

755 - Selecting the Right Security Technologies: Mapping Threat and Risk Assessments (TRA) to the Common Criteria (1 day)

Course Description
Course Level
Special Notes(s)
Additional Readings/URLs

Course Description
In general, to achieve the most cost-effective safeguards, increasingly rigorous and more expensive or restrictive countermeasures should be reserved for assets at greater risk. With this principle in mind, this course offers a flexible approach to the definition of system security requirements and the selection of technical safeguards based upon the output of a formal threat and risk assessment and the Common Criteria (CC), an international standard for evaluating IT security products.
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  • Review the TRA process and outputs
  • Examine the Common Criteria Scheme for evaluating IT security technologies
  • Develop a Protection Profile, a statement of system security requirements in terms of evaluated products, to address the assessed risks identified in a TRA
  • Analyze Security Targets, against which IT security products are evaluated, to determine which meet system security requirements defined in a Protection Profile
  • Select the best match of evaluated products to satisfy as many system security requirements as possible
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Project managers, system architects, system (security) administrators and IT security professionals.
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Course Level

Recommended preparation: Course S51 - Threat and Risk Assessment (TRA): Practical Risk Management in a Hostile Environment or equivalent.
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Special Note(s)
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Additional Readings/Instructor-suggested URLs
An Introduction to the Common Criteria
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Date(s) (E) = English (F) = French  
February 20, 2006 (E)
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$450 - GoC      $550 - Non-GoC
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