Promoting Fairness for British Columbians

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Contact Information

Kim Carter

British Columbia's 5th Ombudsman

About the Ombudsman

About The Ombudsman receives inquiries and complaints about the practices and services provided by public bodies, and may investigate to determine if the public body is being fair to the people it serves...
Jurisdictions Who can the Ombudsman investigate? Jurisdiction of the Ombudsman...
Publications Ombudsman Publications: Reports, Press Releases, Manuals and Multi-Lingual Brochures...
Remedies   Useful contacts for resolving problems before consulting the Ombudsman...
Complaints Send a complaint to the Ombudsman...
Links Links to other Ombudsman, related sites, and the International Ombuds Directory...
map To view a Site Map for this Web Site...
sitemap Search this Web Site for a particular topic...
Contact For more information, please contact the Office of the Ombudsman of British Columbia...


Mobile Office for Complaint Intake

When, Where and How to book an appointment

Lower Mainland

Vancouver Island & Salt Spring Island

Ombudsman to Investigate Lottery Processes

Press Release

Special Report 29

Ombudsman Releases Strategic Plan 2006-2010

Press Release             Strategic Plan


Ombudsman Tables Annual Report, Looks to the Future

Annual Report 2005

     Press Release        English       French

Special Report 28

Ombudsman Investigation of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre's Complaints about the Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance

Press Release  English         French  

Report            English         French

Ombudsman Calls For Apology Legislation

English    Press Release    French

Special Report 27

The Power of an Apology: Removing the Legal Barriers

English               French

Budget Submission Fiscal 2008

Ombudsman Office Videos

Press Release

High School Curriculum 


© 1999, Office of the Ombudsman, Province of British Columbia
All rights reserved

Please read our Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer Statement.

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