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Contact the Ombudsman


Apology Legislation - press release

Annual Report 2005
 - Media release

Mr. Kevin Fenwick Appointed Provincial Ombudsman

The Ombudsman is an Officer of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan with the authority to investigate complaints received from members of the public who believe the government administration has dealt with them unfairly. Government administration includes any department, branch, board, agency or commission, responsible to the Crown, and any public servant in Saskatchewan. The Ombudsman was established by the Ombudsman and Children's Advocate Act.

The Ombudsman is neither an advocate for members of the public nor a defender of the government bureaucracy. Rather, the Ombudsman is committed to ensuring fairness in public administration by working impartially with both.

Annual Reports

Annual Report 2005

Annual Report 2004

Annual Report 2003

Annual Report 2002

Annual Report 2001

Annual Report 2000

The Ombudsman has two goals. One is to improve the quality of public administration in the government of Saskatchewan. The second is to resolve conflict between citizens and the bureaucracy.

Can the Ombudsman help you?


NOTE:  Documents are available in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF); therefore you must have Adobe Acrobat Viewer to view them.  To download the free viewer, click here

Inmate Services and Conditions of Custody
in Saskatchewan Correctional Centres

Locked Out

Table of Contents

001 Acknowledgements
002 Introduction
003 Background
004 Guiding principles
01 Bed Space
02 Living Conditions
03 Property cont
04 Programming
05 Case Man
06 Medical Services
07 Suicide
08 Discipline
09 Segregation
10 Remand
11 Aboriginal
12 Staff Training
13 Regina Correctional
14 Conclusion
15a Summary of Recommendations
15b Terms of Ref
16 Bibliography

Summary of Conclusions of the Inquiry into the Smoking Ban at Saskatchewan Correctional Centres


When to Contact the Saskatchewan Ombudsman

If you are unable to solve your complaint about the Saskatchewan government, the Ombudsman will assist you.
Once you have exhausted all avenues of review and appeal, the Ombudsman will give your complaint consideration. Where appropriate, an investigation will be initiated on your behalf.
Investigations usually focus on complaints from individuals but can serve to improve government for all by raising standards of fairness. The Ombudsman can initiate an investigation into an entire administrative system if the system seems to be affecting members of the public unfairly.

Is There Any Charge?

There is no charge. All we require is your cooperation during the investigation.

Are There Any Guarantees?

The Ombudsman can only guarantee an independent and impartial investigation. You will be consulted during the course of the investigation and given an opportunity to respond to information collected. Once your complaint has been thoroughly investigated, the Ombudsman will decide if it is supported by the evidence. If it is, the Ombudsman will make appropriate recommendations to the government organization involved. If it is not, the Ombudsman will advise you and give you an opportunity to respond.

Who Has Access to the Information?

All information collected through letters, interviews and investigations are private and confidential.
The Saskatchewan Freedom of Information Act does not apply to the Office of the Ombudsman.


The Ombudsman strives to resolve complaints to the satisfaction of both the complainant and the government organization involved, while at the same time adhering to high standards of fairness.
If your complaint is valid, and a resolution cannot be reached, the Ombudsman may recommend corrective action in a report to the Minister responsible for the organization involved. If that fails, the Ombudsman can make recommendations to Cabinet and the Saskatchewan Legislature.
The Ombudsman does not have the power to order government to implement the conclusions of an investigation.

How to Contact Your Ombudsman

The e-mail address for the Ombudsman's office is provided to enable website visitors to contact us for resources or more information. For security reasons, we are unable to accept complaints or correspond about complaints via e-mail. If you would like to receive more information about the Ombudsman, you are welcome to contact us at:

ombreg@ombudsman.sk.ca  (Regina) or

If you have a complaint, you may telephone us at:

(306) 787-6211 Regina
1-800-667-7180 Regina
(306) 933-5500 Saskatoon
1-800-667-9787 Saskatoon.

Or you may submit your complaint in writing to:

Provincial Ombudsman
Suite 150, 2401 Saskatchewan Drive,
Regina, SK S4P 3V7

Provincial Ombudsman
315 - 25th Street East,
Saskatoon, SK S7K 2H6

Office hours are between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

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