Informetrica Limited

Informetrica is a privately-owned Canadian company specializing in quantitative economic research.

Founded in October 1972, Informetrica ceased normal operations in February 2013.  The company still maintains its corporate identity in order to hold intellectual property it has developed in the form of models and software.  It also provides licensing to parties interested in the use of its econometric models and software and can provide advisory services in its traditional areas of expertise.


At present the company holds title to the following intellectual property:


·         The Informetrica Model (TIM) – a large-scale econometric model of the Canadian economy and its provinces and territories.

·         National and Provincial/territorial population calculator models.

·         A Local Area Economic impact model.

·         MOSAIC/SIMSYS – a software suite for building and maintaining large scale econometric models.


Advisory services are available for the following application areas:


·         Design and implementation of large-scale econometric models.

·         Economic policy evaluation/commentary.

·         Local Area impact models and frameworks.

·         Statistics Canada economic data systems and frameworks.

·         Software design for large scale econometric models and multi-model integration.



Monthly Economic Monitors


Past Forecast Services Files


Company Archives


Economic Council of Canada Literature



To contact us - Email or write/call:

Informetrica Limited
P.O. Box 828, Station B
Ottawa, ON  K1P 5P9
