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Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat - Government of Canada

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10 Resource(s) found.

Federal Contaminated Sites Inventory - Data Dictionary
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The Edifice Complex - Volume 6, No 2 - July 2005
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Once again the summer has arrived and with a vengeance!
Federal Contaminated Sites Inventory - Access Database

Tenant Meeting - Minutes from March 7, 2005
(This document is available only on the publiservice intranet.)
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The Edifice Complex - Volume 6, No 1 - April 2005
Also Available in: [ Rich Text (31.0Mb) ]

Over the past few months, the folks here at Edifice Complex have been actively seeking article submissions from the wider federal real property community.
The Edifice Complex - Volume 5, No 6 - November 2004
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It is undoubtedly with interest that you followed the Speech from the Throne, delivered by the Governor General Adrienne Clarkson on October 5th, 2004.
The Edifice Complex - Volume 5, No 5 - July 2004
Also Available in: [ Rich Text (224Kb) ]

This month features information on the RPIC National Workshop, Evaluation of TB Disposal of Surplus Real Property Policy, and the Triple Bottom Line in real Property.
The Edifice Complex - Volume 5, No 4 - May 2004

Spring is the ideal time to houseclean our ideas and plan projects to be accomplished during the rest of the year.
Common Services Policy

Edifice Complex - Volume 5, number 3 - November 2003 - Special Edition

Release of The Disposal of Surplus Real Property in the Context of Aboriginal Issues: Best Practices Guidelines
Government of Canada