Industry Canada

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible Recipients

Eligible recipients are those who, in the opinion of the Minister, are able to successfully complete the proposed eligible activities and contribute to achieving the Language Industry Program (LIP) objectives and who require financial assistance to achieve these objectives. Eligible recipients working in the language industry must:

  1. be well established and in business for at least one year;
  2. meet the program's eligibility criteria; and
  3. be incorporated and headquartered in Canada.

Non-profit organizations and self-employed individuals are not eligible.

Eligible Activities

Eligible activities are those that, in the opinion of the Minister, contribute to achieving the LIP objectives. They include the following activities:

  1. marketing and branding initiatives for the industry in Canada and abroad.

Examples of activities:

Non-Eligible Activities

Note: An application for contribution may be submitted covering more than one activity. However, for each of the activities, you must supply a description, the goal and the objective, benchmarks by which to measure performance, a budget, a completion schedule, etc.

Eligible Costs

Eligible costs are those incurred by eligible recipients and which, in the opinion of the Minister, are reasonable and necessary to carry out the eligible activities to which they pertain. These may include:

Non-Eligible Costs

Government of Canada Updated: 2004-08-05