Director General Compensation and Benefits
CBI Chapters

10 Military foreign service instructions

11 Isolated Post Instructions

12 Education of Children

201 Definitions

202 Not allocated

203 Financial benefits – generally

204 Pay of officers and non-commissioned members

205 Allowances for officers and non-commissioned members

206 Gratuities – officers serving for a fixed period

207 Not allocated

208 Not allocated

209 Transportation and travelling expenses

210 Miscellaneous entitlements and grants
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Compensation and Benefits Instructions (CBI) Project

Watch this site for further developments/announcements coming soon with respect to changes to the overall regulatory scheme for compensation and benefits (C&B;) for CF members. Recent amendments to the National Defence Act regarding the allocation of authority and responsibility for CF C&B; policies, as well as the form in which such policies must be approved, provide that C&B; policies for most CF members will no longer be required to be in the form of regulations (QR&O;). Rather, they may now be in the much simpler and less formal form of administrative instructions. Over the past several months, DGCB staffs, in conjunction with the legal staff at CFLA/LRS, have been working to convert most of the current C&B; regulations contained in Vol III of QR&O; into administrative instruments to be called Compensation and Benefits Instructions for the Canadian Forces (CBI).

With the approval of the new CBI expected sometime in early Sep 01, the process of achieving new or amended C&B; for the CF will be greatly streamlined and simplified. New C&B; policies will continue to require Treasury Board approval, but non-policy amendments may be made directly by DGCB. The CBI will be published, amended and maintained on the DGCB web-site and will be cross-linked to the old QR&Os; that they replace. In order to ease the transition and avoid confusion, the old QR&O; numbers will be maintained for now, for most of the new CBI.

It is noted that there will be no change in actual policies with the conversions, only a change in format and in authority reference names ("CBI xyz" versus "QR&O; xyz") enabling them to be easily tracked through cross references and hyper-links.

A formal CANFORGEN providing further details, web-site addresses and contacts will also be sent, as appropriate.

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