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Wildland Fire Management

Current Wildfire Bulletin:

Wildfire Bulletin #54 - September 16, 2005 9:00 AM - 2005 Fire Season Winds Down

The Yukon's boreal forest holds a variety of highly flammable coniferous forest fuels. During Wildland Fire Management’s (WFM's) fire season, WFM staff focuses on the safety of lives and protecting property within this forested area. Since fire is a valuable part of the forest's natural ecosystem, fires not threatening these values are often monitored by WFM but do not need to be actioned by crews.

For more information on Wildland Fire Management please visit About the Organization and follow the links to read about the Yukon's Forest Protection Act and also WFM's association with the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Center (CIFFC).

To Report Wildfires Call: 1-888-798-FIRE (3473)


Yukoners are reminded that burning permits are required between April 1 and September 30. Burning permits can be obtained through local Wildland Fire Management Offices. For general information, please contact Yukon Wildland Fire Management at (867) 456-3845.


Many Yukoners live in or near the forest. With 60% of the Yukon covered by forest, there is a good chance that Yukon homes and property are at risk from wildfire. The area where the forest meets properties or other development areas is called the wildland-urban interface.

Protecting your home or community from the threat of fire in the wildland-urban interface is a shared responsibility. As a homeowner you must assess your situation carefully and take all possible steps toward wildfire protection.

Recommended Reading

firesmart_manual.gif Partners in Protection is an Alberta-based coalition of professionals representing national, provincial, and municipal associations, and government departments responsible for emergency services, land-use planning, forest and resource research and management.

It produced a FireSmart Community Planner that highlights interface fire protection. This unique, illustrated manual provides information and tools to help communities across Canada, prepare for and confront wildfire in wildland-urban interface areas.

Everyone shares the responsibility for protecting life and property by planning for fire protection. For more information on the FireSmart program, please contact the FireSmart Coordinator at (867) 667-3013.



Dawson Fires of 2004

View Photo Album

 Video of 2005's Mayo 01, The Shanghai Fire

Video of retardant drop on Mayo 01


Northwest Territories

Fire Management
Road Report

Contact Us:

Department of Community Services
Yukon Forest Fire Centre
91790 Alaska Highway
Whitehorse, Yukon
General Inquiries:
Phone: (867) 456-3845
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408 ext. 3845
Yukon Wildfire Update:
Line 1-800-826-4750
To report a fire, call:
Fire Information Officer:
Phone: (867) 393-7415
Yukon District Contacts

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