Dr Bernard J. Shapiro
Message from the Commissioner

The Office of the Ethics Commissioner was created in 2004 as a result of amendments to the Parliament of Canada Act. The objective of the enabling legislation was to provide for an Ethics Commissioner to perform the duties and functions assigned by the House of Commons regarding the conduct of its Members and to administer any ethical principles, rules or obligations established by the Prime Minister for public office holders.

I assumed the duties of Ethics Commissioner in May 2004. My office has two major responsibilities: the administration of the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons and the related but separate Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders.

In discharging my duties, my role and that of my Office is to support the principles adopted by Parliament as outlined in these two Codes. In both cases, the purposes are to enhance confidence and trust in our government and parliamentary institutions, and to assure Canadians that our government and elected representatives are held to standards that place the public interest above their private interests and act, in an honest and transparent manner.


Associated with the provision of both these Codes, I can also provide confidential advice to Members of the House of Commons and Public Office Holders subject to either Code; conduct inquiries when questions of appropriate compliance are raised by parliamentarians; and undertake educational activities and initiatives for Members of the House and the general public regarding my role and the Codes I administer.

This website is an important initiative in that last regard and I hope that you will find it both informative and useful. If you do have suggestions for its improvement, or any question or comment, please contact us at

Bernard J. Shapiro
Ethics Commissioner

What's New

December 23, 2005
Report on
The Smith Inquiry

December 7, 2005
Q&A; on Political Activities for
Governor in Council (GIC) Appointees

November 3, 2005
Discussion paper on
Issues and Challenges 2005

October 5, 2005
Memo to Members of the House of Commons
Reminders and News Items

September 26, 2005
Official launch of the Office of the Ethics Commissioner's new website


Public Registries

Public Office Holders

Members of the House of Commons

Frequently Asked Questions

Ethics Commissioner

Office of the Ethics Commissioner

Public Office Holders

Members of the House of Commons


Contact the Office

Office of the Ethics Commissioner
Parliament of Canada
66 Slater Street, 22nd Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Office of the Ethics Commissioner
Parliament of Canada
Centre Block, P.O. Box 16
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Telephone:   613-995-0721
Fax:   613-995-7308
E-mail:   oec-bce@parl.gc.ca