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Canada Business - Services for entrepreneurs Canadian Consumer Information Gateway Strategis

The Business and Industry section contains information on various Canadian industries; industry and business issues such as manufacturing performance, financing, human resources, and incorporation; information on the Canadian business environment including statistics, company directories, and business information by industrial category; as well as resources for small business.

Aboriginal Business

Aboriginal Business Canada (ABC)

Aboriginal Business Canada (ABC) promotes the growth of commerce as one means towards economic self-sufficiency for all Aboriginal peoples. For eligible applicants, ABC provides financial assistance, information, resource materials and referrals to other possible sources of financing or business support. Clients must be individuals of Canadian Indian, Métis, or Inuit heritage, or majority-owned Aboriginal organizations or development corporations.

Aboriginal Business Service Network (ABSN)

The Aboriginal Business Service Network (ABSN) provides information on business products, programs and services to Aboriginal entrepreneurs to improve their access to capital and to help establish or develop their businesses. The ABSN is one element of the Aboriginal Business Development Initiative — a partnership among Aboriginal financial and business organizations, and federal organizations (including Industry Canada through Aboriginal Business Canada, and FedNor).

Aboriginal Canada Portal

The Aboriginal Canada Portal offers one stop access on the Internet to information for and about Aboriginal Canadians. Over 16,000 links connect users to national, provincial and regional level information, from both government and non government sources. Through the Portal you'll find information on topics such as economic development, business, employment, culture, claims and treaties, Aboriginal associations, news, justice, communities and upcoming events.

Additional Resources

Business Information by Industrial Category

The Business Information by Industrial Category section includes links to in-depth information on various industries, including:

  • manufacturing industries (includes profiles on more than 25 industries such as apparel, automotive, chemicals, footwear, furniture, medical devices, plastics, shipbuilding, sporting goods and textiles)

  • resource industries (agriculture, fisheries, mining, and forestry)

  • service industries (links to information on approximately 30 industries including accounting, advertising, franchising, geomatics, health services, retail trade, tourism and wholesale)

  • technologies (including advanced maufacturing technologies, biotechnology, and ocean technologies), and

  • miscellaneous industries.

Each entry contains profiles on various industry sectors in Canada and some include a list of events, contacts, trade information, regulations and standards governing their sectors, related sites, company directories, and other information to help better understand the Canadian business climate.

Additional Resources

Canada Business: Government Services for Entrepreneurs

The Canada Business portal is designed to provide Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises with an entry point for direct access to key services and information from across the Government of Canada.

The site contains information on business start-ups, taxes, regulations, business statistics and analysis, financing, human resources management, exporting, importing, innovation, selling to government/tenders, sector information, and business information guides.

Canadian Industry Statistics

Canadian Industry Statistics presents statistical analyses of manufacturing industry trends for establishments, employment, wages, production, costs, investment, international trade and industry performance in Canada from 1990 to the present. Industries are defined according to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

Company Directories

Business Information by Sector — Company Directories by Sector

Looking for a Canadian company that manufactures a particular product or provides a specialized service? Through this website, you can search for Canadian companies in various ways:

  • by category
  • by keyword
  • by NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code.

Visitors to the site can also search Industry Canada's specialized company directories.

Company Directories Organized by Industry Sector

Industry Canada's Strategis website provides links to company directories for various Canadian industry sectors, including:

Suppliers, Partners, Customers

The Suppliers, Partners, Customers section of the Strategis site contains listings of various directories to help users find information on companies located across Canada. Here, users can find some of the more popular directories, including:

  • Canadian Company Capabilities
    Users looking to partner with a company or interested in finding companies that manufacture specific products may find the information on the Canadian Company Capabilities site, which contains information and profiles on thousands of Canadian businesses.

  • Canadian Importers Database
    The Canadian Importers Database provides lists of companies importing goods into Canada, by product, by city and by country of origin.

  • Federal Corporations Data On-Line
    Federal Corporations Data On-line is a searchable database containing information on thousands of federally incorporated companies in Canada.

Additional Resources


Aboriginal Business Canada (ABC) — Access to Business Financing

The Access to Business Financing section of the Aboriginal Business Canada (ABC) website provides a step-by-step description of what's involved in applying for financial assistance with ABC.

Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)

The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), which is part of the Industry Portfolio, is a financial institution wholly owned by the Government of Canada. BDC offers financial, investment and consulting services to Canadian small business, with a particular focus on technology and exporting.

Business Support, Financing

The Business Support, Financing section of Strategis includes links to information on:

Canada Small Business Financing Program

The Canada Small Business Financing Program increases availability of finance for establishing, expanding, modernizing or improving small businesses in Canada. The site contains guides that outline the program and its eligibility requirements. Users can also learn about regulations relating to the program and lenders can download forms.

Commercialization Portal — Financing

The Commercialization Portal, developed by Industry Canada's Life Sciences Branch, provides information to manufacturers of life-sciences-derived products such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices and biotechnology products. The financing section provides information about funding sources, organized by type of finance company, and stage of development of the firm seeking financing.

Financing Information Organized by Industry Sector

Industry Canada's Strategis website contains information on financing for various Canadian industry sectors, including:

Innovation in Canada — Financing

The Financing section of the Innovation in Canada portal provides information on financing innovation, including an overview, links to information about government programs, tax credits, venture capital, seed financing, angel investors, incubators and databases, as well as tools such as calculators and ways to assess your level of financial readiness.

Additional Resources

Human Resources

ebiz.enable — Human Resources

The Human Resources section of ebiz.enable shows how using Internet and e-business technologies can help you recruit and train employees, as well as simplify human resources administration and improve employee relations.

Managing People

The Managing People section on the Strategis site can direct you to information on training and development, labour relations, hiring, and much more.

Improving Manufacturing Performance

Canadian Resource Guide to High Performance Manufacturing

The Canadian Resource Guide to High Performance Manufacturing is designed to guide Canadian manufacturers towards the tools, resources and expertise they need to improve their manufacturing performance, competitiveness and success. The guide contains information on:

  • Canadian and international specialists in manufacturing and related fields

  • Canadian Consortia, which can provide details of shared learning experiences, peer discussions and upcoming workshops or seminars

  • Canadian and international educational resources, including training institutions and learning materials

  • Canadian federal and provincial resources for finance, research and manufacturing management.


The Productivity website contains information on how improved productivity can increase economic growth and the standard of living in Canada. The site includes information on what productivity is and why it is important, various measures of productivity, recent productivity records, and the key drivers of productivity.

Incorporating Your Business

Corporations Canada

Looking to incorporate your business? Want to see which companies are already federally incorporated? The Corporations Canada site provides all the information you need to know.

Several transactions can be completed directly on the website. Businesses can apply for incorporation in the On-Line Filing section or check the Federal Corporations Data On-Line section for businesses that are already incorporated. Forms and information kits, along with policies, procedures and guidelines are also included.

Information on registering a not-for-profit company can also be found here.

Small Business Guide to Federal Incorporation

Small Business Guide to Federal Incorporation gives an overview of the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA), supplying business owners with the basic knowledge and tools needed to incorporate and operate a small or medium-sized private company. The guide provides useful hints to help business owners meet the requirements for federal incorporation and instructions on how to incorporate on-line.

Additional Resources


Canada's Forest Network (CFN)

Canada's Forest Network (CFN) is a collaborative effort by various companies, associations and government departments (including Industry Canada) from across Canada. The CFN provides information on Canadian forest products, services, news and publications, educational resources, facts and figures, legislation and policies, academic institutions and research, as well as forums and newsgroups. Visitors to the website can also join the CFN or add their website, event or contact information. CFN users can also search for job opportunities.

Public-Private Partnership (P3) Office

The Public-Private Partnership (P3) Office is an initiative of the Service Industries Branch of Industry Canada. Canadian services firms in sectors such as engineering, architecture, construction, legal services and management consulting can check the website for information on public–private partnerships and providing cost-effective, innovative solutions for public infrastructure and services. The site also includes guides and tools, information on the P3 process, a resource centre, and a list of events.


Key Performance Measures for Retail Businesses

This website helps retailers develop their own measurement program to provide a method of evaluating their performance. Retailers can use the information to identify potential areas of improvement, plan future strategy, and assess their company's status in the areas of profitability, productivity and efficiency. The site also provides equations for key performance measures of:

  • overall financial and administrative standards
  • employee standards
  • marketing and merchandising standards
  • inventory standards
  • facilities standards.

Visitors can read about “Establishing a Performance Measurement Program” or try the online Retail Performance Indicators — an interactive worksheet to calculate, track and manage their store's performance.

Strategis for Retailers

The Strategis for Retailers section provides information on e-business, securing customer satisfaction, a self-assessment guide and other tools.

Winning Retail: A Self Assessment and Instructional Guide for Independent Retailers

Winning Retail is an instructional guide intended for owners and managers of independent retail stores and small chains, students of retail, and those exploring the possibility of establishing their own retail store. The guide provides information on retailing strategy, merchandise planning, buying practices, marketing, visual merchandising, customer service, employee development, sales management, store location, loss prevention, performance evaluation and retail information systems.

Small Business

A. Starting a Business

Check out the Starting a Business section for information on starting a new business. It includes links to the Business Start-up Assistant, the Electronic Filing Centre, information kits and administrative forms, and provincial registrars.

B. Small Business Research and Policy

The Small Business Research and Policy website provides information on small business research and policy. It includes a research database that contains literature on small business and entrepreneurship, as well as general research reports. Also included is information on policy development offices and current policy documents. Users can check the Statistics section for a link to the Small Business Quarterly and key small business statistics. The Research and Policy Network section includes a discussion forum, a calendar of events and a list of researchers and policy development offices across Canada.

C. Tools

Managing for Business Success

Managing for Business Success contains information on small business support organizations, a search tool for professional assistance, a list of education programs provided by Canadian educational facilities, a resource centre, and information on how to set up a business network. Users can add their company information to a searchable database to increase their profile.

Performance Plus

Performance Plus is an on-line performance benchmarking tool that can help a small business construct a business plan. It can also help new and established firms find out where they stand compared to the industry average.

Additional Resources


Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC)

The Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) plans and implements programs to promote the Canadian tourism industry and provides information to the industry. Register on-line to join CTX, a business-to-business network for the Canadian tourism industry, and become part of a community with easy access to up-to-date information. Find out about CTC partnership opportunities for marketing, research, and development programs or check out the events, information for travellers and on-line resources.

Additional Resources

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Date Modified: 2006-02-10 Top of Page Important Notices