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Classification Standard - SH - DE - Dentistry








In Ascending Order of Level

In Alphabetical Order




This standard describes the classification plan used to determine the relative difficulty of jobs allocated to the Dentistry Group. It consists of an introduction, definitions of the Scientific and Professional Category and the Dentistry Group, level descriptions and bench-mark position descriptions.

The level description method is used to classify jobs allocated to the Dentistry Group. Each of the three levels in the classification plan is described in terms of the primary features used to assign jobs to the level. Jobs are regarded as being of equal difficulty and are assigned to the same level when the duties and responsibilities best correspond, on the whole, with the description of that level and the bench-mark position descriptions that exemplify the level.

Bench-mark Positions

Bench-mark position descriptions exemplify each level. Each description consists of a brief summary of duties, a list of the primary duties, and a statement of the distinguishing features of the position. The bench-mark position descriptions are an integral part of the plan and are used to ensure consistency in applying the level descriptions.

Use of the Standard

Four steps are to be followed in applying this classification standard.

  1. The position description is studied to ensure understanding of the position as a whole. The relation of the position being evaluated to positions above and below it in the organization is also studied.
  2. The allocation of the position to the category and group is confirmed by reference to the definitions and the descriptions of inclusions and exclusions.
  3. The position is tentatively assigned to a level by comparing the duties and responsibilities of the position with the level descriptions. The position is tentatively assigned to that level that best corresponds on the whole with the duties and responsibilities of the position.
  4. The description of the position being evaluated is compared with the descriptions of the bench-mark positions illustrating the level tentatively selected, and comparisons are also made with the descriptions of bench-mark positions for the levels above and below the level tentatively selected, as a check on the validity of the level selected.


Occupational categories were repealed by the Public Service Reform Act (PSRA), effective April 1, 1993. Therefore, the occupational category definitions have been deleted from the classification standards.


For occupational group allocation, it is recommended that you use the Occupational Group Definition Maps, which provide the 1999 group definition and their corresponding inclusion and exclusion statements. The maps explicitly link the relevant parts of the overall 1999 occupational group definition to each classification standard.


Level 1

This level includes those positions whose incumbents are responsible primarily for diagnosing and treating dental conditions. Managerial responsibilities at this level are incidental and typically include supervising and training a dental assistant, scheduling one's own work, requisitioning equipment and supplies, and recommending the purchase of new dental equipment and supplies.

Level 2

This level includes those positions whose incumbents are responsible for administering a dental program in a clinic, public health area or small hospital and for diagnosing and treating dental conditions. Managerial responsibilities at this level typically include controlling a staff of dental personnel, developing and administering a budget, obtaining services of and authorizing payments to private dental practitioners, and determining the eligibility of patients for dental treatment.

Level 3

This level includes those positions whose incumbents are responsible primarily for administering a dental program in a geographical region or a large hospital. Diagnosing and treating dental conditions may constitute a secondary responsibility of some positions. Managerial responsibilities at this level typically include controlling a staff of dentists and Para dental personnel and coordinating their activities, reviewing reports submitted by junior dentists, assessing the quality of treatment provided by junior dentists, and developing and administering a budget.

Also included at this level are positions whose incumbents are responsible for providing advice and conducting comprehensive studies in the field of dental public health.

In Ascending Order of Level










Dental Officer, Ottawa District




Field Dental Officer, Inuvik Zone




Zone Dental Officer, Inuvik Zone




Regional Dental Advisor




Regional Dental Officer


In Alphabetical Order





Dental Officer, Ottawa District



Field Dental Officer, Inuvik Zone



Regional Dental Advisor



Regional Dental Officer



Zone Dental Officer, Inuvik Zone




Bench-!ark Position Number: 1

Level: 1

Descriptive Title: Dental Officer, Ottawa District



Reporting to the Chief of Service, Dentistry, Ottawa District, Veterans Services Branch, Veterans Affairs Canada, diagnoses the dental conditions, and plans and carries out the dental treatment of patients within the Ottawa District, in a departmental dental clinic; supervises one dental assistant; and performs related duties.


% of Time

Diagnoses the dental conditions of patients and formulates dental treatment plans by:


-     identifying dental conditions, using dental instruments and X-ray equipment, and charting these conditions;

-     conferring with the hospital medical staff to determine the total health condition of hospitalized patients; and

-     ascertaining the type and extent of treatment for which patients are eligible under the departmental regulations.


Treats the dental conditions of patients by:


-     administering anesthetics;

-     removing carious material, restoring prepared cavities and extracting teeth;

-     taking moulds and fitting and adjusting artificial dentures;

-     treating periodontal diseases with medicaments;

-     operating or patients with impacted teeth, using the techniques of oral surgery; and

-     cleaning teeth, applying protective solutions, and explaining oral hygiene practices to patients.


Supervises the work of one dental assistant by:


-     training the dental assistant in procedures for preparing dental amalgam, mixing cements, sterilizing instruments and equipment, and completing patients' documents; checking that the dental assistant maintains the dental instruments in a serviceable state and replenishes the stock of dental supplies; and participating with the Chief of Service in the preparation of the performance appraisal report on the dental assistant.


Performs related duties such as instructing dental technicians in the construction of prosthetic devices and the application of prosthetic techniques; completing reports of proposed dental treatment and submitting them to the patients' physicians; completing patient treatment reports and submitting them to the Chief of Service; requisitioning supplies; suggesting changes in departmental regulations and in the purchasing of new dental equipment and supplies to the Chief of Service; and attending meetings and conferences of local, provincial and national dental associations and reporting on the proceedings to the dental clinic staff.


Statement of Distinguishing Features

The work requires providing full dental diagnostic and treatment services as a general dental practitioner to eligible veterans, Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officers, Canadian International Development Agency students and other persons served by the Ottawa District dental clinic. Patients treated include RCMP officers and veterans who have received facial injuries, and the aged and chronically ill.

Assignments are of a recurring nature and require applying established methods and procedures of general dental practice, and departmental instructions and regulations. Assignments also require formulating dental treatment plans based on the type and extent of treatment for which patients of various classi­fications are eligible and the dental and total health condition of the patients. Guidance on the type and extent of treatment to be provided to patients is available from the Chief of Service. Objectives to be achieved by the incumbent are stated in general terms. Work priorities are usually well defined in instructions or through discussions with the Chief of Service.

The work requires a thorough knowledge of the theory and practice of dentistry and a knowledge of the departmental instructions covering the nature of the dental treatment to be provided to patients of various eligibility classifications.

The incumbent is responsible for planning and carrying out all phases of the duties described; planning the work of a dental assistant; and submitting proposed dental treatment plans to the patients' physicians, and patient treatment reports to the Chief of Service. The work is not usually subject to review.

The incumbent is responsible for supervising one dental assistant, training the dental assistant and two dental technicians in work methods and procedures, and reporting to the Chief of Service on the work performance of the dental assistant. The incumbent is also responsible for requisitioning dental supplies, controlling the use of dental equipment and supplies, prescribing prostheses, recommending the purchase of new dental equipment and supplies, and suggesting revisions in departmental regulations.


Bench-mark Position Number: 2

Level: 1

Descriptive Title: Field Dental Officer, Inuvik Zone



Reporting tc the Area Dental Officer, Inuvik Zone, Medical Services Branch, Health and Welfare Canada, diagnoses and treats the dental conditions primarily of Native children and adults, in the Inuvik Zone; conducts preventive dentistry; supervises one dental assistant; and performs related duties.


% of Time

Diagnoses and treats dental conditions of patients by:


-     identifying dental conditions, using dental instruments and X-ray equipment, and charting these conditions;

-     planning dental treatment for patients;

-     administering anesthetics, removing carious material, restoring prepared cavities and extracting teeth;

-     taking moulds and constructing, fitting, adjusting and repairing dentures; and

-     treating periodontal diseases with medicaments.


Conducts preventive dentistry by:


-     cleaning teeth and applying protective solutions;

-     explaining oral hygiene practices to patients; and

-     giving demonstrations end talks on dental health to school children.


Supervises the work of one dental assistant by:


training the dental assistant in procedures for preparing dental amalgam, mixing cements, and sterilizing instruments and equipment;

-     checking that the dental assistant maintains the dental instruments and equipment in a serviceable state; and

-     participating with the Area Dental Officer in the preparation of the performance appraisal report on the dental assistant.


Performs related duties such as scheduling field visits and clinics; completing patient record cards and daily and monthly dental reports; compiling statistics; requisitioning supplies and equipment; and suggesting the purchase of new dental supplies arid equipment to the Area Dental Officer.


Statement of Distinguishing Features

The work requires providing dental diagnostic and treatment services as a general dental practitioner to the client population of the Inuvik Zone. Patients are primarily Native children in settlements. The work also requires delivering talks to groups of people in the population served on means for improving their dental health.

Assignments are of a recurring nature and require applying established methods and procedures of general dental practice. Assignments also require planning dental treatment based on established guidelines and priorities, diagnosing dental conditions, and assessing the general health condition of patients. The work requires providing adequate treatment, using portable equipment. In making diagnoses and planning and conducting treatment, advice from physicians and other dentists may not be available. Guidance on planning itineraries is available from the supervisor. Objectives to be achieved by the incumbent are stated in general terms. Work priorities are usually well defined by precedents and through discussions with the supervisor.

The work requires a thorough knowledge of the theory and practice of dentistry.

The incumbent is responsible for planning, organizing and carrying out all phases of the duties described and planning the work of a dental assistant. Work itineraries are discussed with the supervisor prior to implementation. The work is not usually subject to review.

The incumbent is responsible for supervising and training one dental assistant; prescribing prostheses; controlling the use of equipment and supplies; requisitioning supplies; recommending the purchase of new dental equipment and supplies; and scheduling and arranging field trips and clinics.


Bench-mark Position Number: 3

Level: 2

Descriptive Title: Zone Dental Officer, Inuvik Zone



Reporting to the Zone Director, Inuvik Zone, Medical Services Branch, Health and Welfare Canada, plans and administers the dental treatment and dental health education activities in the zone.- diagnoses and treats the dental conditions of children and adults; implements a dental health education program; supervises one dental officer, two dental technicians and one dental hygienist; and performs related duties.


96 of Time

Plans the dental treatment and dental health education activities in the zone by:


-     consulting and corresponding with public health officials, teachers and medical doctors to survey the population's state of dental health;

-     analyzing the survey findings to determine priorities;

-     conferring with leaders of native communities to explain the benefits of dental treatment and dental health education; and cc-operating with school authorities, teachers and other community leaders to arrange for the location of portable dental clinics, the use of utilities and the scheduling of visits and patient appointments.


Administers the dental treatment and dental health education program in the tone by:


-     requisitioning dental supplies for clinics, nursing stations and other health facilities throughout the zone;

-    estimating travel, equipment and operation costs for the zone dental program and authorizing expenditures; recommending changes in the zone dental program; and

-    preparing statistical reports and patient treatment reports.


Diagnoses and treats dental conditions of patients by:


identifying dental conditions, using dental instruments and X-ray equipment, and charting these conditions;

-    formulating treatment plans;

-    administering anesthetics, removing carious material, restoring prepared cavities and extracting teeth;

-    operating on impacted teeth, using the techniques of oral surgery;

-    constructing, fitting, adjusting and repairing artificial dentures;

-    treating periodontal diseases with medicaments; and

-    clearing teeth and applying protective solutions.


Implements a dental health education program r the zone by:


-    lecturing and giving demonstrations to groups of school children and others on dental hygiene and good dietary practices; and

-    instructing public health nurses and community health aides in dental hygiene and emergency dental treatment.


% of Time

Supervises the work of one dental officer, two dental technicians and one dental hygienist by:


-    planning and scheduling the work of the staff;

-    training staff members in the application of departmental regulations and instructions;

-    training the dental technicians and dental hygienist in Para dental techniques; and

-    evaluating the work performance of staff members and writing appraisal reports.


Performs related duties such as assessing the value of dental services provided to non-indigent patients and writing invoices for these patients; recommending the purchase of new dental equipment for the health facilities throughout the zone; and serving on selection boards for dental staff.


Statement ofDistinguishing Features

The work requires planning and administering the active and preventive dental treatment and dental health education activities directed primarily towards the Native population in the Inuvik Zone, and providing full dental diagnostic and treatment services as a general dental practitioner to the population. The work also requires lecturing to public health nurses and other health workers on emergency dental treatment and to groups and individuals on dental health. The zone dental program is carried out by the incumbent and a staff of one dental officer, two dental technicians and one dental hygienist.

Assignments are of a recurring nature and require applying departmental instructions and regulations and established methods and procedures of general dental practice. Assignments also require determining treatment priorities and providing adequate dental treatment services within the limitations posed by the use of portable equipment. Guidance is available from the Zone Director and the Regional Dental Officer who is located in Yellowknife. As there are no private dentists practicing in Inuvik Zone, immediate professional consultation is restricted to that with the junior dental officer. Objectives to be achieved by the incumbent are stated in general terms,

The work requires a thorough knowledge of the theory and practice of dentistry, a comprehensive knowledge of the intent and application of the department's dental program, and a knowledge of the dental health condition of the population served in the zone.

The incumbent is required to evaluate the zone population's state of dental health, to determine priorities for the dental treatment and dental health education service provided in the zone, to schedule own tours and for one other dental officer within the guidelines furnished by the Regional Dental Officer and to write monthly reports on the zone's dental activities.

The work requires supervising and training a staff of one dental officer, two dental technicians and one dental hygienist; serving on selection boards; writing staff appraisal reports; and instructing nurses and other health workers. The incumbent is also responsible for estimating costs for the zone dental program; authorizing expenditures; requisitioning and controlling supplies and equipment; and recommending the purchase of new equipment.


Bench-mark Position Number: 4

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Regional Dental Advisor



Reporting to the Regional Medical Officer, develops regional policies and practices in the dental discipline for the Quebec Region, and provides functional guidance to the Chief of Dental Services in Quebec District offices and Ste-Anne's Hospital; provides advice to the Regional Director General, the Regional Medical Advisor, the Regional Manager Benefit Administration and dentists on the interpretation of the Veterans Treatment Regulations as it relates to complex cases of entitlement in the dental and related fields; and,

Reporting to the District Director, directs the operations of the Montreal District Dental Services; diagnoses and treats dental condition of patients; supervises a staff of dentists, dental assistants, dental technicians and clerks and is a member of the District Director's Management Team.


% of Time

Interprets and develops policies and practices for application within the region on the operation and administration of the In-House and Dentist of Choice (DOC) Programs; maintains liaison with officials of the Quebec Dental Association, with universities, Provincial RCMP officials, and the Departmental Dental Advisor on plans and trends in the provision of dental care throughout the province, as it may affect dental care to the veterans, the RCMP and other eligible recipients of departmental services; issues regional guidelines and instructions as they pertain to the operation and administration of the Dentist of Choice Program; reviews and approves dental treatment plans submitted by DOC dentists in the Quebec, Sherbrooke and Gatineau Districts; advises on the selection, training and qualifications for employment of dentists, dental assistants, and dental technicians in departmental clinics in the region; and provides advice on the standards of equipment and supplies for departmental clinics in the region to ensure compliance with departmental policy and consistency with departmental plans and budgets.


Reviews and certifies complex or controversial dental treatment plans and cases considered to be equivalent to a hand or arm amputation referred by the Chiefs of Dental Services; reviews and approves complex matters in the entitlement of dental accounts as referred by the Regional Manager Benefits Administration; and reviews and approves, where appropriate, cases referred by Chiefs of Dental Services involving the replacement of prosthesis considered to be lost through negligence.


Plans and directs the objectives, budget, and overall operations of the clinic and dental laboratory; advises the District Director and District Senior Treatment Medical Officer on professional matters relating to the dental discipline and dental treatment of clients; ensures efficiency and effectiveness of clinic and dental laboratory operations in Montreal, and the operation of the Dentist of Choice Programs in the Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke and Catineau Districts; and reviews and approves Dental Treatment Plans submitted by DOC dentists in the Montreal District, and maintains close liaison with DOC dentists in the district in advising on and advocating the rights of the veterans.



% of Time

Diagnoses and treats dental conditions of patients.


Supervises a staff of dentists, dental assistants, dental technicians and clerks engaged in providing dental treatment and related office services.


Is a member of the District Director's Management Team.


Statement of Distinguishing Features

The work requires implementing and controlling an active and preventive dental treatment program for veterans, CUSO students, CIDA students and RCMP officers in the Quebec Region which has four district offices. The actual services are provided by four Dental Officers at the DE-01 and DE-02 levels, three Dental Technicians, three Dental Assistants, one Dental Clerk and two receptionists.

Assignments are of a recurring nature and require applying and interpreting departmental and program instructions and regulations. Assignments also require developing and controlling an annual budget. Objectives to be achieved by the incumbent are stated in general terms and guidance is available from the Departmental Dental Services Advisor.

As Regional Dental Advisor, the incumbent develops regional policies and practices in the dental discipline. The incumbent also provides advice to the Regional Director, Regional Medical Officer, Regional Manager Benefit Administration, District Chief of Service Dentistry concerning the interpretation of Treatment regulations as it relates to complex cases of entitlement in the dental and related fields.

As Regional Dental Advisor and District Dental Officer, the position requires a thorough knowledge of the theory and practice of dentistry, a comprehensive knowledge of the intent and application of departmental instructions on the eligibility of patients for dental treatment and the type and extent of treatment to be provided.

The incumbent ensures the efficiency and effectiveness of the clinic operations and of the Dentist of Choice program in his region. The incumbent is also required to analyze and evaluate the quality of dental treatment services provided in the Region. The incumbent is responsible for supervising and training a staff, serving on selection boards and writing staff appraisal reports. The incumbent authorizes treatment to be provided to patients by private dental practitioners and, through the Manager Benefits Administration, the payment of accounts.

The incumbent is also required to review patient treatment reports submitted by the dental staff and private practitioners and to submit weekly, monthly and annual financial and treatment reports to District Director and Departmental Dental Services Advisor.


Bench-mark Position Number: 5

Level: 3

Descriptive Title: Regional Dental Officer



Reporting to the Assistant Regional Director, Medical Services Branch, Health and Welfare Canada, plans, organizes and administers the dental treatment services and dental health education activities in a region; and performs related duties.


% of Time

Plans and organizes the active and preventive dental treatment services and t1.e dental public health education activities directed towards the Native population under federal responsibility located in a region, by formulating objectives and guidelines for field tours to be made by staff dentists, private practitioners and dental therapists, by recommending priorities and the provision and allocation of staff and funds.


Administers the provision of dental care services in a region by a staff of field dentists, dental hygienists, dental therapists and dental assistants and a large number of private dental practitioners, by evaluating the effectiveness of services, authorizing the payment of accounts, and coordinating the provision of services with officers of other federal and provincial departments and Native organizations.


Performs related duties such as obtaining the services of private dental practitioners; serving on selection boards; participating in evaluating the work performance of field dentists; and writing a variety of reports on the region's dental treatment and dental public health education activities.


Statement of Distinguishing Features

The work requires planning, organizing and controlling the active and preventive dental treatment and dental health education services directed towards the Native population under federal responsibility, primarily school-age children, in the region. The dental program of the region is carried out by field dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, dental therapists and a large number of dental practitioners retained at periodic intervals on a fee-for-service basis or under contracts negotiated by the Regional Dental officer.

Assignments require establishing procedures for processing applications and accounts for dental treatment, and developing and interpreting guidelines setting forth the objectives and standards of dental care in the region. Formulating objectives, priorities and plans for dental treatment services and administering these services require identifying and evaluating a number of variables including the size and geographic distribution and dental health characteristics of the population to be served; the availability of staff and services of private dental practitioners; the willingness and capacity of Native communities to assume part of the cost of dental treatment; and the co-operation of provincial, territorial and Armed Forces dental personnel, and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Assignments also require evaluating information using epidemiological study methods and estimating and forecasting required staff, monies and facilities. Objectives to be achieved by the incumbent are stated in general terms. Guidance is available from the immediate supervisor.

The work requires a thorough knowledge of the theory and practice of dentistry and a good knowledge of the intent and application of departmental regulations on financial and personnel matters. It also requires knowledge of the dental health condition of the population served in the region.

The incumbent is required to evaluate the incidence of dental diseases among Natives Under federal responsibility to determine treatment levels, to formulate guidelines on the frequency and duration of tours by field dentists and private practitioners, and to determine priorities for the dental treatment and dental health education services provided. The incumbent is also required to approve proposed treatment plans of private practitioners, to evaluate the quality of work performed by field dentists and private practitioners, to select dental health literature and develop teaching aids suitable for use by field dentists and public health nurses, and to write reports on the dental care program in the region.

The incumbent is responsible for suggesting changes in the allocation of field dental and Para dental staff; establishing guidelines on the use of staff; interviewing candidates; checking references; serving on selection boards; and recommending appointments of field dentists. The incumbent is responsible for reviewing estimates of required monies submitted by field dentists; forecasting monies required for the dental program in the region; approving payment. of accounts submitted by private practitioners; adjusting fees and contract terms with private practitioners and terms of cost-sharing agreements with Native communities; and meeting with officials of provincial dental associations to encourage acceptance of branch fee schedules. The incumbent contacts private practitioners to obtain their co-operation in providing dental care to patients; consults with officers of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada to develop procedures for the processing of applications and accounts related to the provision of dental health services; and consults with officials of provincial health departments to co-ordinate dental care services in Native communities lacking a resident dentist. In addition, the incumbent is required to co-ordinate the work of field dentists and private dental practitioners.