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Iogen is a world leading biotechnology firm specializing in cellulose ethanol - a fully renewable, advanced biofuel that can be used in today's cars. Iogen also develops, manufactures and markets enzymes used to modify and improve the processing of natural fibres within the textile, animal feed, and pulp and paper industries.



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31 January 2006 -President Bush calls for renewable fuels including cellulose ethanol technologies, to break America's addiction to oil. Pushes to replace 75% of Mid East oil imports by 2025

08 January 2006 -Volkswagen, Shell and Iogen to Study Feasibility of Producing Cellulose Ethanol in Germany


The Use of Biofuels in Transport
February 28, 2006
Christophe Bourillon , Iogen VP Public Affairs, Europe
presents Advanced Biofuels
CBI Conference Centre, London, UK

Globe 2006
See Iogen at Booth #512
March 29-31/06
Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre


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Cellulose Ethanol is Ready to Go