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The Industry Canada Departmental website uses Lotus Notes/Domino and is a full-text indexed site. The site contains news releases, speeches, photos, publications, biographies, links, and other corporate information. The following search tips are aimed to help you find documents located only on the website.

To perform a search, click on the "Search" button, type in your search in the area below the phrase "Search for the following words:", and then click the "Search" button or press the "Enter" key.

Before you search, you may want to check our Frequently Asked Questions page or our Help section.

Return to Search page

Results Ranking

The search engine will display the results in chronological order beginning with the most recent items.

Each search result shows the type of document found (whether it's a news release, speech, publication, etc.), the title of the document, and the date of the item.

English and French Searches

Using the English "Search" will yield only English documents in the search results, while using the French "Recherche" will show only French documents. You cannot search both English and French documents at the same time.

Search Options

Limit Number of Results to

You can choose the number of documents you receive from each search by using the "Limit Number of Results to" feature. The default is set at "No Limit" and includes all documents on the website. You can also modify your search results by changing your limit to "10", "50", "100", "200" or "No Limit".

Word Choices

You may select either "Find exact word matches only" or "Find word variations as defined by thesaurus".

Help on Improving Your Searches

Case Sensitivity

Searches are not case sensitive.

Therefore doing a search for industry canada will yield the same results as a search for Industry Canada, INDUSTRY CANADA, inDUStry caNAda or industry canada.

Special Characters and Accents

Searching for a word without specifying any accents will find both words with and without the accents. This is most helpful when using the French "Recherche" feature.

For example, a search for telecommunications on the French search page, will yield results containing the word télécommunications.

Phrases and Quote (" ") Marks

You do not need to use quotes to specify an exact phrase. Two or more consecutive words are treated as a phrase.

For example, a search for the phrase telecommunications equipment can be done without quote marks around the words and will be treated as a phrase. If you would like to find searches that contain the words telecommunications and equipment, use the word and in between the words (e.g. telecommunications and equipment).

Boolean Operators

You may use boolean operators such as AND, OR and AND NOT to help define your search a perform a more focused and relevant search. You may use boolean operators in connection with wildcards and parenthesis to narrow your search and yield more useful results.

And — Use the word and (or use the + sign or the ampersand &) to include 2 or more words in a search.

And graphic

For example, a search for telecommunications and equipment (or telecommunications + equipment) will yield results containing BOTH words anywhere in the document and not necessarily together as a text string.

Or — Use the word or (or you can use the pipe | symbol) to expand your search and find results that contain EITHER the first word or phrase or the second.

Or graphic

For example, a search for telecommunications or equipment will yield results containing either telecommunications or equipment and not necessarily both words.

And Not — Use and not when you want to exclude words from your search and narrow your results.

And Not graphic

For example, a search for telecommunications and not equipment, will yield results containing the word telecommunications AND NOT the word equipment.

Near — Use near when you want to search for words that appear close to each other in a document. You can also use sentence (the words must appear in the same sentence) and paragraph (the words must appear in the same paragraph).

For example, a search for minister near telecommunications will return items where the word minister is close to the word telecommunications. The closer the two words are together, the higher their relevancy ranking and the closer to the top the search results will appear.

Parentheses — You can use parentheses in your search to group portions of Boolean queries together.

For example, a search for minister and (telecommunications or spectrum) will find documents containing the words minister and telecommunications OR minister and spectrum.

Wildcards/Asterisk (*)

You may use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard if you would like to find word variants of a certain word.

For example, a search for tele* will return a search result with pages containing telecommunications, telephone, telemarketing, etc.

Searching for Industry Canada and other Government of Canada Employees

To find an Industry Canada employee's E-mail address, telephone number, fax number and mailing address, please search the Industry Canada telephone directory. Or you can search the Government Electronic Directory Services — GEDS to find other Government of Canada employees.

Searching Industry Canada's Strategis site
and the Government of Canada site

You may find additional Industry Canada items on our business and consumer site, Strategis.

You may also wish to do a search on the Government of Canada site, which will find documents from Government of Canada departmental websites.

Return to Search page

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Date Modified: 2006-02-10 Top of Page Important Notices