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Now listing the profiles for 245 Canadian scientists in 39 areas of expertise.

196 (80%) are men while 49 (20%) are women.

New Book: Sensational Scientists
Posted: February 2, 2006

Tired of reading this website on your computer? The 24 major profiles on science.ca are collected in a new book. SENSATIONAL SCIENTISTS by Barry Shell, published by Raincoast Books is available now in most bookstores across Canada. Soon to be released in the USA. Read the review at CM Magazine.

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Harold Scott Macdonald (H. S. M.) Coxeter

"If you are keen on mathematics... You have to love it, dream about it all the time."
The aroma of antiseptic and crisp sheets mingles with the sooty smell of a small coal-burning fireplace at the end of the infirmary room. Two thirteen-year-old boys are in side-by-side beds recovering from the flu in their private school’s sick-room. “Coxeter, how do you imagine time-travel would work?” asks John Petrie, one of the boys. “You mean as in H.G. Wells?” says Donald Coxeter, the...

    Jim from Philadelphia

Q: Why doesn't a person lose 9 lb when they consume 1 litre of ice water? If a calorie is the energy it takes to raise 1 cc of water 1 deg C then to raise 1000cc's from 0C to 33C would require 33,000...
A: There's an important confusion you need to clear up in this question: the calories used to describe the energy content of food are actually KILOcalories, that is, one food calorie is enough to raise...

    Chris Hansen from Tyler Texas

Q: What causes a titanium headed golf club to spark when striking a golf ball? Is it the ball, the tee, or striking the ground?
A: According to research at Lawrence Berkeley Labs about zirconium titanium glasses, the answer is: "It's the club,...

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