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Gen-17 (rev. 2) Implementation of the Schedule of Fees Effective 1995-08-09

Measurement Canada - Gen-17 (rev. 2) Implementation of the Schedule of Fees Effective 1995-08-09"

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Date: 2000-06-26
Bulletin: GEN-17-E (rev. 2)
Category: General
Supersedes: CEG-93-03; GEN-17, rev. 1
Document(s): EGIR section 47; GEN-25

1.0 Scope

This bulletin provides interpretation on the assessment of fees pursuant to section 47 of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Regulations (Regulations).

This bulletin supersedes bulletins CEG-93-03, GEN-17, GEN-17 rev.1 and all memoranda previously issued on the application of fees. This bulletin also supersedes any instructions found in Notices of Approval which delineate which functions, found on meter displays, have been deemed to be billable functions.

2.0 Definitions

For the purpose of this bulletin, the following definitions apply:

2.1 Act: Electricity and Gas Inspection Act.

2.2 Apportionment Billing System: A system by which the charges levied for the sale of electricity or gas are divided between a number of users based on the proportionality of the individual usage to the overall measurement on which the charged is based.

2.3 Auxiliary Timing Device: A mechanical, electro-mechanical or electronic device which provides an input to a recording system at predetermined time intervals in order to determine demand billing. This type of device is always external to the meter or recording system.

2.4 Controller: A mechanical, electro-mechanical or electronic device which provides control of various functions associated with a meter. A common device is the "bi-energy" meter interface.

2.5 Conversion Device: A device which converts a volume from one set of conditions (e.g. line temperature and line pressure) to a volume at another set of conditions (e.g. standard temperature and pressure). A conversion device has volumetric inputs and temperature and/or pressure inputs and may also have a factor for supercompressibility. Conversion devices are normally used with diaphragm, rotary and turbine meters.

2.6 Element: The basic electro-mechanical or electronic energy measuring sections designed into a meter, comprising current and voltage sensing devices, the output of which may increment the meter's energy registration and/or respond to power utilization.

2.7 Energy Calculating Meter: A device which automatically converts the volume at base conditions into an energy value based on one of the following input methods:

Input Method 1: An input into a microprocessor-based energy calculating meter which represents the calorific value of the gas measured by associated measuring instruments;

Input Method 2: A user-programmable input which is stored in a microprocessor-based energy calculating meter's memory.

2.8 Fee Schedule: Part X, section 47 of Regulations.

2.9 Flow Computer: A device which calculates volume and/or energy based on various volumetric and/or non-volumetric gas parameters, depending on the installation. Typical non-volumetric inputs include differential pressure, static pressure, temperature, pressure, relative density, and gas content. Flow computers are normally used with orifice metering, turbine meters, ultrasonic meters, sonic nozzles, and venturis meters.

2.10 Function: An operation within a device which provides for the operational parameters for which a specific meter has been designed for. These operations could include measurement and/or calculation functions or operational functions (e.g. time clock or calendar, etc.).

2.11 Mode of Operation: Operating modes included in a multi-function device. Example modes include normal, alternate, and test.

2.12 Multiple-Customer Measuring System: A system whereby the measurement of the usage of several individual customers is centrally monitored on side. These systems typically use distributed current and voltage transformers and/or transducers which are hard wired to a central processing facility

2.13 Multi-Rate, Time of Use Register: A device made up of more than one register which, depending on a fixed set of conditions, (e.g., time of day, calender season, etc.), the meter quantity is stored in an identified register. These registers are associated with different billing rate structures established for the specific quantities stored under the specified conditions.

2.14 Operational Location: The installation site of the meter device(s) where verification or reverification testing is performed.

2.15 Other Location: The site of the test facilities provided by the contractor, which are other than the installation site, where verification or reverification testing is performed. These include utility metershops, service organization facilities, and manufacturer facilities.

2.16 Register: A mechanical or electronic device which stores and/or displays a configured quantity input (e.g. kW•h, kVA, etc.). One register may be input-specific or may be shared by more than one metering function.

2.17 Regulations: Electricity and Gas Inspections Regulations.

2.18 Request Test: An inspection, other than a verification, reverification, apparatus certification, dispute investigation or voltage inspection required under the Act and Regulations, which is performed at the request of a contractor, purchaser, meter manufacturer or service organization.

2.19 Supercompressibility:

Input Method 1: An input into a microprocessor-based supercompressibility correcting meter which utilized a complete compositional analysis of the gas in the determination of the supercompressibility factor (Part IV, 18(b)(i)).

Input Method 2: An input into a microprocessor-based supercompressibility correcting meter which approximates the complete compositional analysis method by using combinations of relative density, heating value, carbon dioxide content, nitrogen content and methane content in the determination of the supercompressibility factor (Part IV, 18(b)(ii)).

2.20 Telemetering system: Any devices and equipment used to interpret source electricity or gas meter information at a distance. Telemetering systems include automatic reading systems and remote registers.

2.20.1 Automatic Meter Reader: A device which will collect, store and/or transmit the consumption information from one or more meters. It is not a remote register.

2.20.2 Remote register: A slave display which contains only the information which is resident in the register of the primary measuring device to which it is connected. This register is typically hard wired to the primary measuring device but can also obtain the information via other communications media such as fibre-optics or radio signals.

2.21 Transducer: A device which provides an output, (voltage or current) which is directly proportional to a specific metrological parameter (e.g. temperature, pressure, etc.).

Internal: A transducer which is integral to the overall device package. These transducers are device specific and are not interchangeable.

External: A transducer whose inputs are fed into a device but are stand alone and not integral to a specific device.

3.0 Assessment of Fees

3.1 Summary of Fee Schedule, Part X Section 47

3.1.1 Electricity Measuring Devices
Operational Location: Part I, Column II
Other Location: Part I, Column III
Voltage Test: Part II, Column II
Electricity Measuring Apparatus accuracy: Part VIII, Column II


Note: No fee shall be administered when automatically extending the certification on an electricity measuring apparatus.


3.1.2 Gas Measuring Devices
Operational Location: Part IV, Column II

Other Location:

Part IV, Column III
Relative Density, Water Vapour: Part V, Column II
Gas Measuring Apparatus accuracy: Part IX, Column II


3.1.3 Request Inspection
Charges for Inspectors Time and Expenses: Part VI, Column II


3.1.4 Audits
Audit Function:  Part VII, Column II


3.1.5 Quality Monitoring
Level 1: as per 4.1.1 and 4.1.2
Level 2: 2/3 fees in 4.1.1 and 4.1.2
Level 3: 1/3 fees in 4.1.1 and 4.1.2

3.1.6 Electricity Installations
: The fees levied shall be based on the total number of transformers* externally connected to the meter performing the function of transforming current or voltage to metering levels and thus providing a subsequent billing multiplier to be used in calculating the actual usage.


Fee applied, each transformer utilized in the installation:  Part I, Column II item 16
Note:    Self-contained commercial installations:  Part I, Column II item 17

3.2 Multiple Mode Electronic Devices : Fees shall be levied once for each quantity delineated in 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, subject to verification testing, whether in an Operational Mode or through a data reading device (e.g. optical port). This, in essence, is levying a fee for verifying a quantity at the source, NOT each time it is seen or where it is located.


3.3 Devices subject to sealing moratorium:

Electricity device not sealed: Part I, item 19
Gas device not sealed: Part IV, item 32

3.4 Generic Reference Table: A reference table containing generic device examples is attached in appendix 1 and is intended as guidance for inspectors when assessing fees for meter functions which have been verified or reverified. This table is not intended to capture all existing and anticipated future devices.

3.5 Assessment of Inspection Fees for Sampling: A reference document containing case examples is attached in Annex II and is intended as guidance for inspectors when assessing fees for meter functions which have been verified or reverified by sampling methods.

3.4 Generic Reference Table: A reference table containing generic device examples is attached in appendix 1 and is intended as guidance for inspectors when assessing fees for meter functions which have been verified or reverified. This table is not intended to capture all existing and anticipated future devices.


3.5 Assessment of Inspection Fees for Sampling: A reference document containing case examples is attached in Annex II and is intended as guidance for inspectors when assessing fees for meter functions which have been verified or reverified by sampling methods.

4.0 Revision(s)

The purpose of revision 1 was to:

a) add section 3.5 and Annex II, related to the fees for verification or reverification of meters by sampling; and to make minor revisions to the text.

The purpose of revision 2 is to:

a) add section 3.5 which was missing in the French version;
b) remove section 3: Quantities and Functions, this section will be included in bulletin GEN–25 "Policy for the Approval, Initial Verification and Reverification for Electricity and Gas Meters: Legal Units of Measurement and Functions used for Billing";
c) make changes to Annex I: Fees - Generic Reference Table for Gas Meters;
d) make minor revisions to the text.

5.0   Additional Information

For additional information regarding this bulletin, please contact the Senior Program Officer responsible for either the electricity or gas measurement discipline.


Gilles Vinet


Program Development


Attachments: Annex I - Fees - Generic Reference Table
Annex II - Assessment of Inspection Fees When Using Sampling Plans

    Created: 2003-07-08
Updated: 2005-01-25
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