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Gen-32 Inspection Fees for Marketplace Monitoring Activities

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Inspection Fees for Marketplace Monitoring Activities, in PDF format, 90 KB

Table of Contents

1.0 Purpose
2.0 Background
3.0 Fee Policy for Marketplace Monitoring Inspection Activities
4.0 Rationale
5.0 Additional Information

Date: 2004-08-25
Bulletin: Gen-32
Category: General

1.0 Purpose

This bulletin outlines Measurement Canada’s policy to not charge fees as a result of inspection activities performed pursuant to marketplace monitoring programs.

2.0 Background

Measurement Canada has completed reviews of various trade sectors. One of the recommendations resulting from such reviews is common to the majority of trade sectors. This recommendation proposes that Measurement Canada continue to play an active role in those sectors by monitoring the marketplace. The structure and design of marketplace monitoring may vary from sector to sector, however they all share similar activities, which are the gathering of marketplace information and the conduct of inspections and investigations. Marketplace monitoring activities include inspections which are performed by Measurement Canada personnel.

Measurement Canada performs mandatory inspections as well. Mandatory inspection activities are those which are mandated pursuant to the Weights and Measures Act and the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act. These may include, but are not limited to, initial inspections, verifications, and re-verifications. Where Measurement Canada performs such mandatory inspections, the applicable fees as prescribed in the Regulations shall be charged subject to any other Measurement Canada policies pertaining to fees.

3.0 Fee Policy for Marketplace Monitoring Inspection Activities

3.1 Monitoring inspection activities are those which are performed under marketplace monitoring programs established by Measurement Canada for any given trade sector. These activities may include inspections which are performed by Measurement Canada for the purposes of gathering information and data which are pertinent to the evaluation of the marketplace. These activities may also include inspections which are performed by Measurement Canada for the purposes of validating data which has been submitted by industry stakeholders.

3.2 No fees are to be charged where Measurement Canada performs such inspections under established marketplace monitoring programs.

4.0 Rationale

4.1 The purpose of inspections performed for marketplace monitoring is different than that of mandatory inspections performed pursuant to the Acts and their associated Regulations. In general, mandatory inspections are performed to ensure a device conforms to all legal and technical requirements established by Measurement Canada. Monitoring inspections are generally performed in order to monitor the marketplace, specific areas, and organizations, and to gather information and data on marketplace and device performance data.

4.2 General monitoring inspections may be performed broadly across a trade sector, however specifically targeted inspections, directed by Measurement Canada, may also be performed. Specifically targeted inspections may occur dependant on the results of evaluation and analysis of data obtained. This may result in differing levels of inspection activities for certain device types/classes, types of transactions, geographical regions, or marketplace participants. The focus of general and targeted inspections may change on an annual basis.

4.3 Mandatory inspections and associated fees are directed by the legislation and therefore the number of inspections performed, are a factor of the number of devices which a device owner wishes to use for trade. Monitoring inspection activities are directed by Measurement Canada and therefore the number of inspections performed are determined by the objectives of the monitoring program.

4.4 Measurement Canada must ensure a uniform application of fees and charges for inspection services. Charging fees for monitoring inspections would create unfair financial burden on the organizations who own devices which may be targeted for inspection.

The above factors explain the policy to not apply charges when Measurement Canada performs marketplace monitoring inspections.

5.0 Additional Information

For additional information regarding this bulletin, please contact the Vice-President - Program Development Division.

Alan E. Johnston

    Created: 2005-08-04
Updated: 2005-12-05
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