Director General Compensation and Benefits
CF Pension Modernization Project

Pension Modernization

Reserve Pension

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Pension Modernization

On 29 May 01 the Minister of National Defence approved an initiative to modernize all pension arrangements for the CF. The modernization project will encompass initiatives currently in process as the Res Pension Project (RPP) initiated in Mar 2000, and the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act Review Project (CFSARP) initiated in 1999. The project will also be responsive to the recommendations resulting from the Terms of Service Review and the Reserve Force Employment Project affecting future service in the Canadian Forces.

The modernization of all pension arrangements for the CF will facilitate the following:

  • Assist in addressing recruiting and retention challenges
  • Support HR goals required by the CF for the future
  • Address the government decision to establish a pension plan for the Reserve Force as recommended in the 1998 SCONDVA QOL report.
  • Allow pension arrangements to be based on full-time or part-time employment in the CF rather than on membership in either the Regular or Reserve component, thereby addressing the diverse requirements of all CF members representative of the total force structure of the CF
  • Facilitate component transfers between the Regular and Reserve Force
  • Permit amendments required of the CFSA in response to changes to public service pensions resulting from the enactment of Bill C-78 in 1999.
