Department of National Defence


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-Estates & Elections
-Service Estates
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Office of the Judge Advocate General

Service Estates & Elections

The Estates and Elections Section, within the Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG), performs two very different functions. The section is comprised of two staff members, being the Estates and Elections Administration Officer as well an assistant; the Estates and Elections Administration Clerk.

Service Estates

The Minister of National Defence has appointed the JAG as Director of Estates. On behalf of the JAG, the Estates and Elections Section carries out the administration and disbursement of Military Service Estate entitlements in relation to any Canadian Forces member who dies while employed by the Canadian Forces (CF). This entails coordinating with unit level personnel, JAG field offices, deceased’s family members and private sector legal counsel to ensure that any legal complications are resolved prior to authorizing release of personal effects and disbursement of Military Service Estate monetary entitlements.


Under the guidance of the DND Coordinating Officer and the Deputy Coordinating Officer, the Estates and Elections Section carries out the administrative process associated with ensuring that the CF elector’s right to vote is protected. This includes CF presentations on the federal electoral process as well as administration of the CF vote during a Federal General Election. In addition, all Canadian Forces Electors are advised of any upcoming Federal and/or Provincial By-Elections in order to ensure that they have the opportunity to vote.