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What's New on Industry Canada's
Departmental Website

In the "What's New" section, you will find a list of speeches, news releases, information bulletins, photos, publications, links, media advisories, events and other new items added to the site in the past 15 days.

2006-02-23News ReleaseCompetition Bureau Challenges Effectiveness of Fuel Saving Device
2006-02-22News ReleaseCompetition Bureau Shuts Down Internet-Based Job Scams

What's New on Other Industry Canada Websites

Check out the "What's New" section of the various Industry Canada or partnered websites to see the latest happenings with sectors, programs and initiatives.


Competition Bureau
Check the Competition Bureau's "What's New" section for the latest news releases, information notices, speeches, reports and other items added to the website.

Connecting Canadians

Francommunautés virtuelles
The Francommunautés virtuelles program promotes the participation of the country's Francophone and Acadian communities in developing and using information and communications technology. On the 15th of every month, Francommunautés virtuelles publishes its online newsletter, What's New. Users can subscribe to its electronic mailing list to receive a copy by email.

Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence
The Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence recognize teachers who have excelled in improving student interest, participation, achievement, performance and skills development as well as displayed exemplary teaching practices, commitment and leadership. View the "What's New" section for information on deadlines, and other announcements.


Canadian Consumer Information Gateway
The Canadian Consumer Information Gateway is a multi-agency information portal designed to improve public access to consumer information services. Visit regularly to see latest items added to the website.

Consumer Connection
Consumer Connection is published by the Office of Consumer Affairs of Industry Canada. Check the "What's New" box for the latest consumer tips, information and guides.

Consumer Measures Committee
The Consumer Measures Committee provides a federal-provincial-territorial forum for national cooperation to improve the marketplace for Canadian consumers, through harmonization of laws, regulations and practices and through actions to raise public awareness. Check the "What's New" section to learn about the latest consumer issues that may affect you.

Corporate Governance

Corporations Canada
Corporations Canada's functions include incorporation and related services such as amalgamation, dissolution of corporations, ruling on the use of corporate names, collecting and disseminating information on federal companies, and compliance and enforcement of the statutes under their jurisdiction. The “What's New” section lists the latest news, notices and consultations.

Measurement Canada
Measurement Canada administers and enforces the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Weights and Measures Act. Check the "What's New" section, where new additions or changes to the site are announced, and for a quick overview of current consultations, events, updates to standards and specifications, and new publications.

Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB)
OSB helps ensure that bankruptcies and insolvencies are conducted in a fair and orderly manner. The “What's New at the OSB” section provides the latest conservatory measures, notices to trustees, professional conduct decisions, as well as OSB's latest publications.

Electronic Commerce

The Digital Economy in Canada
Check the "What's New" section for the latest updates on how the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, which came into effect on January 1, 2004, will protect you.

E-Commerce in Service Industries
Keep on top of the latest news releases, statistics, reports and publications containing information on the Canadian service industries, and what they are doing in e-commerce.


Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility is the way a company achieves a balance or integration of economic, environmental and social imperatives while addressing shareholder and stakeholder expectations. The "What's New" box lists the latest items highlighting this initiative.

Eco-efficiency is achieved through the pursuit of three core objectives: increasing product or service value; optimizing the use of resources; and reducing environmental impact. The "What's New" box provides links to the latest information on this strategy.

Sustainable Cities Initiative
The Sustainable Cities Initiative is a Canadian partnership aimed at enhancing the sustainability of economic development in cities all around the world, and helping citizens improve their quality of life. See the "What's New" section for information on the latest events, meetings and missions.

Sustainable Development
See what's new on Industry Canada's sustainable development site, which contains resources on the development, commercialization and adoption of sustainable development tools, practices and technologies.

Industry Development

Service Industries
Includes updates of service industry publications, reports, meetings, websites and discussion papers.

Strategis is Industry Canada's business and consumer website. Check the "What's New" page, which includes "Headlines This Week," "What's New This Month" and the "Strategis RSS New Feed."

Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)

Information and Communications Technologies
A listing of the most recent information and communications technologies statistical reports.

Information and Communications Technologies
The "What's New" section lists information on statistics, presentations, newsletters, publications, events and other items related to the information and communications technologies industry.


Canada's Innovation Strategy
Canada's Innovation Strategy provides a blueprint for action so that, by the end of this decade, Canada is known throughout the world for its culture of excellence, learning and innovation. The "What's New" section lists the latest additions to the website.

Intellectual Property

Canadian Intellectual Property Office
The Canadian Intellectual Property Office's (CIPO's) areas of activity include patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial designs and integrated circuit topographies. Visit the "What's New" section for the latest information. Also includes a "What's New Archives" section.

Copyright Reform Process
The Copyright Reform Process information site is hosted by the Intellectual Property Policy Directorate at Industry Canada and the Copyright Policy Branch at the Department of Canadian Heritage. The "What's New" section contains the latest reports, a call for comments, and additional information.

Intellectual Property Policy Directorate
The Intellectual Property Policy Directorate (IPPD) bears primary responsibility for the development of Canada's intellectual property policies. The "What's New" section contains links to the latest items related to intellectual property.

International Trade and Investment

ExportSource is Team Canada Inc's online resource for export information and provides a single access point to all trade-related government departments and agencies. Check out the latest publications, guides and updates in the "What's New" section.

Regional Development

Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program
The Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program (COIP) is a federal-provincial-municipal partnership to invest in urban and rural municipal infrastructure in Ontario. The "What's New" section contains a list of the most recent publications, news releases, photos and other items added to the site.
CommunAction is a website that targets Official Language Minority Communities and features information on the Government of Canada's (GoC's) programs and services. The “What's New” section features news releases and program/organization news on other GoC websites.

Science and Technology

Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee
The Canadian Biotechnology Advisory Committee (CBAC) provides advice on the ethical, legal, social, regulatory, economic, scientific, environmental and health aspects of biotechnology. The "What's New" section links to the latest items added to the website.

Life Sciences Gateway
The Life Sciences Branch of Industry Canada seeks to advance the economic growth and competitiveness of Canada's life sciences sector. The "What's New" section contains links to the latest newsletters and other information.

Small Business

Canada Business
The Canada Business website is your gateway to government information for business. The "News" section provides links and short descriptions of new publications and awards received.


Certification and Engineering Bureau
The Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada provides a certification service for both radio and terminal equipment in Canada. Keep up to date on program changes, and new tools and services.

Communications Research Centre
The Communications Research Centre (CRC), an agency of Industry Canada, is the federal government's centre of excellence for communications R&D. The "What's New" section lets you keep on top of the newest CRC announcements.

Spectrum Direct
The Spectrum Management's online services website allows users to obtain information on radiocommunication licences, perform radio frequency searches, pay radio licence invoices online, and check the National Maritime Information Database. Check the "What's New" section to find out what new features are available.

Spectrum Management and Telecommunications
Take a look at new items added to the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications site as well as Gazette Notices pertaining to broadcasting, radiocommunications and telecommunications.

SITT Gateway
Visit the Spectrum, Information Technologies and Telecommunications (SITT) Gateway's “What's New” section for the latest information on electronic commerce, information and communications technologies, the information highway, radiocommunications, broadcasting, spectrum and telecommunications.

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What's New on Industry Portfolio Websites

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) works with the people of Atlantic Canada to improve the economy through the development of businesses and job opportunities. The "What's New" section lists the latest information and other recent changes and additions to the website.

Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
The Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED) promotes economic development of the regions of Quebec. The "New on the site" page contains links to the latest publications, press releases and other items added to the site.

Canada Foundation for Innovation
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) is an independent corporation created by the Government of Canada to fund research infrastructure. The "What's New" section includes the latest items added to the site. A news archive is also included.

Canada Research Chairs
The Canada Research Chairs Program stands at the centre of a national strategy to make Canada one of the world's top five countries for research and development. The "What's New" section contains its latest news items.

Canadian Tourism Commission
The Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) works in partnership with the country's tourism industry to increase awareness of and interest in Canada as a four-season tourism destination. Check the "Announcements" and "Site Updates" sections for the latest information.

Copyright Board Canada
The Copyright Board is an economic regulatory body empowered to establish the royalties to be paid for the use of copyrighted works when the administration of such copyright is entrusted to a collective-administration society. The "What's New at the Copyright Board" page contains the latest announcements, upcoming public hearings, recent decisions, new proposed tariffs and disclosure statements.

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) supports university research through grants, project research through partnerships of universities with industry, and in the advanced training of highly qualified people. The "What's New" section on the main page gives a snapshot of the latest items added to the site.

Networks of Centres of Excellence
The program fosters partnerships among universities, industry, government and non-governmental organizations aimed at turning Canadian research and entrepreneurial talent into economic and social benefits. The "What's New" box on the main page has links to the latest items added to the website.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) promotes and supports university-based research and graduate training in the social sciences and humanities. The "What's New" page includes links to the most recent news releases, program changes, new initiatives and calendar of events.

Standards Council of Canada
The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is a federal Crown corporation with the mandate to promote efficient and effective standardization. The "What's New on the Site" section includes links to the latest additions and changes on the site.

Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD)
The "What's New" section contains a listing of how WD works to strengthen Western Canada's economy and advance the interests of the West in national economic policy.

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Date Modified: 2006-01-30 Top of Page Important Notices