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 Business Information by Sector


Below are several ways to find information on a particular industry sector

  1. By alphabet:
    A B C D E F G H I J K L M
    N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ
  2. Industrial Category
  3. Statistics by Industrial Sector
  4. Company Directories by Sector
  5. Events by Sector
  6. Canadian Industry Statistics
  7. Trade Team Canada Sectors
  8. Technology Roadmaps


  • Canadian Textile Program (CANtex) - new three-year $26.7 million initiative to help Canadian textile manufacturing firms become more competitive and ready to take advantage of new opportunities.
  • High Performance Manufacturing - Success Stories - High Performance Manufacturing is an inclusive term incorporating many existing philosophies and approaches on increasing productivity and reducing waste. This collection contains over sixty success stories, arranged by industry, company, and region.
  • ebiz.enable - ebiz.enable is a comprehensive e-business portal designed specifically to guide commercial organizations through the issues and options encountered in implementing e-business strategies. It helps you explore the questions, answers and solutions relevant to your company and its success in the global on-line environment.
  • Solutions for Advanced Manufacturing (SAM) - Focused on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) and the Canadian companies that produce these technology solutions, SAM is your source for company and technology information, possible solutions, and related resources.
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Updated: 2005-07-18
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