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Image: Remembrance, by Sgt Lucie Roy, CFB Edmonton, captures the contemplation of one who was there. The photo placed second in the Amateur Colour: Family Life class of the 1999 DND Photography Contest.Remembrance, du sgt Lucie Roy, BFC Edmonton, reflète; les pensées; de celui qui y était.; La photo s'est classée; au deuxième; rang dans la catégorie; vie familiale, photo couleur (amateur), lors du Concours de photographie du MDN 1999.
Image: Après; les cér;émonies; officielles du jour du Souvenir, sur la Colline parlementaire, des gens se recueillent devant le Monument aux morts.Photo: Susan Turcotte



After the official Remembrance Day ceremony on Parliament Hill, people linger at the Cenotaph to pay their personal respects, to remember fallen comrades, to say a prayer.

If money is the problem, then I, as a taxpayer, can name a number of events or activities where frivolous expenses have occurred in the CF.

If administration is the problem, then again, I can name a number of [instances] where the CF micro-manages some areas of my life while [I am] overseas.

In the end, the CF member overseas is there because of anarchy and a lack of democracy. Still, we are expected to be personally responsible for carrying out [what is] our democratic right in our own country [while we are] some distance away, without mandatory access/assistance from DND.

Cpl D.S. Hrycyk

17 Wing EME


We can pick and choose our cases to make an argument for either side of the fairness of the military justice system. Until the system changes so everyone, commissioned and non-commissioned, receives equal treatment by the law, then Maj Rippon's argument will seem to be only an empty attempt to fool us, and not a sincere attempt to change a system that increasingly seems to put rank above justice.

MCpl Hovdestad

CFB Trenton

la parole

comparison, but with a totally different outcome. They were both reported on the local news radio. These two cases start out similarly; both individuals were on trial for theft over several thousand dollars. Where they differ: one was a Corporal and the other a Colonel.

The Cpl was demoted to Pte, fined $2000, sent to Edmonton and given a dishonourable dis- charge. The Col was demoted to LCol, fined $2000 and had a letter of reprimand placed on his permanent record.


Combien de fois j'ai vu des confrères; subir de tels agissements et risquer leur carrière; parce qu'ils étaient; en conflit avec leur supérieur;! On invoque la loyauté pour amener les militaires à être; complices contre leur gré.;

Cpl Alain Lanthier

1 R22eR


J'ai déj;à eu l'occasion de discuter avec un intervenant de la Protection de la jeunesse et je lui ai demandé le profil caractéristique; d'une personne abusive. Curieusement, il m'a décrit; l'attitude de plusieurs personnes de mon unité qui détiennent; l'autorité : il suffit de nier à quelqu'un toute qualité et de lui rép;éter; qu'il ne vaut rien jusqu'à ce qu'il en soit convaincu.

Les Forces canadiennes consacrent beaucoup d'efforts à contrer le harcèlement; sexuel et l'abus de pouvoir, mais qu'en est-il du harcèlement; moral, de cette guerre psychologique en milieu de travail, des insinuations et sous-entendus, menaces déguis;ées; et allusions malveillantes, regards méprisants; et soupirs excéd;és;, remarques désobligeantes; et violence verbale, critiques indirectes et

CF members disenfranchised during election

Justice missing blindfold

I was one of those in Aviano, Italy who did not get an opportunity to exercise my democratic right to vote in the last provincial election.

The article "Voting onerous for CF members overseas," Vol. 2, No. 19, p. 7, seems more to be smoothing things over than rectifying a problem that we in the CF defend.

I found the article by Major Glen Rippon ["Military sentencing is balancing act," Vol. 2, No. 18, p. 4] to be somewhat biased. He picks two courts martial to explain how the military tries to balance punishment with the level of the crime committed.

I, too, can give you two cases for


video available



sur vidéo;

J5PA Combat Camera has just completed its latest production on the work of the DART during Op TORRENT in Turkey.

Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of this 16-minute video production (Catalogue #31-0924) should contact the Audio-Visual Research Library at the CF Photo Unit.

Combat Camera, J5AP, vient de terminer sa plus récente; production vidéo; sur le travail de la DART pendant l'Op Torrent en Turquie.

Pour obtenir un exemplaire du vidéo;, qui dure 16 minutes, (Catalogue no 31-0924), veuillez vous adresser à la bibliothèque; de recherche audiovisuelle de l'Unité Photo des FC.

The Maple Leaf welcomes letters to the editor. Please see masthead on for information.

La Feuille d'érable; souhaite recevoir des lettres de ses lecteurs. Voir les coordonnées; dans le bloc-gén;érique;, .

Vol. 2, No. 21, 1999

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