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Maple Leaf

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Thank you Readers

Whether you loved it or hated it, your reaction to the first issue of The Maple Leaf was overwhelming. Your comments were intelligent, thoughtful and often very funny. What follows is representative of the hundreds who phoned, e-mailed, snail mailed, faxed, and shouted their opinion. Keep it coming!

Merci à vous, lectrices et lecteurs

Vous avez ét;é nombreux à nous donner vos réactions; initiales à la première; édition; de votre journal, avec un brin d'humour, souvent, et de sarcasme, parfois! Merci à vous, lectrices et lecteurs pour votre feed-back. La parole est à vous, dans cette page.

another publication that consumes resources and occupies, I would imagine, a very significant portion of eight persons' time. I can't help but wonder why DGPA is spending so much time and money providing information to CF personnel. Instead, I believe DGPA should be proactive in trumpeting DND's role in Canadian society.

Sadly, I have to disagree with the Deputy Minister's comments (Vol. 1, No. 1, ). The publication is neither interesting nor appealing. My colleagues seem to agree, judging from the vast number of blue bins now sprouting Maple Leaves. Maj David Ross  
DAR Prog 2, Ottawa


Je suis très; heureux de voir un journal de « pensée; positive » et de chroniques militaires - non de mécontentement;, mais d'encouragement. Le format est lisible, le texte est clair et les images sont excellentes. Se faire louanger est une vrai joie pour tous et très; bon pour le moral. Félicitations;! Padre Stéphane; Sarazin  
NCSM Donnacona, Montréal;

SAR correction!

For your information, there are only approximately 129 SAR Techs employed by the CF at this time, not 650 as the article on the Cormorant (Vol. 1, No. 1,

) states. Since there are not an additional 521 SAR Techs on the payroll, I would like to have this matter cleared up with Treasury Board so that those of us who are SAR Techs can earn a salary comparable to that of a union garbage collector. "That others may live."

MCpl Ron Rea

SAR, 19 Wing CFB Comox

Naval Pride

The Maple Leaf article "Hey Sailor! Walk With Pride" (Vol. 1, Issue 1, p. 23) received more mail than any other - and it was not fan mail. Here's our favourite:  
The first issue of The Maple Leaf arrived on my desk and I was immediately captured by the professional looking layout. My growing interest continued - until my scanning arrived at pages 22-23. There, staring back at me, grinning as if posed by some mocking friend, was a character drawing of an AMERICAN SAILOR! Project Pride and restoring naval traditions indeed - I am pounding these keys so hard there is no need to make the type bold! I rather suspect Captain (Navy) Pickford is NOT smiling with enthusiasm now.

Considering the subject of the article, you should be as much ashamed as I am insulted. There is a dockyard omelette at my feet!

Richard M. Crowell, CPO 1st Class (RCN Retired)

DND Hydrographic Services Office, Halifax

Can you read this?

It looks good, but the print is way too small! Capt Marianne Kaduck  
DCDS Coord 2, Ottawa

(Ed's note: To the many who wrote on this subject, we got your message loud and clear - the font size has been increased.)

Rock 'n' roll

Félicitations.; Le look est rock 'n' roll. J.C. Charbonneau BFC Montréal;, garnison Saint-Jean

Balancing act

The Maple Leaf appears to be a fine successor to the late, lamented Sentinel [however], I hope your paper does not report only on the good news of the world. The Maple Leaf should not be a list of self-congratulating attaboys, as is the case with many newspapers. Please try to give us the whole story on the issues of the day.

Conrad Laplante

DAEPM, Rockcliffe

À la hauteur

Le format et le contenu de La Feuille d'érable; sont des plus intéressants; et tranchent par rapport à tous les journaux militaires qu'il m'a ét;é donné de voir jusqu'à maintenant. Mais ce qui m'a vraiment poussé à vous écrire;, c'est le fait que j'ai vu plusieurs soldats le lire et s'y intéresser.;

Maj Christian Juneau

BFC Montréal;, garnison Saint-Hubert

Blue bins sprout maple leaves

I was dismayed to receive the recent publication, The Maple Leaf. I understood that Sentinel was canceled for budgetary reasons. If so, from where is the funding coming for this creation? The capital program is virtually stalled, government pay equity still lags, and everyone is short-staffed, yet off we go with yet

Image: It seems Navy Pride is alive and well judging by the reaction to the story on the revitalization program which appeared in the January issue of The Maple Leaf. The two-page spread inadvertently featured an illustration of an American sailor. High ideals are founded upon small satisfactions La perfection dans le menu détail;

On semble avoir encore des raisons d'être; fiers dans la Marine, si l'on en juge par la réaction; qu'a suscitée; la double page sur le programme de revitalisation, dans La Feuille d'érable; de janvier : l'illustration présentant; un marin américain; n'est pas passée; inaperçue;!

D-Nouvelles s'excuse de cette erreur. L'illustration canadienne montrée; ici est tirée; du manuel des officiers divisionnaires de la Marine publié en 1964 et nous vient d'un pm 1 (retraité), Richard M.  
Crowell, de Halifax.

D-News apologizes for the error. The Canadian illustration shown here was taken from the 1964 Naval Divisional Officers Handbook, and was submitted to The Maple Leaf by retired Chief Petty Officer First Class Richard M. Crowell of Halifax.

Vol. 1, No. 2 1998

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