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ArtStarts gallery and resource centre
a centre for creativity and discovery

Imagine walking along Robson at Richards and seeing a spectacular button blanket through the window from a school in Alert Bay or hand-painted banners from Fernie or a vibrant mural panel from Kelowna. Now imagine the excitement of a child making it and the pride of exhibiting it.

In 2006, ArtStarts will have a street presence in downtown Vancouver.

This facility will bring an often invisible yet extraordinary activity —children’s art-making— into the public eye. When it opens its doors, this 4,000 sq. ft. facility will house Canada’s first exhibition space dedicated to showcasing young people’s work. Of course, the people who stand to gain the most from exposure to this art are the students themselves, which makes the new facility a perfect stop-off for school groups on field trips to the nearby theatres, art galleries, concert halls and the public library. It will also make an inspiring family activity for tourists and locals alike. The value of enhanced arts education in BC schools will be celebrated for all to see and enjoy.

The building also stands to be an important arts-in-education-resource hub. In eight short years, ArtStarts has become the place educators turn to help them energize learning by connecting their students with our artists. Currently we provide educators and artists with the latest research, curriculum-integrated programs and funding, but soon we’ll have the physical space to offer roundtables on issues of the day, professional development, program information sessions, institutes, and student arts activities.

ArtStarts thanks the City of Vancouver Cultural Amenity Bonus for making our new home a reality.


Gallery and resource centre progress

How you can help

Donate volunteer hours

Donation pledge form (pdf)

Donate to ArtStarts Through CanadaHelps.org!