River Watch 2006

River Watch 2006 / Ice Movement Watch (06/01/17)

NB 36

Jan. 17, 2006

FREDERICTON (CNB) - The St. John River Ice Movement Watch issued on Saturday, Jan. 14 by River Watch 2006 and the Department of Public Safety's New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization remains in effect.

People living or working in areas along streams and rivers, particularly in the central or middle portion of the province, are asked to remain on alert.

The ice jam at Hartland continues to hold back water and the potential for flooding in the Simonds area remains high.

The ice jam affecting the Priceville Road along the South-West Branch of the Miramichi River remains in place, although water levels have dropped slightly.

Ice jams remain in place along the Nashwaak River, causing road closures at Route 107 Nashwaak Bridge and Nashwaak West.

An ice jam at Riley Brook remains in place and continues to hold water, although some slight decreases have been observed.

Along the St. John River, water flows are expected to increase slightly over the next two days. However, smaller river systems and their tributaries will gradually decrease over the next 24 hours.

The River Watch 2006 website can be found at: http://www.gnb.ca/public/Riverwatch/index-e.asp .

A variety of self-help advice is also available on the NB-EMO Public Alerts website at: http://www.gnb.ca/public/info-e.asp .

The next bulletin will be issued Wednesday, Jan. 18.


EDITOR'S NOTE: A Watch alerts you that conditions are favourable for disruptions to normal activities, and precautionary steps should be taken to reduce potential loss or damage. Watches are intended to heighten public awareness of the potential impact of events. MEDIA CONTACT: Andy Morton, River Watch 2006, 506-453-2133.
