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Imagine Canada

"Imagine Canada is a national organization that champions corporate citizenship and encourages partnerships between charities, nonprofits and business to build stronger Canadian communities."

January 7, 2006.
Imagine Canada is encouraged by federal party's promise to eliminate capital gains tax on donations of stocks to charities. More...

Imagine Canada's submission to Justice Gomery's Commission of Inquiry
In a joint submission to the Gomery Inquiry, Imagine Canada, Canadian Policy Research Networks, and the Canadian Council on Social Development, warn that the federal government’s new emphasis on administrative controls in reaction to the sponsorship scandal will lead to an increased burden for already strapped charitable and nonprofit organizations. Read the full submission.

Imagine Canada announces the winners of the 2005 Community Partnership Awards!
Three of the most innovative partnerships between Canadian corporations and charitable and nonprofit organizations were recognized at Imagine Canada's Community Partnership Awards ceremony yesterday afternoon. More...

The Certificate in Corporate Social Responsibility Enrolment underway - October 2005 cycle
First-of-its-kind program in Canada, offered by The University of St. Michael's College, in partnership with The Conference Board of Canada. Read More...

Bell CanWest Global Dofasco EnCana Fairmont Hotels and Resorts HBC Investors Group Petro-Canada RBC Financial Group

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