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News Release

No Conclusions Reached by Military Police in Grozelle Case

CFNIS CR 2005-10 - November 17, 2005

OTTAWA – Recent media coverage of the investigation into the death of Officer Cadet Grozelle has inaccurately suggested that the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS) reached conclusions in its initial investigation.

“The investigation looked at all possibilities including foul play, suicide and accidental and natural causes,” said Maj. Bud Garrick, senior operations officer for the NIS. “Although no possibility was ruled out, the NIS did not conclude that the death was a result of suicide.”

The NIS had not reached any conclusions when the case was handed over to the OPP in March 2004. The CF and NIS welcomed the investigation by the OPP and coroner, and share a common goal with the family, community and other agencies in reaching a conclusion in this matter.

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Capt. Mark Giles
Public Affairs Officer
CF Provost Marshal / NIS
(613) 945-0522 office

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