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Queen's Printer
Publications Centre

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Can I photocopy the legislation?
Do you have a price list for all the legislation?
How accurate and up-to-date is this service?
How are Saskatchewan Laws made?
How can I order legislation from other provinces and the federal government?
How do I obtain non-legislative government publications?
What is the Queen's Printer?
What methods of payment does Queen's Printer accept for paper publications?
When can I expect my order?
Where can I find the most recent amendments to a piece of legislation?
Where can I get free access to statutory publications?
Where can I get Occupational Health and Safety information?
Where can I find Bills, Votes and Proceedings, and Hansard?
Where can I obtain a Do-It-Yourself Divorce Kit?
Why am I having trouble opening some of the .pdf files?
Why do I have so many browsers open?
Why is there a cost for paper copies of legislation?

Can I photocopy the legislation?

Portions can be copied for personal research onlyRedistribution is prohibited.  The federal Copyright Act and Saskatchewan Crown Copyright policy apply.

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Acts Not Yet Proclaimed
are Acts passed by the Legislature but that are not yet in force.

First Reading Bills
are proposed statutes that are introduced to the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly for consideration.

Private Acts
enacted by the Legislature.  Private Acts are passed at the petitions of specific groups of persons and govern only those persons.

Private Bills
introduced by a member speaking on behalf of specific groups of persons and govern only those persons.

Private Members Bills
enacted by the Legislature.  Private Members Bills are usually opposition bills.

Queen's Printer
is an official of the Government of Saskatchewan appointed pursuant to section 2.1 of The Queen's Printer's Act who is responsible for all duties and functions set out in the Act.

are made pursuant to the authority of statutes and passed for the purpose of carrying out provisions of those statutes.

Regulations Not Yet In Force
are regulations that have been approved by Cabinet but that are not yet in force.

Repealed Acts
are Acts that are no longer in force but are retained for historical reference.

Repealed Regulations
are regulations that are no longer in force but are retained for historical reference.

Rules of Court
are the rules of practice and procedures of Her Majesty's Courts for Saskatchewan.  This service provides access to the Queen's Bench Rules, Court of Appeal Rules, Practice Directives, the Tariff of Costs and related documents.

The Saskatchewan Gazette
is published weekly in three parts.  Part I contains official government notices, orders in council, and those private notices required to be published by statute.  Parts II and III contain the official versions of regulations as enacted.

Separate Chapters
are statutes approved by the Legislative Counsel and Law Clerk with any House amendments adopted by the Legislative Assembly.  These statutes (or Third Reading Bills) form the bound sessional and annual volumes.

Statutes - Private
are Acts enacted by the Legislature.  Private Acts are passed at the petition of specific groups of persons and govern only those persons.

Statutes (Acts) - Public
are Acts enacted by the Legislature that affect the general public.

Tables of Saskatchewan
provide an overview of the status of Acts and regulations including name, chapter number, dates of original enactment, amendments, and effective date.  The Table of Regulations includes the Gazette publication date.

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Do you have a price list for all the legislation?

Yes, for Statutes, Regulations and other legislative publications available.  If you would like one mailed to you, please contact us, or check individual prices on this website as you browse publications.

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How accurate and up-to-date is this service?

The legislation databases are created and edited from the original enactments.  The service is current.  Regulations are updated weekly.  Statutes are updated on coming into force and may change daily during session, Monday to Friday, as amendments are added.

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How are Saskatchewan Laws made?

This information can be found at the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan website  www.legassembly.sk.ca .

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How can I order legislation from other provinces and the federal government?

We have links that will take you to websites of both the provincial and federal government websites in the Links section of our website.

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How do I obtain non-legislative government publications?

Go to www.publications.gov.sk.ca or use the Publications Centre link on the Queen's Printer home page or from the main Government of Saskatchewan home page, select Publications. 

What is the Queen's Printer?

The Office of the Queen's Printer publishes and distributes the authoritative versions of all Government of Saskatchewan legislation, regulations and other legislative publications including The Saskatchewan Gazette, the Statutes of Saskatchewan, the Regulations of Saskatchewan, the Tables to Statutes and Regulations of Saskatchewan, the Rules of Court (English / French), and any publications that the Lieutenant Governor in Council may order.

What methods of payment does Queen's Printer accept for paper publications?

Credit card (Visa or MasterCard on the Internet), Interac, cash, money order or personal cheque at our Regina location.

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When can I expect my order?

Download electronic copies for free immediately through Freelaw®  Publications.

For paper publications, you can expect your order within 10 days (outside of a sitting Legislative session).

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Where can I find the most recent amendments to a piece of legislation?

You should reference the Tables of Saskatchewan.

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Where can I get free access to statutory publications?

At any Internet workstation, such as from your home, your office or at public library branches with Internet access.

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Where can I get Occupational Health and Safety information?

We have the OHS booklet which includes the Act and Regulations; just contact us.  Electronically, find it under the Freelaw®  Publications link.

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Where can I find Bills, Votes and Proceedings, and Hansard?

All Saskatchewan Bills, journals, Votes and Proceedings, and Hansard are available online from:

Office of the Clerk
Room 239
Legislative Building
Regina, Saskatchewan   S4S 0B3
(306) 787-2279

Limited single editions of publications and paper subscriptions for the sessional Journal are available on request by contacting the Office of the Clerk.

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Where can I obtain a Do-It-Yourself Divorce Kit?

If you are looking for the documents in order to apply for an uncontested divorce those are available at any Local Registrar's office for a cost of $25.00 plus GST. The Do-It-Yourself Divorce Kit is designed for parties who have resolved all of the issues with respect to child custody and maintenance, matrimonial property, and spousal support and simply want to formally dissolve the marriage. The Divorce Kit contains all of the forms, in fill-in-the-blank format together with complete instructions on how to apply for an uncontested divorce. The addresses of all Local Registrar's offices can be found in the Court of Saskatchewan website www.sasklawcourts.ca.

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Why am I having trouble opening some of the .pdf files?

We have upgraded some of the software required to produce Portable Document Format (PDF) files that may not comply with older versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader.  Please go to the Technical Requirements (opens new browser window) OR to to the main page of this web site to download the latest version of the the Reader for free.  Please follow the instructions provided by Adobe in order to download and install the software for your specific computer.

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Why do I have so many browsers open?

For your convenience the external links that Queen's Printer has provided opens another browser window.  To return to Queen's Printer website you must close those new browser windows.

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Why is there a cost for paper copies of legislation?

Saskatchewan Queen's Printer operates as a cost recovery Revolving Fund, which is different from the federal government and every other province.  The Government of Saskatchewan partially funds the Queen's Printer, and remaining costs are recovered from paper sales.  Free electronic versions are available on Freelaw®.
Freelaw®  offers up-to-date electronic versions of all Government of Saskatchewan Public and Private Acts, Regulations, The Saskatchewan Gazette, Rules of Court and Historical legislation - all fully downloadable and searchable in Portable Document Format (PDF).

The paid paper service is available for all of the documents found on our website, through mail, in-person and on the telephone or Internet.  The fee for the paper service includes regular mail delivery.

Buy paper versions of the documents online through Freelaw®  Publications by adding the document you want to the shopping cart.

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