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Forging the future, working for people

Networking opportunities.

The 2006 Annual Meeting and Business Forum will take place in London on Sunday 21 and Monday 22 May with the theme of 'Forging the future, working for people'. Programme information and online registration are now available.

Annual Meeting pages

Sakhalin boom attracts white goods firm

V-Laser televisions.

Boris Postovalov is heading where the money is: east, to Sakhalin Island. His Vladivostok-based business manufacturing and selling washing machines, fridges and TVs is expanding thanks to a €7.5 million loan from the EBRD.

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EBRD fast-tracks asset-backed securities

EBRD headquarters.

Asset-backed securities are rare in central and eastern Europe, but the EBRD is at the forefront of the product’s development, says Euromoney magazine (www.euromoney.com). The full article was first published in the January 2006 edition of the magazine.

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'Best practice' yields Kiev’s best pastry

Kiev pastries.

Cakes served in Kiev's three Repriza cafes would put the Ritz, the Pierre and the Kempinski to shame. EBRD-backed small business loans have helped the chain, which emphasises food industry 'best practice', to expand.

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Support for Komi Aluminium

Aluminium foil.

EBRD and IFC will disburse loans totalling $150 million for the Komi Aluminium project after determining that the recent entry of Russian Aluminium (RUSAL) as an equal partner is acceptable.

Press release

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Press releasesArchive

Rural financing in Poland - 31 Jan
Support to Kazakh MSEs - 26 Jan
Russian capital markets - 25 Jan

New projectsArchive

Natron Hayat - 27 Jan
Dolna Odra power plants - 25 Jan
RSB securitisation - 20 Jan

Strategies and policiesArchive

Comment on: Poland strategy - 16 Dec
Comment on: Estonia strategy - 16 Dec
New strategy: Latvia strategy - 1 Dec

Procurement contractsArchive

Biomass and Biofuel Technical Co - 31 Jan
District Heating - 30 Jan
National Power Transmission - 30 Jan


Working paper # 94 - 12 Dec
Urban transport - 5 Dec
Transition report 2005 - 15 Nov


Assoc or Princ Bkr, Sofia - 25 Jan
Assoc or Princ Banker, FI - 25 Jan
NGO Advisor - 18 Jan

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