet work objectives and requirements.

D.    Degree 3 - Substantiates the need and arranges for consultant services and

contractor work in the field. Defines requirements, solicits and arranges for the

participation by other organizations within and outside own department, including of

other levels of government and private sector organizations.

E.    Degree 2 - Ensures that contract work meets specified requirements as to quality,

quantity and timeliness and other standards pertaining to own responsibilities.




F.   Degree 3 - Coordinates work of project team members and other activities related to

multi-disciplinary or multi-jurisdictional assessments and scientific evaluations or

studies involving other scientists, professionals or staff members of various

organizations. Coordinates own activities with those of others in data gathering,

compilation of results and preparation and presentation of total study report.

G.    Degree 1 - Follows office and field administrative and safety procedures established

for the work.


Impact of Recommendations and Activities


A.    Degree 3 - Recommendations, advice and results of the work affect resource management

practices and the formulations of air, land and water resources protection measures,

guidelines and regulation, the orientation and conduct of the program studies in the

Region and the formulation of proposals for policy and program objectives and priority.

B.   Degree 3 -

(i) Degree 3 - Recommendations and advice on geographic sitting or routing have

economic and technological effects on industrial installations or linear

transport system facilities and operations.

(ii) Degree 3 - Recommendations and advice affect the state of air, land and water


(iii) Degree 3 - Recommendations and advice affect the safety regulatory controls of

contaminating processes and practices, the routing of potentially hazardous

products or substances and the mitigation effects of mishaps to the public.

(iv) No significant impact.

C.   Degree 3 - Information and results of the work contribute greater knowledge of

geographic sites, industrial sitting and effects on particular environment of indus­trial processes and tans-shipment routings. Work also contributes new or enhanced

knowledge of pollution trends and methodologies and techniques in risk analysis and

modeling of impact.



-    Regional Director, Environmental Protection, Pacific and Yukon

-    Director, Contaminants and Assessment Branch

-     Environment Emergency Coordinator,

CEPA Sr. Investigator

-    Manager, Environmental Impact Assessment Program

*     -    Senior Physical Scientist and Risk Analyst PC-3

-       Environmental Assessment Officer PC-2 Coordinator, Federal Referrals &

FREMP Project Review Process (EN-ENG-04)

-     Environmental Assessment Registrar (CR-04)

-     Referral Clerk (CR-03)

*    Bench-mark position.


Bench-mark Position Number: 16

Level: 4

Descriptive Title: Senior Officer/Advisor, Physical Oceanography


Reporting to the Assistant Director and Chief, National Programs Division:


Analyses, interprets and assesses the impact of national and international developments and proposals for coastal development and offshore activities (e.g. resources exploration, transportation, power generation and harbor facilities) with respect to physical aspects of the marine environment i.e. waves, currents, subsurface temperature, sea ice movement, etc., and the relationship of these variables to the use of the ocean for a wide range of clients and purposes (e.g. marine transportation, offshore oil and gas exploration and development, fisheries, defense, tourism and recreation) and to develop, recommend or advise on departmental position or policies, strategies and programs pertaining to the management and protection of the marine environment.

Establishes priorities and long-term plans for oceanographic research to provide an understanding of the physical characteristics of the ocean, in terms of circulation, density, heat content and gaseous absorption, etc. such that predictive models can be developed to show the effect of the ocean on heat distribution within the global and regional climate, the movement of CO and other green-house gases by absorption, chemical and biological reactions and their mass transfer by ocean currents; the movement and effects of ice on marine operations; the forecasting of marine environmental conditions and the potential trajectories and dispersion of spills such as oil, through the ocean and to land. Ensures such research will also meet the needs of other engineering and science disciplines such as chemistry and biology, and that the programs are properly integrated. Identifies areas of conflicts concerning policies between departments and service within the Department, and recommends methods for resolution. Evaluates research programs and their effects on national and international initiatives for their impact on the management of the marine environment and recommends changes.

Maintains close liaison with marine operators and senior research scientists, acting as departmental representative on committees concerning energy in the marine environment, ocean services and real-time oceanography, ecology, weather and climate, and hydro-acoustics.

Assesses and reviews other policies and programs that have socioeconomic, transportation, industrial, environmental, safety, foreign affairs and other impacts on the marine environment. Drafts proposals to establish the departmental position on these issues. Ensures that policies of other bodies are compatible with departmental policies. Ensures effective transfer of scientific and technical information between the affected groups. Coordinates and maintains cooperation and liaison between the Service and environ­mental agencies and industrial groups concerned with the effects of resource exploration, transportation, power generation and the use of port facilities in the marine environment.

Advises senior management on the scientific aspects of marine policies. Proposes programs to provide scientific input and negotiates agreements for interdepartmental issues. Develops work plans and directs working groups to study and deal with specific issues such as pertaining to new demands for scientific information, special policy program strategy studies or follow-up action to national and international commitments. Provides advice and policy papers to the senior department officials.

Assists in drafting legislation and government policy responses and arranges bilateral scientific exchanges. Assesses national and international developments in marine affairs. Formulates amendments proposals to statutes and regulations covering the marine environment in consultation with legal advisors and others in departments or agencies concerned and involving briefing and discussions with political and diplomatic representatives, scientists and other foreign government officials, concerning international implications and national positions.





Kinds of Assignments


A.    Degree 4 - Objectives are set by the Asst. Director/Chief in terms of the research

studies, development impact assessments and scientific advice required in support to

the achievement of departmental objectives for efficient policies, strategies and

programs pertaining to the management and protection of the marine environment.

B_.   Degree 4 - The work is specifically related to the development of policy for the

marine environment and involves establishing a number of complex research projects

which, while principally dealing with the physical attributes of the ocean, also

encompass several other scientific and engineering disciplines.

C.    Degree 4 - The work involves establishing priorities and plans and organizing marine

research projects, coordinating the work of others in research in the marine and

commercial sectors and users of the information generated, obtaining cooperation

between groups involved in resources exploration, transportation, power generation

and use of port facilities, providing advice and developing policy, evaluating

national and international programs and ensuring that the needs of other scientific

groups are met.

D.    Degree 4 - High degree of freedom and latitude for planning, organizing and

coordinating complex research studies including negotiating with other federal

agencies to ensure compatibility with Service and Departmental policies and for

coordinating, maintaining liaison and cooperation between groups involved in

resource exploration and use of facilities or in arranging required bilateral

scientific exchanges.


Complexity of Work


A.    Degree 4 - Data pertaining to marine environment and activities are widely different

and are drawn from hard to access sources such as foreign governments, or are

generated by intricate investigations in a harsh environment and their use, such as

for developing predictive models and policies involves difficult interpretation and


B.    Degree 4 - Information and data are often difficult to validate as they comes from

divergent sources that are difficult to access or for which the original data bank

is not available or would require expensive and laborious repetitions of research

study and investigation work.

C.    Degree 4 - Data represent a complex set of variables, often of unknown precision and

sometimes only as estimates, that must be reviewed from a broad global perspective;

difficult interpretations are involved and data have to be integrated with data from

other disciplines. Careful judgment must be exercised in the use of the data.

D.    Degree 4 - Relationships amongst the variables themselves are complex and must also

be related to other sciences, socioeconomic, transportation, environmental and

foreign affairs perspectives and require long-term, detailed investigations to

identify and resolve conflicts and interpretation problems, and to develop a clear

understanding of the role and influence of each parameter on changes in the marine


E.   Degree 4 - Work is affected by the activities of industry, other departments, other

Canadian and foreign governments or national and international scientific bodies,

and requires consideration and often negotiations, to assess or modify their impact

on the work.

F.   Degree 4 - Contacts are interdepartmental to negotiate terms of agreements and

develop programs; with scientists to plan and conduct joint investigations; and,

with other governmental agencies, scientists and officials of industry to provide

advice based on a recognized expertise in the area.



G.   Degree 4 - The work requires developing new approaches to research designed to

provide an understanding of the complex functions and relations of the ocean, an

area which is poorly understood. Work also requires using innovative methods to

integrate all the various inputs in developing new policy or ensuring the existence

of policy and research activities which can contribute to meet the objectives of the


H.   Degree 4 - The work requires the application of a thorough knowledge of physical

oceanography and related marine sciences complemented by an understanding of

related theories, methods and practices of chemistry, ecology, biology, geology,

coastal engineering and of marine and atmospheric pollution, and environment

protection. A knowledge of legal and political implications of marine policy is

also applied.


Professional Responsibility


A.   Degree 4 - Key recommendations and conclusions are reviewed as they affect policy

and the overall attainment of objectives but advice is normally taken as


B.   Degree 5 - Guidance is received from the supervisor and other senior management on

policy intent and issues which are difficult or involve conflicts. Professional

guidance may be obtained from other scientific authorities.

C.   Degree 4 - The work requires developing objectives for the research and ensuring

integration with other disciplines; establishing priorities and long-term plans for

oceanographic research studies within the department; coordinating work with various

other groups; and, indicating likely solutions to resolve unusual and complex

problems pertaining to the areas of the work.

D.   Degree 5 - Proposals or results and recommendations from other scientists and

statements from national and foreign governments are reviewed to assess their

contribution to Canada's federal marine policies, and their acceptability in terms

of the strategies to be followed for related scientific projects.

E.   Degree 5 - The results of Canadian and foreign studies and documents are interpreted

to determine their broad implications on, and their relationship to Canada's own

initiatives, marine policies and long-term oceanographic research plans.

F.   Degree 5 - Authoritative advice and recommendations based on a recognized expertise

in physical oceanography, in particular the movement and modeling of waves, tides,

ice and various physical parameters, along with a broad understanding of the role of

chemistry and biology, are provided to scientists, senior department and other

government officials on marine science policy and research and on marine environment

management and protection.


Management Responsibilities


A.   Degree 1 - As a senior advisor the work does not usually require supervising staff.

May assign or allocate work to project or task force members when applicable.

B.   Degree 1 - Usually limited to planning the use of equipment and supplies for own


C.   Degree 3 - Recommends the acquisition of expertise and equipment and the need for

specific projects to meet research priorities and objectives and satisfy national

and international commitments.

D.   Degree 4 - Selects, approves, negotiates and arranges for suitable external

research groups to be funded, or provides advice based on recognized expertise on

the requirements and selection through membership on several committees.


E.  Degree 3 - Develops and recommends effective science program evaluation methods and performance measurement criteria.

F.  Degree 4 - Coordinates differing related research projects done by various organizations and coordinates the transfer of the outputs to other groups. Coordinates the input of divergent sources, including industrial, university, provincial and federal agencies, and international information into the policy planning process.

G.   Degree 2 - Implements effective procedures for the transfer of scientific and technical information, and other administrative procedures established for the work.

Impact of Recommendations                                                                     4                                                                                                       

A.    Degree 5 - Results of work, recommendations, advice or consultations influence the conduct of departmental policies and programs, contribute to the marine science policies and the establishment of objectives and affect the implementation and conduct of research studies, projects that have national and international connotations.

B.    Degree 4

(i) Recommendations, advice and consultations contributes to policies or controls such as concerning site of industrial concerns or developments and have economic and technological impacts on industries associated with the marine environment. Results of the work, advice and recommendation on ice, wave and current movement can have economic effects on those concerns that rely on accurate forecasts for their operations.

(ii) Degree 4 - Recommendations and advice contribute to the development of the marine environmental resources while maintaining the quality of that environment.

(iii) No significant impact.

(iv) Degree 3 - Recommendations, advice and results of the work have a direct effect on the safety of marine users like fisherman, drilling rig operators and coastal communities.

C.   Degree 4 - Development of new understandings of the marine environment through organized and coordinated research projects, results in an improved knowledge of the role played by the ocean on the environment, the safety, the energy and the source implications.


 Director, Oceanography and Contaminant Branch Scientific Advisor

Chief, Ocean Tech. Division

Coord., Satellite and Remote Sensing Project

Chief, Intergovernmental Ocean Science and Survey Division Asst. Director/Chief, National Programs Division

*               Senior Officer/Advisor, Physical Oceanography PC-4

Senior Aquatic Science Affairs Officer (B1-4)

Ocean Science Affairs Officer (PC-3)


Bench-mark Position Number: 17

Level: 4

Descriptive Title: Superintendent, Climate Assessment and

Impact Section (Applied Climatology Research and Development)


Reporting to the Chief, Applications Analysis and Impact Division:

Acts as authority in climate analysis, assessment and impacts, and as scientific advisor on the developmental applications of the principles and methods of climatology, palae-, topo- and synoptic climatology, and developmental applied and meso-scale meteorology in fields relevant to user programs or activities and within the scope of the Canadian Climate Program and the mandate of the Division.

Defines objectives, determines analytic and investigative studies or projects, approaches, procedures and resources, recommends approval of undertaking or develops, plans and makes arrangements for implementation. Allocates resources, assigns work, adjusts plans and work priorities and ensures that effective scientific support is provided and objectives are met. Plans, directs and controls the activities of the Section engaged in applied climatology development, analysis, investigations and assessment of impact of climate, trends and fluctuations, conducting studies and field observations, investigative and analytical projects for users and providing consultation services, technical leadership and support or direction for applied studies in the regions, satisfying climate data and assessment requirements of scientists, other users in own and other departments/agencies, industrial or other organizations and environmental interests engaged in programs or activities related or sensitive to the climate, and to meet Canada Climate program and Division's objectives and commitment requirements within the Atmospheric Environment Services (AES).

Supervises, administers and ensures effective use of the Section's resources; provides professional guidance; reviews work progress and achievement of objectives; controls the expenditures of funds and utilization of resources made available by client organizations for studies by the section or through contractual undertakings for other departments/agencies such as National Parks; administers and controls work of contractual scientists for acceptability; reviews and reports on performance, identifies staff development needs and participates to the personnel management process.

Discusses developmental applications research with groups concerned, identifies support required, problems and areas requiring studies and the use of in-house and/or outside resources. Determines feasibility of projects, Section's resource capability, resources and support required for studies undertaken outside the Services or within the Regions considering mandate, policy, directives and guide­lines. Determines appropriate approach, suitability of referral, collaborative action and in-house or contractural undertaking arrangements to satisfy new or emerging demands for climatological data and climate assessment. Negotiates terms and condition of studies undertaken for client organizations or contracts for outside scientific assistance work, ensuring contractural arrangements, conduct and control of studies and results conform to requirements.

Initiates, recommends to users, assigns resources and directs or provides technical leadership and coordinates and controls consultative investigations and analytical projects in applied climatology and meteorology. Reviews the preparation of studies and assessments in support to activities or programs of the AES, other departments, governments' agencies and user organizations or in support of, and in cooperation with university and other research and industrial teams for resolving climatic problems. Directs the preparation of papers, reports, handbooks,maps and atlases for national and international or restricted distribution.

Participate to Climate Centre planning and policy work and to the review of Division's programs, strategy and objectives. Recommends on modifications and Section contribution. Participates in the work of national and international committees, task forces and panels to resolve climate-related problems, to assess users requirements or for recommending changes in policy, new initiatives and studies. Contributes to the review and formulation of proposals and recommendations 'pertaining to program activity policies, plans, objectives and related matters as representative on departmental and inter-departmental committees. Participates to inter-service and inter-agency planning conferences, and assists in coordinating, supervising or conducting related work, providing advice on applications, strategy and approaches, making recommendations on support and resources requirement and reporting on divisional assignments. Conducts special studies such as to evaluate the representativeness of existing observation networks for establishing requirements and advisability for additional stations. Contributes or prepare position papers related to proposals or submissions for senior management consideration.

Establishes liaisons and develops cooperation between Canada and other countries' scientists engaged in related climate programs, and organizes and implements workshops and conferences to address a variety of climatological themes under the Canadian Climate Program and other mandates.

Develops capability of the Section to deal with emerging requirements, maintains contacts with the users to identify requirements and responses, and with universities, research and industrial teams and specialists to identify and assess applicability of new developments. Reviews scientific and technological advances and papers in areas of interest and discusses merit with other scientists or professionals. Prepares reports for own and other departments/agencies and presents findings at professional meetings.

Reports on Section's activities and on applications, priorities, and support requirements.





Kinds of Assignments


A.    Degree 4 - Objectives and Section's operational goals are established with the

Division Chief and in consultations with users and are in terms of the scientific

support to be provided to the Services and the users, and the required supportive

related investigations and consultations within the scope of the Services' program

objectives, strategy and Directorate's directives and policy statements.

B.   Degree 4 - The work involves the provision of consultation services and

authoritative advice, the direction and supervision of the activities and resources

of the Section in the applications of physical climatology, palae-, synoptic and

topo-climatology and applied and meso-scale meteorology within such application

areas as climate assessment and impacts on the environment, regional planning, land

use, ecology, pollution, urbanization, and resources management planning and policy,

and other areas of climatological influences on, or of impact of human activities on

the atmospheric environment.

C.   Degree 4 - Activities include serving as authority on climate analysis, assessment

and impacts; providing expert advice, technical leadership and consultations to

various organizations; organizing, controlling, coordinating and supervising the

activities and resources of the Section and cooperative studies; negotiating terms

and conditions with client organization and administering and controlling allocated

resources and contractual scientists; acting as representatives on committees and

making recommendations; reviewing work results; developing cooperative programs and

approaches; writing scientific papers and organizing conferences and workshops.



D.   Degree 4 - The work requires planning, organizing and coordinating the Section's

activities, climatological projects, original applications, assessments and

cooperative program and studies; planning, negotiating and organizing resources and

support to be provided and planning the development of the Section's capability, with

commensurate freedom and latitude to meet its goals within allocated resources

limitations, achievable cooperation from other organizations, and the conditions,

funds and resources negotiated for studies/projects.


Complexity of Work


A.    Degree 3 - The work requires obtaining, by investigation and archival data search,

information and data pertaining to a new field comprised of merged disciplines

relevant to applied climatology and meteorology. In areas of sparse data, field

observations or extrapolations are required. Normally, sources may be identified

from past practices or studies.

B.   Degree 4 - Information and data in areas of sparse data are frequently impeded by

gaps in knowledge or must be founded on extrapolation and merged discipline data

interpretation. Validation calls for extensive and difficult or complex field


C.    Degree 4 - Information and data and the climatological parameters associated with

the merged disciplines and the circumstances of their application are characterized

by variability, many variables and present difficulty of interpretation. Sound

professional judgment is required in the use of the data due to the particular

constants and their variable values used as referrant for determining variables as

implied in climate assessment and impact analysis or to use extrapolated data in

areas of sparse data.

D.   Degree 4 - Relationships amongst the climatic variables and the environmental,

eco-systems, human activities, pollution, land use and resources development and

management variables are complicate and the relationship complex to establish and

not fully understood. In-depth investigative studies and analysis are required to

deal with inherent conflicting relationships and interpretation problems.

E.   Degree 4 - Consultative and investigative work and methods are normally affected by

other scientist and user activities and demands. Results and proposal papers are

affected by user's activities and requirements; negotiations and conduct of

multi-jurisdictional program projects are affected by activities of representatives

and officials of other organizations. Implications on the work must be considered.

F.   Degree 4 - Contacts are with scientists and professionals of own and other departments

and other levels of government, officials of private enterprises and universities to

discuss problems, service's programs and cooperative projects and to negotiate

funds, resources and terms of agreement for studies undertaken.

G.   Degree 4 - The work pertains to a new field comprised of merged disciplines.

Climatological investigation methods and original approaches to observing techniques

and equipment are required to resolve climate related problems; custom topoclimatic

survey techniques and procedures are developed and original approaches to data

reduction/application theory are devised to interpret climate in terms such as

pollution, ecology, land use, resources management, and for novel applications and

enhanced scientific support. Precedents often do not exist.

H.   Degree 4 - Work requires a thorough knowledge of physical climatology involving

palae-, topo- and synoptic climatology, climatography, applied and meso-scale

meteorology. A good knowledge of statistics, climatological archiving,

instrumentation and hydrology. A knowledge of fields of impact such as pollution,

eco-systems, land use, regional planning, resources management is also necessary.



Professional Responsibility


A.    Degree 4 - Overall accomplishment, key recommendations and conclusions are reviewed

by the Division Chief against goals and established general objectives. Scientific

papers and reports are reviewed by other senior scientists for constructive


B.   Degree 4 - As an authority in the area, little professional guidance can usually be

obtained within the organization. On the resolution of unusual and complex impact

assessment problems, guidance can be obtained from scientific establishments and

other authorities elsewhere. Guidance is provided by the Division Chief in matter

involving difficult negotiations, Division's objectives and new programs.

C.    Degree 4 - The work requires defining specific objectives for the Section's units,

determining approaches, requirements and limitations pertaining to scientific

support services, terms and objectives of cooperative projects, dealing with

problems encountered by the Section's units and establishing scientific guidelines

and procedures for the work and the use of the scientific resources.

D.    Degree 4 - Work and recommendations of subordinate staff are reviewed for soundness

of judgment. Reports, conclusions and recommendations of consultants are reviewed

for acceptability and technical merit against requirements. Results of studies and

proposals of other scientists related to specialized area are reviewed for


E.   Degree 4 - Result of climatological studies, investigations, climate and impact

assessment and of cooperative and contracted undertakings are interpreted to determine

the significance and the implications of conclusions and recommendations on the

effectiveness of the support provided and the achievement of program goals and

Section's objectives.

F.   Degree 4 - Advice based on a recognized expertise in climatological applications,

climate assessment and impact is provided to other scientists, management and

officials in own organization and other departments, scientists or officials of

other levels of government, and agencies and to industry on climate, trends, changes

and impact, new areas of application of findings and on effects of human activities

on the atmospheric environment.


Management Responsibilities


A.    Degree 4 - The work requires the operational management and supervision of a group

of professional climatologists, senior technicians, computer application system

specialist and a subordinate supervisor plus additional staff as applicable on

seasonal and project work.

B.    Degree 4 - Allocates the use of equipment, supplies and facilities for the on-going

work of the Section, field observations, investigative projects and analytical


C.    Degree 4 - Forecasts and assesses requirements, plans and develops projects,

including estimations of the financial, equipment and human resources required to

meet the Section's objective and work priorities and for the budget cycle and

multi-year operational plans. Conducts special studies such as to establish needs

for, and advises on additional observation network stations.

D.    Degree 4 - Seeks support or collaboration of other government services and private

corporations and negotiates for required outside assistance, services and resources

with principals of outside organizations, universities and other governmental

sources and negotiates funds and person-years from other related government depart­

ments, to provide climatological research and assessment data and information.



E.   Degree 4 - Controls and coordinates project schedules and operational work plans and

performance, follows-up and takes necessary actions to ensure negotiated contract

work requirements and standards as to quality, cost and effectiveness are met.

F.   Degree 4 - Coordinates the various analytical and data services provided by the

Section and the different simultaneous special projects, field observations,

investigations and consultation/advisory work with those of users and collaborating


G.   Degree 3 - Interprets and implements administrative procedures and management

directives and guidelines for the utilization of the resources, the negotiation,

control and monitoring of contracted projects, and the negotiation or agreement and

control procedures concerning outside service contracts or cooperative support.


Impact of Recommendations


A.    Degree 4 - Results of the work, recommendations, advice and consultations contribute

to the development of policies, instigation of major projects and the conduct of

other scientific work using the services. Decisions also affect the participation

in collaborative applied developmental research and the use of external sources for

contract studies.

B.   Degree 4 -

(i) Degree 4 - Recommendations, advice and consultations have both economic and

technological effects on a wide variety of industries, ranging from urban

development, recreation and tourism, to industrial expansion, hydro projects,

agriculture, mining and forestry.

(ii) Degree 4 - Recommendations, advice or consultations affect the conservation and

long term planning of uses of natural resources that are impacted by changes in


(iii) No significant impact.

(iv) No significant impact.

C.   Degree 4 - The development of new concepts and approaches and work results or

findings contribute to the overall. understanding of the impact of climatic changes

in the long-term and their effect on climate-sensitive sectors and eco-systems.



Director, Climatological Applications Branch Chief, Applications and Impact Division - Superintendent, Arctic Meteorology

-    Head, Energy and Industrial Applications

-    Superintendent, Bioclimate

-    Head, Biometeorology Research

* -      Superintendent, Climate Assessment and Impact Section PC-4

-     Land Use Climatologist (2) PC-3

-    Topoclimatologist (1) PC-1

-    Impact Monitoring and Analysis (MT-6)

-    Computing Specialist (CS-2)

-    Biometeorology Technician (EG)

-       Field Surveys Technician (EG) * Bench-Mark Position


Bench-mark Position Number: 18

Level: 4

Descriptive Title: Resource Engineering (Marine) Geophysicist (Western Arctic)


Reporting to the Head, Environmental Marine Geology Subdivision:


Plans, coordinates and conducts near surface marine geological, geophysical, geotechnical and engineering research in the Arctic regions of Canada, particularly the Beaufort Sea and which includes investigations of the erosion and sediment accumulation on the sea floor, from both a modern and an historical perspective, and the stability of seabed sediments.

Establishes, in cooperation with oil companies and other departments and agencies, the long-term objectives and priorities for Arctic seabed research. Prepares and solicits research proposals and reviews, evaluates and selects proposals for scientific content and applicability for funding; allocates funds and evaluates the performance of funded research.

Manages external research contracts with universities and industry, relating to short-term geotechnical research. Plans, coordinates and executes joint industry and government research projects, and directs and supervises group's staff.

Proposes the methodologies and technology required to conduct studies in the laboratory or in the field, evaluates new methodologies and technologies, and initiates the development or modification of instrumentation to collect data.

Plans, organizes and conducts scientific field operations which includes negotiating ship time; arranging for logistical support, supplies and services; scientific coordination; and controlling expenditures and the use of equipment, facilities and supplies.

Integrates and synthesizes multi-disciplinary research information and formulates models to explain the evolution and history of Arctic continental shelves and ocean basin and to evaluate the nature and severity of seabed instability in these regions. Publishes findings in scientific journals and in internal reports and presents to national and international conferences.

Provides advice on near-surface marine geology and seabed stability to federal regulatory, engineering

and environmental agencies and industry for the establishment of safe structures, procedures and practices for the exploration and production of offshore oil and gas.

Acts as departmental advisor to other federal departments on the assessment of environmental impact statements, and represents the department before panels and at public hearings.





Kinds of Assignments


A.    Degree 4 - Objectives of the work are discussed with, and are stated by the Head in

terms of Branch policies and research project goals, and long-term objectives and

priorities established in cooperation with industry and other government agencies




B.  Degree 4 - Work involves geological, geophysical and geotechnical research for the

Arctic seabed, and including sediment process studies, the definition of lithology,

strathigraphy and structure and the evaluation of sediment stability.

C.  Degree 4 - Activities differ from one another and include conducting near-surface

marine research; coordinating cooperative industry/government research projects;

controlling scientific field operations' expenditures, the use of equipment,

facilities and supplies, and organizing scientific and technical support;

supervising research staff; and providing scientific and technical advice.

D.  Degree 4 - Plans, organizes and delegates work for complex research projects within

the marine environment which must be carried out under difficult Arctic environmental

and logistical conditions. Ensures that the programs of diverse groups are

coordinated including work on a research vessel, to achieve the maximum efficiency

while making scientific progress.


Complexity of Work


A.   Degree 4 - The work requires obtaining multi-disciplinary information and data by

independent or joint detailed research projects in difficult to access marine

offshore and Arctic locations. The information is also supplied by other public and

government organizations and from research contracts and this material must be

integrated and synthesized into evolutionary Arctic geological models in a

particularly complex region. Collected data must be also suitable for use by

scientists in different disciplines.

B.  Degree 4 - Information and data often pertain to new areas of information.

Validating the information and the data calls for innovative and intensive

investigations under tough Arctic and offshore conditions. Data can only be

verified with great difficulty and at great expense.

C.  Degree 4 - Information and data concern those parameters which define such subjects

as permafrost, hydrates, slumping, faulting, ice scour, soil properties, pingos and

mud volcanoes that establish nature of the seabed. These data can be highly

variable, difficult to interpret and require sound professional judgement to use.

D.  Degree 4 - The data collected from near surface marine geological research represent

a complex array of variables connected by relationships that require considerable

ingenuity to interpret, resolve conflicts, and formulate into evolutionary models.

E.   Degree 4 - The work is normally being affected by the activities of officials and

scientist from oil companies and other federal and provincial government agencies,

as well as universities. Consideration of such activities and their implications

are required when preparing project plans and long-term proposals and performing


F.   Degree 4 - Contacts are with scientists and officials in the oil, industry, other

federal departments, boards of enquiry and universities for providing expert witness

and technical advice, exchanging information, negotiating joint research programs,

conducting work, allocating resources and dealing with problems.

G.   Degree 4 - Work requires proposing and evaluating new technologies and methodologies

and initiating the development of new instrumentation to meet requirements for the

collection of new types of information often in a difficult-to-define environment

and where precedents often do not exist.

H.   Degree 4 - The work requires the application of a thorough knowledge of the

principles, theory and practices of geology involving marine geophysical and

geotechnology and a knowledge of petroleum and safety engineering, environmental

science and advanced instrumentation.



Professional Responsibility


A.   Degree 4 - The evaluation and the selection of rese0arch proposals for scientific

content and applicability to program objectives is accepted, with the resultant

outputs being reviewed against the directives of the division and the attainment of

established objectives.

B.   Degree 4 - Professional guidance is received from Senior staff for problems of a

difficult administrative or complex scientific nature. Approaches to unusually

difficult and hazardous problems are often resolved in cooperation with other


C.   Degree 4 - The work requires reviewing, evaluating and selecting research proposals

for scientific content and applicability to program objectives and acceptability for

funding and to recommend options for complex scientific and difficult problems posed

by operating under difficult Arctic environmental and physical conditions.

D.   Degree 4 - Other scientist's proposals for research projects in the Canadian Arctic

related to oil and gas exploration are reviewed for acceptability and selected for

funding. The results of the work of other Scientists is reviewed for applicability

to departmental seabed studies.

E.   Degree 4 - Results of own and other peoples studies are interpreted to determine the

implications for Canada's research work in the Arctic environment and are evaluated

for their impact on the ongoing oil and gas exploration in the Arctic region.

F.   Degree 5 - Authoritative advice and recommendations for scientific research, seabed

evolution stability, geologic hazards and constraints to offshore development and

safety of offshore engineering facilities, oil and gas exploration in the Arctic

environment, and on the appropriate equipment and technology to be used, are given

to senior scientists and officials in industry and government.


Management Responsibilities


A.   Degree 3 - The work normally includes the supervision of one technician and one

professional but may include others when appropriate.

B.   Degree 4 - Allocates funds, person years, equipment, and ship time to projects

according to priority.

C.   Degree 4 - Evaluates, priorizes and selects the research programs and proposals

relating to seabed geology and engineering and environmental requirements in the

Arctic. Develops, recommends and implements plans for in-house research projects

and for the acquisition and use of required resources and expenditure of funds.

D.   Degree 4 - Selects, negotiates, advises on, and administers research contracts

performed by non-government groups for arctic seabed research.

E.   Degree 4 - Controls and coordinates project schedules with industry and

universities, and evaluates industry development proposals in terms of stability and

safety of offshore engineering facilities to ensure they meet the priorities and

objectives of the offshore geotechnical and Beaufort Sea programs.

F.   Degree 4 - Coordinates environmental, safety and exploration activities between

departments, industry and universities for research programs relating to Arctic

seabed studies.

G.    Degree 3 - Interprets and implements administrative, safety and management

directives and guidelines established for the work.



Impact of Recommendations                                                                            4

A.   Degree 4 - Recommendations and advice control the direction of near-surface marine

geological research in the Canadian Arctic and contribute to the development of

governmental policy and affect the implementation of projects done by governmental

organizations, and joint industry-government, universities and research contractors.

Study results and information provided, contribute to the formulation of policies

regarding regulation, allocation and revenue to be derived from exploitation.

B.   Degree 4 -

(i) Degree 4 - Recommendations, advice and consultations, and decisions have both

economic and technological effects on Arctic oil and gas exploration and affect

the direction of Arctic research and the safe engineering structure design

procedures and practices of offshore oil and gas exploration and production


(ii) Degree 4 - Recommendations, advice and consultations contribute to the

development of oil and gas reserves and affect Canada's position as a producer

of these raw materials and contribute to minimize environmental risk.

(iii) No significant impact.

(iv) Degree 3 - Recommendations and advice affect the use and procedures of offshore

oil and gas facilities to minimize the safety risk to the workers associated

with their development.

C.   Degree 4 - Developments of new concepts and approaches improve the understanding of

the sedimentary and geomorphic processes active on the shelf and slope of the

Beaufort Sea and other areas of the Arctic and contribute to the knowledge of

geologic hazards and constraints on offshore oil and gas exploration and production.

Results of scientific investigation lead to the development of new technology and



Director, Atlantic Geoscience Centre

Head, Environmental Marine Geology

-    Seismo Stratigrapher (South East Canadian margin)

-    Seismo Stratigrapher (Eastern Arctic to Labrador)

-    Research Geochemist (Geochemistry)

-    Paleoecologist Sedimentologist (Inlets and Deltas)

-    Coastal Geologist/Sedimentologist (Coastal Zones)

* -     Resource Engineering (Marine) Geophysicist (Western Arctic) PC-4

-     Beaufort Sea Engineer EN-ENG-3 (Term)

-     Geological Technician (EG)

* Bench-mark Position


Bench-mark Position Number: 19

Level: 5

Descriptive Title: Senior Advisor, Metallurgical Technology


Reporting to the Director, Mineral Sciences Laboratories:


Carries out technical and economic assessments of the smelter modernization, S02 control and metallurgical technology development and capital assistance proposals submitted by the metallurgical industry for government financial support. Develops criteria and evaluates technological proposals, assesses alternatives to determine technically and economically sound options, ensuring project feasibility within prescribed timeframe, resources capability and improvements to proposals, defining and organizing for required assistance to develop capital and operating cost of unit operation and whole process, working in consultation with senior industry, government and contractor personnel. Ensures acceptability and project priority ranking considering relative cost and long term benefit in liaison with industry and federal and provincial government personnel. Evaluates and recommends on proposals for Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology (CANMET) contract research. Carries out techno-economic assessments of off-shore technologies to ensure competitiveness, by world standards, of technologies promoted in Canada. Ensures complementary approach to research and coordination of technology development initiatives through liaison and communication w th personnel of CANMET, own and other federal and provincial government departments/agencies.

Advises senior management of own and other Department on the technical matters related to the evaluation and implementation of the proposals and makes authoritative recommendations to federal and provincial government departments on action choices, negotiation of proposals and on warranted government support of the projects.

Serves in an advisory capacity to industry and government in the development of strategies for commercial implementation and/or technology transfer related to metallurgical technology development and as technical consultant to other departments involved, federal/provincial management and other committees on the pilot scale testing and commercialization of particular processes. Serves in a consulting capacity to CANMET and to own and other departments/agencies concerned on the development of new metallurgical technologies (foreign and domestic), and as the technological/ scientific authority on federal/provincial, interdepartmental and industry Technical Advisory and Coordinating Committees concerned with projects related to non-ferrous smelter modernization and 502 control to recommend related strategies to Ministers. Serves in a consulting capacity to members of own and other departments/agencies and to departmental executives, industry and federal and provincial government departments in those matters related to non-ferrous smelter modernization and 502 control in Canada. Chairs/co-chairs federal/provincial technical advisory committee meetings concerning government/industry shared cost smelter modernization projects in various provinces.

Prepares, in cooperation with scientific and other personnel of own and other departments concerned and industrial contractors, technical and economic evaluation of metallurgical technology development projects initiated or carried out by industry with government financial support and of technologies developed by CANMET, makes recommendations for further studies and/or commercial implementation or reviews, provides authoritative recommendations and advice on the final evaluation of projects and participates in the development of technology transfer strategy. Assists, as scientific authority, in the initiation of, and monitors, projects related to non-ferrous smelter modernization and S02 control, preparing work statements for project initiation and providing assistance to departments involved for approval and implementation.

Provides reports and documentation to management committees and to management of departments concerned on the progress and evaluation of smelter modernization projects and makes recommendations on priority areas for CANMET participation in complementary R&D and on continuation of the projects, based on technological progress, economic assessments and financial management. Acts as main contact in the non-ferrous metal smelters study and as recognized CANMET expert in metallurgical processing technologies.

Makes recommendations to own and other departments and provincial government on various relevant programs, projects and proposals, and provides detailed rationale for their support, rejection or modification. Prepares papers for presentation and publication on the evaluation and potential of new metallurgical technologies for application in Canada and elsewhere and contributes to the initiation and evaluation of cooperative projects with Economic European Community bodies and participates in technology transfer missions to promote Canadian developed technologies and/or evaluate competitive options.





Kinds of Assignments


A.   Degree 5 - The objectives of the work are set by senior management in terms of the

current policy for the deployment of government funds from various program sources

to promote the growth of Canada's metal industry and to reduce SO2 emissions through

smelter modernization, smelting technological development and more efficient and

economical processes and new extraction techniques.

B.   Degree 5 - Work involves the provision of authoritative advice and recommendations

on a diversity of major projects for improving smelter technologies, developing new

processes for SO2 capture and reducing or eliminating sulphur in smelter feed, new

pyro - and hydro-metallurgical processes and new extraction techniques.

C.   Degree 5 - Activities include technical and economic assessments of technology

developments, capital assistance proposals by industry and of the impact on Canada's

overall ability to be competitive by world standards; recommending and advising on

changes in policy to maintain Canada's market position; evaluating and recommending

acceptance or continuation of projects or studies, providing authoritative advice on

smelter modernization technology; identifying and recommending methods to deal with

complex related problems; evaluating technological development options, economic

feasibility and impact; and, acting as a liaison with industry and other


D.   Degree 5 - The work requires planning, coordinating and implementing a diversity of

major technical studies and coordinating the federal and provincial governments role

and funding in non-ferrous smelter modernization.


Complexity of Work


A.   Degree 5 - The work requires coordinating and collecting data from a broad range of

major metallurgical processes and comprising up to 30 unit operations. The data

supplied, the information in the proposals and the technological alternatives to be

evaluated must often be complemented requiring involved investigations or studies

and careful scrutiny. Sources often must be developed or can be reluctant to prov`de

technological sensitive information or data. Extensive correlation with existing

information for accurate assessment is required.

B.   Degree 5 - Information and data may not be completely validatable due to absence of

comparable data or where feasibility or opportunity for required lengthy and costly

investigation, must be v ewed within resources limitation and other constraints.

Selection, acceptance and use of data require sound professional judgement.



C.    Degree 5 - Information data on smelter modernization, development of complex new

metallurgical technologies, process plans and extraction techniques involve a w de

range of highly variable data, present sizeable ambiguities and often are poorly

understood due to complexity. Ingenuity, highly selective and knowledgeable

professional judgment must be exercised for their evaluation and use.

D.    Degree 5 - Relationships between the many variables involved in a major metallurgical

process are complex and there are often conflicting opinions on their interpretation

and use. Evaluation, in addition to the technological dimension, must include con­sideration of the market conditions for mineral commodities, their relationships

between economics related variables and metallurgical industry accounting practices

conflicts. Data from these sources are often difficult or impossible to reconcile

with the primary technical evaluation.

E.    Degree 5 - The work undertaken for this government program activity and initiatives

is significantly affected by the activities of mining and metallurgy companies,

other federal and provincial governments as well as by the work of research

scientists or officials, both in Canada and elsewhere.

F.    Degree 4 - Contacts are with industry senior scientists, engineers and mining company

executives, senior government personnel and officials to negotiate federal government

involvement in major or new technological improvements to Canada's smelter and metal­lurgical operations. Work also involves contacts with engineering consulting firms

officials or senior personnel in Canada and in other countries as well as with

national an international research organizations.

G.    Degree 5 - Work requires approving or recommending new methods for mineral extraction

and metallurgical processes that will maintain Canada's position in the world

market. Advises on the feasibility and use of untried technologies.

H.    Degree 5 - The work requires the application of an advanced knowledge of the

principles, theories and practices pertaining to the production of ferrous,

non-ferrous, metallic and non-metallic mineral commodities and involving the physics

and chemistry, thermodynamics, chemical engineering, engineering design and economics

of hydro-metallurgical and pyro-metallurgical extraction processes and mineral

benefication systems. A good knowledge of related fields such as the mining,

utilization and marketing of mineral commodities and conditions affecting

competitiveness of Canada's mineral industry, and of government funding mechanisms

is also necessary.


Professional Responsibility


A.    Degree 5 - Results are evaluated in terms of Canada's attainment of its policy and

objectives of reducing SO2emissions and maintaining a competitive minerals industry

through the use of government supported technology development projects.

B.   Degree 5 - Guidance is received from Senior staff on program implications and

progress made towards achieving federal government objectives. Professional

guidance may be obtained by discussions with other senior scientists. The field of

work is highly complex with relatively few top ranking private consultants.

C.   Degree 5 - The work requires assessing major technological proposals and alternatives,

defining scientific objectives, establishing funding and resources requirements and

approaches to major project proposal problems and appropriate scheduling for those

that meet the criteria for inclusion in the government program.

D.   Degree 5 - Major studies and projects submitted by other scientists and engineers

from industry and proposed technological alternatives are evaluated for acceptance

or rejection, modification and continuation as part of the program and in terms of

their validity and effectiveness with respect to policy and resources limitations.

Studies by other scientist are evaluated for their impact on smelter design,

metallurgical process improvement and objectives.



E.   Degree 5 - Results of the work are interpreted to determine their implications on

the continuation of the federal government's initiative on smelter modernization and

metallurgical process development.

F.   Degree 5 - Authoritative advice and recommendations are given as recognized

government expert on mineral extraction and non-ferrous smelter modernization, design

and operation and S02 control, to senior members of other government departments,

company executives senior industry personnel and senior consultants.


Management Responsibilities


A.    Degree 1 - As a senior advisory position the work does not involve continuing

responsibility for staff, but may require assigning evaluation and monitoring

assistance tasks and instructing assisting scientists as necessary.

B.    Degree 1 - Devises long- and short-form plans for use of own time.

C.    Degree 4 - Assesses requirements and develops plans for the acquisition and use of

resources and expenditure of funds from a range of government sources to evaluate

development proposals for financial support and meet the objectives of smelters

modernization for SO2 abatement and metallurgical technology development programs.

D.   Degree 5 - Approves or recommends suitable proposals and the expenditure of funds,

assessing, selecting and negotiating federal-industry agreements for research and

pilot-plant projects or full scale trials such as for SO2 emission reduction, and

arranging for their funding through the appropriate government mechanism. Provides

authoritative advice on the selection of contractors and sub-contractors and on

technology research and development on the laboratory and plant scales.

E.    Degree 4 - Controls and coordinates major projects to assist industry and meet

federal environment protection objectives. Evaluates progress to ensure it meets

federal requirements for performances, efficiency and economy.

F.   Degree 5 - Coordinates technology development initiatives, proposals assessment

studies and projects (about 10 major and 50 smaller project per year) with industry

executives, federal and provincial officials and contractors who have divergent and

often conflicting priorities. Arranges and coordinates expert support within the

government for a complementary research approach and projects evaluation.

G.  Degree 1 - Follows office and field administrative procedures established for the



Impact of Recommendations


A.   Degree 5 - Results of the work and authoritative recommendations and advice affect

the departmental development policies and programs to modernize Canadian smelter and

metallurgical operations. Decisions affect which projects are funded and to what

extent, and affect the functions provided by other government departments in terms of

technical help and funding. Evaluates all projects in field of expertise for the

entire Federal Government.

B.   Degree 5 -

(i) Degree 5 - Authoritative recommendations and advice have a substantial impact

on the Canadian minerals industry both in terms of technological change,

efficiency and economic viability and environmental emission.

(ii) Degree 5 - Authoritative recommendations and advice have a substantial effect

on the exploitation of Canadian mineral resources in terms of increased or

improved recovery, and reduction of waste and pollutants and d rectly

contributes to resources conservation and use and to environment protection.

(iii) No significant impact.

(iv) No other significant impact.



C.  Degree 5 - Decisions, authoritative advice and recommendations, evaluation and results of the work contribute new insights for improved design, installation and operation of smelter and mineral processing technology, enhanced ability to competitively exploit mineral resources and improved environmental protection knowledge.


Director, Mineral Science Laboratories

*-    Senior Advisor, Metallurgical Technology PC 5 R&D Program Coordinator (SE-RES) Senior Industrial Research Officer PC-4 Manager, Chemical Laboratory Manager, National Uranium Tailings Program Manager, Mineral Processing Laboratory Manager, Extractive Metallurgy Laboratory Technical Support Section (EL-6), (EL-4) Administrative Officer Secretary

*    Bench Mark Position


Bench-mark Position Number: 20

Level: 5

Descriptive Title: Chief, Scientific Information,

(Analysis and Assessments Services Division)


Reporting to the Regional Director, Science: Pacific Region


Acts as the scientific authority and advisor to scientists, senior management and officials in own and other departments, provincial government departments and industry in matters pertaining to the evaluation of marine resource development proposals and environmental assessment and the provision, analysis and interpretation of oceanographic, climatological and marine resource and environmental data and information for the management and exploitation of the resources and protection of the marine environment.

Plans, directs and controls the activities and resources of the Services responsible for: the implementation of the Marine Environmental Services Program for marine environmental assessments and responses for scientific aspects of environmental reviews and assessments; the appraisal of industrial development proposals and environmental impact statements; the establishment and operation of a marine climatological data and oceanographic information and climate prediction service for the Pacific Region and of a comprehensive Regional Oceanographic Data Service for the gathering, interpretation, assessment, synthesizing, archiving and dissemination of scientific multi-disciplinary data and information for the Pacific and Western Arctic; the establishment of an inventory of marine scientific data of the region and of an institute technical record unit of marine environmental data and departmental reports for scientific support; the preparation, marketing and communication of scientific information products to governments, resource industry and other clients; the provision of advice, analyses, scientific interpretation and the liaison between scientists, management and officials of organizations concerned.

Recommends divisional scientific information policy objectives and strategies to the Director, and implements scientific information, analyses, assessment and data service programs to meet intent of policies. Defines Services detailed program work, evaluation criteria and budget requirements, sets priorities ensuring balanced program emphasis to satisfy marine clients urgent demands, fisheries and environmental protection long-term objective and requirements, and national/international scientific data concerns. Determines areas of staff responsibility and allocates work and resources. Carries out staff supervisory, administrative and management duties, providing guidance to subordinates and reviewing performance; enhances the capability of the Services to meet requirements, and fosters cooperative services. Coordinates the activities with the Regional Science sectors and other federal, provincial, university and international programs. Approves or recommends the expenditure of resources, reviews Services' work progress, controls expenditure of funds allocated for research contracts and assess reports for fulfillment of terms and conditions.

Implements data management policy, standards and procedures consistent with those of the Marine Environmental Data Service and recognized international oceanographic data services, and in keeping with data storage and communication technology. Establishes controls and procedures for data appraisal and the handling of data of a proprietary or regulatory nature and data services available from the Division. Ensures compatibility of the data program activities and objectives with regional scientists' projects, Fisheries Operations systems, Atmospheric Environment Service, global data systems and international data centres. Determines the need and directs the preparation of information products such as atlases. Promotes internal and outside awareness of the Region's scientific output.

Provides authoritative scientific advice on matters related to Arctic Water and Ocean Dumping Control Acts, development of marine environmental legislation, industrial operating regulation, conditions, strategies and on Ocean Dumping research applications to resolve problems and for future planning.

Represents the Region in scientific, planning and program matters. Conducts the Annual appraisal and Priority selection of research proposals for Ocean Dumping in conjunction with Environment Canada and initiates studies, reviews and assessments of problems in pollution or recommends research.  

Appraises research proposals for scientific validity and assesses scientific reports. Contributes with Fisheries Operations sector, other departments and the Province to the planning for environmental reviews and public hearings. Represents the department or the branch on various advisory or development committees for regulation of activities in the marine environment, reviewing proposals, assessments and advising.

Carries out managerial assignments to assist the Director and senior management of the Regional Science Sector in areas such as regional policy and program analysis and evaluation, planning, coordination, control and reporting systems for relevant and integrated/coordinated or multi-services/disciplines programs, research or surveys, bilateral agreements, program activity structure development, revenue recovery and conflicts resolution concerning inter/intra departmental submissions and marine environ­ment, resources exploitation and exploration guidelines. Establishes required liaison with regional headquarters management and program authorities, senior officials of industry and representatives of provincial, federal, university and international organizations concerning integrated/ coordinated programs, bilateral agreements and marine sciences related problems. Assesses and makes recommendations to the Director on programs effectiveness, progress, and impact on departmental priorities, fisheries and habitat management objectives, science integration initiatives and planning process.

Deals with or advises on conflicting or incompatible environmental assessments of proposals and responses to difficult technical enquiries from industry. Develops proposals and makes recommendations on environmental legislations. Writes scientific papers and reports.





Kinds of Assignments


A.    Degree 5 - Objectives of the Division are established by the Regional Director in

terms of overall goals, policy and priorities for the management of the marine

resources and the protection of the marine environment in the Pacific and Western

Arctic Region.

B.    Degree 5 - The work is performed within the multi-disciplinary areas comprising the

Region Science-sector and Science-Pacific Research for the development and

management of the marine resources and environment protection program.

C.    Degree 5 - Activities involve the provision of authoritative scientific advice and

recommendations on multi-disciplinary aspects of marine resources management, deve­lopment and exploitation and protection of the marine environment, on the provision, assessment and interpretation of scientific data/information and on policy, legis­lation and regulation; the direction of specialized Services and the performance of managerial and administrative functions; the assessment of, and advise on marine development proposals and impact, research proposals and application; the evaluation of work progress and implication on Regional and Division program objectives; the liaison with other organizations for co-ordination and compatibility of objectives; the provision of guidance on approaches to resolve conflicts and incompatible environmental assessments of proposals or difficult technical inquiries from


D.    Degree 5 - The work requires planning, coordinating, and implementing the Division

services; advising on marine environmental legislation, resources development

regulation and ocean dumping research planning and strategy; developing financial

multi-year plans for marine physical, biological and chemical sciences, and

hydrography, program activity structure and revenue recovery plans; and, formulating

changes to programs, policies and strategies.



Complexity of Work


A.   Degree 5 - The work requires identifying or developing sources and means of

obtaining the information, coordinating the collection and selection of multi­

disciplinary information and data on marine resources, climate, environment and

activities in the marine environment over a wide and difficult geographic area

(ranging from B.C. coastal fjords and open ocean to Western Arctic ice-laden waters)

and the gathering, deriving from, and the synthesizing of a diversity of

multi-disciplinary studies and findings related to off-shore oil, gas and mineral

exploration, fisheries and environmental protection. Raw data obtained with great

difficulty, are complex, often incomplete or cannot be repeated.

B.   Degree 5 - Information and data often must be accepted as obtained or derived and/or

reviewed based on former research information. Given the geographic area, inherent

constraints or changing conditions the data usually may not be completely


C.   Degree 5 - Most of the many variables involved in climatological and oceanographic

(physical, biological and chemical) resources exploration, development and marine

environment data are characterized by high variability and ambiguity. Ingenuity and

highly selective professional judgment for using data/information derived by/from

studies/projects of other scientists of various disciplines are required.

D.   Degree 5 - Marine environmental and development proposal assessment and the industry

practices, pollution and the multi-disciplinary parameters measured and appraised

and their significance to marine resources often result in conflicting viewpoints

calling for scientific compromises, trade-offs and recommendations for new

regulations, research priorities, or changes to existing policy or legislation.

Relationships between many variables are conflicting and difficult to define.

E.   Degree 5 - The work is affected by the activities of industrial concerns, provincial

governments and other federal government departments officials and scientists

working in the marine environment. Implications of these activities must be

considered in providing authoritative advice, determining services strategies,

requirements and long-term priorities.

F.   Degree 5 - Contacts are with senior scientists and officials of federal, provincial

governments and industry at the regional, national and international levels where

conflicting interest or objectives are represented in situations such as

conflicting/incompatible proposal assessments, mitigative measures and environmental

trade-offs, ocean dumping, offshore development and operating condition regulation;

and bilateral agreements.

G.   Degree 4 - Work requires developing procedures and techniques for implementing and

enhancing the services and applications to novel situations, the accumulation, dis­semination and marketing of scientific information or the control, and handling of data of special nature. New techniques using novel approaches are developed to resolve conflicts related to assessment and proposals, bilateral agreements and integrated program or to deal with difficult technical inquiries. Precedents often do not exist.

H.   Degree 5 - The work requires the application of an advanced knowledge of the

principles, theories and practices of physical oceanography with a strong emphasis

on the inter-influences of human activities, marine resources and oceanic processes

complemented by a good knowledge of marine development, resources exploration and

environmental assessment, marine biology, chemistry, climatology and hydrography,

and of managerial functions, computerized scientific information system and appli­cations to the field of work.



Professional Responsibility


A.   Degree 5 - Results of the work are reviewed with the Regional Director to ensure

intent of policies and program objectives are met.

B.   Degree 5 - Guidance is received on policy intent and formulation from senior

management and on scientific issues by discussions with other scientific


C.   Degree 5 - The work requires defining overall divisional policies, goals and

priorities, developing conceptual approaches for resolving complex assessments,

establishing coordinated multi-disciplinary research programs and scientific

guidelines for information/data effectiveness.

D.   Degree 5 - Recommendations and conclusions of staff specialists are reviewed for

their ability to meet policy directives and Division's program objectives and

priorities. Environmental impact statements are evaluated for compatibility with

policies. Major studies by contractors and other scientists are evaluated for their

impact on programs and objectives, and research proposals are appraised for

scientific validity and opportunity.

E.   Degree 5 - Results of marine multi-disciplinary studies and recommendations,

conclusion or assessment and impact of major development proposals are interpreted

to determine their broad implications on the strategy and effectiveness of other

program activities of the Science-Sector and the marine environment protection and

resources management.

F.   Degree 5 - Provides authoritative scientific advice and recommendations to senior

management and officials on matters related to Arctic Water and Ocean Dumping

Control Acts, development of marine environmental legislation and the setting of

industrial operating regulations, conditions and strategies, and on ocean dumping

research and applications to resolve marine environmental problems. Authoritative

advice and recommendations are also provided to other scientists on marine develop­

ment proposals and environmental assessments, response to difficult enquiries from

industry, mitigative measures and acceptable environmental trade-offs and on

programs, policy, objectives, priorities and services provided by the Division.


Management Responsibilities


A.   Degree 3 - The work normally requires the supervision of the Divisional Services

comprised of a scientific, advisory and support staff.

B.   Degree 4 - Establishes the requirements and allocates and controls the use of

equipment, supplies and facilities of the division.

C.   Degree 5 - Approves the expenditure of resources for own budget exercising delegated

authority. Determines and provides authoritative advice on integrated

multi-disciplinary marine research projects to be performed, long-term service

commitments or resource commitment for new systems or products.

D.   Degree 5 - Approves contract research and other outside assistance work using

internal or other funds for which authority has been delegated.

E.   Degree 5 - Forecasts requirements, prepares budget and establishes detailed work

plans. Recommends overall divisional goals, objectives and priorities. Develops

and implements uniform planning progress reporting and program evaluation tools for

relevant and integrated/coordinated programs and multi-lateral agreements.

F.   Degree 5 - Coordinates the activities of the Services with those of several other

elements of the Regional Science Sector, various relevant programs activities of

other departments, provincial government, university and international organizations

concerned and with requirements of industry and other users and where differing

interests and priorities are involved.



G.  Degree 4 - Develops and recommends uniform planning and reporting tools for use

within the Regional Science Sector and internal administrative procedures and

service guidelines for the Services Division.


Impact of Recommendations


A.   Degree 5 - Authoritative recommendations and advice affect the formulation of marine

resources development and environment protection legislation, regulation of human

activities within the marine environment and departmental policies, plans and

programs. Decisions and recommendations affect the initiation or conduct of

regional multi-disciplinary research or survey programs, oceanographic and

sub-surface marine climatological projects or the orientation and work of major

scientific advisory and development committees for marine resources management,

environment protection and development regulation.

B.  Degree 5 -

(i) Degree 5 - Authoritative recommendations and advice have a substantial long­

and short-term effect on policies pertaining to fisheries and habitat manage­

ment, ocean dumping, offshore oil and gas exploration and development, and

other industrial/commercial enterprises within the marine environment.

(ii) Degree 4 - Recommendations and advice contribute to the protection and

sustainable development and exploitation of marine resources such as fish, oil,

gas and minerals.

(iii) No significant impact.

(iv) No other significant impacts.

C.   Degree 5 - Decisions and recommendations affect the development strategies and

initiation of long- and short-term research and survey programs to acquire

scientific data and information leading to a new and better understanding of marine

science, more particularly, physical oceanography, marine climate and predictions,

marine environment and resources and the effects of human activities.



-    Regional Director General, Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific

-    Regional Director, Science

-     Director, Physical and Chemical Sciences

-     Director, Hydrography

-     Director, Biological Sciences

*-    Chief, Scientific Information (Analysis and Assessment Svcs.) Div. PC-5 -     Senior Marine Advisor BI-3

-     Scientist, Physical Oceanography RES-2 - Clerical SCY-2

-    Term or other temporary Scientific Support staff as applicable

*     Bench-Mark Position


Bench-mark Position Number: 21

Level: 5

Descriptive Title: Senior Science Advisor, Renewables and New Liquid Fuels


Reporting to the Director General, Office of Energy Research and Development:


Advises, provides assessments and make authoritative recommendations to the interdepartmental Panel on Energy Research and Development on federal Research and Development (R & D) programs and plans and on effective dispersion of funds, future funding and other resource allocation pertaining to renewable sources of energy and new liquid fuels. Proposes research work, evaluates R & D projects and proposals and makes recommendations for approval or rejection of projects in such energy sources as active solar energy, wind, geothermal and alcohol-fuel energy and coal liquification, heavy oil extraction and upgrading, diesel engine emissions, the use and production of hydrogen as a fuel and higher energy density new batteries.

Plans, organizes and conducts studies, information searches, analysis and assessments of the research works and technological developments pertaining to renewable sources of energy and new liquid fuels, and directs and supervises subordinate science advisors. Develops reporting schedules and requirements for the control and monitoring of projects, reviews expenditures and budget, prepares reports and makes recommendations to the Director General. Organizes and conducts internal reviews of activities for the energy areas, assesses effectiveness, and proposes changes to program content, strategy proposals and funding. Conducts studies into technology transfer, project results and benefit-cost analyses. Ensures the development and maintenance of a comprehensive information base for assessing R & D proposals, policy analysis and development.

Participates in the development of energy R & D policies, strategies and goals and review of the detailed plans for the program pertaining to the relevant energy areas and involving federal, provincial and industrial agencies under various agreements. Invites provincial energy departments to develop and submit strategies, provides advice or assistance, and reviews and conducts discussions on strategies proposed by federal and provincial agencies for common understanding and priorities. Assesses proposed R & D plans and provides advice to senior officials to maintaining an effective federal program. Monitors technological advances, status of innovations, field trials, demonstations, pilot tests, problems associated with technologies being developed; assesses existing, developing and latent technologies and identifies R & D, technical, industrial and commercial opportunities, capabilities and needs, and opportunities for technology transfer or preliminary R & D work.

Acts as a technical advisor to the interdepartmental Panel, ministers and senior officials on issues related to energy R & D and other allied scientific activities, represents the Office on committees developing programs and provides assistance and interpretations concerning technological developments, projects and documentation to energy policy analysts in the policy formulation process and for effective drafting of policy initiatives for the energy areas.

Writes reports and scientific papers for policy development proposals, supporting further R & D and demonstrations or for publication and communication to scientific community. Organizes and assists in the preparation of the Office's submission documents and prepares briefing materials, presentations, memoranda and discussions papers on energy research and development programs.

Develops and maintains consultations with scientists, policy analysts and other professionals in a national and international context, and maintains leading-edge technology awareness of developments, issues and organizations involved in new initiatives. Represents the Office in Canada's activities in the International Energy Agency, and provides information on Canada's R & D programs. Monitors parliamentary and senate committees' proceedings on energy-related matters.





Kinds of Assignments


A.    Degree 5 - The objectives are stated by the Director General in terms of the goals

and program objectives for the department with respect to the federal program on

Energy Research and Development of new liquid fuels and renewable sources of energy.

B.    Degree 5 - Work is performed within the several specialized subject areas of the

Energy Research and Development Program, and encompasses a wide range of disciplines

and involves defining the federal position on R & D in a diversity of renewable

sources of energy and new liquid fuels.

C.    Degree 5 - Activities involve a broad spectrum of scientific and policy formulation

duties and include evaluating and recommending major energy R & D projects,

providing advice on policy, establishing priorities for scientific work, recommending

allocation of funds, planning, assessing and monitoring projects, supervising staff

engaged in scientific investigation, and coordinating relevant energy R & D research

studies between the federal and provincial governments, industry and universities.

D.    Degree 5 - The work requires planning, coordinating, monitoring and assessing the

R & D activities related to new liquid fuels and renewable sources of energy and the

federal program on energy R & D, identifying opportunities for the energy areas,

industrial and commercial capabilities, interests and requirements and developing

from the results, new policies and strategies to meet Canada's energy R & D



Complexity of Work


A.    Degree 5 - The work requires developing sources, organizing and coordinating the

collection and selection of information and data from a variety of projects that are

developing new and innovative techniques. Intensive investigations are required and

data produced are difficult to evaluate due to lack of precedents. Latest research

information is not usually available in the published literature and must be sought.

B.    Degree 5 - Information and data which are obtained from a diversity of projects and

sources are often not completely validatable. The work involves being at the

forefront of R & D for renewable energy sources and new liquid fuels.

C.    Degree 5 - Information and data are obtained from many energy-related studies and

projects conducted by various government departments and agencies, industrial and

scientific organizations, and other government funded or independent R & D work. The

information and data are characterized by high variability, ambiguities and many

variables given the diversity of sources, different objectives, interests and

priorities, environmental and economic particularities, new and changing technology,

R & D opportunities and potential. Highly selective and sound professional judgment

must be exercised in using the information to provide objective assessments of

proposals and authoritative advice and recommendations for effective and efficient

R & D strategies, policies, allocation and use of R & D funds.

D.    Degree 5 - Results of energy R & D work, proposal assessments, resources potential

estimations, opportunity studies, strategy and benefit-cost analysis involve complex

relationships between many variables which are difficult to define and/or measure and

often conflicting as to the scientific theories, changing or new technologies,

particular roles, perceptions and interests involved and the most effective use of


E.    Degree 5 - The work is affected by the energy-related activities of senior scientists

in industry, universities and research organizations, other government departments

and officials. Implications of those activities must be considered in relation to

energy R & D policy and direction of the Canadian efforts.



F.  Degree 5 - Contacts are necessary with senior scientists as the latest research

information is not usually available in published literature, and with senior

officials from industry, universities and other governments at both national and

international levels. Perception of the needs and directions for energy R & D may

differ among scientists and officials of various government departments and industry

and views must be harmonized to arrive at final recommendations for the federal

government's role in R & D projects and funding.

G.   Degree 5 - Work requires establishing new precedents for energy R & D in areas where

new concepts and novel approaches are required in studies and where theories and

data are incomplete or lacking.

H.   Degree 5 - The work requires the application of an advanced knowledge of the

principles, theories and practices of physics: heat transfer, heat storage,

combustion and emissions, with a strong emphasis on energy research and development

of renewable energy sources and new liquid fuels. A sound understanding of

environmental economics, occupational health and safety issues and environment

protection is also required.


Professional Responsibility


A.    Degree 5 - Results of research studies, recommendations and advice are evaluated in

terms of their effectiveness toward the progress and achievements of the policy and

program objectives set by the Director General for the federal role in the areas of

R & D in new liquid fuels and renewable sources of energy, and the scientific

support to be provided to the Interdepartmental Panel on Energy R & D for its

recommendation to the Minister on policies, strategies, programs and funding.

B.   Degree 5 - Guidance is received from the Director General largely on policy matters

and on general R & D strategy options and program implications. Scientific guidance

can be obtained by discussions with senior researchers in the energy sector.

C.    Degree 5 - The work requires defining objectives, strategies, developing conceptual

approaches, methods and guidelines in the establishment and enhancement of the

government's energy R & D program, and in the conduct of activities pertaining to

new liquid fuels and renewable energy sources.

D.    Degree 5 - Assessments, recommendations and conclusions of staff are reviewed for

their validity and effectiveness with respect to established policies and the

resource limitations. Proposals, project results and study findings or reports are

evaluated for effective contribution toward achievement of program objectives.

E.   Degree 5 - Major studies by other scientists are continually reviewed for their

broad implications on the orientation of current R & D and technologies in the

energy areas and their application to the overall federal energy R & D program.

F.   Degree 5 - Authoritative advice and recommendations on technologies and associated

R & D problems pertaining to new liquid fuels and renewable sources of energy are

given to officials and scientists in federal and provincial governments, industry and

universities; and, to the Director General and the interdepartmental Panel on

programs, plans, strategies and policy and on R & D proposals, project

effectiveness, technological developments, technical and industrial opportunities,

capabilities, initiatives and requirements and on effective dispersion of funds.

Serves as an advisor to international and national committees.


Management Responsibilities


A.    Degree 3 - The work requires the direction and supervision of a scientific staff of

subordinate advisors engaged in monitoring investigations, studies and assessments

of R & D proposals, new technologies, and project progress and effectiveness.



B.   Degree 1 - Limited to the planning of the day to day use of the office equipment and

supplies for own work.

C.    Degree 4 - Evaluates proposals for, and recommends the expenditure of energy R & D

funds to meet program objectives for a wide spectrum of activities related to energy

R & D. Assesses requirements, develops plans and recommends research projects to be

done with allocated funds.

D.    Degree 4 - Selects and negotiates for specialized assistance as required for studies

and assessments process (e.g., other scientists, government researchers or


E.    Degree 4 - Coordinates and controls a diverse series of R & D projects and

schedules, monitors progress and evaluates performance against standards and makes

recommendations for modifications or termination to meet program objectives.

F.    Degree 5 - The work requires the co-ordination through the conduct of investigation

and assessment studies and the monitoring of the progress of energy-related R & D

activities or projects, in own and several other departments or agencies involved

and where interest, purpose or objectives are different and priorities conflicting.

G.    Degree 4 - Develops, advises and recommends on reporting schedules and requirements

for the administrative control and monitoring of the projects, the effectiveness and

expenditures for implementation.


Impact of Recommendations


A.    Degree 5 - Authoritative recommendations and advice affect the development of the

federal energy R & D program. Decisions, advice, appraisals and recommendations

concerning current state of development of new technologies, projects and proposals

affect the initiation, continuation and conduct of major energy related R & D

activities by the department, other departments and agencies.

B.    Degree 5 -

(i) Degree 5 - Authoritative recommendations, advice and consultations concerning

R & D programs can have substantial contributory economic and technological

effects on the activities and progress of energy-related industrial and

commercial enterprises. New technologies spawn new enterprises and change the

operation of existing ones.

(ii) Degree 5 - Results of assessments and investigations or projects, and

authoritative advice and recommendations on R & D projects, resource estimation

and development potential, affect the development of new liquid fuels and

renewable sources of energy. Rate of advances or exploitation is affected by

the results achieved by federally funded R & D.

(iii) Degree 2 - Information and result of assessment work can contribute to the

regulatory control of potentially hazardous substances related to new liquid


(iv) Degree 4 - As part of the total assessment of energy technologies, results of

the work can have a significant impact on occupational health and safety aspects

of energy technologies directly related to the safety hazards inherent to the

production of new liquid fuels such as alcohol, methanol.

C.    Degree 5 - Decisions, advice and recommendations on R & D proposals and projects

affect the initiation, continuation or orientation of energy-related R & D work and

the current state of development of new technologies, and shape the course of

research strategy and the rate of advancement of knowledge in the areas concerned.



Assistant Deputy Minister, Mineral and Energy Technology Sector Director General, Office of Energy Research and Development -   Senior Science Advisor, Fossil Fuels

-    Science Advisor, Fossil Fuels

-     Senior Science Advisor, Conservation & Fusion

-    Science Advisor, Conservation and Fusion

*    -     Senior Science Advisor, Renewables and New Liquid Fuels PC-5

-    Science Advisor Renewables PC-3

-    Science Advisor, New Liquid Fuels PC-3

*     Bench Mark Position