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The Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) provides operational fire-control services, as well as management and information services to its Member Agencies. In addition to coordinating services for all of the provinces and territories, CIFFC often coordinates the sharing of resources with the United States and other countries.

Your Access to the Forest Fire Scene

Our Website provides the public with information about the Centre and our activities. It also contains a link to FireWire, our online fire reporting system, which provides up-to-the-minute bulletins, situation reports, and firestart and spread data for our Member Agencies and other firefighting organizations.

  Current Fire Situation
The 2005 wildland fire season has ended. The year end totals will reflect a near average season for wildfires with 7,438 fires reported and one half the average number of hectares consumed at 1,706445.49. | |During the course of 2005 over 1500 professional firefighters were moved between Provinces and Territories to assist other jurisditions with wildfires. | |For a general over-view of the 2005 wildland fire season go to 'FIRE NEWS' and download the Canada Report. | |2006 National Situation Reports will began mid-April and will be posted to 'FIREWIRE'. | |For 2006 seasonal employment go to 'CAREER OPPORTUNITIES'.

CIFFC is a unique organization with a broad, challenging mandate and a novel funding base. Read about our short but exciting history here.


CIFFC provides consulting and resource-management services across the globe. Click here for some examples of what we've done, and for whom we've done it.


Latest News
Check this section for the very latest news items, press releases, situation summaries, and other timely information about the Canadian forest fire situation and CIFFC itself.


CIFFC offers a number of valuable information products that can provide firefighting agencies with exactly the information they need to be more effective.


Events Calendar
To stay completely on top of what's happening in fire-management in Canada, refer to our calendar of events. It's always current, always up-to-date.


Firewire is CIFFC's online live data system. For daily information on the current forest fire activity in Canada visit this site.


CIFFC Fire Science and Technology Research Fund
"The CIFFC member agencies as well as private companies in Canada have created fund to support research and development initiatives aimed at the advancement of forest fire science and technology in Canada. This fund is administered through the CIFFC office in Winnipeg and managed by the CIFFC Fire Science and Technology Working Group."


Fire Links
If you can't find what you're looking for on our website, check out some of these other useful and informative forest-fire links.


More Info
If you still can't find what you're looking for, visit our more info section for e-mail links. If we can't help you, we'll do our best to connect you with someone that can.



CIFFC produces this website as a service, and warrants that it makes the best efforts possible to present information that is complete and accurate at the time of posting. However, we cannot guarantee the validity of all sources or the appropriateness of any specific application of the information presented on our site.

210-301 Weston Street
Winnipeg MB Canada
R3E 3H4
Phone 204.784.2030
Fax 204.956.2398


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