Manitoba Government News Release:
Information Services, Room 29, Legislative Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0V8 Telephone: (204) 
945-3746 Fax: (204) 945-3988


February 08, 2006


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Grants to Encourage Dialogue Between Students and Manitoba Scientists: Bjornson

Education, Citizenship and Youth Minister Peter Bjornson today announced funding of $10,000 for an innovative new classroom initiative designed to promote careers in science and technology.

"The Manitoba government is offering 10 grants of $1,000 each to middle-years teachers to make science more relevant, interesting and appealing to students," Bjornson said. "We want to tell youth about careers in science and technology by showing how classroom studies relate to practical experience in the workplace."

The province will support teachers and schools in their efforts to develop students’ interest in scientific and technological endeavours and give them the chance to interact with people working in the scientific community. The program will also encourage teachers to use new approaches in the classroom.

Projects will be selected by a committee of teachers and Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth staff. All projects must incorporate a visit from a scientist and be implemented in the 2006-07 school year. This initiative is part of a larger goal to improve middle-years student connections to school by helping them relate in-class learning to daily life. The province also introduced funding for Innovation in Citizenship grants in 2004 and Education for Sustainable Development grants in 2005.

"Special projects such as Scientists in the Classroom can be instrumental in creating interest in specific areas or broadening the learning experience for young Manitobans," Bjornson said. "Fresh ideas and new perspectives that make science and technology real to students will leave lasting impressions and hopefully generate more enthusiasm for these important subjects."

All grade 5 to 8 English, French and French Immersion programs in Manitoba public schools are eligible to apply. The deadline for applications is April 1.

For more information on these and other grants visit:

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