Industry Canada

RIC-9 - Call Sign Policy and Special Event Prefixes

Issue 2 (Provisional)
October 2005

Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Policy

Radiocommunication Information Circular

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Radiocommunication Information Circulars are issued for the guidance of those engaged in radiocommunications in Canada. The information contained in these circulars is subject to change without notice. It is therefore suggested that interested persons consult the nearest district office of Industry Canada for additional details. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure accuracy, no warranty is expressed or implied. As well, these circulars have no status in law.

Comments and suggestions may be directed to the following address:

Industry Canada
Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulatory Branch
300 Slater Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0C8

Attention: DOSP

All spectrum publications are now available on the Internet at:

Table of Contents

Government of Canada Updated: 2005-10-12