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Luis Alberto Moreno.

Inviting investors into Latin American expansion
The region is experiencing its best growth cycle in almost three decades, with a promising outlook for 2006, said IDB President Luis Alberto Moreno at the Europe-Latin America Forum in Paris. Moreno encouraged European companies to generate a "third wave" of investment in the region, focusing on exports and technology.
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Implications of avian flu for Latin America and the Caribbean
While influenza experts consider the risk of avian flu in Latin America and the Caribbean to be relatively low, just how potentially dangerous is the disease to the region? Health is not the only factor to consider, as a pandemic of this sort could also have significant economic consequences, especially for poultry-exporting countries.
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Many people throughout the region are living in the shadows
In Latin America, lack of identity is a very tangible problem, affecting both immigrants and citizens alike. Living without birth certificates and national identity cards is a reality for millions of people in the region, leading to exclusion, social fragmentation and a general gap in demographic data to be used for public planning.
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More Headlines
Global integrity index
Early childhood development
New IDB environmental policy
Six recommendations for the IDB
Growing pains in Manaus, Brazil
Private sector financing
Pension reform in Latin America
The politics of policies
The changed Earth
Economic growth in Brazil
How effective is microfinance?
IDB goals for 2006
Better trade policy
Improving road networks
Cultural tourism in Guatemala
Moreno on improving education
Key Documents
IDB 2004 Annual Report
Office of Institutional Integrity 2004 Annual Report (pdf)
Country Program Evaluation Panama 1991-2003 (pdf)
Guidelines for the development and consultation of IDB policies and strategies (pdf)
Enhancements to the Independent Investigation Mechanism (pdf)
Action Plan for Development Effectiveness (pdf)
Portfolio Management, Performance and Results (pdf)
Committee Chair Reports
IDB Business Seminar Series 2006: Environment, Sanitation and Agriculture
Washington, D.C.

February 2
IDB-IIC 2006 Annual Meeting of the Boards of Governors,
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

April 3 to 5
  More events...

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