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The Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT) Program

Please note that Industry Canada’s Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT) Secretariat completed its activities on March 31, 2005 after successfully accomplishing its mandate of delivering the five component strategy recommended by the IM/IT Joint Table of the Voluntary Sector Initiative (VSI).

The IM/IT Strategy of the VSI has resulted in the creation of user-friendly technological tools and services to assist voluntary sector organizations in delivering vital services to their communities. The tools consist of the following:

  1. A voluntary sector portal,, to serve as a one-stop web site by providing access to resources, discussion forums and other helpful technological tools;

  2. Changing Technology Funding Practices, a collection of online tools to assist grantmakers and grantseekers in their technology funding applications;

  3. A Canadian Directory to Foundations and Corporations,, an enhanced online directory featuring funding resources essential to the fundraising efforts of voluntary sector organizations;

  4. IM/IT Canada,, a pan-Canadian training and technical support network providing valuable assistance in IT planning, hardware and software, training opportunities and technical support at the lowest possible rates, and

  5. A National Technology Awareness Campaign, to raise awareness among voluntary sector organizations of the technological tools and services are now available as a result of the IM/IT Strategy. The campaign included a mailing to Canadian voluntary sector organizations.


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IM/IT Program | IM/IT News | IM/IT Best Practices | IM/IT RFOs | IM/IT Advisory Group | IM/IT Reports | IM/IT Background
Last Updated: 2006-12-08
Access the Voluntary Sector Portal Access the Technology Grantmaking Resources Access the Canadian Directory to Foundations and Corporations Access the IM/IT Canada Website Download the Awareness Campaign Brochure