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Plants > Plant Protection Policy Directives > Horticulture 

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PDF Version

January 24, 2006
(2nd Revision)

Title: Canadian Plant Protection import requirements for fresh blueberry fruit (Vaccinium) from Argentina

Our File: 3525-11F1/FA9


This directive outlines the phytosanitary requirements for the importation of fresh blueberry fruit (Vaccinium spp.) to Canada from Argentina.

As with other fresh fruit importations from new sources, importation of fresh blueberry fruit from Argentina is subject to a trial importation period. This trial period is required to verify the absence of quarantine pests through product inspection. The trial period will be concluded after the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is satisfied that shipments of fresh blueberries from Argentina can routinely meet CFIA requirements.

The current trial period is presently under review. A Permit to Import is required until a final decision is made, based on the results of the trial period.

Table of Contents

Amendment Record
Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms

1.0 General Requirements
1.1 Legislative Authority
1.2 Fees
1.3 Regulated Commodities
1.4 Exempt Commodities
1.5 Regulated Areas
1.6 Regulated Pests

2.0 Specific Requirements
2.1 Pre-shipment Conditions
2.2 Permit to Import
2.3 Phytosanitary Certificate
2.4 Shipments through the United States (U.S.)
2.5 Inspection Requirements

3.0 Non-Compliance

4.0 Other
4.1 Trial Importations
4.2 Other Canadian Import Requirements


This directive will be reviewed on June 1, 2006 and a final decision on the status of the trial period will be made at that time. The contact for this directive Joanne Rousson. For further information or clarification, please contact the Horticulture Section.


Approved by:

Plant Health Division

Amendment Record

Amendments to this directive will be dated and distributed as outlined in the distribution below.


  1. Directive mail list (Regions, PHRA, USDA)
  2. Provincial Government, Industry (via Regions)
  3. National Industry Organizations (determined by Author)
  4. Internet


An application for a Permit to Import fresh blueberry fruit from Argentina was submitted to the CFIA. A Pest Risk Assessment was conducted and resulted in the pest management measures described in the current directive.


This directive is intended for use by Canadian importers wishing to import fresh fruit of blueberries to Canada from Argentina. This directive is also intended for the use of the CFIA inspection staff, the Canada Border Services Agency and the National Plant Protection Organization of Argentina in order to determine what the requirements are for this fruit to enter Canada.


This directive supercedes D-01-08 (1st Revision).

Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms

CFIA Canadian Food Inspection Agency
NPPO National Plant Protection Organization
PRA Pest Risk Assessment

1.0 General Requirements

1.1 Legislative Authority

The Plant Protection Act, s.c. 1990, c.22
The Plant Protection Regulations, SOR/95-212
Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice, Canada Gazette
, Part 1 (05/13/2000)

1.2 Fees

The CFIA is charging fees in accordance with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice. For information regarding fees associated with imported product, please contact the Import Service Centres (ISC) at the following phone numbers: Eastern ISC 1-877-493-0468; Central ISC 1-800-835-4486; Western ISC 1-888-732-6222. Anyone requiring other information regarding fees may contact any local CFIA office or access the CFIA website.

1.3 Regulated Commodities

Blueberry Fruit -All Varieties, including:

lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium (including V. pennsylvanicum)
sourtop blueberry, Vaccinium myrtilloides (including V. canadense)
highbush blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum (including V. ashei & V. atrodoccum)
hillside blueberry, Vaccinium pallidum (including V. vacillans)

NOTE: Vaccinium macrocarpon, the cranberry commonly used for commerce, is not included in this list.

1.4 Exempt Commodities

Dried, frozen or processed fruit of blueberry.

1.5 Regulated Areas


1.6 Regulated pests

No quarantine pests associated with blueberry fruit from Argentina were identified through the pest risk assessment. If pests intercepted through product inspection are determined to be quarantine pests, they will be added to Canada's regulated pest list.

2.0 Specific Requirements

2.1 Pre-shipment Conditions

Shipments must be free of pests, soil, sand, leaves and plant debris.

2.2 Permit to Import

A Permit to Import issued by the Plant Health Division of the CFIA must be obtained prior to importation. The Permit to Import is required during the trial importation period. (Also see section 4.1)

2.3 Phytosanitary Certificate

A Phytosanitary Certificate is required. This document must be issued by the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) of Argentina within 14 days prior to shipment. The original Phytosanitary Certificate must accompany the blueberries to Canada. An additional declaration is not required on the Phytosanitary Certificate.

Advance notification of the arrival of the shipment is required during the trial importation period in order to provide adequate time to arrange for inspection. An advance copy of the Phytosanitary Certificate must be sent by facsimile to the CFIA office at the point of destination prior to the arrival of the shipment. Preferably, the copy is required 3 days prior to the arrival of the shipment in Canada. However, 24 hours notice will usually be acceptable if shipments are sent by air to international airports at Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. Importers are requested to advise the CFIA office at the point of destination with details on anticipated time of arrival, airline, flight number, etc..

The Phytosanitary Certificate and commercial invoice which accompany the shipments must be routed through one of the three Canadian Import Service Centres (ISC) for release. Upon release, the ISC will immediately notify the inland office of the arrival of the shipment.

Shipments must meet all requirements when they reach first point of entry in Canada.

2.4 Shipments through the United States (U.S.)

As of the effective date of this directive, blueberries do not require a Phytosanitary Certificate when imported from Argentina to the U.S. Therefore, blueberries imported and then re-exported require only a re-export Phytosanitary Certificate from the U.S. Blueberries transiting through the U.S. require an original Phytosanitary Certificate from Argentina.

2.5 Inspection Requirements

Shipments will be subject to inspection and sampling on arrival to determine if pests are present. During the trial importation period, 100% of the blueberry shipments will be inspected. After successful completion of the trial period, the percentage of shipments inspected will be reduced. When a shipment is inspected, 5% of the contents of the shipment will be randomly sampled and if pests are found, the shipment will be detained pending the results of pest identification. If pests are not found in the initial 5% sample, but there is evidence of pest activity, e.g. presence of frass, a further 5% sample may be randomly selected and examined.

Note: In Argentina, the harvest and export period for blueberries extends from October to March. Actual export time to Canada is 24-36 hours after harvest.

CFIA inspectors should:

  1. verify that all import conditions relative to documentation conform to the requirements specified under section 2.2 and 2.3 of this directive;

  2. Examine shipment for pests, soil, leaves, and plant debris;

  3. Take specimens if any pests are found, detain the shipment, and submit specimens for identification according to the instructions in the Plant Protection Import Inspection Manual, Section 4.11.

  4. For shipments re-exported from the U.S., verify that the re-export Phytosanitary Certificate, issued to Canada, accompanies the shipment.

  5. For shipments transiting through the U.S., verify that a Phytosanitary Certificate from Argentina accompanies the shipments.

3.0 Non-Compliance

Shipments must meet all requirements when they reach first point of entry in Canada.

Shipments found infested with pests will be held pending laboratory identification. Shipments will be refused entry and returned to origin or disposed of if they do not meet requirements or if they are found to be infested with a quarantine pest. If requested by the importer, and determined feasible by the inspector, such shipments may be rerouted to other destinations, or diverted to approved processing facilities, provided such a course of action does not cause unwarranted pest risk.

The Plant Health Division will advise the NPPO of Argentina of any interceptions and of non-compliance with any of the conditions outlined in this directive. The discovery of quarantine pests during inspection in Canada or any other non-compliance may result in suspension of the importation program until remedial action is taken at origin.

The importer is responsible for any and all costs relating to inspection, disposal, removal, rerouting or diversion to processing facilities.

Notifications of non-compliance will be issued in accordance with D-01-06: Canadian Phytosanitary Policy for the Notification of Non-compliance and Emergency Action.

4.0 Other

4.1 Trial Importations

The trial importation period is required in order to evaluate the ability of the exporting country to meet requirements under varying conditions over a period of time.

The trial period, which ended on September 24, 2005, is currently under review. A final decision regarding its status will be made at the date of the next revision of this directive.

4.2 Other Canadian Import Requirements

Other Canadian import requirements, which are in addition to those stated above, include:

  1. chemical residue standards as established under the Food and Drug Regulations,

  2. licensing and inspection requirements as established under the Licensing and Arbitration Regulations under the Canada Agricultural Products Act,

  3. regulatory inspection as established under the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Regulations under the Canada Agricultural Products Act, and

  4. packaging and labelling requirements as established under the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and Regulations.

    It is the importer's responsibility to know and satisfy these requirements.

    Questions and requests for information on any requirements should be directed to local offices of CFIA.

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