Nature Podcast

Nature Podcast

The Nature Podcast features interviews with scientists behind the latest research, and analysis of the latest news. This week's show investigates the Asian tsunami and Pakistan earthquakes, what early maize did for agriculture, future foot and mouth disease vaccination strategies, and reports on the simultaneous pro- and anti-vivisection protests held in oxford. You can listen to the show from here or subscribe with our RSS feed. Either way, it's free.

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Pluto, the most distant planet in our Solar System, has been known for nearly 30 years to have a moon — Charon — although some scientists suspected it may have other, smaller moons. Now, Nature reports the discovery of two new moons orbiting Pluto. Nature presents streaming video of lead scientist Hal Weaver and (free access) News & Views author Richard Binzel discussing how they were found using the Hubble Space Telescope, and how a giant impact could explain their origin.

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Avian Flu

Avian flu has now reached birds in Western Europe. With the UK braced for an outbreak, a Nature Commentary discusses proposals for a new network of laboratories modelled on military facilities.

Nature's Avian Flu Web Focus now contains a FREE and UPDATED mashup file that catalogues and tracks the severity of outbreaks of the disease, in humans and birds, around the globe. Download Google Earth to access Nature's Avian Flu mashup.

Also presented in this web focus are research articles and a new commentary, alongside a comprehensive archive of news, features, communications and letters examining the threat of a new human flu pandemic in the near future, and what can be done to prevent it.

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