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For the period of 16 Dec 05 - 19 Jan 06

Dec 2005

16 Dec 05 OS Ennis 6080 Young Street, 5th Floor, Suite 506, Halifax, NS
Charges and results Charges 1, 2, 3: S. 130 NDA, trafficking (s. 5(1) CDSA).

VERDICT: Charges 1, 2, 3: Guilty.

SENTENCE: Imprisonment for a period of 12 months.
19 Dec 05 Cpl Nguyen Belvédère Armouries, Sherbrooke, QC
Charges and results 1. S. 129(2) NDA, an act to the prejudice of good order and discipline.
2. (alternate to charge 3) S. 86 NDA, used provoking speeches toward a person subject to the Code of Service Discipline, tending to cause a quarrel.
3. (alternate to charge 2) S. 129(2) NDA, an act to the prejudice of good order and discipline.

VERDICT: Charges 1, 3: Guilty. Charge 2: A stay of proceedings.

SENTENCE: A reprimand and a fine in the amount of $500.

Jan 2006

12 Jan 06 Cpl Joseph 22 Wing/CFB North Bay, Building 33, 33 Manston Cr., Hornell Heights, ON
Charge and results Charge 1: S. 130 NDA, assault (s. 266 CCC).

VERDICT: Charge 1: Guilty.

SENTENCE: A fine in the amount of $200.
17 Jan 06 Sgt Sinclair CFB Esquimalt, Building 30-N, 2nd floor, Victoria, BC
Charges and results 1. (alternate to charge 2) S. 130 NDA, sexual assault (s. 271 CCC).
2. (alternate to charge 1) S. 93 NDA, behaved in a disgraceful manner.

VERDICT: 1. A stay of proceedings. 2. Guilty.

SENTENCE: A severe reprimand and a fine in the amount of $4500.
19 Jan 06 LS Lasalle Asticou Centre, Block 2600, Room 261, 241 de la Cité-des-Jeunes Boulevard, Gatineau, QC
Charges and results 1. S. 85 NDA, used insulting language to a superior officer.
2. S. 129 NDA, an act to the prejudice of good order and discipline.
3. S. 83 NDA, disobeyed a lawful command of a superior officer.
4. S. 90 NDA, absented himself without leave.
5. S. 130 NDA, uttered a threat (s. 264.1 CCC).
6. S. 85 NDA, used threatening language to a superior officer.
7. S. 84 NDA, offered violence against a superior officer.
8. S. 130 NDA, assault (s. 266 CCC).
9. S. 85 NDA, behaved with contempt toward a superior officer.

VERDICT: Charges 1, 2, 3, 6, 9: Guilty. Charges 4, 5, 7, 8: Withdrawn.

SENTENCE: A reduction in rank to the rank of private.

Feb 2006


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