

360 - Cyber Protection Technologies: Elements of Information Infrastructure Protection (IIP)
(1 day)

Course Description
Course Level
Special Notes(s)
Additional Readings/URLs

Course Description
This course will outline the current definition of information infrastructure protection (IIP), the threat environment that makes protection necessary, the standards within the Government of Canada (GoC) that direct the application of safeguards to protect information assets, the role of CSE and other GoC departments, and IIP technologies for the prevention, detection, analysis, response and recovery of cyber incidents. The course will focus on introductions to IIP technologies including Intrusion Detection, Defence, Vulnerability Assessment, Malicious Code, Secure Network Management, Data Correlation and Fusion, GoL IT Infrastructure, Information Preservation and Emerging Technologies.
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  • Overview of IIP
  • IIP Environment
  • IIP Policy and Roles
  • IIP Technologies:
    • Intrusion Detection
    • Defensive Technologies
    • Vulnerability Assessment
    • Malicious Code Defence
    • Secure Remote Management
    • Data Correlation and Fusion
    • Information Preservation
    • Emerging Technologies
  • IIP Context
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Security architects, network security engineers, security administrators and coordinators, security officers and IT security managers.
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Course Level
Intermediate to Advanced

Recommended preparation: Course S33 - Introduction to Information Technology Security: The Management and Technology of Cyber Protection and/or Course S51 - Threat and Risk Assessment (TRA): Practical Risk Management in a Hostile Environment
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Special Note(s)
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Additional Readings/Instructor-suggested URLs
SiteScape Forum
Virtual Collaboration Service (VCS)
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Date(s) (E) = English (F) = French  
March 2, 2006 (E)
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