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Private Acts

Private Acts are enacted by the Legislature. Private Acts are passed at the petition of specific groups of persons and govern only those persons.

Please note: The Private Acts have been scanned, consolidated and formatted to our current standards. These are available for convenience of reference and are intended to be used as a base research tool.

Repealed and Obsolete

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Product List for Private Acts

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  Additional Municipal Hail, Limited, An Act to incorporate
1924 CHAPTER 65 An Act to incorporate Additional Municipal Hail, Limited.
  Agricultural Insurance Company Limited, An Act to incorporate
1916 CHAPTER 45 An Act to incorporate The Agricultural Insurance Company, Limited.
  Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Canada Incorporated
1946 CHAPTER 113 An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of the Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Canada Incorporated
  Archiepiscopal Corporation of Regina, An Act to incorporate
1912 CHAPTER 66 An Act to incorporate Archiepiscopal Corporation of Regina
  Assiniboia Club, Incorporating
No. 37 of 1891-92 An Ordinance to incorporate the Assiniboia Club
  Athol Murray College of Notre Dame Act
1983 CHAPTER 04 An Act to continue the incorporation of Athol Murray College of Notre Dame
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  Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company Act, 1997
1997 CHAPTER 01 An Act respecting The Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company, Montreal Trust Company of Canada and Montreal Trust Company
  Baptist Union of Western Canada, An Act respecting
1910-11 CHAPTER 60 An Act respecting The Baptist Union of Western Canada
  Bethany Bible Institute and to amend An Act to incorporate Mennonite Brethren Church of Saskatchewan, An Act to incorporate the
1993 CHAPTER 02 An Act to incorporate the Bethany Bible Institute and to amend An Act to incorporate Mennonite Brethren Church of Saskatchewan
  Bethel Bible Institute, of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, An Act to provide for Tax Exemption of Certain Property
1939 CHAPTER 99 An Act to provide for Tax Exemption of Certain Property of Bethel Bible Institute, of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
  Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation Act
1981-82 CHAPTER 1 An Act to incorporate the Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation
  Boy Scouts of Canada Saskatchewan Provincial Council, an Act to provide for exemption from taxation of Property
1979 CHAPTER 86 An Act to provide for exemption from taxation of Property of the Boy Scouts of Canada Saskatchewan Provincial Council
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  Canada Permanent Trust Company and the Toronto General Trusts Corporation, An Act respecting
1962 CHAPTER 79 An Act respecting The Canada Permanent Trust Company and The Toronto General Trusts Corporation
  Canada Trust Company and Executors and Administrators Trust Company Limited, An Act respecting
1967 CHAPTER 94 An Act respecting The Canada Trust Company and Executors and Administrators Trust Company Limited
  Canada Trust Company and The London and Western Trusts Company Limited, An Act respecting
1947 CHAPTER 125 An Act respecting The Canada Trust Company and The London and Western Trusts Company Limited.
  Canadian Baptist Theological College Act
1980-81 CHAPTER 107 An Act to incorporate the Canadian Baptist Theological College
  Canadian Bible College of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of
1964 CHAPTER 64 An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of Canadian Bible College of the Christian and Missionary Alliance
  Canadian Bible Institute of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, An Act to incorporate the Western
1949 CHAPTER 129 An Act to incorporate the Western Canadian Bible Institute of the Christian and Missionary Alliance
  Canadian Bible Society, Saskatchewan District Act
1986 CHAPTER 01 An Act respecting the Canadian Bible Society, Saskatchewan District
  Canadian Pacific Railway Company (Subsidiaries) Act, 1957
1957 CHAPTER 108 An Act respecting Canadian Pacific Railway Company and Certain Subsidiary Companies
  Canadian Red Cross Society, Saskatchewan Division, An Act to provide for exemption from taxation of Property
1979-80 CHAPTER 109 An Act to provide for exemption from taxation of Property of The Canadian Red Cross Society, Saskatchewan Division
  Canadian Theological Seminary, An Act to incorporate
1973 CHAPTER 125 An Act to incorporate the Canadian Theological Seminary
  Cannington Trust Company, An Act to incorporate
1917 CHAPTER 45 An Act to incorporate The Cannington Trust Company
  Carlyle Lake Resort, An Act respecting the Summer Resort Village of
1959 CHAPTER 90 An Act respecting The Summer Resort Village of Carlyle Lake Resort
  Caron, An Act to incorporate the Town of
1906 CHAPTER 48 An Act to incorporate the Town of Caron
  Caronport Schools, Incorporating
1939 CHAPTER 101 An Act to incorporate Caronport Schools
  Carr Foundation, An Act to incorporate
1972 CHAPTER 156 An Act to incorporate The Carr Foundation
  Catholic College of Regina, An Act to incorporate
1917 (Second Session) CHAPTER 76 An Act to incorporate The Catholic College of Regina
  Catholic Women’s League, Incorporating
1919-20 CHAPTER 92 An Act to incorporate The Catholic Women’s League
  Cenaiko Foundation, An Act to Incorporate
1973-74 CHAPTER 132 An Act to incorporate Cenaiko Foundation
  Central Saskatchewan Trust Company, Limited, An Act to Incorporate
1913 CHAPTER 85 An Act to incorporate Central Saskatchewan Trust Company, Limited
  Central Trust Company Act
1983-84 CHAPTER 03 An Act respecting Crown Trust Company and Central Trust Company
  Central Turf and Driving Club, Limited, An Act to incorporate
1955 CHAPTER 95 An Act to incorporate Central Turf and Driving Club, Limited
  Church of Christ Missionary Society Act
1918-19 CHAPTER 97 An Act to incorporate The Missionary Society of the Church of Christ in Saskatchewan
  Co-operative Superannuation Society, Incorporating
1979-80 CHAPTER 108 An Act to amend and consolidate an Act respecting Co-operative Superannuation Society
  Co-operative Trust Company Limited and Co-operative Trust Company of Canada, An Act respecting
1967 CHAPTER 97 An Act respecting Co-operative Trust Company Limited and Co-operative Trust Company of Canada
  College Catholique Romain de Prince Albert, An Act to incorporate
1956 CHAPTER 78 An Act to incorporate Le College Catholique Romain de Prince Albert
  College Mathieu, Gravelbourg, Sask., Incorporating
1917 (Second Session) CHAPTER 75 An Act to incorporate College Mathieu, Gravelbourg, Sask.
  Colonial Club of the City of Moose Jaw, An Act to Incorporate
1912 CHAPTER 64 An Act to incorporate The Colonial Club of the City of Moose Jaw.
  Commercial Club of the City of Saskatoon, An Act to incorporate
1907 CHAPTER 47 An Act to incorporate The Commercial Club of the City of Saskatoon
  Commercial Trust Company, Incorporating - UNEDITED
1907 CHAPTER 42 An Act to incorporate the Commercial Trust Company
  Compagnie Desjardins, Limitée, Confirming certain agreements by - UNEDITED
1917 CHAPTER 42 An Act to confirm and make valid Certain Agreements entered into by or on behalf of “La Compagnie Desjardins, Limitee.”
  Conference of Mennonites of Saskatchewan Act
CHAPTER 01 An Act respecting Mennonite Church Saskatchewan
  Congregation Agudas Israel, Incorporating
1958 CHAPTER 105 An Act to incorporate the Congregation Agudas Israel
  Congregation des Filles de la Croix, dites, Soeurs de St. Andre, Incorporating - UNEDITED
1917 CHAPTER 37 An Act to incorporate La Congregation des Filles de la Croix, dites, Soeurs de St. Andre.
  Congregation des Sacres Coeurs de Jesus et de Marie et de l'Adoration, An Act to incorporate
1928-29 CHAPTER 80 An Act to incorporate La Congregation des Sacres Coeurs de Jesus et de Marie et de l'Adoration
  Congregation of the Sisters of St. Elizabeth of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Assisi, An Act to Incorporate
1961 CHAPTER 82 An Act to incorporate The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Elizabeth of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Assisi
  Consumers' Co-operative Mills Limited, An Act to incorporate
1940 CHAPTER 116 An Act to incorporate Consumers Co-operative Mills Limited
  Convention of Baptist Churches in Saskatchewan - UNEDITED
1919-20 CHAPTER 93 An Act to incorporate The Convention of Baptist Churches in Saskatchewan
  Corporation Épiscopale Catholique Romaine de Prince Albert, An Act to provide Exemption from Taxation of certain Property
1968 CHAPTER 93 An Act to provide for the Exemption from Taxation of certain Property of La Corporation Episcopale Catholique Romaine de Prince Albert
  Credit Union Central of Saskatchewan Act, 1999
CHAPTER 01 An Act respecting Credit Union Central of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Co-operative Financial Services Limited and Credit Union Services Corporation of Saskatchewan
  Crossroads Pentecostal Assembly Corp. Property Tax Exemption Act
1983 CHAPTER 01 An Act to provide for exemption from taxation of certain property of the Crossroads Pentecostal Assembly Corp.
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  Dalmeny Home for the Aged, An Act to Incorporate
1950 CHAPTER 107 An Act to incorporate Dalmeny Home for the Aged
  Dannevirke Evangelical Lutheran Church of Redvers, Saskatchewan, An Act to incorporate
1954 CHAPTER 100 An Act to incorporate Dannevirke Evangelical Lutheran Church of Redvers, Saskatchewan
  Davin Memorial Recreation Centre Act
1954 CHAPTER 103 An Act to incorporate The Davin Memorial Recreation Centre
  Diocese of Regina, An Act to incorporate the Roman Catholic Parishes and Missions - UNEDITED
1912 CHAPTER 67 An Act to incorporate the Roman Catholic Parishes and Missions in the Diocese of Regina
  Diocese of Saskatchewan, An Act to incorporate The Synod
1933 CHAPTER 86 An Act to incorporate The Synod of the Diocese of Saskatchewan.
  Diocese of Saskatoon, An Act to incorporate the Roman Catholic Parishes and Missions in
1934-35 CHAPTER 97 An Act to the incorporate the Roman Catholic Parishes and Missions in the diocese of Saskatoon
  Diocese of Saskatoon, An Ordinance to incorporate the Parishes of
No. 38 of 1894. An Ordinance to incorporate the Parishes of the Diocese of Saskatoon
  District Advisory Board of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Church of the Nazarene, An Act to incorporate
1946 CHAPTER 115 An Act to incorporate The District Advisory Board of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Church of the Nazarene
  Duck Lake, An Act to validate and Confirm Bylaw No. 16 of the Town of
1913 CHAPTER 96 An Act to validate and confirm Bylaw No. 16 of the Town of Duck Lake
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  Elks Club of the City of Moose Jaw, An Act to incorporate - UNEDITED
1907 CHAPTER 45 An Act to incorporate The Elks Club of the City of Moose Jaw
  Elks Club of the City of Regina, An Act to incorporate - UNEDITED
1906 CHAPTER 64 An Act to incorporate The Elks Club of the City of Regina
  Elmwood Golf Club, An Act to incorporate
1924 CHAPTER 67 An Act to incorporate The Elmwood Golf Club
  Episcopal Corporation of Saskatoon, An Act to incorporate
1934-35 CHAPTER 96 An Act to incorporate Episcopal Corporation of Saskatoon
  Estevan Agricultural Society, An Act to incorporate
1953 CHAPTER 125 An Act to incorporate Estevan Agricultural Society
  Estevan Transit and Power Company, Limited, An Act to incorporate
1913 CHAPTER 70 An Act to incorporate The Estevan Transit and Power Company, Limited
  Estevan, An Act to confer certain powers upon The City of
1967 CHAPTER 95 An Act to confer certain powers upon The City of Estevan
  Estevan, An Act to confirm Certain Bylaws of the Town of
1913 CHAPTER 95 An Act to confirm Certain Bylaws of the Town of Estevan
  Evangelical Convenant Church of Canada, An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of the Property of
1961 CHAPTER 88 An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of the Property of The Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada
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  Farmers' Co-operative Supply Company, Limited, An Act to incorporate
1912-13 CHAPTER 56 An Act to incorporate The Farmersí Co-operative Supply Company, Limited
  Fathers of La Salette, Incorporating - UNEDITED
1908 CHAPTER 56 An Act to incorporate The Fathers of La Salette
  Filles de la Providence: Incorporating - UNEDITED
1909 CHAPTER 55 An Act to incorporate Les Filles de la Providence
  Fine Arts Foundation of Saskatoon Act
1970 CHAPTER 88 An Act to incorporate Fine Arts Foundation of Saskatoon
  Finnish Lutheran Church of Saskatchewan, An Act to incorporate - UNEDITED
1906 CHAPTER 54 An Act to incorporate The Finnish Lutheran Church of Saskatchewan
  Fondation Fransaskoise, An Act to incorporate the/Fondation Fransaskoise, Loi visant à constituer en personne morale
CHAPTER 02 An Act to incorporate the Fondation Fransaskoise/CHAPITRE 02 Loi visant à constituer en personne morale la Fondation Fransaskoise
  Free Methodist Church in Canada, An Act to provide for Partial Exemption from Taxation of Certain Lands of
1954 CHAPTER 99 An Act to provide for Partial Exemption from Taxation of Certain Lands of The Free Methodist Church in Canada
  Frontier Club, An Act to incorporate
1913 CHAPTER 77 An Act to incorporate The Frontier Club
  Full Gospel Bible Institute, An Act to incorporate
1950 CHAPTER 103 An Act to incorporate Full Gospel Bible Institute
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  Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Saskatchewan and its Constituent or Subordinate Chapters, An Act to Incorporate
1973-74 CHAPTER 135 An Act to incorporate The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Saskatchewan and its Constituent or Subordinate Chapters
  Grand Chapter of Saskatchewan, Order of the Eastern Star, An Act to incorporate
1952 CHAPTER 113 An Act to incorporate the Grand Chapter of Saskatchewan, Order of the Eastern Star
  Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Incorporating - UNEDITED
1910-11 CHAPTER 54 An Act to incorporate The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows
  Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons, Incorporating - UNEDITED
1907 CHAPTER 40 An Act to incorporate The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons
  Gravelbourg, An Act respecting The Town of
1920 CHAPTER 88 An Act respecting The Town of Gravelbourg
  Great Western Securities and Trust Company, An Act to Incorporate
1913 An Act to incorporate Great Western Securities and Trust Company
  Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Pembroke, An Act to incorporate
1950 CHAPTER 104 An Act to incorporate Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Pembroke
  Group Medical Services Act
1999 CHAPTER 02 An Act respecting Group Medical Services
  Guaranty Trust Company of Canada and Prudential Trust Company Limited, An Act Respecting
1964 CHAPTER 70 An Act respecting Guaranty Trust Company of Canada and Prudential Trust Company Limited
  Guaranty Trust Company of Canada and The Western Trust Company, An Act respecting
1959 CHAPTER 122 An Act respecting Guaranty Trust Company of Canada and The Western Trust Company
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  Herbert Bible School Association, An Act to incorporate
1928 CHAPTER 88 An Act to incorporate the Herbert Bible School Association
  Herbert Union Waisenamt, Incorporating - UNEDITED
1919-20 CHAPTER 95 An Act to incorporate The Herbert Union Waisenamt
  Holy Family Hospital, Prince Albert, An Act to incorporate
1966 CHAPTER 109 An Act to incorporate Holy Family Hospital, Prince Albert
  Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church Act
1986 CHAPTER 03 An Act to incorporate Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church
  Hotels Association of Saskatchewan, An Act to incorporate
1960 CHAPTER 98 An Act to incorporate Hotels Association of Saskatchewan
  House of Jacob (Beth Yakov) of the City of Regina, Incorporating - UNEDITED
1915 CHAPTER 44 An Act to incorporate The House of Jacob (Beth Yakov) of the City of Regina.
  Hudson Bay Insurance Company, Incorporating - UNEDITED
1908 CHAPTER 50 An Act to Incorporate the Hudson Bay Insurance Company
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  Imperial Lumber Yards, Limited, Respecting - UNEDITED
1919-20 CHAPTER 99 An Act respecting Imperial Lumber Yards, Limited
  Indian Head: confirming bylaw No. 70 of Town of - UNEDITED
1906 CHAPTER 51 An Act to confirm Bylaw No. 70 of the Town of Indian Head.
  International Bible College, An Act incorporating
1948 CHAPTER 118 An Act to incorporate International Bible College
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  Lady Minto Union Hospital at Edam, Validating agreement with regard to - UNEDITED
1917 CHAPTER 48 An Act to validate a Certain Agreement with regard to the Lady Minto Union Hospital at Edam
  Loretto Ladies' Colleges and Schools of Weyburn, An Act to incorporate
1952 CHAPTER 111 An Act to incorporate The Loretto Ladiesí Colleges and Schools of Weyburn
  Loretto Ladies' Colleges and Schools, An Act to incorporate
1924 CHAPTER 61 An Act to incorporate The Loretto Ladies' Colleges and Schools
  Luther College of Regina from Taxation, An Act to exempt
1938 CHAPTER 95 An Act to exempt Luther College of Regina from Taxation
  Luther College, Regina, Incorporating
1969 CHAPTER 84 An Act to incorporate Luther College, Regina
  Lutheran Church-Canada, Central District Act
1997 CHAPTER 02 An Act to Provide for the Continuation of Lutheran Church-Canada, Central District
  Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute, An Act to incorporate
1960 CHAPTER 90 An Act to incorporate The Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute
  Lutheran Student Foundation of Saskatchewan, An Act to incorporate
1961 CHAPTER 81 An Act to incorporate The Lutheran Student Foundation of Saskatchewan
  Lutheran Sunset Home of Saskatoon, An Act to incorporate
1967 CHAPTER 98 An Act to incorporate Lutheran Sunset Home of Saskatoon
  Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, An Act to incorporate
1966 CHAPTER 108 An Act to incorporate Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
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  Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Act
1995 CHAPTER 03 An Act to provide for the incorporation of The Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
  Mantle Memorial Scholarship Fund Trustees, An Act to incorporate
1925-26 CHAPTER 76 An Act to incorporate the Mantle Memorial Scholarship Fund Trustees
  Maple Creek General Hospital, an Act respecting
1946 CHAPTER 116 An Act respecting The Maple Creek General Hospital
  Maple Creek, Authorizing Town of, to install a drainage and sewerage system and to issue debentures - UNEDITED
1909 CHAPTER 53 An Act to authorise the Town of Maple Creek to install a Drainage and Sewage System and to issue debentures for payment of same.
  Medical Services Incorporated Act
1986 CHAPTER 02 An Act respecting Medical Services Incorporated
  Melfort, An Act respecting The Town of
1920 CHAPTER 89 An Act respecting The Town of Melfort
  Mennonite Union Waisenamt, An Act to Incorporate
1917 CHAPTER 39 An Act to incorporate The Mennonite Union Waisenamt
  Methodist Church Act - UNEDITED
1907 CHAPTER 43 An Act respecting the Methodist Church
  Middle West Insurance Company, Incorporating - UNEDITED
1916 CHAPTER 42 An Act to incorporate the Middle West Insurance Company, Limited
  Midwest Insurance Company, Limited, An Act to incorporate
1920 CHAPTER 85 An Act to incorporate The Midwest Insurance Company, Limited
  Milestone Memorial Centre Act
1949 CHAPTER 134 An Act to incorporate The Milestone Memorial Centre
  Milestone, Respecting Town of - UNEDITED
1908 CHAPTER 47 An Act respecting the Town of Milestone
  Millar Memorial Bible Institute, An Act to incorporate
1944 (Second Session) CHAPTER 72 An Act to incorporate the Millar Memorial Bible Institute
  Missionaires Oblates du Sacré Coeur et de Marie Immaculée de Gravelbourg, An Act to incorporate
1928-29 CHAPTER 81 An Act to incorporate Les Missionnaires Oblates du Sacré Coeur et de Marie Immaculée de Gravelbourg
  Mohyla Institute (1958), An Act to incorporate
1958 CHAPTER 106 An Act to incorporate The Mohyla Institute (1958)
  Montreal Trust Company Act
1974-75 CHAPTER 67 An Act respecting Montreal Trust Company
  Montreal Trust Company and The Northern Trusts Company, An Act respecting
1954 CHAPTER 104 An Act respecting Montreal Trust Company, and The Northern Trusts Company
  Montreal Trust Company of Canada Act
1980-81 CHAPTER 105 An Act respecting Montreal Trust Company and Montreal Trust Company of Canada
  Moose Jaw and a Certain Agreement entered into between the City of Moose Jaw and Iowa Southern Utilities Company of Delaware, An Act to confirm Certain Bylaws of the City of
1930 CHAPTER 105 An Act to confirm Certain Bylaws of the City of Moose Jaw and a Certain Agreement entered into between The City of Moose Jaw and Iowa Southern Utilities Company of Delaware
  Moose Jaw and The British American Oil Company Limited, An Act to confirm a certain Bylaw of the City of Moose Jaw and a certain Agreement entered into between the City of
1934 CHAPTER 70 An Act to confirm a certain Bylaw of the City of Moose Jaw and a certain Agreement entered into between the City of Moose Jaw and The British American Oil Company Limited
  Moose Jaw and the Swift Canadian Company, Limited, An Act to ratify a Certain Agreement between
1925-26 CHAPTER 79 An Act to ratify a Certain Agreement between the City of Moose Jaw and the Swift Canadian Company, Limited
  Moose Jaw Bible College, An Act to incorporate
1959 CHAPTER 113 An Act to incorporate Moose Jaw Bible College
  Moose Jaw Club Act - UNEDITED
1906 CHAPTER 62 An Act to incorporate The Moose Jaw Club
  Moose Jaw College, Incorporating - UNEDITED
1918-19 CHAPTER 101 An Act to incorporate Moose Jaw College
  Moose Jaw, An Act Dealing with Certain Bylaws of the City of
1930 CHAPTER 106 An Act dealing with Certain Bylaws of the City of Moose Jaw
  Moose Jaw, An Act to Extend the Time for Issuing Debentures under Certain Bylaws of the City of
1921-22 CHAPTER 101 An Act to extend the Time for Issuing Debentures under Certain Bylaws of the City of Moose Jaw
  Moose Jaw: An Act to confer Certain Powers upon the Council of the City of - UNEDITED
1932 CHAPTER 78 An Act to confer Certain Powers upon the Council of the City of Moose Jaw
  Moose Jaw: Authorizing expropriation of lands, etc - UNEDITED
1908 CHAPTER 46 An Act to authorise the City of Moose Jaw to Expropriate Lands and for other purposes
  Moose Jaw: Authorizing payment of interest under certain bylaws - UNEDITED
1912-13 CHAPTER 70 An Act to provide for Payment of Interest under Certain Bylaws of the City of Moose Jaw
  Moose Jaw: Extending time for issuing debentures under certain bylaws - UNEDITED
1919-20 CHAPTER 98 An Act to extend the Time for Issuing Debentures under Certain Bylaws of the City of Moose Jaw
  Moose Jaw: Extending time for issuing debentures under certain bylaws, and for other purposes - UNEDITED
1917 (Second Session) CHAPTER 73 An Act to extend the Time of Issuing Debentures under Certain Bylaws of the City of Moose Jaw and for other Purposes
  Moose Jaw: Legalizing bylaw No. 275 and certain debentures - UNEDITED
1906 CHAPTER 50 An Act to legalise Bylaw No. 275 and certain Debentures of the Corporation of the City of Moose Jaw.
  Moose Jaw: Ratifying bylaws relating to public library - UNEDITED
1912-13 CHAPTER 72 An Act to ratify Bylaws, 538, 655 and 656 of the City of Moose Jaw relating to a Public Library
  Moose Jaw: Respecting City of - UNEDITED
1908 CHAPTER 40 An Act respecting the City of Moose Jaw
  Moose Jaw: Respecting City of - UNEDITED
1912 CHAPTER 53 An Act respecting the City of Moose Jaw
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  National Farmers Union, merger and amalgamation
1971 CHAPTER 74 An Act respecting the merger and amalgamation of Saskatchewan Farmers’ Union with others to constitute National Farmers Union
  National Fire Assurance Company, Incorporating - UNEDITED
1908 CHAPTER 52 An Act to incorporate the National Fire Assurance Company
  Nipawin Bible Institute, An Act to provide for Partial Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of
1963 CHAPTER 85 An Act to provide for Partial Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of Nipawin Bible Institute
  Norfolk Trust Company, Incorporating - UNEDITED
1916 CHAPTER 43 An Act to incorporate Norfolk Trust Company
  Northern Loan Company, Incorporating - UNEDITED
1909 CHAPTER 47 An Act to incorporate The Northern Loan Company
  Norwegian Lutheran Church of Canada, An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of
1946 CHAPTER 114 An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of The Norwegian Lutheran Church of Canada
  Notre Dame de Sion Academy, An Act to incorporate
1928-29 CHAPTER 82 An Act to incorporate Notre Dame de Sion Academy
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  Oddfellows Temple Company Limited and Saskatoon Fraternal Charitable Association, An Act to ratify an Agreement between
1933 CHAPTER 89 An Act to ratify an Agreement between Oddfellows Temple Company Limited and Saskatoon Fraternal Charitable Association
  Our Lady of the Prairies Foundation Act, 2001
2001 CHAPTER 02 An Act respecting Our Lady of the Prairies Foundation
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  Parkland Baptist Schools of Prince Albert in the Province of Saskatchewan, An Act to provide for exemption from taxation of certain Property of
1973 Chapter 126 An Act to provide for exemption from taxation of certain Property of the Parkland Baptist Schools of Prince Albert in the Province of Saskatchewan
  Place Riel Society, An Act to incorporate
1976 CHAPTER 71 An Act to incorporate Place Riel Society
  Prairie Christian Training Centre (United Church of Canada), An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of
1958 CHAPTER 107 An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of Prairie Christian Training Centre (United Church of Canada)
  Prairie Driving Club, Limited, An Act to incorporate
1928 CHAPTER 94 An Act to incorporate the Prairie Driving Club, Limited
  Presbyterian Church Building Corporation, An Act respecting
1973 CHAPTER 127 An Act respecting The Presbyterian Church Building Corporation
  Presbyterian Church in Canada, An Act respecting The Trustee Board of
1943 CHAPTER 75 An Act respecting The Trustee Board of The Presbyterian Church in Canada
  Prince Albert Exhibition Association, Incorporating
1953 CHAPTER 126 An Act to incorporate Prince Albert Agricultural Society
  Prince Albert, An Act to confirm a Certain Bylaw of The City of
1967 CHAPTER 99 An Act to confirm a Certain Bylaw of The City of Prince Albert
  Prince Albert, An Act to confirm Certain Bylaws of The City of
1966 CHAPTER 101 An Act to confirm Certain Bylaws of The City of Prince Albert
  Providence Hospital, Moose Jaw: Exemption of certain property from taxation
1939 CHAPTER 100 An Act to provide for Tax Exemption of Certain Property of Sisters of Charity, Providence Hospital, Moose Jaw
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  Regina and a Certain Agreement entered into between the City of Regina and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, An Act to repeal An Act to confirm a Certain Bylaw of the City of
1969 CHAPTER 82 An Act to repeal An Act to confirm a Certain Bylaw of the City of Regina and a Certain Agreement entered into between the City of Regina and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company
  Regina and McCallum Hill & Co. Limited, An Act to confirm a Certain Agreement between The City of
1959 CHAPTER 118 An Act to confirm a Certain Agreement between The City of Regina and McCallum Hill & Co. Limited
  Regina Beach Community Memorial Association Act
1950 CHAPTER 110 An Act to incorporate Regina Beach Community Memorial Association
  Regina Cosmopolitan Club Act
1953 CHAPTER 128 An Act to incorporate the Regina Cosmopolitan Club
  Regina Exhibition Association Limited, Incorporating
1907 CHAPTER 41 An Act to Incorporate The Regina Exhibition Association Limited
  Regina Grey Nuns, An Act to incorporate
1959 CHAPTER 114 An Act to incorporate Regina Grey Nuns
  Regina Hebrew School, An Act to incorporate
1924-25 CHAPTER 66 An Act to incorporate the Regina Hebrew School
  Retail Merchants Association of Canada (Saskatchewan) Incorporated, An Act to incorporate
1949 CHAPTER 135 An Act to incorporate The Retail Merchants Association of Canada (Saskatchewan) Incorporated
  Reverends Peres de Sainte Marie de Tinchebray, An Act to incorporate
1925-26 CHAPTER 73 An Act to incorporate Les Reverends Peres de Sainte Marie de Tinchebray
  Rosthern, An Act to incorporate the German-English Academy of
1909 CHAPTER 49 An Act to incorporate The German-English Academy of Rosthern
  Royal Canadian Legion Saskatchewan Command
1949 CHAPTER 133 An Act respecting the Holding of Real Property by The Saskatchewan Command and Branches of The Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League
  Royal Regina Golf Club, An Act to incorporate
1923 CHAPTER 73 An Act to incorporate The Royal Regina Golf Club
  Royal Trust Corporation of Canada Act
1978 CHAPTER 69 An Act respecting The Royal Trust Company and Royal Trust Corporation of Canada
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  Salvation Army Act - UNEDITED
1909 CHAPTER 56 An Act respecting the Salvation Army
  Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities, Respecting
1986-87-88 CHAPTER 01 An Act respecting the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities
  Saskatchewan Club Act
1907 CHAPTER 48 An Act to incorporate The Saskatchewan Club
  Saskatchewan Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches
1953 CHAPTER 122 An Act to incorporate The Mennonite Brethren Church of Saskatchewan
  Saskatchewan Foundation for the Arts Act
CHAPTER 03 An Act respecting the Saskatchewan Foundation for the Arts
  Saskatchewan Health-Care Association, An Act to incorporate
1959 CHAPTER 117 An Act to incorporate Saskatchewan Hospital Association
  Saskatchewan Insurance Agents' Association, An Act to incorporate
1928 CHAPTER 91 An Act to incorporate The Saskatchewan Insurance Agentsí Association
  Saskatchewan Medical Association Act
CHAPTER 04 An Act respecting Saskatchewan Medical Association
  Saskatchewan Motor Club Act
1966 CHAPTER 107 An Act respecting Saskatchewan Motor Club
  Saskatchewan Poultry Pool Limited, An Act to incorporate
1927 CHAPTER 85 An Act to incorporate Saskatchewan Poultry Pool, Limited
  Saskatchewan Registered Seed Growers, Limited, An Act to incorporate The
1924-25 CHAPTER 68 An Act to incorporate The Saskatchewan Registered Seed Growers, Limited
  Saskatchewan Trust and Loan Company, confirming incorporation
1970 CHAPTER 91 An Act to confirm the incorporation of The Saskatchewan Loan and Investment Company Limited and to authorize it to carry on the business of a trust company under the name “Saskatchewan Trust and Loan Company”
  Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association, An Act to incorporate
1967 CHAPTER 101 An Act to incorporate Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association
  Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Act, 1995
1996 CHAPTER 01 An Act respecting Saskatchewan Wheat Pool
  Saskatoon and a certain Agreement entered into between Canadian Northern Railway Company and the Canadian National Railway Company and The City of Sasktoon and for other purposes, An Act to confirm a certain Bylaw of
1930 CHAPTER 104 An Act to confirm a certain Bylaw of the City of Saskatoon and a certain Agreement entered into between Canadian Northern Railway Company and Canadian National Railway Company of the one part and The City of Saskatoon of the other part and for other purposes
  Saskatoon and His Majesty the King and to authorise the Purchase of Certain Property for the Purpose of an Interior Terminal Elevator, An Act to confirm a Certain Agreement between the City of
1913 CHAPTER 89 An Act to confirm a Certain Agreement entered into between the City of Saskatoon and His Majesty the King and to authorise the Purchase of Certain Property for the Purpose of an Interior Terminal Elevator
  Saskatoon Bible College of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of
1945 CHAPTER 119 An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of Saskatoon Bible College, of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
  Saskatoon Community Foundation Act
1994 CHAPTER 01 An Act respecting The Saskatoon Foundation
  Saskatoon Mortgage and Loan Company Limited, An Act to incorporate
1928-29 CHAPTER 87 An Act to incorporate The Saskatoon Mortgage and Loan Company Limited
  Saskatoon Mortgage Company Limited, An Act to incorporate
1946 CHAPTER 118 An Act to incorporate The Saskatoon Mortgage Company, Limited
  Saskatoon Petroleum Club, An Act to incorporate
1951 CHAPTER 108 An Act to incorporate Saskatoon Petroleum Club
  Saskatoon Public Parks Act
1912 CHAPTER 51 An Act to Provide for the Establishment and Maintenance of Public Parks in the City of Saskatoon
  Saskatoon regarding the Street Railway, An Act to confirm a Certain Bylaw of the City of
1912 CHAPTER 49 An Act to confirm a Certain Bylaw of the City of Saskatoon regarding the Street Railway
  Saskatoon to borrow Certain Monies, An Act to confirm Bylaw No. 4191 of The City of Saskatoon and to authorize The City of
1963 CHAPTER 88 An Act to confirm Bylaw No. 4191 of The City of Saskatoon and to authorize The City of Saskatoon to borrow Certain Moneys
  Saskatoon, An Act to confer Certain Powers upon The City of
1965 CHAPTER 101 An Act to confer Certain Powers upon The City of Saskatoon
  Saskatoon, An Act to confer Certain Powers upon the City of
1912-13 CHAPTER 67 An Act to confer Certain Powers upon the City of Saskatoon
  Saskatoon, An Act to confirm a certain Bylaw of The City of
1961 CHAPTER 92 An Act to confirm a Certain Bylaw of The City of Saskatoon
  Saskatoon, An Act to confirm a Certain Bylaw of The City of
1963 CHAPTER 87 An Act to confirm a Certain Bylaw of The City of Saskatoon
  Saskatoon, An Act to confirm a Certain Bylaw of the City of
1956 CHAPTER 82 An Act to confirm a Certain Bylaw of the City of Saskatoon
  Saskatoon, An Act to confirm Bylaw No. 675 of the City of
1913 CHAPTER 91 An Act to confirm Bylaw No. 675 of the City of Saskatoon
  Saskatoon, An Act to Confirm Bylaws Nos. 563 and 573 of the City of
1913 CHAPTER 90 An Act to confirm Bylaws Nos. 563 and 573 of the City of Saskatoon
  Saskatoon, An Act to extend the Time for issuing Debentures under Certain Bylaws of the City of
1921-22 CHAPTER 100 An Act to extend the Time for issuing Debentures under Certain Bylaws of the City of Saskatoon
  Saskatoon, An Act to validate Certain Bylaws of the City of
1913 CHAPTER 92 An Act to validate Certain Bylaws of the City of Saskatoon
  Seventh Ave. and Pasqua St. Church of Christ, An Act to incorporate
1959 CHAPTER 112 An Act to incorporate The Seventh Ave. and Pasqua St. Church of Christ
  Sharon Children’s Homes and Schools, An Act to incorporate
1950 CHAPTER 105 An Act to incorporate Sharon Children’s Homes and Schools
  Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood of Regina, An Act to incorporate
1944 (Second Session) CHAPTER 71 An Act to incorporate The Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood of Regina
  Sisters of Charity (Grey Nuns) of Saskatchewan Amendment Act, 1996
1996 CHAPTER 03 An Act respecting Sisters of Charity (Grey Nuns) of Saskatchewan, being An Act to amend and consolidate An Act to incorporate the Sisters of Charity (Grey Nuns) of Saskatchewan
  Sisters of Presentation, An Act to incorporate
1923 CHAPTER 71 An Act to incorporate The Sisters of the Presentation
  Sisters of Social Service, An Act to incorporate
1927 CHAPTER 80 An Act to incorporate The Sisters of Social Service
  Sisters of St. Joseph for Saskatchewan, An Act to Incorporate
1942 CHAPTER 77 An Act to incorporate Sisters of St. Joseph for Saskatchewan
  Sisters of St. Joseph of Pembroke, An Act to Incorporate
1948 CHAPTER 119 An Act to incorporate Sisters of St. Joseph of Pembroke
  Sisters of St. Martha, An Act to Incorporate
1961 CHAPTER 80 An Act to incorporate Sisters of St. Martha
  Sisters of The Order of St. Dominic, An Act Incorporating
1930 CHAPTER 97 An Act to incorporate The Sisters of The Order of Saint Dominic
  Society of Our Lady of Sion, An Act to Incorporate The
1920 CHAPTER 81 An Act to incorporate The Society of Our Lady of Sion
  Society of the Sisters of Sion, An Act to provide for the Exemption from taxation of Certain Property of
1924 CHAPTER 58 An Act to provide for the Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of The Society of the Sisters of Sion
  Soeurs de l'Enfant Jesus du Puy, An Act to incorporate
1928 CHAPTER 86 An Act to incorporate Les Sœrs de l'Enfant Jesus du Puy
  Soeurs de la Charité de Notre Dame d'Evron, An Act to incorporate
1927 CHAPTER 82 An Act to incorporate Les Sœrs de la Charité de Notre Dame d'Evron
  Soeurs du Adoratrices du Precieux Sang de Prince Albert, An Act to incorporate
1924-25 CHAPTER 62 An Act to incorporate Les Soeurs Adoratrices du Precieux Sang de Prince Albert
  St. Anthony's Home of Moose Jaw, An Act to incorporate
1979-80 CHAPTER 110 An Act to incorporate St. Anthony's Home of Moose Jaw
  St. Chad's College of the Diocese of Qu'Appelle, to confer Degrees in Divinity, An Act to authorise the Council of
1921-22 CHAPTER 95 An Act to authorise the Council of St. Chad's College of the Diocese of Qu'Appelle to confer Degrees in Divinity
  St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Humboldt, An Act to incorporate
1961 CHAPTER 83 An Act to incorporate St. Elizabeth's Hospital of Humboldt
  St. Joseph's College, Yorkton, An Act to incorporate
1969 CHAPTER 85 An Act to incorporate St. Josephís College, Yorkton
  St. Joseph's Hospital (Grey Nuns) of Gravelbourg, An Act to incorporate
1959 CHAPTER 116 An Act to incorporate St. Josephís Hospital (Grey Nuns) of Gravelbourg
  St. Joseph's Hospital of Macklin, An Act to incorporate
1961 CHAPTER 84 An Act to incorporate St. Josephís Hospital of Macklin
  St. Michael's Hospital of Cudworth, An Act to incorporate
1961 CHAPTER 85 An Act to incorporate St. Michaelís Hospital of Cudworth
  St. Paul Lutheran Home of Melville, An Act to incorporate
1967 CHAPTER 102 An Act to incorporate St. Paul Lutheran Home of Melville
  St. Peter's College, Muenster, An Act to incorporate
1968 CHAPTER 96 An Act to incorporate St. Peterís College, Muenster
  St. Peter's Hospital, Melville, An Act Respecting
1980-81 CHAPTER 104 An Act respecting St. Peterís Hospital, Melville, being An Act to amend and consolidate An Act to incorporate St. Peterís Hospital, Melville
  St. Therese Hospital, Tisdale, An Act to incorporate
1969 CHAPTER 86 An Act to incorporate St. Therese Hospital, Tisdale
  St. Thomas More College Act, 2001
2001 CHAPTER 06 An Act respecting St. Thomas More College
  Stephen and Michelene Worobetz Foundation Act
1988-89 CHAPTER 01 An Act to incorporate the Stephen and Michelene Worobetz Foundation
  Sunnyside Nursing Home, An Act to incorporate
1965 CHAPTER 103 An Act to incorporate Sunnyside Nursing Home
  Swift Current Agricultural and Exhibition Association, An Act to incorporate
1954 CHAPTER 102 An Act to incorporate Swift Current Agricultural and Exhibition Association
  Swift Current Curling Club, An Act to incorporate
1949 CHAPTER 136 An Act to incorporate The Swift Current Curling Club
  Swift Current Nursing Home, An Act to incorporate
1967 CHAPTER 103 An Act to incorporate Swift Current Nursing Home
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  Tabor Bible Institute, An Act to incorporate
1950 CHAPTER 106 An Act to incorporate Tabor Bible Institute
  TD Trust Company Act, 1997
1997 CHAPTER 03 An Act respecting TD Trust Company and Central Guaranty Trust Company
  Trusts and Guarantee Company Limited and the Union Trust Company Limited, Respecting
1934 CHAPTER 67 An Act respecting The Trusts and Guarantee Company Limited and The Union Trust Company Limited.
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  Ukrainian Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Saskatchewan, Exemption from taxation of certain property
1956 CHAPTER 79 An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of The Ukrainian Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Saskatchewan
  Ukrainian Catholic Parishes Act
1992 Chapter 01 An Act to provide for the incorporation of Ukrainian Catholic Parishes within Saskatchewan
  Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church of Canada, An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of
1968 CHAPTER 98 An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of certain Property of The Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church of Canada
  Ukrainian Missionary and Bible Society, An Act to incorporate
1948 CHAPTER 120 An Act to incorporate The Ukrainian Missionary and Bible Society
  Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp Crystal Lake, Exemption from taxation of certain property
1966 CHAPTER 110 An Act to provide for Exemption from Taxation of Certain Property of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Camp Crystal Lake
  Ukrainian Sisters of St. Joseph of Saskatoon, An Act to Incorporate
1968 CHAPTER 99 An Act to incorporate Ukrainian Sisters of St. Joseph of Saskatoon
  United Church of Canada Act
1924 CHAPTER 64 An Act respecting the Union of certain Churches therein named
  Ursuline Sisters, Confirming incorporation and granting further powers
1923 CHAPTER 70 An Act to confirm the Incorporation of and to grant Further Powers to The Ursuline Sisters
  Ursulines of St. Angela's Convent, Incorporating
1924-25 CHAPTER 63 An Act to incorporate The Ursulines of St. Angela’s Convent
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  Western Christian College, Incorporating
1953 CHAPTER 123 An Act to incorporate Western Christian College
  Western Turf and Driving Club Limited, An Act to incorporate
1959 CHAPTER 124 An Act to incorporate Western Turf and Driving Club Limited
  Weyburn Agricultural Society, An Act to incorporate
1959 CHAPTER 123 An Act to incorporate Weyburn Agricultural Society
  Wildlife Foundation of Saskatchewan, An Act to Incorporate
1971 CHAPTER 75 An Act to incorporate The Wildlife Foundation of Saskatchewan
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  Yorkton and Canadian Utilities, Limited, An Act to confirm a Certain Bylaw of the City of Yorkton and a Certain Agreement entered into between the City of
1938 CHAPTER 96 An Act to confirm a Certain Bylaw of the City of Yorkton and a Certain Agreement entered into between the City of Yorkton and Canadian Utilities, Limited
  Yorkton and Mid-West Utilities Limited, An Act to confirm certain Bylaws of the City of Yorkton and a certain Agreement entered into between the City of
1928-29 CHAPTER 89 An Act to confirm certain Bylaws of the City of Yorkton and a certain Agreement entered into between the City of Yorkton and Mid-West Utilities Limited
  Yorkton and Yorkton Union Hospital Board, An Act to confirm a Certain Agreement between the City of
1960 CHAPTER 94 An Act to confirm a Certain Agreement between The City of Yorkton and Yorkton Union Hospital Board
  Yorkton, An Act to confer certain powers upon the City of
1967 CHAPTER 104 An Act to confer certain powers upon The City of Yorkton
  Yorkton: Respecting certain bylaws and certain expenditures
1933 CHAPTER 91 An Act respecting Certain Bylaws and Certain Expenditures of the City of Yorkton
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