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S-A-01-G:2002 - Section 4.11 to 4.20 [revised 2005-01-10]

4.11 Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment

Measurement Canada delegates certain authorities for the calibration and certification of standards, measuring apparatus and test equipment to qualified organizations. The conditions for this delegation are set out in Conditions for the Delegation of Authority for the Calibration and Certification of Standards, Measuring Apparatus and Test Equipment, C-D-01:2003

4.11.1 General

No guidance provided

4.11.2 Control Procedure

Accredited organizations may borrow or rent Measurement Canada certified test standards from other accredited or non accredited organizations provided that their quality management system documentation contains provisions for this eventuality. Accredited organizations must provide clear instructions to their recognized technicians to verify the condition of the standards and to ensure that the Measurement Canada calibration certificate is valid.

4.12 Inspection and Test Status

No guidance provided.

4.13 Control of Nonconforming Product

4.13.1 General

No guidance provided.

4.13.2 Review and Disposition of Nonconforming Product

No guidance provided.

4.14 Corrective and Preventive Action

4.14.1 General

No guidance provided.

4.14.2 Corrective Action

No guidance provided.

4.14.3 Corrective Action

No guidance provided.

4.15 Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and Delivery

4.15.1 General

No guidance provided.

4.15.2 Handling

No guidance provided.

4.15.3 Storage

No guidance provided.

4.15.4 Packaging

No guidance provided.

4.15.5 Preservation

No guidance provided.

4.15.6 Delivery

Guidance applicable to Weights and Measures applicants

Accredited organizations are responsible for the devices until the final inspection is performed and the client (dealers or end users) takes possession of them. Within their quality management system, accredited organizations must implement and maintain processes for handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery activities that may directly affect the device quality while it is under their responsibility. These provisions are intended to ensure that handling, storage, transportation and delivery do not cause the devices to degrade before they are placed in service.

Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery are activities that may be contracted out. However, accredited organizations must exercise the necessary controls to ensure that these activities are performed in accordance with the processes.

It is recommended that accredited organizations provide the clients who take possession of devices at their premises with clear instructions for the handling, transportation and proper installation of the devices to ensure they will be intact and will comply with the requirements when placed in service.

Appendix 2 provides several examples that may be of assistance to establish accredited organization’s responsibilities regarding handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery.

4.16 Control of Quality Records

No guidance provided.

4.17 Internal Quality Audits

No guidance provided

4.18 Training

Guidance applicable to Weights and Measures applicants.

Measurement Canada will evaluate all candidates through a theoretical examination, followed by an evaluation of work in the field. Candidates who achieve satisfactory results in the theoretical and field examinations will be officially recognized within the scope of the organization’s accreditation to inspect devices and issue certificates on behalf of Measurement Canada. A satisfactory result is defined as a pass mark of 70% for both theoretical and practical portions of the evaluation.
A trainee who fails the theoretical evaluation will be offered an opportunity to take a make up exam. The exam may be rewritten following a minimum 1 month delay from the previous exam and a maximum 6 month delay from the completion of the theoretical training. Should the trainee fail the make up exam, the trainee will have to repeat the training module. Training will not be offered to trainees who have failed a third attempt to pass the exam.

Practical evaluations must occur within 6 months of the theoretical evaluation. Practical evaluations are conducted based on a Device Complexity Table.

A trainee who fails the practical evaluation will be offered an opportunity to take a make up practical evaluation. Should the trainee fail the make up practical evaluation, the trainee will have to repeat the training module and theoretical evaluation. If a trainee fails a subsequent practical evaluation, he/she will not be qualified as a recognized technician by Measurement Canada.

A letter of acknowledgement and training evaluation forms will be sent to the trainee and the trainee’s organization advising if the practical evaluation was successful or unsuccessful. As of April 5th, 2004, certificates will no longer be issued for training.

To maintain authority to inspect devices, technicians shall demonstrate they have maintained their knowledge and skills. Weights and Measures product audits are to be planned in such a manner that as a minimum, over a three year period, all recognized technicians and devices under an accredited organization’s scope have been audited.

Following such audits, if a technician is found to no longer have the knowledge or skills required, a non compliance would be raised. Their authority to inspect and issue certificates may be temporarily suspended until such time as the technician can demonstrate the ability to again meet requirements.

Additional theoretical or practical assessments of recognized technicians may be required when regulatory of procedural changes occur.

Measurement Canada reserves the right to audit technicians at any time.

4.19 Servicing

Processes must be implemented to ensure compliance with section 35.1 of the Weights and Measures Regulations.

4.20 Statistical Techniques

4.20.1 Identification of Need

No guidance provided.

4.20.2 Procedures

The inspection of devices at the factory or any location other than the intended point of use is subject to the requirements found in various bulletins such as Bulletin M-23 on the inspection of scales that are affected by the differences in acceleration due to gravity or Bulletin V-4 on initial inspection of meters used to measure liquids.

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    Created: 2004-06-04
Updated: 2005-01-07
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