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Plants > Plant Protection Policy Directives > Horticulture 

59 Camelot Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0Y9
(TEL: 613-225-2342; FAX: 613-228-6602) 


PDF Version


November 30, 2005
(11th Revision)
Title: Interim Policy for Plant Protection Import Requirements for Fresh Pears from the People's Republic of China


This directive contains the plant protection (phytosanitary) requirements for the importation of fresh pears from the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

This directive has been revised as a result of a CFIA onsite audit of the Chinese Quality Management System (QMS) for pears. Based on the findings of this audit, CFIA decided to lift the suspension on Ya pear (Pyrus bretscheideri) imports from the Shandong province only, starting December 1st, 2005. Ya pears from Hebei are still prohibited entry into Canada until CFIA is satisfied that appropriate corrective actions are put into place to address the deficiencies identified during the audit.

Table of Contents

Amendment Record

Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms

1.0 General Requirements
1.1 Legislative Authority
1.2 Fees

2.0 Specific Requirements
2.1 Regulated Commodities
2.2 Regulated Pests

3.0 Import Requirements
3.1 Permit to Import
3.2 Phytosanitary Certificate
3.3 Packaging Requirements
3.4 Other Pests, Soil, Leaves and Debris

4.0 Restrictions
4.1 Trial Importations
4.2 Other Requirements

5.0 Inspection Procedures

6.0 Non-Compliance

7.0 List of Appendices
Appendix 1: Sample Phytosanitary Certificate from the People's Republic of China
Appendix 2: Sample Stickers used by The People's Republic of China to Seal boxes of Pears for Import to Canada
Appendix 3: List of Orchards from the People's Republic of China Approved for Shipping Pears as Specified in D-94-32


This directive will be reviewed every two years or sooner is deemed necessary. The next review date for this directive is December 1, 2006. The contact for this directive is Joanne Rousson. For further information or clarification, please contact the Horticulture Section.


Approved by:

Plant Health Division

Amendment Record

Amendments to this directive will be dated and distributed as outlined in the distribution below.


  1. Directive mail list (Regions, PHRA, USDA)
  2. Provincial Government, Industry (via Regions)
  3. National Industry Organizations (determined by Author)
  4. Internet


On January 28 and February 17, 2004, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) suspended the importation of all pears (Pyrus pyrifolia and Pyrus bretscheideri) from the provinces of Hebei and Shandong, respectively, due to interceptions of an exotic fungal disease (Alternaria sp.).

In early September, 2004, a CFIA delegation travelled to China to exchange scientific information on this pest organism. Based on the observations of the CFIA delegation in China and additional information provided by the Chinese government, the CFIA has concluded that the importation of Asian variety of pears (Pyrus pyrifolia) represent a low risk for the entry of the fungal disease into Canada. The CFIA then decided to remove the suspension on Asian pears from China.

To address the Alternaria sp. situation on Ya pears (Pyrus bretscheideri), AQSIQ had to develop a Quality Management System (QMS) which requied auditing by CFIA in September, 2005. Results of the audit indicated that the importation of Ya pears from Shandong province only could resume, under a one year trial period, starting December 1st, 2005. Prohibition of Ya pears imports from Hebei will be maintained until CFIA is satisfied that appropriate corrective actions are put into place in the orchards and packing houses.

Fragrant pears (Pyrus sp. nr. communis) originating from approved orchards (see Appendix 3) near the city of Korla in the Xinjiang province of the PRC are permitted entry.

If problems with shipments occur, importation may be suspended from single orchards, the whole province, or the whole country, depending on the circumstances, for example, the discovery of quarantine pests, the submission of improper documentation, or failure to meet other requirements.


This directive is intended for use by those wishing to import fresh pear fruit from China into Canada. This directive is also intended to aid the Canada Border Services Agency and Chinese Plant Health Authority in determining what is required in order for this fruit to enter Canada.

This document supersedes D-94-32 (10th Revision).

Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms

AQSIQ State General Administration of the People's Republic of China for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine (The Plant Health Authority for PRC)
CFIA Canadian Food Inspection Agency
PQIR Plant Quarantine Import Requirements
PRC People's Republic of China

1.0 General Requirements

1.1 Legislative Authority

The Plant Protection Act, S.C. 1990, c.22
The Plant Protection Regulations, SOR/ 95-212
Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice, Canada Gazette, Part 1 (05/13/2000)

1.2 Fees

The CFIA is charging fees in accordance with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice. For information regarding fees associated with imported product, please contact the Import Service Centres (ISC) at the following phone numbers: Eastern ISC 1-877-493-0468; Central ISC 1-800-835-4486; Western ISC 1-888-732-6222. Anyone requiring other information regarding fees may contact any local CFIA office or CFIA's website.

2.0 Specific Requirements

2.1 Regulated Commodities

The following pear (fresh fruit) varieties are approved for entry:

Pyrus sp. nr. communis, commonly known as fragrant pears.

P. pyrifolia (Burm.) Nakai, commonly known as Asian pear and Nashi pears.

P. bretscheideri, commonly known as Ya pears.

2.2 Regulated Pests

For all provinces of Canada:

Summer fruit tortrix, Adoxophyes orana Fischer
Peach fruit moth, Carposina sasakii (= niponensis) Matsumura
Yellow peach moth, Conogethes (= Dichocrocis) punctiferalis, Guenée
Pear leaf blister moth, Leucoptera malifoliella (= scitella) Costa
Pear fruit moth, Numonia (= Myelois) pirivorella Matsumura
A red spider mite, Tetranychus truncatus, Ehara
Hawthorn spider mite, Tetranychus viennensis, Zacher
Black spot, Alternaria gaisen (= kikuchiana) Nagano
Causative agent of Chocolate spot of Ya pears (Alternaria sp.)
Twig blight, Diaporthe tanakae Kobaryashi & Sakuma (Anamorph = Phomopsis fukushii)
Brown rot, Monilinia fructigena Honey

Additional for the province of British Columbia:

Oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta Busck

This list is not considered to be all inclusive. Pests intercepted during inspection will be submitted for laboratory identification, and quarantine action will be taken if they are determined to be quarantine pests.

3.0 Import Requirements

3.1 Permit to Import

A Permit to Import issued under the Plant Protection Regulations is not required for Fragrant pears from Xinjiang province.

A Permit to Import issued under the Plant Protection Regulations is required for Asian pears from Shandong and Hebei provinces.

A Permit to Import issued under the Plant Protection Regulations is required for the importation of Ya pears from Shandong province.

3.2 Phytosanitary Certificate

A Phytosanitary Certificate is required for the importation of fresh pears from PRC. This document must be issued within 14 days prior to shipment and bare the official stamp of AQSIQ of the PRC. In the case of Pyrus pyrifolia (Asian pear), this will be the Hebei or Shandong Plant Quarantine Service. In the case of P. bretscheideri (Ya pear), this will be the Shandong Plant Quarantine Service. In the case of P. sp.. nr. communis (fragrant pear), this will be the Urumqi Plant Quarantine Service. The certificate must include English or French.

3.3 Packaging Requirements

Each carton (box) of pears shall be:

3.4 Other Pests, Soil, Leaves and Debris

Shipments must be free of other visible pests and signs and symptoms of pests, soil, leaves, and plant debris.

4.0 Restrictions

Only pears from the approved orchards listed in Appendix 3, List of orchards from the People’s Republic of China approved for shipping pears as specified in D-94-32 can be imported into Canada.

4.1 Trial Importations

During the trial period, the PRC must send a copy of the phytosanitary certificate for each shipment to the British Columbia Plant Health Office of the CFIA (see below). The copy must be sent by facsimile at least 3 days prior to the arrival of the shipment in Canada. The original must accompany the shipment to Canada.

  "Officer in Charge - Plant Health"
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Vancouver - Harbour Operations
Room #270, 858 Beatty Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 1C1
Facsimile: (604) 666-1156

The trial shipment period for Asian pears, Pyrus pyrifolia, from Hebei and Shandong will be 8 shipments over two years (seasons). The trial period for Ya pears, P. bretscheideri, from Shandong will be 4 shipments over one year. The exact length of time of the trial period will depend on the number of shipments received, and the degree of compliance.

The trial importation period for Asian pears is scheduled to end January 15, 2007.

The trial importation period for Ya pears is scheduled to end December 1, 2006.

4.2 Other Requirements

Other Canadian import requirements, which are in addition to those stated above, include:

  1. chemical residue standards as established under the Food and Drug Regulations,

  2. licensing and inspection requirements as established under the Licensing and Arbitration Regulations under the Canada Agricultural Products Act,

  3. regulatory inspection as established under the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Regulations under the Canada Agricultural Products Act, and

  4. packaging and labelling requirements as established under the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and Regulations.

It is the importer's responsibility to know and satisfy these requirements.

Questions and requests for information on any requirements should be directed to local offices of CFIA.

5.0 Inspection Procedures

Shipments will be subject to inspection and sampling on arrival to determine if pests are present. During the trial period, 100% of the pear shipments may be inspected. After successful completion of the trial period, the percentage of shipments inspected will be reduced to that in place for fruit from fully approved sources. However, the CFIA reserves the right to increase inspections for audit purposes or if non-compliances are identified.

When a shipment is inspected, a random sample of 5% of the contents of the shipment will be examined and if pests are found, the shipment will be detained pending the results of pest identification. If pests are not found in the initial 5% sample, but there is evidence of pest activity, e.g. presence of frass, a further 5% sample may be randomly selected and examined.

CFIA inspectors should:

6.0 Non-Compliance

Shipments must meet all requirements when they reach first point of arrival in Canada.

Shipments will be held pending laboratory identification if any organism posing a potential phytosanitary threat is detected. Shipments may be refused entry and returned to origin or disposed of if they do not meet requirements or if any regulated pests are detected. If requested by the importer, and determined feasible by the inspector, such shipments may be rerouted to other destinations, or diverted to approved processing facilities, provided such a course of action does not cause unwarranted pest risk. Shipments arriving in British Columbia and found infested with Oriental fruit moth may be rerouted to another province of Canada under condition that such material cannot re-enter British Columbia without treatment against Oriental fruit moth.

Notification of non-compliance and emergency action will be issued in accordance will D-01-06 (Canadian phytosanitary policy for the notification of non-compliance and emergency action).

The Plant Health Division will advise the PRC of any pest interceptions and of non-compliance with any of the conditions outlined in this directive. The discovery of quarantine pests during inspection in Canada or non-compliance may result in suspension of the importation program until remedial action is taken at origin.

The importer is responsible for any and all costs relating to inspection, disposal, removal, rerouting or diversion to processing facilities, including costs incurred by the CFIA to monitor the action taken.

7.0 List of Appendices

Appendix 1: Sample Phytosanitary Certificate from the People's Republic of China
Appendix 2: Sample Stickers used by The People's Republic of China to Seal boxes of Pears for Import to Canada
Appendix 3: List of Orchards from the People's Republic of China Approved for Shipping Pears as Specified in D-94-32

Appendix 1


Sample phytosanitary certificate from the People's Republic of China

Appendix 2


Shandong CIQ Hebei CIQ
Sample stickers - Shandong Inspection and Quarantine Bureau Sample stickers - Hebei Inspection and Quarantine Bureau
  Fragrant Pears
Sample stickers for Ya Pears to seal boxes for Import to Canada Sample stickers for Fragrant Pears to seal boxes for Import to Canada

Appendix 3


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