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The Global Environment Facility (GEF), established in 1991, helps developing countries fund projects and programs that protect the global environment. GEF grants support projects related to biodiversity, climate change, international waters, land degradation, the ozone layer, and persistent organic pollutants.


Parliamentarians to Tackle Climate Change

March 2, 2006. In a major development, Prime Minister Tony Blair of UK has challenged parliamentarians and business leaders from rich and rapidly-industrializing countries to do more to combat climate change.
“I have no doubt, whatsoever, that climate change is the greatest environmental challenge we face,” said Prime Minister Blair lending his support to a new initiative, the G-8 + 5 Legislators and Business Leaders Climate Change Dialogue.
The initiative was launched by GLOBE and Com+ Alliance, of which the GEF is a founding member.
Read more (pdf 9kb)
Statement by Prime Minister Tony Blair (pdf 5mb)

176 GEF Member Countries to gather in Cape Town for Historic Assembly

February 22, 2006. Representatives from 176 countries, leading environmentalists, policymakers from public and private sectors and civil society will meet at the Third GEF Assembly, hosted by the Government of South Africa during August 29-30, 2006. The Assembly will be held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CITCC). As the principal governing body of the GEF, the Assembly will chart a forward-looking agenda and work program for the GEF, including field visits to GEF-financed projects.
Updates will be posted as program and other details become available.

GEF Cosponsors Forum on Renewable Energy Policy

February 1, 2006. To make good on a promise to developing countries to explore policy and capacity development for renewables, the GEF has been cosponsoring and co-organizing the International Grid-Connected Renewable Energy Policy Forum on February 1-3, 2006, in Mexico City. The forum, also sponsored by the Energy Ministry of Mexico and the World Bank, and organized in cooperation with the Global Wind Energy Council, is aimed at facilitating greater use of on-grid renewable energy in the developing word.
View press release: English (PDF 137 KB), Spanish
Speech by Len Good

Chairman and CEO Leonard Good to retire in
July 2006

In November 2005, GEF CEO Leonard Good announced to the GEF Council that on completion of his three-year term on June 30, 2006, he would not seek a second term but would return to private life in Canada. Over the coming months until his departure, Mr. Good will lead the GEF in finalizing the fourth replenishment of the GEF, organizing the third GEF Assembly, and preparing for the implementation of the new Resource Allocation Framework (RAF).
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