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Allowances for Valuation of Assets and Liabilities for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2005

TO: All Senior Financial Officers

RE:  Allowances for Valuation of Assets and Liabilities for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2005

In order to finalize the 2004-2005 Financial Statements of the Government of Canada, the policy on Allowances for Valuation of Assets and Liabilities requires an annual assessment of the collectability of financial claims. Also, any liabilities of a material amount that are not recorded in the departmental accounts must be reported to the Treasury Board Secretariat. Guidance on these reporting requirements is attached. All departments and agencies that are included in the accounting entity of the government of Canada are required to respond to this call letter including, where appropriate, providing a nil return.

Departments are also required to report on liabilities related to contaminated sites as required by the Policy on Accounting for Costs and Liabilities Related to Contaminated Sites. The template to report contaminated sites is attached as Appendix B. Note that a nil response is required where appropriate.

In fiscal year 2004-2005, the liability for contaminated sites has been devolved to departments. As a result, departments must record their year-end liability for contaminated sites in their trial balance.  The template is still required to provide information on contaminated sites needed to reconcile the total liability for the government and to collect information on contingent liabilities related to contaminated sites. In future years, the year-end update by departments to the Federal Contaminated Sites Inventory should provide TBS with the required information on liabilities.

Please ensure that the information requested by this call letter for the valuation of assets and liabilities, or a nil return if applicable, is received at TBS by May 6, 2005. Due to the additional information requested for contaminated sites, the reporting deadline for this item is extended to May 20, 2005. Compliance with these reporting deadlines will be considered in evaluating the timeliness and accuracy of submissions by departments required for completion of the Public Accounts. The performance by departments has continuously improved over the last few years. Your continued co-operation is greatly appreciated.

Suzanne Shirreff
A/ Executive Director
Financial Management and Accounting Policy Directorate

Allowances for Valuation of Assets and Liabilities - March 31, 2005


Objective:  Where the collectability of loans and advances is in question, the resulting impairment in the value of these financial claims should be reflected in the allowance for valuation of assets.

Scope: The claims to be assessed are loans and advances due to the Government by Crown corporations and loans and advances due to the Government by outside parties (domestic and foreign). For the purpose of recording allowances, there are two types of loans receivable: those that are charged to a budgetary appropriation (A and B authority codes) and those that are charged to a non-budgetary appropriation (G and H authority codes). In the case of loans receivable charged to a budgetary appropriation, departments are responsible for recording an allowance for those loans where collection is in doubt. In the case of loans receivable charged to a non-budgetary appropriation, departments will only record an allowance if Treasury Board Secretariat has devolved the allowance. For all other non-budgetary loans receivable, departments are to report in their response to this call letter the necessary information for Treasury Board Secretariat to record the allowance.

Departments should not include in their response allowances that they have recorded (nor the related loan) such as: the allowances on accounts receivable, including interest receivable; or the allowance on unconditionally repayable contributions.

Note: Assessment of investments in share capital, contributed capital or other equity in Crown corporations, joint and mixed enterprises, and subscriptions to the share capital of international development organizations will be done by the Treasury Board Secretariat. Any information required will be requested separately from the departments and corporations involved. However, to facilitate our assessment, we invite all organizations to provide any information that may be useful to us in this regard. 

Information Required: An up-to-date estimate of the collectability of the financial claims is required. In addition, a summary of the terms and conditions of loans and advances should be provided in cases where these terms and conditions are significantly concessionary. Terms and conditions would include interest rate, repayment term, grace period and any other condition that confers a significant benefit on the recipient. Loans and advances would be considered to be concessionary if any of the terms and conditions, at the time the loans and advances were made, were considerably more favourable to the borrower than the prevailing market terms and conditions. The data needed for each Financial Reporting Account (FRA) and a suggested reporting format are outlined in Appendix A

Report the most accurate year-end account balances available, since the FRAs will not necessarily be finalized by the required reporting date. Revised reports are not required unless there are material changes to amounts previously reported as uncollectable, doubtful or concessionary.

The valuations are based on the amounts recorded in the FRAs. Nil FRA balances need not be reported.


Objective:  In order to present a fair and complete picture of the financial position of the Government of Canada, it is necessary to recognize all liabilities that have been identified at the balance sheet date

Scope:  Departments should review liabilities within their operations that are not or cannot be recorded in the accounts of Canada through their departmental entries.

Information Required:  Details of unrecorded liabilities should be reported to the treasury Board Secretariat separately from Appendix A and must include the following information as applicable: 

  • Reason why the liability cannot be recorded in departmental accounts.
  • General description of the debt which will also specify if the amount is owing as at March 31 for work performed, goods received, services rendered, contractual arrangements, etc.
  • Identification of the party to whom the debt is owed.
  • Total amount of the liability together with the details of calculations for an estimated debt or reference to a payment‑claiming document for a determinate debt.

Note: Reporting requirements relating to contingent liabilities, including loan guarantees, are found in section 15.3.5 of Chapter 15 of the Receiver General Manual.  The information required is reported to the Receiver General in accordance with this reference.  Information on contingent liabilities should not be included in the response to this call letter.


Guidelines for Assessment:  These guidelines are found in the Policy on Allowances for Valuation of Assets and Liabilities, which is available on line at dcgpubs/TBM_142/siglist_e.html

Audit:  Details of the calculations involved in establishing the items to be included in the allowances must be retained by departments for examination by the Office of the Auditor General.

Financial Statements: Details of the individual items included in the allowance should not be disclosed in a department's financial if such disclosure could jeopardize recovery of the amount.


The requirements for custodial departments to report to the Treasury Board Secretariat on the liabilities for contaminated sites and solid waste landfills are described in the Policy on Accounting for Costs and Liabilities Related to Contaminated Sites that can be found at  Additional guidance on the accounting for environmental liabilities can be found at

A total liability of less than $100,000 for a department need not be reported but nil returns are still required. Custodial departments are requested to report these data to the Secretariat using the reporting format found in Appendix B. Please provide the report in both hard copy. An assessment of the completeness of the efforts to identify all contaminated sites and to quantify the related liability for remediation is required. New this year, the liability for contaminated sites has been devolved to departments. As a result, departments must record the year-end liability in their trial balance. The information contained in Appendix B is required for the reporting of contingent liabilities related to contaminated sites and also permits Treasury Board Secretariat to reconcile the year-end liability for the Government.

Guidance on accounting for solid waste landfills: Solid waste landfills that are no longer in use should be accounted for as a contaminated site. For solid waste landfills that are actively in use, a liability for closure and post-closure care should be recognized as the landfill site’s capacity is used.Departments with active landfills should indicate so in their response so that the appropriate accounting treatment can be discussed

Financial statement disclosure: The devolution of the liability for contaminated sites requires a change in the disclosure on departmental financial statements. A department may list the liability separately on its financial statements or group it under other liabilities. Suggested note disclosure includes:

Summary of significant accounting policies:

Environmental liabilities reflect the estimated costs related to the management and remediation of environmentally contaminated sites. Based on management’s best estimates, a liability is accrued and an expense recorded when the contamination occurs or when the department becomes aware of the contamination and is obligated, or is likely to be obligated to incur such costs. If the likelihood of the department’s obligation to incur these costs is not determinable, or if an amount cannot be reasonably estimated, the costs are disclosed as contingent liabilities in the notes to the financial statements.

Contingent Liabilities - Contaminated sites:

Liabilities are accrued to record the estimated costs related to the management and remediation of contaminated sites where the department is obligated or likely to be obligated to incur such costs. The department has identified approximately xx sites (xx sites in 2004) where such action is possible and for which a liability of $xx million ($xx million in 2004) has been recorded. The department has estimated additional clean-up costs of $x million ($x million in 2004) that are not accrued as these are not considered likely to be incurred at this time. The department’s ongoing efforts to assess contaminated sites may result in additional environmental liabilities related to newly identified sites, or changes in the assessments or intended use of existing sites. These liabilities will be accrued in the year in which they become known.

Departments should tailor the disclosure depending on the materiality of amounts


The data required by the Treasury Board Secretariat should be designated as confidential. The information regarding the departmental assessment of assets and reporting of unrecorded liabilities should be received by May 6, 2005.  The reporting deadline for tcontaminated sites is May 20, 2005.  The data should be submitted to:

Chantal Lemyre
Senior Analyst, Government Accounting Policy
Financial Management and Accounting Policy Directorate
Office of the Comptroller General
Treasury Board Secretariat
L'Ésplanade Laurier
8th Floor, West Tower
300 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0R5

If there are any questions or if there are difficulties in providing the required information, please notify Chantal Lemyre at (613) 957-2527 or at

Appendix A

Department (Name)
Analysis of Financial Claims
As at March 31, 2005

Results of Assessments
No. (1)
Description Balance Uncollectable Doubtful Concessionary Criteria used, terms and other comments(2)

 (1) Financial Reporting Account (FRA) Description and Balance

  • All items should be identified by a FRA number. Where there are separate FRAs for amounts repaid during the fiscal year, they should be grouped with the relevant loan account balances.

(2) Criteria Used, Terms and Other Comments

  • Claims which have been assessed as collectable but which have not been collected to date in accordance with existing terms must be explained. A general description of terms and conditions relative to the item must be included.
  • "Pass-through" loans to Crown corporations must be identified.
  • For concessionary loans and advances, the following information should be provided: interest rate, repayment term, grace period, date of signing of agreement, date of initial disbursements, and any other relevant terms and conditions.  For loans and advances that are used by outside organizations to make concessionary loans, a general description of their loan portfolios should be provided.

Appendix B

DEPARTMENT: ____________________
As at March 31, 2005

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7
March 31, 2005


% of completion to quantify liability at March 31, 2005
1 2 3 N I
12345-001   X         $8,027,000 $6,500,000 -$1,000,000 $13,527,000 $0    
12345-002     X       $0 $0 $0 $0 $500,000    
12345-xx           2         $1,000,000 $10,000  
TOTAL 0 1 1 0 0 2 $8,027,000 $6,500,000 -$1,000,000 $13,527,000 $1,500,000 $10,000 98%


  1. Opening Liability - 1 April 2004: report the liability balance reported for 31 March 2004. 
  2. Changes to Liability Estimate in 2004/05: include increases to liability as a result of the identification of new contaminated sites and increases/decreases to previous estimates of costs.
  3. Remediation, Care & Management Expenditures in 2004/05: include remediation, care and management expenditures incurred in year on contaminated sites.
  4. Closing Liability 31 March 2005: equals column 1 + column 2 + column 3..
  5. Contingent liabilities: include the estimate of remediation, care and maintenance costs for sites where it is unclear whether the government is obligated or if the government is unlikely to incur such costs.
  6. Assessment Expenditures for 2004/05: include assessment costs incurred in the year to determine whether contamination exists (i.e. costs associated with steps 1 to 4 of the 10-step process for addressing a contaminated site).  This data is being collected for information purposes only.
  7. % of completion to quantify liability at 31 March 2005: include estimate of the percentage of completeness to quantify liability. Estimate is for the entire inventory (not by site).  Estimate should consider the number of sites which the department has yet to assess and whether the department suspects to find contamination.  For example where a department has only assessed 70% of its sites but does not suspect contamination exists on the remaining sites, the percentage of completion should be close to 100% (i.e. rather than being 70%).  This percentage is a "best guess" and is being collected for information purposes only.

*All amounts should exclude GST.