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Promoting and Protecting Human Rights in the Yukon

Welcome to the website of the Yukon Human Rights Commission. We are an independent commission created by the Government of Yukon. Our mandate as laid out in Section 16 of the Yukon Human Rights Act (150Kb PDF) is to:

  • Promote principles of human rights
    1. promote the principle that every individual is free and equal in dignity and rights
    2. promote the principle that cultural diversity is a fundamental human value and a basic human right
  • Promote education and research designed to eliminate discrimination
  • Promote settlement of complaints or cause complaints that are not settled by agreement to be adjudicated
  • Conduct education and research on the principle of equal pay for work of equal value in the private sector

At this site you will find information about our work, about human rights in general, and about specific human rights issues. If you feel you have experienced discrimination, this site will explain our complaints process. If you are an employer or service provider, you will find information here about your responsibilities.

If you are looking for more information about human rights and fairness, you will also find links to Canadian and international human rights resources and organizations.

For further information about the Commission and about your rights and responsibilities under the Yukon Human Rights Act, please contact us.


201-211 Hawkins St.
Whitehorse, YT Y1A 1X3

PHONE: 867-667-6226 or 1-800-661-0535
FAX: 867-667-2662
E-MAIL: humanrights@yhrc.yk.ca