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News Release

Afghanistan Bomb Incident

NR-06.001 - January 15, 2006

OTTAWA - One Canadian civilian official was killed and three Canadian soldiers were wounded after a bomb detonated close to their vehicle. The incident occurred around 1:30 p.m. local (4:00 a.m. ET), on January 15, about one km southeast of Camp Nathan Smith, the site of the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Kandahar City. The incident took the life of Mr. Glyn Berry, a Political Director, from Foreign Affairs Canada embedded with the PRT. The family of the deceased and the soldiers' next of kin have been notified.

The wounded soldiers are Private William Edward Salikin, Corporal Jeffrey Bailey and Master Corporal Paul Franklin. All soldiers were deployed as part of the PRT and originate from Land Force Western Area units.

All casualties were first evacuated from the incident site to Camp Nathan Smith by road in a military ambulance. A U.S. Army Blackhawk helicopter from Kandahar Airfield flew the wounded soldiers from the PRT site to the American field hospital at Kandahar Airfield where they are receiving medical attention. All three have received very serious injuries and their medical condition is unknown at this time.

The deceased and the wounded soldiers were patrolling in "G Wagon" (Gelaendenwagen) vehicles. Immediately after the explosion, the soldiers established a security cordon around their vehicles and the Provincial Reconstruction Team Quick Reaction Force was dispatched to the scene of the blast. A detailed investigation is being conducted to determine the circumstances of the accident.

Canada's mission in Afghanistan is part of our contribution to the international campaign against terrorism. The overarching goal is to help the Afghan people achieve peace by preventing their nation from relapsing into a failed state that gives terrorist and terrorist organizations a safe haven.

There are significant risks involved in these operations, but Canadian Forces members are among the best trained, and most experienced soldiers in the world. They are well led, well equipped, and fully prepared for the mission in Afghanistan.

The PRT consists of about 250 soldiers, most of them from Land Force Western Area, headquartered at Edmonton, Alberta. The PRT brings together Canadian military personnel, civilian police, diplomats and aid workers in an integrated effort to reinforce the authority of the Afghan government in and around Kandahar and to help stabilize the region. To achieve its mission, the PRT conducts security patrols, assists local reconstruction efforts, supports local governance institutions, and facilitates reforms to the security sector.



For more information on Canadian Forces operations, please visit the Current Operations site.

Video footage and still photos of CF activities in Afghanistan are available at the following sites: Video | Stills

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