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HMCS Chicoutimi to receive CF Unit Commendation

NR–05.078 - October 5, 2005

OTTAWA–Chief of the Defence Staff General Rick Hillier announced today that HMCS Chicoutimi has received the Canadian Forces Unit Commendation for the exceptional effort of her crew to save the submarine during a five-day struggle that began on October 5, 2004 with an on-board electrical fire that crippled the submarine. The incident happened during Chicoutimi’s maiden voyage from Scotland to Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The award citation states, “… all 57 crewmembers reacted in an outstanding manner to this difficult ordeal, affecting an immediate response to the fire at sea and subsequent events. They worked courageously, with great purpose, to save their submarine, and endured considerable hardship and risk in so doing. In the face of heavy seas, multiple casualties, reduced air quality and the tragic death of one of their fellow submariners, the ship’s company continued in the highest traditions of submarine service and the Canadian Forces.”

General Hillier applauds its crew for their exemplary dedication and outstanding action at sea. “It was a superb demonstration of teamwork and extraordinary determination. While our sailors are trained and prepared to deal with the very worst, no one could have predicted the chain of events that occurred last fall. I wish to commend the crew personally for their resolve in the face of tragedy.”

The Unit Commendation has three elements: a framed, gold-embossed scroll, a golden medallion, and a commemorative flag. These items soon will be ceremonially presented to HMCS Chicoutimi in Halifax, N.S.

At the same ceremony, Chief of the Maritime Staff Vice-Admiral Bruce MacLean will present the Navy’s certificate of appreciation, the Bravo Zulu, to all crewmembers who were aboard at the time for their individual efforts to save the crippled submarine. “The crew prepared long and hard for their maiden voyage, and reacted exceptionally well to the tragic accident that befell their submarine,” said Vice-Adm. MacLean. “Each member of that crew deserves to be acknowledged for their extraordinary efforts in such perilous conditions.”

The Canadian Forces Unit Commendation was created in 1980 to recognize distinguished service by “any formation, unit or sub-unit of the CF, or to any similar organization of a foreign armed force working with or in conjunction with the CF, that has performed a deed or activity considered beyond the demand of normal duty.”

“Bravo Zulu” is the international naval flag signal that means “well done”.


Note to editors: Complete information on the CF Unit Commendation is available at The full citation of the award of the CF Unit Commendation to HMCS Chicoutimi is attached.

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