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News Release

Navy Commissions Six Centennial Paintings

CMS/CEMFM 007/05 - October 4, 2005

OTTAWA – In anticipation of the Canadian Navy's centennial in 2010, the Chief of Maritime Staff, Vice-Admiral Bruce MacLean, has commissioned six paintings depicting various eras of naval service to Canada. These paintings, under the auspices of the Canadian Naval Centennial Project, will highlight the Navy's contributions in both World Wars, the Korean Conflict, the Cold War, Operation FRICTION (Persian Gulf War), and Operation APOLLO (campaign against terrorism).

The changing nature of naval operations has evolved significantly over the last century. From an inaugural fleet of two ships in 1910 to today's multi-purpose, combat-capable, globally deployable force, the Navy has served Canadians with distinction both at home and around the world. Documenting these accomplishments over the years have been Canadian war artists, capturing the activities of the Navy as they carried out their numerous missions.

“The Navy has always had a strong relationship with war artists and it is important to recognize, through art, this most significant milestone in Canadian naval history,” said Captain (Navy) John Pickford, head of the Canadian Naval Centennial Project. “These paintings will reach out to Canadians and illustrate the professionalism and dedication demonstrated by the Navy over the last century, both at home and abroad.”

The Canadian Naval Centennial Project's goals include a renewed awareness amongst Canadians of the Navy and its contributions to Canada during a century of service, as well as the role the Navy plays, within the construct of the Canadian Forces, in a maritime nation like Canada.

For further information about submissions, artists are invited to visit


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