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List of Contacts

The following individuals can be reached at the address below:


Natural Resources Canada
Office of Energy Efficiency
Housing and Equipment Division
1 Observatory Crescent
Building #1, 2nd Floor
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0E4
Fax: (613) 947-5286


For performance standards information:


John Cockburn
Chief, Buildings and Equipment
Tel: (613) 996-4359
e-mail: jcockbur{AT}


For EnerGuide labeling information:


Anne Wilkins
Senior Program Manager
Equipment Labelling
Tel: (613) 992-3900
e-mail: awilkins{AT}


For energy efficiency reports, compliance, and importing information:


Kelly-Ann Chisholm
Senior Compliance Officer
Tel: (613) 947-7352
e-mail: kchishol{AT}

Relevant Web sites

Natural Resources Canada

Canada Gazette

Energy Efficiency Act

CSA International

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