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25 February 2006

The lone psychiatrist

Photo story
Heroes for health: South-east Asia

Online Q&A;
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: why is it important?


An official takes dead chickens to be burned in Hotoro village, Nigeria
An official takes dead chickens to be burned in Hotoro village, Nigeria
WHO supports H5N1 response in Nigeria
23 February 2006 -- Nigerian authorities have confirmed that the outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza at a poultry farm in Kaduna State has now spread to commercial farms in neighbouring states. Although no human cases have been detected to date, WHO is monitoring the situation closely in collaboration with Nigerian officials.
Situation in Nigeria | Avian influenza: full coverage

Avian influenza: full coverage on WHO site
24 February 2006 -- WHO's updated avian influenza web section brings together all information related to H5N1 avian influenza – including the latest maps showing the spread of the virus, situation updates, technical guidelines and information for the general public.
Avian influenza: full coverage

New on the WHO site
Nurse listening to foetal heartbeat
Health systems
Polio immunization
Immunization, vaccines and biologicals
Blind children
Prevention of blindness


15 February 2006
Counterfeit medicines: the silent epidemic
Full text

6 February 2006
Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics and WHO collaborate to improve diagnosis of sleeping sickness with a Gates Foundation grant
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Media centre


22-24 March 2006
Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO) Consultation on Social Determinants of Health
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2-5 April 2006
8th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion
Full text

7 April 2006
World Health Day 2006: "Working together for health"
Full text

Media events calendar

Photo story
Heroes for health: Africa

How healthy is your world?

Photo story
Great expectations: nine months

Features archives


World Health Day 2006
The slogan for World Health Day 2006 is: Working together for health.

The world health report 2006
Working for health: a major upcoming report on the health workforce

Millennium Development Goals
Health and the Millennium Development Goals

Avian influenza
Situation updates, guidelines, facts, and frequently asked questions


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Avian influenza
Situation in India – update
Full text

Disease outbreak news

South Asia earthquake
Complete coverage

Health action in crises

Media centre
News, events, fact sheets, contacts, and multimedia.

Director-General's office
Biography of the Director-General, major speeches, and biographies of Assistant Directors-General.

WHO Constitution, policy documentation, and Executive Board and World Health Assembly resolutions and records.

Travellers' health
Vaccination requirements, travel risks and precautions.